Show FAG FOR MK Trophy of te War Presented t the President Washington Sept 8By direction of General Miles PresIdent McKinley has been presented with a Spanish tag which was captured by America troops at Coamo Porto Rico I was taken from the barracks at Coamo by the Sixteenth Pennsylvania volunteers I together with 20 Spanish prisoners who I were endeavoring to retreat Colonel i Diddle who was accompanied by Cap tain Harry Alvin Hal of the Sixteenth Pennsylvania infantry made the pre sentaton speech The president in reply compliment ed the American troops on their courage cour-age and soldierly conduct throughout the campaign When the committee left the White House the fag was sent to the adjutant adjut-ant generals office where it will remain re-main until it is put on exhibition probably prob-ably at the National Museum The tension over General Miles criticism crit-Icism of army methods Is gradually subsiding and In high official quarter the belief wa expressed tonight that no official attention wU be paid to the criticism In view ot much loose conjecture of the Imminence of a courtmatal or court of inquiry for the trial of General Miles it can be stated positively that there has no such course of acton been determined upon as yet nor is it felt tat such steps would be conducive to the best interest of the public service ser-vIce In some high official quarter there is a disposition to look upon General Miles as being his worst enemy and to passover pass-over his comments as iadvised though not to the extent of constituting insubordiaton or warranting official action by the president or the war de partent ALGER LEAVES TOW Secretary Alger accompanied by Mrs Alger his son Captain Fred Alger Major Hopkins his aide and Quartermaster Quarter-master General Ludington left Washington Wash-Ington at 1040 oclock tonight for Mid dletown Pa The fecretar will spend the forenoon tomorrow In an inspection of the camp at Middletown and will then proceed on his way to Detroit where he wU leave Mrs Alger and his son who is still U from the fever following fol-lowing hIs service before Santiago The secretary will then proceed to make an 1vestgton of a number of army Fia camps going a far a Jacksonville |