Show WASHINGTON FSONT I Peoples Part Wants the Name and I the Candidates Elensburg Wash Sept SToays session of the Populst Democratic and silver Republican cOIntons was spent in discussing the question of fusion fu-sion and at 7 oclock tonight no conclusion conclu-sion had been reached The joint conference cOn-ference committee which was appointed appoint-ed yesterday made Its report at the opOningof the afternoon session The report was to the effect that the ticket should be under the Peoples party name the Democrats and silver Repub lcans should each have one congressman congress-man and that the Jopulst should be jwarded the two supreme judges The report of the conference committee was adopted both by the Populist and sliver sli-ver Republican conventions but the Democrats refused to accept i They sent a committee to the Populist convent con-vent asking them to either concede I one supreme judge or the party name Time Populst refused to concede either and thus matters stood when the con venton tool a recess for dinner The joint committee reported a union platform which was adopted by the Populists and silver Republicans On the subject of the war it says We desire to express our high sense pf Jride In the gallant bravery and sDleniijd prowess of our soldiers and slencd saiors on lane and sea and In the added luster which has come to our na tcna fame as rescuer of an oppressed ptopie Yet we regret that this luster should be dimmed by the recollection that the Republican administration through Its stubborn ODcsiton to the will of the nation and Its own platform plat-form promise delayed the commencement commence-ment of the war to such a length a to enable the Spaniards to carry Into ef feet their tout Purpose of starInb to death hundreds of thousands of helpless help-less inhabitants of Cuba and we de Jlore the fact that the unavoidable hardships of war were aggravated Into horrors b1 the gross incompetence of the war department and we demand that a Dedy nndftborogh investiss ton he made ot the charges of corrup Upn and ru in that eDartment |