Show NICARAGUA CANAL Admiral Walker Reports On the Condition of the Work Washington Sept SAdmlral Walker president of the Nicaragua canal commissIon com-missIon has returned to Washington and Is again devoting his attention to the collation and compilation of the material which will form the substance of the report re-port of the commission The admiral says that the commission has now about 250 men at work along the line of the proposed canal and they will stay there thrqughout the raIny season They are making borings and ascertaining the character of the soil at every point where It Is proposed to locate dams locks or other heavy masonry structures In addition ad-dition to this the field parties are taking accurate measurements of the rainfall and the flOw of the various streams lying within the limits of the canal concession Admiral Walker Is confident that the commission will be able to report to congress con-gress at the approaching session and while he says the necessary data has not been obtained to accurately determine the cost of the canal he feels confident that the project will be shown to be entirely I practical and worthyof execution |