Show I I DHobbs I Pragus CURE I I all Kidney Troubles iSt such as Brights Disease Dis-ease Congestion Diabetes Di-abetes Sleeplessness tf hand tl h-and all Blood Diseases W Dis-eases such as Rheumatism lt Rheu-matism Gout Anae tst mia Chlorosis Sallow W Sal-low Complexion t Headache Dizziness j etc P by revitalizing the Kidneys Kid-neys and purifying I the blood t A few doses will relieve I A few boxes will cure I Sold by all druggists at 50 cents tfe a box or mailed post paid on W receipt of price Write for pamphlet 1St pam-phlet explaining new treatment to I HOBBS MEDICINE CO I CHICAGO SAN FRANCISCO E Dunscomb M D University of New York IS03 Specialist GLENWOOO SPRINGS GARFIELD COUNTY COLORADO PRACTICE LIMITED TO GANGERS TUMORS GOITRE RADICAL CURE treatment AVITH OUT KNIFE OR CAUSTIC Send Htnmp for literature ASSESSMENT NOTICE r ASSESSMENT NOTICESOUTH JOR dan Canal company Principal place of business Salt Lake City Utah Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the trustees held on the 21st day of Sep tember 1895 an assessment of seventy five cents per share was levied on the capital stock of the corporation payable to the treasurer at the general office of the company rooms No6 7 56 South Main street Salt Lake City Utah before be-fore the 15th day of November iSIS Any stock upon which this assessment may remain unpaid on the 15th day of November No-vember 1S95 will be delinquent and advertised ad-vertised for sale at public auction and unless payment is made before will be sold on the 12th day of December at 2 p m 1S95 to pay the delinquent assessment assess-ment together with the cost of advertising adver-tising and expense of sale GIDEON A GIBBS Secretary At a meeting of the board of directors of the South Jordan Canal company held November 15th 1S93 the time Tor I declaring the above assessment delin nuent was extended to November GOth 1895 and the day of sale to December 21st at 2 p m G A GIBBS Secretary ASSESSMENT NOTICE MONTREAL Mining company Location of principal place of business 155 South lain street Salt Lake City Utah Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the directors held on Friday the 15th day of Novem bee 1895 an assessment of 14 cent per share was levied on the capital stock of the corporation payable immediately toT to-T H Woodmansee secretary 155 South Main street Salt Lake City Utah Any stock upon which this assessment may remain unpaid on Tuesday December 17th 1895 will be delinquenT and advertised I adver-tised for sale at public auction and unless un-less payment is made before will be sold on Thursday January 2nd 1896 to pay delinquent assessment together with the costs of advertising and expense of sale J H WOODMANS1DE e1f Secretary 155 South Main street Salt Lake City Utah ASSESSMENT NOTICE NO 2 THE Tetro Mining company of Tintic Location Loca-tion of principal place of business Salt Lake City Utah territory Location of mine and works Tintic Mining district Juab county Territory of Utah Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of aboard I a-board of directors of said company held I on the 15th day of November 1893 assessment as-sessment No2 of one cent Ic per share I was levied on the capital stock of tho I corporation payable immediately to the secretary at the office of the company No 160 Main street Salt Lake City Utah territory Amy stock upon which this assessment shall remain unpaid on Saturday the 21st day of December 1895 will be delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction and unless payment pay-ment is made before will be sold on Saturday Sat-urday the first day of February 1S96 to pay the delinquent assessment together I to-gether with the costs of advertising and expense of sale By order of the board of directors directorsWILLIAM R WALLACE I Secretary I Salt Lake City Utah Nov 15 1895 Victorien Sardou I the Celebrated Author writes of THE IDEAL TONIC I u In truth it is perfect gives health drives away the blues is oi excellent quality and delicious de-licious to the taste Mailed Free I Descriptive Book with Testimony and i Portraits i i OF NOTED CELEBRITIES i Beneficial and Agreeable Every Test Jfroves Reputation I Avoid Substitutions Ask for Tin Hariani i At Druggists and Fancy Grocers MARIANI CO I PARTS 41 BJ Hinssnunn C2 W lith It lieWck I LONDON 539 Oxford Street I DrJB0 KEYSORl DENTAL PARLORS First Door North of Walker Honse 240 MAIN STREET I j II II I I II I I Ii i I I 1 lp4i I j Office open till S pm Sundays front 9 to 12 a m DENTAL PARLOKS First Door North of Walker House 240 MAIN STREET I I ct copyRgcsr 1893 Next to your feet the tenderest thing about you is your hands theyre so tender in fact at this time of the year when the mercury is paying flying visits vis-its to the neighborhood of zero that I they require to be handled with gloves Were prepared to lend you invaluable I assistance in this matter with a stock of handcoverings that touches the topnotch top-notch in completeness and quality These gloves are handsome and make your weapons of defense look the warmth and comfort they feel and also feel equal to any emergency that may arise Just here we rise to remark re-mark that we are entered in a grand glove contest and have already been declared Champions by the public And never forget that our Clothing Furnishings and Hat Departments are complete to give style neatness and cheapness Shirts Made to Order STRIGTLY ONE PRICE JPGardner 136 and 138 MAIN STREET G oiiii Furniture Cll G 11 AND 13 MAIN STREET Furniture Cnrpeta Lace Curtains Ladies and Gents Rockers Conches Bed Lounges Chamber Suits La ales Combination Desks Folding Beds Sideboards Wardrobes Safes Tables etc ALL NEW FINE GOODS Cheapest House in Our Line No Trouble to Show Goods I GouP FurnitUfo GO 11 AND 13 MAIN STREET 1 339 E I a L A I l 4444 I iii i 1 pl All the News tIII I A I 11 I = = = I All the Tirnet I 14 I f t TiJe SaltLake I i lefa1ct I Salt Lakes brightest and i I Newsiest Paper I c c3 t I OU cant miss any news of moment if you you II read The Herald r FEED THE MIND S The man who reads a bright paper < l will be bright himself He who reads a dull paper will be dull THE HERALD has not a dull line I in it I I Why does a paper succeed which is 9 FEARLESS It I AGGRESSIVE AND I ElJTERPRI SINGP I Because THE PEOPLE i Cf LIME TIT SOTOF I TRI G i rAnd r-And especially Western people iI i oEE a I 3 THE I SALT LAKE HERALD I Has not only these qualities to recommend it but seeks also to be honest with its readers I 3G I Is Our Telephone Number t Iletele t tl t 1 1 H 4 < |