Show i may be equaly benefited thus asur Lng theIr 1 continued developmct J ThIs however will only be possible i the country develops itself by continuing con-tinuing its labor quietly and ums I turbedly under the blessings of peace i a enjoined by the outstretched hand I 01 the great emperor who stands above us Peac however will never be better b guaranteed than by the German army ni dGl l thoroughly efficient and prepared y f war sections of which we now have the f pleasing opportunity at seeing and admiring ad-miring God grant wa may always be able to care for the worlds peace with this keen and wen pseserved i ad pseserve weapon Then the estphalan peasant may lay hlmsef quietly down to sleep I drink to the welfare of Westpha HaBerlin Berlin Sept SThE emperors declarations decla-rations n Vestphcla particularly his references to the coming labor bU I have caused a gect sensatIon The National Gazette says the only effect they wi have w1 be to Increase in-crease the Infuence of the socialists |