Show ADDRESS TO COLONEL HAY Englhen Stck On te Aer ca London Sept SA commitee of the ngloAmericn Lague headed by its chairan James BrIc presented the Unie Sttes ambassador Colonel John Ha today an adress congatulatng him upon his acceptce of the port folo of 8ecretr of stte at Wahing ton The address expressed > et at bls departure from this countr where you have discharge the weighty and delcate dutes of ambassador wih such eminent tact and judgtnt courtesy as to win the cord I appreciaton and confdence of the ritsh people Contnuing the address sas n has been olr fortune to represent our countr here at a time of e ceptonal interest when the war now I happly ended gae occsion tor an expression of the feelngs of afecton towards the ad sypathy Unied Sttes which the Brish peop1e have long entertined but never before have the been so conspIcuously mnlfested You cry back the assurnce of the depth and stren th of these feelngs The prncple that there ought to be permanent friendshp ald cordial co operaton betwfen the Brtsh empire and the Aerican republc Is one that and here agree al partes al sttesmen in regarding as a fundrmental principle princi-ple of Brtsh foreign polcy and b i whole people theIr the deire Pat gov elment should be sldel Ve rejoICe to beleve tha In your countr correspondIng corres-pondIng sentment are entertained and that a corresponding prInciple Is now i lage accevted Colonel Ha In rep1 refered to the gatfcton he experienced In hearing such words from men so qualfed b I xlerlence and charcter to speak for he Brtsh people He added 1Y oice has no such sancton a ours but 1 Ive It for what it is worth to asure you tat Yfur sentment of Itlnshlp and amlt are reciprocted to the utost in my countr The ambassador also said that his work In En land had ben made eay by the Instrcton he bad received from heme and by the frankess and fahes5 ot her majestys minister amI of al Englshmen he had come In He then said On both contctvih oean te convicton is alf r most univeral that a clear cordial and f frIendy u dertudlng betwen Gre = t a d Unttcd States Is a nec Britin te i C clv1a r s hold I I I I self sigalY fortunate I I am ab1r to j contnue nd s Oanythlnst renghen the relatons of frternal amb be I twen our ntons |