Show IMPRESSIVE FUNERAL J OFWILFORD WOODRUFF I pk 1 The Late President of the Mornion Church Laid at Rest t t Y SERVIC S AT SERVICTHE THE TABERNACLE > Were of a Simple But Most Impressive Nature GREAT BUILDING WAS THRONGED And Thousands Were Unable to Gain Admission Addresses Mado By President Lo renzo Snow Now the Head of the Church Apostles George Q Cannon Can-non Joseph F Smith and Franklin Frank-lin D RichardsExquisite Music and Beautiful Floral Offerings The Streets Thronged With People Peo-ple as the Procession Passed Along to the City CemeteryThe Services at the GraveNotable L t Incidents Connected With the Ob sequles The remains of the late Prcsldent Wilford Woodruff fourth president of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints was laid to rest yesterday Thousands upon thousands gathered at the tabernacle to witness the scenes attending the impressive ceremony and pay the last tribute to the memory of the honored churchman now In the great bond while thousands more lined the streets and with uncovered heads and saddened hearts watched the funeral cortege move toward the city ot the dead where In a bed ot flowers the casket containing the remains passed from view A GREAT OUTPOURING It was an outpouring of the people ot the city and state Jew and Gentile alike came to pay their reverent respects re-spects to the honored dead They came to listen to the simple but fervid oratory I ora-tory eulogistic of the dead mans moral worth and manly attributes they came to place a wreath upon his coffin and drop a tear as contributions to the occasion oc-casion It was is if all felt that a brother had been taken from them And so they spoke Words of praise sang songs to his memory followed him to his last bed and placed his body Ito I-to final rest benedth a covering of flowersAT I AT THE TABERNACLE I The servIces at the tabernacle were simple just as the late president would have desired The music was beautiful the songs inspiring The edifice looked strangely beautiful In its garb of mourning and the occasion was one to indelibly Impress itself upon the mem ooCROWDS CROWDS ASSEMBLED EAlLY j As early as 8 oclock crowds began to I gather near the temple walls waiting I for the gates to swing open Every I moment the throng swelled and when I finally the doors were opened the van I guard of the might host was sufficient i suffi-cient to fill thc galleries This was but i the beginning Thousands upon thousands swarmed through every gate filled the walks and I surged through the doors on every side of the building until the hour of 1030 doto when the building i I was packed to j focallon I The weather was cool but even then the air at times was stifling and the I flutter of fans beat a monotone accompaniment accom-paniment to the speakers But there I were thousands more who never were aqle to get Inside the huge building They stood outside in reverent silence waitingman of thlmfor hours until un-til the ceremonies within should be at an end that they might catch a glimpse 0 he casket containing the earthlY temple of their loved brother It was a silent crowd ald considering the immense im-mense numbers behaved well The marshal and aides patrolled the grounds and stretched ropes to keep tit > mass in check so that 110 confusion might result when the last pilgrimage to thc grave was begun And of contusion there wa none The arrangement was perfect and the men in charge deserve naught but the most unstinted praise for their excellent handling of the great r multitudeAT AT THE HOME In the meantime tearful farewell services ser-vices had been enacted at the home of the late president The family of the deceased and authorities of the church gathered at the Woodruff yllln early In the monlln Thc plain white casket cas-ket was lifted by gentle hands into the white hearse and the last farewell was breathed by the grIefstricken family At 920 the cortege began to move and the temple block was reached a few moments after 10 oclock The pallbearers pall-bearers Dr L W Snow Dr 31 W Snow Vl1ford S Woodruff James Woodruff jr George Scholes and Wil ford Woodruff Beatie then carried the casket with its sacred contents into the building the audience rising en masse during the proceeding and placed it on an inclined dais In front of the stands The family of the departed the author itles of the church and the apostles followed thc former takIng scats assigned as-signed them in the front tiers near thc casket while the church dignitaries occupied oc-cupied the stands AN IMPRESSIVE SCENE Tho scene that greeted the eye on thc Interior at this time was impressive in the extreme The rear end of the huge building was a mass of white relieved only by the magnificent floral decorations decora-tions and the stars and stripes which covered a large portion ot thc organ md served as a backcrcund for the more aulet effect in front The communion com-munion table and the seats behind rising ris-ing tier above tier were covered with white china crepe caught In graceful folds br white silken tassels Each I side of the organ was also clad In snowy robes Across the center ot It w s suspended the legend In electric lIghts Being Dead Yet Slecveth while underneath this was a lifesize painting of the dead president the IIn eaments of his face so lifelike as to be almost startling Surrounding the portrait which was the work of Artist Art-ist wm Clawson and on both sides were sheaves ot grain sagebrush emblematic em-blematic of Utah as the pioneers IJund It and its present state ot cultivated advancement On each side ot the or I f gan the figures 1847 stood out in bold relIef The balustrade surrounding the Jf ii i stands and raised section were also fes teored In white the folds caught up with silken tassels and adorned with evergreens and twigs of oak with acorns The posts at each end of the sneakers stand were also draped in white and surmounted by huge bo quets of fragrant flowers The same effect was followed out in decorating the Communion table and the dais uvOn whiff h rested the casket FLORAL TRIBUTES The table wa I1artlcularly beautiful to behold under its load ot floral tributes trib-utes from friends and relatives To the right of the casket was reared a pillow of asters roses and smilax containing the words In LovIng Remembrance This was tile tribute of thc Zions SayIngs Say-Ings Bank and Trust cumpany To the left of the bier w asa similar illar i the gift of Z C M I Covering the casket which was made of native white pine was a blanket of asters and pink roes bearing the words In loving remembrance re-membrance of the children and grandchildren grand-children of Phoebe Carter Woodruff and Mary Jackson Woodruff On the head was placed a pillow of smilax cm nations and asters with the word Father worked out in violets the tribute of Mrs Emma Woodruff Underneath Un-derneath this was placed 11 sheaf of ripened barley At thc foot of the coffin was a handsome bouquet of cut roses and ferns from Auerbach Bros Other floral offerings were sent by Mrs A C BrIen harp of oses and asters Mrs 3L 3f Barrett wreath of grain I and roses Mr and Mrs James G Mc Donald wreath of roses and asters I Mr atld Mrs John Beck anchor of asters as-ters geraniums and smilax board of Y L JII L A bunch of white and pink roses Primary associatIon basket of pink rose and geraniums general board of the Relief society basket of Mutual Improvement assocIation wheel of asters and roses surmounted by white doe the words The Glory ot I God Is Intelligence worked out on a band or bridge spanning the cIrcle which was designed to symbolize eternity eter-nity city council a bouquet of tlow ers Anna Hoagland a beautiful wreath of flowers R C Evans a bouquet or Ioldenbandcd lilies To the left of the sneakers stand resting on a pedestal In white drapery was an Immense harp of geraniums roses afters and smilax from the tabernacle tab-ernacle choir while other floral offerings offer-ings from unknown parties were scattered scat-tered In profusion over the tables and stands THE SERVICES BEGIN I It was 1035 when the peals ot the huge organ began to reverberate through the auditorIum Professor Daynes rendering a funeral march cam posed by him especially for the occasion occa-sion A hush fell over thc great assemblage assem-blage as If all realized thc solemnity of the hour Some of the remaining church officials came In at this Joint and tool scats on the stands which contained the following Counselors to the late President Wil ford Woodruff George Q Cannon and Joseph F Smith Of the Twelve Apostles Lorcnzo Snow FranklIn D RIchards Brigham Young Francis M Lyman John Henry Smith George Teasdalc Hcber J Grant John W Taylor Marina W Merrill Anton H Lund Matthias F Cowley and Abraham O Woodruff PresIding Patriarch John Smith Of the First Seven Presidents of Styyenties Seymour B Young Chris tiah D Fjelsted B H Roberts George Reynolds and J Golden Kimball KIm-ball Thc PresidIng Bishopric William B Preston Robert T Burton and John R Winder The presidency of the Salt Lake stake of Zion As the straIns of Professor Dancs march died away President George Q Cannon announced the opening hymn Thou dost not weep to weep alone The broad bereavement seems to tall Unheeded and unfelt by none He was beloved beloved by all Apostle Franklin D RIchards then offered prayer asking Gods blessIng on the heads of President Lorcnzo Snow the successor to President Woodruff Wood-ruff and especially on the family who I had been bereft ot their father I GEORGE D PYPER SINGS George D Pper assIsted by the tabernacle tab-ernacle choIr then sang very beautifully beauti-fully Om Father Thou that dwellcst In thc high and glorious place 1 When shaH I regain Thy presence And again behold Thy face In Thy holy habitation Did my spirit once reside In my first primeval chlldbood Was I nurtured near Thy side PRESIDENT JOSEPH F SMITH President Joseph F Smith was the first speaker He characterized it as superfluous for him to attempt to relate re-late thc historical events which had entered into the life ot President Woodruff Wood-ruff He also said it would be unnecessary unneces-sary for him to attempt to enlosize the character and labors of him who had gone to meet his reward for the reason that the people were all acquainted ac-Quainted with It President Woodruff was the fourth in succession who had occupIed the exalted posItion of president presi-dEnt prophet seer and revelator in the i church It was the speakers privilege I when a child he said to witness the funeral services over the remains of the I first president Joseph Smith and to know him as a child may know a man He was absent in England on a mission mis-sion at the death of President Young and was unable to attend the services of John Taylor But he was glad to be present on this occasIon and to have thc privilege of mingling his words and tears with those of his brethren over I one of thc late presidents whose labors had been so blessed to the people of God He was thankful for the privilege of assocIating with the four presidents of the church from Ills youth to his manhood He was intimately associated I associ-ated wIth Brigham Young and had the I benefit of hIs wise counsel and in hIs intimate associations wIth Presidents I Taylor md Woodruff he had experienced I experI-enced great joy and had found them to I be all that the people of God held them I up to be before the world Those who thought that these men had sInIster motives and were not actuated by the I purest desires had been greatly deceived de-ceIved or exceedingly ignorant No men with whom he had been associated I I had lived purer res They had not sought to build themselves UP but to I save souls and to establish truth In the earth They had been sincere In their I I convictions and in the inspiration they had received from God Of this he was a living witness that Joseph Smith had been raised up to usher in the dispensation dispensa-tion of the fuiness of times President Woodruff had shown his greatness in giving out his IIfes labor to thc establishment estab-lishment of thIs testimony In the earth The day would soon be passed when Infidel tongues would ridicule the claims of the church ot Christ and the work of such men as President Woodruff would soon beestablished and acknowledged acknowl-edged in thc world for he had exemplified exem-plified all Its truths and principles In his me manifesting his faith and knowledge by his works For he had recognized the fact that in the light of thIs knowledge hIs whole trust and duty was to show his faIthfulness to it Joseph Smith the prophet was misunderstood mis-understood by the world and was not permitted to live beyond hIs young manhood but his name was worthy ot all honor for he was raised up of God and was not an impostor it deceiver or deceIved Men might Imagine what they would but there were many thousands thou-sands of people who could testify of their own knowledge through the testimony tes-timony ot the Holy Ghost that he was raised ua by the Lord to usher In the glorious comIng of the kIngdom of God ThIs In order that men might r I t f 1 rrttIfl f II I t h L i J I z c 2 OO I J Itly I vrr < h JI It t Y rt 7 JIIMIi l oI r1 j flf fl 2 I tlt iLJq r 1 1 j r 1 < 1 < jj 4 t1 fMfJli Jf 17IIL I 4d m 1 f 9 jJ j > 11 Q lJht 1J 1U Ill A 2 J t Z C I J 1rdf 1 V < ft F II 9 In F p v I f1 h t < < 7 If II i w r T J 1i i z rFmt 1 12 rI JI = J > I 7 I = i g I Jlir cr rt1 d Yt r II Wi j f S ll I VJ U r 1 I = 11 < lr fL > 11 0 712 IIf 11 rZ I I L tI 1 1TL2P = mliJ 1 IE g = 11 ii 1 J 111 II l fi3jkJt1 J = J I I f eJ Wi r I = l J W rb I j b J > fi J V = I rnj k i t1 rn I Jiff t r r = = 1lJ I i1 = j J nH tt7 lj 7 J L p z < oJ It JyJ w jl l II < < IY I J 7 I W1 Pt L IJ l l w ff y I I I I 1 I > r I I Y i ILL1 > < i > 4 0 II = i d WHzf JL J i Ii nw 1 i i V T 4 r r 1PVJfr Dl M tI I iH t fiiI r i YA till t t I h df fIJ M i f rZ1f 1i r b q rJtl i Jw I I 1Wit hL J i 4 t zt I i i W 7J 4J ll w i H t 1 rrJj Wfj iflr jj 57 I j 11 jif I IJ < ar h h N A 7 11 i r Wh r 11 I S t l = rl m v1 J 1I A f INh 1 7M UP I 1 J z 1 4t WIlffx IJ II h i A 1r 0 ft I l l Wx < 1 J c fttr1i fi IA rf i r I 1 r y fJ rt I W I I tt > fI r r < i I 112 w I I jIj iiii J fi I l IX It r 2 l lII e 1 r THE FUNERAL PROCESSIOn PASSING THE EAGLE GATE n be enlightened for the glory of God i Is intelligence that men and women might be brought to a knowledge 01 the truth ThIs perfect knowledge was to be brought to theIr souls through the ministration ot the Holy SDlrit which bears record ot the things 01 I n i I k µ 1 I LE I 1f II + i I 1 I F r r 1 II r 1 I f I 0 tt t rr r1 s JI ct l Ind 9 tr e k r 1 j I r l ts I I ii t ijj4 I I I 1 i CROWDS WAITING 00 THE FU NERAL PROcESSION TQ START I ok > J j I1i I God by which even the Ignorant fishermen fish-ermen who followed our Lord mlht know that Jesus Is the Christ Only by this means could such a knowledge be obtained The speaker paid a strong tribute to PresIdent George Q Cannon Lorenz Snow and Franklin D Richards nd their faithfulness to the president who had passed away Of President t Woodruff he saId he dId not think he had any feeling In his heart to injure any man but he had labored to do good In the world No greater work had he done than in the exemplification exemplifica-tion In his ifs ot aU the principles he eo j had espoused and in his Integrity this o t-his brethren 11 nIl condItions He Wa3 made ot the materIal of which martyrs rsy are made for he faced death many times for the sake ot his brethren and the cause of ZIon and never quailed In the face ot danger no matter who Iof I his associates may have proved themselves traitors I President Smith hoped that he and all others might follow in all their lives the oath marked out by our deceased I president He prayed for the blessings of God on the bereaved family that they might folio the life work oC their great leader in which case their sanlt tion would be sure The Beautiful City vas sun hy Mrs Maggie C Hull the choir joining In the chorus PRESIDENT SNOW President Lorenzo Snow was the next speaker Hc said he was very much pleased and delighted to see such a vast multitude assembled for the mr pose ot honoring President Woodruff He had been acquainted with President Wocdrutf for 62 years a good portion ot that time quite intimately All that has been said of him was fully worthy of the life which he had led Preslllcnt Snow did not feel as some perhois felt that the passing of one Into another I an-other sphere of action was a disaster Such a chance had been decreed front I the beginning There were periods In the lives of people that were highly important and one was the preparation for entrance upon this sphere of action and to discharge certain duties so as to gain for themselves an exaltation in the klndom of God President Woodruff Wood-ruff had fulfilled his calling His sojourn so-journ here upon earth had been as near perfection as It was possIble for mankind man-kind to make it so It was the duty ot every indIvidual to do aU they could to rectify the mistakes Drone to humanity manit AU were born subject to error and therefore perfection could not be expected ot the human family But It was possible for mankind to so order their lives as to gain for themselves an exaltation in the kingdo n of God and to be proud of the record made when they were called Into another world President Woodruff had had such an object in vIew from his early manhood He had become acquaInted with the gospel ot Jesus Christ and sought to live a life such as would entitle him to nil the blessings in store for the faithful faith-ful This was a satisfaction to his family fam-ily as hc had left behind him an ox ample that to follow after would make of them honored and useful instruments Instru-ments In tc hands of God President Snow spoke of the vacancy In the presidency caused by the death of President Woodruff Many people saId he had been led to wonder and ImagIne how the affairs ot the church were to be carried on The gospel In I Its completeness said the speaker made provision for these changes The work would roll on uninterruptedly as It had done succeeding the death of the Prophet Joseph and those ot Presi dents Brigham Young and John Taylor On the death of the president ot the I church the responsiblllty fell upon the quorum ot the twelve apostles and so it was on this occasion and ever would be The quorum of apostles said resident Snow was never as i able to handle such a responsibility as It was at the present time It was fully organized and the brethren were in perfect union and accord with each other and faithful and devoted to the trust reposed In them Presidents Cannon Can-non and Smith were men ot God full of faith and devotion to the cause and their work in roiling on the kong dom would be greatly appreciated and felt There was no danger as to the outcome ot the work ot God It had been established for a purpose and that purpose would be accomplished and the church progress and Increase In the earth no matter how many ot the authorities were called to another sphere APOSTLE F D RICHARDS Apostle Franklin D Richards said that so far as one man could enter Into the feelings of another he felt to adopt as his own the words ot his brethren regarding the greatness and goodness of our late preslC nt He spoke ot the first Urn he met Wilford Woodruff and stated that he was impressed Im-pressed very strongly with the directness direct-ness and simplicity ot his character and his perfect guIlelessness He had been a great exemplar of the work in whIch he had been engaged in bs Im pllcIt obedience to the dictates of the spirit This had been ole ot the great features ot his life Another had been the keeping of a diary ot his actions and the history of the church from his first connection with It to the day uc fore his death which woul IJ must valuable as a com pend tae progress ot the work E hhards urged the elders to follow u O example of President Woodruff In this regard HIs healing power had been stronglY manIfested on many occasions one striking Instance being related by the speaker Although Ilt the death ot the three former presidents not all the apostles had been permitted to be present yet on this occasion the speaker was pleased to announce all the members of the quorum were present President Woodruffs enemies had been led to become his friends He had assisted In the building and dedication ot temples had established estab-lished an honorable family In the earth and had performed great missionary labors In different parts ot the world He had been a mighty fisher of met bringing into the church almost 2000 persons He and Heber C KImblll had established the greatest records in this respect in the church The speaker closed expressing the hope that their works might be as honorable and their end as blessed as his PRESIDE G Q CANNON President George Q Cannon made quite a lengthy address paying a high tribute to the man with wl10m he had been so closely associated for years as counselor We shall ever miss him said the speaker His family will always miss him for he was an honored husband and father In the death ot such men continued President Cannon It was a consolation to know that they left behind them the keys of the priesthood which they held thus permitting the rOIling en ot the work ot God President 1Ycod ruff was an unassumIng man very unaffected un-affected and childlike In his demeanor He did no man an injury nor was he too proud even in his apostolic calling to toll as other men tolled His trans and characteristics were ennobling and so energetic was he that nothing was too burdensome for him even in hIs It advanced years President Cannon felt that too much could not be said In praise or President Woodruff He was of a sweet dsDosl tion and possessed a character so love ly I asto draw unto him friends in every walk of life He would no morn do a wrong than he would commit sukide He was straightforward In all his deal Ings with his fellow man ant never shirked an obligation He was ir sociable and amiable in every respect No jealous lurked in his bosom iie looked upon all mankind as his equas and was one who cherished the 115 profound respect for all with whom he associated He was gentle as a vromaa and hIs purity was like unto that or the angels themselves In spite of hg high and holy calling he displayed no dignity was unpretentious urlSs Ing and his character and life wer as transparent as glass He hid nch from his brEthren but was candid r spoken and free to all PresIdent Lannun erred to the last das of President Woodruff 01 the earth He was pleasant and cpr > ° ful to the end With the speaker ce a tended a banquet glen by tho o hemlan club of San Francisco to n of Its members At it he was a31 j to speak and did so This was 01 u 1r day the 27th Inst On Sunday tr attended at-tended meeting in San FranCir anal Monday went out riding T a ay and Wednesday he spent wrltir don d-on Thursday the fatal attack e r 1a which ended in his death n F lj mornIng His end was calm a I e ful He passed away as one 1 Referring to the death of r > Woodruff away from home Preca Cannon stated that it was his G ° re t go away He was so concerned 11 tha speakers health that he thm h sa 11 an outing was necessary lie h r f had been benefited previously in log to the sea coast and It was hs Ie sire to accompany President ltn1V I a this occasion His passIng a though quite unexpected was a g dual 1 d-ual sinking into an eternal sleep President Woodruff was a man of God He had finished the fight and had been called hence to minxeiIi his brethren and to receive hs rr learned l-earned reward He was a heavenly beIng be-Ing It was heaven to be in his COT1 pan and his departure from this sphere ot action robs the com mum of a great and good man and Ou who tUlly merited all the blessings premised to those who remain true and steadfast unto the end The speaker had ben privileged to witness the departure from earth of Presidents Young and Taylor They too were righteous men entitled to a full bestowal of heavenly blessings Concluding President Cannon invoked in-voked the blessings of God upon the I twelve apostles and upon all who held responsible positions In the church that their Ihes might be fraught with i good deeds and noble examples such as those charactfrbing the life and la I 1ors ot President Wilford Woodruff I The choir then sang President Wood rutg far rite hymn God Move In a I Mysterious Wav APOSTLE YOUNG Apostle Brigham Young offered the I cl vying grayer after which the concourse con-course of eonle began to file out Into I the grounds and take up the march to I the cemetery THE FUNERAL CORTEGE The servIces at an end the pallbearers pallbear-ers stepped forward and while Professor Pro-fessor Daynes played a funeral dirge carried the casket to the hearse waitIng wait-Ing on the north side of the building Carriages reserved for the familY and relatives were scattered through the rounds and came up to take on their load and form in the pracession Ropes had been stretched to keep the walks on the north side ot the building clear and without hindrance the cortege began be-gan to wind its way out through the grounds and UJ Brigham street The multitude which had packed the building and the thousands on the outside I out-side began to move converting the street into ri solid moving mass or humanity hu-manity As Helds band struck up the I solemn funeral notes thee was a halt t Y a for a moment and many an eye be 1nlame dim in realization of the solem nity of he occasion The cortege was headed by Marshal n G Burton and aides well in adVance Vance of the first division ImmediatelY In advance of Helds military band came a latoon of polIce under command com-mand of Sergeant Tom Hilton as an eacort of honor II Following the band came the Harmony Har-mony Glee club in the dray Utah I drnn by four horses Then came a carriage containing the falbearers The white hearse drawn by the dead sldents favorite team was next inn In-n and was followed by two carriages tr flowers ORDER OF THE PROCESSION Then came the family and relatives 9f = the deceased in the order follow i I Carriage lMrs Emma Woodruff Sarah P Woodruff Sarah D Woodruff Wood-ruff and Phoebe S Woodruff Carriage 2Apostle and Mrs Wilford Woodruff Mr and Mrs Tames Woodruff Wood-ruff Carriage 3Nellle Woodruff Beulah B WoSdruff frs A O Woodruff Asa bei I Woodruff and Mrs A H Woodruff Wood-ruff CarriaJe 4Yan C Beebe Mrs Beebe Mr and Mrs Joseph T Daynes jr Carriage 5Ir and Mrs Jesse W Moses 31r and Mrs Sylvis Thompson Carriage 6Iary Woodruff Marion Woodruff Yrs Marion Woodruff Mr and Mrs Ensign Yoodr1ff Carriage 7Mr and Yrs David Burrows Bur-rows Mrs John Park John Woodruff Carriage SEllIs Woodruff Phoebe Scholes Grace Scholes Florence Scholes Steia Beatle Carriage 9Ir and Mrs John Carriage 5Seymore B Young C D Fjeldsted B H Roberts George Reynolds Rey-nolds Carriage 6Blshops T Golden Kimball KIm-ball John R Winder W B Preston and L John Little SECOND DIVISION The second division was preceded by the Ogden band and was made up in the following order Presidents of stakes and counselors general organIzation relief socIeties Young Mens Mutual Improvement assocIations as-socIations Young Llldies Mutual Im proement associations Deseret Sunday Sun-day School union prImary associations church board of education faculty and students of Brigham Young academy and representatives of different church I colleges and academies THIRD DIVISION The third division was headed by Christensens FIrst Regimental band A battalion of the Utah National guard followed and the city council came next in carriages There was also a carriage containIng Governor Wells Chief Justice Jus-tice Zane Justice Bartch Superintendent Superinten-dent Park and Secretary of State Hammond Ham-mond Following this came innumerable innumer-able carriages of people who desired to accompany the remaIns to theIr final place of rest AT THE CEMETERY The city cemetery teemed with a multitude I f f titude numbering several thousands as the funeral cortege reached the gates and every point of vantage ground surrounding sur-rounding the grave had been taken possession i pos-session of until It was nothing but a swaying mass of humanity Special of I ficers and aides were on the ground i early and kept the avenues leading to the plot on whica the grave Is situated kt Lr y k I II11iIvIi1i II I I I s t atiJ 4lb tifNltt DECORATIONS AT THE GRAVE ritchlow Mrs WIII Woodruff Mrs George A Smith Leo Woodruff Carriage loMr and Mrs George Ensign En-sign Mr and Mrs Bennion Hazel Woodruff Carriage llBathsheba W Smith Zina D young Diana Smoot Marti shla Cahoon Carriage 12Llzzie Fox Phoebe Sessions Ses-sions Then came the aostes and dlgnJ 1 tarles of the church In the following order F Carriage IPresident George Q Cannon Can-non President Joseph F Smith Apostle Lorenzo Snow Apostle Franklin Frank-lin D Richards Carriage 2Apostles Brigham Young Francis 3L Lyma1 John Henry Smith George Teasdale Carriage 3ADostles feber J Grant John W Taylor Merrill R C Lund Carriage 4Apostle Cowle Patriarch PatrI-arch Smith Andrew Smith and immediately surrounding fairly well cleared and there was no delay The Woodford lot at the city cemetery ceme-tery Is located near the original entrance en-trance of the old stone gate that formed the entrance on the west side of the old cemetery To the north is Seventh avenue Just south of It towers tow-ers the monument of Apostle Erastus Snow and not far distant the gran its pollow which marks the resting place of President Taylor can be seen President Woodruffs grave was situated sit-uated in the southeast corner of the lot A white marble slab near It marks the place where one of his wIves Phebe Carter Woodruff has been laid away The William brothers florists had decorated dec-orated the grave beautifully Around the sides it was covered with a tapestry of flowers containing the following varieties I rieties Dahlias geraniums roses asters as-ters maiden ferns petunias sweet ele syum derblnos asparagras axid pleo moan the whole permeating the air with fragrance and suggesting a soft place of rest for hIm whose life lad ended Just as the cortege wound its way up through the avenues the afternoon sun passed from behind a cloud and cast its golden rays through the foliage surrounding sur-rounding the Woodruff lot and the beautiful landscape was unfolded Hemming in the alleY which during the life of the honored pioneer has been transformed from a desert toa garden reared the peaked sentinels of the Wa satch and Oquirrh ranges while in the distant haze could beseen the great lake The verdure hidden city below ome how took on a peaceful aspect and a mass of clouds to the northsug gested a garb of mourning assumed by nature itself Here and there a bird twittered in the surrounding tree tops and the rippling of water nearby re IIlnded one of the scriptural promise It was amid such scenes as these that President Wilford Woodruff was 1 a1d I away his head toward thEl east but his face to the west toward which he had so largely contributed in its upbuild Ing NOT DEAD BUT SLEEPETII The casket was taken tothe grave and while the tears of loved ones fell to mingle with the earth that soon was tohlde it from view tender hands lowered low-ered it into its receptacle The Harmony Har-mony Glee club sang Not Dead But Slecpetb At the head of the grave stood three of deceaseds wives and surrounding it stood his children grandchildren and the officials of the church As the coffin cof-fin was placed In position relatives and friends stepped forward and dropped posies and sprIgs of evergreens into the grave Then the earth swallowed It and soon nothing but a mound covered with flowers remained to mark the sleepIng place of the dead president DEDICATORY PRAYER Apostle L man offered the dedicatory prayer asking that grace and strength be given those who were bereaved that they might bear up under the burden He prayed that President Woodruffs life and work mIght stand as an example exam-ple to the hosts of Israel throughout the world and further that the widows and children of the deceased might be comforted in the knowledge that their father had gone to a glorious reward Heasled the almighty to bless the ground where so many loved ones had been laid away that it might ever be sacred and holy to the people LAt L-At tile conclusion of the prayer the last floral tributes were laid upon the grave and the multitude began to move toward the city President Wilford Woodruff had been conducted to his final place of rest The Attendance A conservative estimate of the number num-ber who attended the funeral services at the tabernacle yesterday places the figure at 9000 Perhaps 4000 more were on the oUtside during the greater part of the ceremony and thousands more lined the streets to watch the cortege pass The number of visitors from other cities is placed at 2000 The Oregon Short line carried 1300 from the north and south The Union Pacific brought In fully 200 from points In Wyoming while ISO came in from Eureka On the Ogden special 150 came down so that the figure will reacn a couple r thousands The outside attends far exceeded the expectations of railroad officials Funeral Notes During the march to the cemetery Christensens Military band played an orIginal piece dedicated as President Woodruffs funeral march composed by C S Read of this city e Many of the leading business houses were closed durIng the hour of services from 10 till 2 oclock All city and county offices were also closed o < Colonel Isaac Trumbo had a place In the procession occupying a carriage with Bishop Clawson < t 0 < The faculty and students of the I B Y academy of Provo marched in the line from the tabernacle to the cemetery the students wearing their class colors white yellow and greew 0 0 A serious accIdent was narrowlY averted by the great presence of mind of one of the driers of the carralges Just as the carriage containing some of President Woodruffs relatives drove I down a hIII near the grave one of the I horses fell The other got frightened I and had not the drivers jumped out and caught the animal In the nIck of time a runaway with serious results hlght have taken places < place-s 5 The committee on decorations followed follow-ed out deceaseds wIII in the matter of ornamentations and the result was I mot simple and yet very effective I < iI t i I AI 1ffti Itji I LIiIj Li kL1Jk 4j iid w I I 7 I I i 7 L = E CASKET AND DECOBATIONS Dr TEE TABENACLE = V 4 jM J AO I |