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Show EX-VIVES ORGANIZE CUJ3 IN CHICAGO CHICAGO. March 15. The ex-wives of Frank Ralmbault of Irving Fark have formed an antt-Ralmbaultr association. It . is a kind of a club organized to further the prosecution of the Irving Park saloon-' saloon-' .keeper, who married his third wRe last January, only to be divorced from her within two weeks. Now she Is suing him for $20,000 for rlander because he told stories about her. Wife No. 2 Is standing shoulder to shoulder shoul-der with wife No. S. She came to Chirp Chi-rp go from Halifax In the hope of being allowed to testify agalnat her former husband hus-band in behalf of the woman who had u needed jier e-s Mrs-frank. Ralmbault. The new association of ex-wives has as . its password: "Revenge." .. Its membership consists of: Mrs, Margaret Jiahoney Ralmbault, wife No. i. &ilss Jewel King, formerly Mrs. Jewel Ralmbault, No. . r Hearing committee Mrs. John A. King, mother-in-law of Frank Ralmbault. Honorary member John A. King, pop-! pop-! ir undertaker of Irving Park. shen the organisation lined up at the ginning of legal. proceedings in Judge fteltler'a court the defendant scored first Wood on the ex-wives' association. One of Its charter members. Mrs. Ralmbault No. J. who had come thousands of miles to tell "scandalous" things about her divorced di-vorced husband, was not allowed to testify tes-tify at once because her name had not been furnished to the defense. The bearing was continued until March 11. John A. King, the father or the woman wom-an who is prosecuting Ralmbault, has received what he considers to be a threat of death scrawled in caricatures on the. baric of a postal card. King thinks it is a warning to him to end tha proceedings against his temporary tempo-rary son-in-law. Mrs. Ralmbault No. 2 exhibited letters which she said she received from the man who divorced her, pleading with her not to testify against him In the litigation brought by his last wife. |