Show IN THE SECOND I T I Morris Sommer and righ West Were Rnominated Morris Sommer and BrIg West had Iorrs an easy time In the Second ward convention con-vention for justice of the peace and constable last nIght the nomination In each case 1elng by acclamation no other candidates beIng presented The delegations to the convention all com from the several dIstrIcts were al plet when ChaIrman Folsom called tie sfieeting ti order and Secretary Phoebe Flcher read the call There was but one contest durIng the evenIng and that was over the chairmanship George Shell and H D Folsom beIng the nomInees Folsom won in a canter and Phoebe Felcher was selected a permanent secretary by a loud and vociferous acclamation After a bIt of sparing the credentials were settled by each chairman reportIng report-Ing his delegation and MorrIs Som mar was nomInated for justice by George D Shell who complimented his can41daJe on the excellent record he had mad In times past Sommer was seconded from nil parts of the house and a delegate who declared he had I come there to vote agaInst hIm cutoff cut-off a lot more speakers by movIng to make the nomination unanImous which prevailed Responding to crIes for a speech Justice Jus-tice Sommer made a few brIef remarks In whIch he renewed his allegiance to the voters of the Second and declared hIs intention of doIng in the future as he had in the past vlz fighting the Lakes the Andersons and the balance of the collection sharks The address was greeted with considerable applause I ap-plause and then G B Blakely nominated I nomi-nated for constable BrIg West who went through In even shorter order I than did the justice Brig said in responding to the demand de-mand for a speech Ladies and gentlemen gen-tlemen I thank you 1 thInk you have made no mIstake which provoked applause ap-plause and laughter There being no further busIness thc conventIon adjourned At the close of the convention the chaIr announced that no collection I need be taken up to pay the expenses of the haJ that Hon D H Peer jr had paid the same The convention I extended II Peer a vote of thanks I for the courtesy I |