Show N i 10C 1— - LAM TRIBUNE THE SALT - 14 '"' - 'f - - Sunday August 20 1950 kk SCONOMIQ eacGs tempt TN" att Lairs Ititothes gat Starlet page had Sunday busmen' we coverage Of mukets and tor the tiontuf: story et the economet dateop Stant et the thternsettatate t 1 1 By David J lo IT -- Labor received directly 23 4e of the sales dollar of industrial corporations In 1949 compared with 231e in 1948 according to a stir vey just released by Ctandard and Poor's Corp be should ' ------ - k ' ' I 1 - 1 -- ' r 1 --- 1-- - - ' - of recognized course that the actual labor costs ere even larger in view of the snowballing effect Of payments to workers S and P said For example while the direct labor costs of the automobile industry of sales were equal to only 23 In 1919 the actual cost of labor entering into the price of a finished automobile was substantially greater because' of the wage Pte ment involved in the 'Cost of the acquired materials and parts and In the transportation of these corn- sponents 0 0000000' 7 t l -- 1 (-- - ' 1 t4p T4111 1 i f rt 1 i expec- - - 4— 0 - - 4Stest1 ' - v r- i I - - '1 ! - ' i' '- - 7 i Nr1Pai r''''' ' '' 11 ctv ''''' ' j 14'N - 1 4 11 i1 li is "I' i'l I i "' t ' 4 I ''''''''' '''' p 1 t II tL el 1V4 -' - "" ' : ' ' ' - -- ' ' -- :- — ' - - ' ' '1' ' - -- I ' ' m 4 - "' '' ' V ' t f All 4 0147:- - - 'ksagi '1kg s The Flaher Brewing Co plant at when the current expansion and modernization 13-- Fisher Pttlies rIna !Of as It will appear program la completed I 4 7 - : :r71 tht'''0 1 Hours of Servtice Phase Expansion — Doug- PORTLANP Ore las fir P&WMilla are running above last veer and a new all- time high production mark is in By Will Lindley Vilma Business Editor Fisher Brewing Co will undertake immediately the final phase of its $1000000 expansion and modernization program construction of new grain storage facilities 87 Prnduc'tion for the first 30 1950 peach !30ISE weeks of this year is re" over the average crlp will be leas than an eighth as standing now at 5775026000 bd large as 1949 production the U S ft Smith said department of agriculture forecast e 'The 1915-194- 9 production mark prospect That was the statement Saturday of Harris E Smith secretary for the West Coast Lumber- was set in 1929 at 10200000000 ft and this barring unforeseen will be exceeded developments men's Assn this year Smith predicted and a new brew house it was an- Orders and shipments also are Although 'weekly average out nounced Saturday by Frank A put in July dropped below that running far ahead of last year Fisher president and general man- - for June the July weekly aver Unfilled orders at the end of July age of 184871000 bd ft wail totaled 990817000 ft and gross ger 127q greater than for the corn stocks were 628571000 Smith Completion of the program be- - parable 9 Mid average gun in 1948 with construction of a new bottling house and additional storage cellars will enable the firm to more than double brewing cepacity of its plant at 160 S 10th West I 111 con- i Grain storage f&c1IitIe eist of five bins which will hold -' t 1250000 lbs of grain in a struc- ture 38 by 52 ft and 80 ft high1 t:1- rs s ' IS ) ' Saturday lroduction la estimated at 000u : t k' - IL IgvM )ok 4r a and 'a late frost curtailed the crop Tie Idaho apple crop is expected to be 1240000 bus compared with an eTtimated 1825000 bus last 1945-194- - Building Coat Hike I Which have Known uranium on reserves in building materials the Colorado plateau have in risen in c o a t during the past creased "several times" in the past month and by about how much? two years says Frank H Mac- - T nereases were listed from 3(1 to with lumber rocklath brick Pherson manager of the Atomic 115 and hardwood Energy commission raw materials heating shingles office at Grand Junction Colo UP to 255-- : wallboard 185 and Outside parties are showing In- - millwork 15q creased interest in the area which !Is there stockpiling of building :includes western Colorado and materials in your community? eastern Utah and the flow of new Some 75'40 said "Yes" Many re- i capital is decidedly noticeable he plies said large stockpiling was by others than the- average home said !builder who had neither facilities Finish Plastics Plant or cash to 'stockpile on a large Monsanto Co Chemical St :scale Land Priors Leval Louis has announced completion of a new plastics— plant at Long Have landowmers increased their Beach Cal which will be the price s7 Replies were 60t- - "no" first producer of 8t3rrene products Are buyers rushing to conclude west of the Mississippi !sales contracts 7 Replie showed Boeing Expansion lit: ! 1 ' 1 - '6 te f : AV )?:''' ' ' '''- t - 1 4 ?::‘ :1'''" t'k: :::ti'7:1 rI ''': 4f 1 e404t7 ' r tlfdtmr 1144e :'!t ::::: :: t t' cr7 $tt - t1 4 t Price on 17001 Continues Ranks i County (KP)-Price- among i'' irl 'A e f 4 - BOSTON 111 the Salt Lake county ranked sixth leading western building Boston wool market continued to jurisdictions in volume of permits rise the past week as the Urn- issued in July Western Building ited supply grew scarcer with rt 4 magazine reported Volume was eak'h passing day It L The market continued exceed- $5876515 Loe Angeles led with S38287329 and Los Angeles C011n- - ingly strong although there ap- to be some resistance 16 was fecOnd with $26559892----i peared 4 ty t asked for woolen wools prices Market Va I u e rp L pue to the very limited amount of I Market value of bond issues available offerings especially of 1 I 7110004tr listed on the New York Stock ex- - graded wools there Is no definite 1 change expanded by $576557836 method by which prices accurately during July There were 932 bond call be gauged There has 'been a constant issues with a total market value of $125209399007 listed on the ex- - markup on south American wools !change at the close of busine'se which are due to arrive in this country in the near future and 10 am ShatIonless lighting Is ono of features of there is somewhat of a controstore completely remodeled along modern i nef4 ersy in the wool trade as to how -much of this clip has been con tracted 1 '''t :"1 ' t 1 - 2 -- t Ati it1 11'1 ""------ : 1E 1000141 E:3 E t'4 r 4 4 Are military-ag- e buyers hositat- Investment of approximately :ing to purchase? Some 43q said $1000000 of Boeing- Airplane Co "No" Do buyers think new homes are funds in increased research and bPPn a desirable herlzP against Inflation manufartunng facilitie a approved by the board of directors and higher building costs? All Largest single expenditure at said 'YPg the Seattle plant will be a St500- 000 excansion of the company owned wind tunnel Balance will go for new machines and tools and for additional office accommoda- TVk b ona -- i t To Be Dimantled - saying "Yes" 851- - i ' ' I a 411 k Ili Pocatello's modern $150000 Idaho Department Store building wUl open for busineas Wednesday at I 1 I Those 'Phantom Inventions Still Plague Corporations Cotton Spinners' Operation1109 'Sit t1)OWLES5' NVASHINGTON !nn Ion Store to 1r)- - Thp census bureau reported Saturday the cot- - Wholesale mg inductry operated O of 1 at 110 gr-'- of capacity t r tr Executive N two-shif- Index Dips for Week 80-ho- CarS omivear i ' ' le r) It' i i i do' g ' 44 :64:t:ib:':a::i:lt 4 - 1 ' STEEL FABRICATION 11102:77 1 cc Fryco (0Q 7:7:- I 1 :4 'LC 4 ) it l'elser I r311 :11 person-to-persZ- 01 l - 14 go' J 1ULL 7 t ' t ---- -1'' N 1 III ' ' 41 compared with 353000 tou ago A severe winter kill 17 -1 Uranium Ore Increases Rep ' si di 05 a 0 a t week basis WASHINGTON (UP t—AveraZa The recurring reports about big Temporary National Economir compared with 123''- - clur - wholesale prices dropped 4 of 1" corporstions supression of inven- - committee WAR unable tn uncover Ing June this year and 796'-- dur- - in the week ended last Tuesday- -tions which might injure their 'a single came Mr Rum says the first drop since the start of POCATELLO Ida (Speciall— ing July last year businesses are discussed in an ar-- 1 'Spinning spindles in place July the Korean war—The bureau of tiele entitled 'Phantom Inven- The doors will siwing open at the 29 h one in the September Reader's I y)taled 23007000 of which 20- - labor statistics reports Idaho department store here n2ro00 were active consuming cotThe price index was 165'''''r of Digest )11 Wednesda v at In am ton on the last working day of the 1926 average b above A Myrthen S Villiam )11 to i According Roger the month ago and file' above the rnonth store said Elliott Sat' manager Pots comiensett whose piece is 1 from Science News Letter no tn- - 11 1111 unia ' dustry has been as plagued AA the s 11 ?irrilerlirtrirzcgTimrrm7r111"--7-77farm tire repr I D the re‘4 vsst savings in fuel consumption senative for Goodyear Tire end 'Iti11 V': fl tiou estahhshment at the eorAs late As 1949 the Sun Oil Co Rubber Co in Salt Lake I City re- t had to investigate the story of cently completed nett of 6th ave and Center Ft will : ' t waa 30 years service the man who reported f N rfirrplete-lineo'dry gorskis rarryA VA getting"50 miles to a gallon it yvith the firm All ages for IN Mr Fisher stated that expan- gas and thst he had "gotten an 21111170"41 W W Alexan14 The building formerly was sion of the plant planned long experimental est- by mistake” :der district MA1- -r M Chase Co 4c owned Jesse the by before world conditions became as TIIAnother 441 Mr Ager here pre Pa ys perennial "shadow-less- " designed Especially tense as they now are will proceed Rils is the everlasting razor sented Mr Schell g has been installed to lighting to due of the a Co with necessity meeting blade whose trail the Gillette HP--M- ost pin signi41 ' to the its display all merchandise demand for the company's prod- has been folliming for yeArs lying service to ' Mr Elliott greatest advantage uwt which is reflecting continual Others are the television tele- - thefirm for that 4 1 said The lighting system consists' n ' He also growth of the Salt Lake and inter 'phone And the (:-y-1 of !Mot errent tubes set flush with mountain area 'edit) no bigger than a match received a per E ti' I the ceiling— '' Architects for the work are box 4 sonal gift from -' 4' ci ' r—:-'a store new The is roeatello I" ti Wohlab and Wohlab l' have four common his Associates i"The s4-stories Olympia 1 :i k member of an allied chain of stores Mr Wash and Ashton Evans M r i' and Mr flits characteristics" Schell pointed A ie-i-( ""q (rI:Braver Salt Lake City Tolboe nut "II) they are never first- - joined Goodyear ss an adjustor each independently operated but i '1 Le and Harlin has the general con- hand: (2 the hero is a poor hut and then entered the sales organI integrated with An overall manf f tract Edmund P Evans is con- brilliant inventor: 43) the villian ization with which he has been agement TYPICAL Twenty-thre- e of the INSTALLATION Yr ' '4 tractor on plumbing and mechan- is a wicked corporation (4) they associated since In addition to his stores are in operation in southt:k: NAVY ' 41 li''' ' ' ( Ilea' facilities and Capitol Electric are untrue" ern Idaho and eastern Oregon The present post he has had assignF!Co has the electrical contract AT from suppresaing patents ment in general line ssles and in Pocatello store will employ a staff 4 Work will start immediately and large corporationpend a lot of the truckAnd bus division He WFIS of 411 in the sales departments and' I 40I Steel fobrication to specifications for all types and sizes of Is hOri'd the structures will be t at Spokane additional workers in othter divi- -' money looking for them The new district Manager 4141 Itroofed ' in by Dec 1 and will be deices section of GenerAl 'Motors Wash for a time buildings or other construction requiring steel AlOng a Krgardirsn of climate or branon Minconnin dellyern "foolproor' practically completed by June li now has 103On° files for indiBuilder's as bars reinforcing no In 7o Inter It)51 " pnyter pn frrezeopii danger of oYerheating eyen sfpwa:ir xidlials who have submitted more ivi00 bottent metall l tons:us H It Fisher is vice rather Eany ntarting I A i I11:11)1)eti Sure nteady performance: corrugated sheet president than 11no0 devices from corn- bs ao ' It ? and V4 cslinder sites Parts Sortire and and assistant manager of the firm 7 head d and many other plicatoti merhanisms down to the ' gettrios avaitibto from lunch at local doitiers and Otto flubisch is brewmasier idents touriirred in the! It aas thp r!th slicesove car Dittrihnted by throughout Linn and Idaho simple suggestions like A light for immediate delivery under the hood Sinie the yiar steel industry list :ear thn eNer steehvoiliets ImAerrel Oleir Reit " ' tfreemert-t—srste 'en - ' '' tt14 ftetTillf!d frrn 1 tlotteSTITIrrr4 i - '''' '''' ''' '''' ''' "" "— t 'wh'he V)? Stiar'Diii1101(1 191c in from dmed 14t Near sti developments 4 (ling linkage the Ael""'In tren 471 Steel In- e The board of directors of Utah- - engine mounting Thcre 1vere only 4 4 ' ' idents per 'i a 1 NVth tthat A)revr Idaho Sugar Co has declared a and areeleratorscontrols and rages s'itite report n i11on man hwirs O 545 West ilk South a I in the I n parcd quarterly dividend on preferred for hall beArtrzs AA for the AtIp- - trent the steel inrhistry twirl its sted !ndlistry lo tqlq Phone Write Box 300 st‘Ick of 15c a share payable Sept press:Ion of patents OihatistIve in- - rank as thA 433 West 2nd South Salt Lak City Utah safest of the with a loll average rate for all Salt Utah 30 to &Lock of record Sept 22 tn Industnes the LakaCity Ii vesttgatton lindustrtes I by major - - f Most Portability HP per 0 T I full-tim- i peat 11 10 ' S Copper Stocks Drop ' !Iillha Peaches Doomed for Drop of L ' -i home: Builders i ' 11 t '''"' t Northwest Natural Gas oUtili- applied to the Idaho Public ties commission for permis sion to build a gas line across northerril Idaho to supply gas to I3onners Ferry Sandpoint and Prieat Ri ver- Ida and to Portland and Seattle i I Mills Run 5 Ahead of 49 9 Alm for Albtime Record Surety Policies Kent in Effect '' Apply for Gas Line 7 1 : NORTHWEST LUMBER or A I The National Association of Producers' storks of refined cop Home Builders recently asked ter-i- ts per dropped 2061 tone in July to tarn 23- timely questions of 0266 tons - lowest in six years member committee The executive the Conper Institute has reported r A II B : ::Iti-::ii44-Washington Letter lists Deliveries of refined copper theefollowing concensu s of replies: Is shown In sketch prepared by Ashton EVIIng and Brazier archl- drnpped to 959R3 tons in July from tees Darkened structures are brewhouse right and grain storage 126047 in June Neither total in- - By what percentage do you think the increased down!dudes copper shipped to mem- - psyments required will reduce ne con- mental stockpiles July stockpile struction? from Replies ranged !deliveries were reported in excess ' 20"e to 50e10 and averaged about of 24000 tons Art 180 S 10th West 1 I I 1 — The new brew house will be 801 ft bigh (approximately seven stories) and will be 70 by 90 ft It will replace the old brew house which will be dismantled A new kettle is being fabricated in Europe along lines developed by leading engineers and technicians prior to World War 11 As far as the company knows it will be one of the first vessels of its type and manufacture in the United States In addition to the kettle major items of equipment largely stain- less steel and copper have been contracted for in Seattle Cincinnati and other cities Steel storage fice equipment shipbuilding steel bins tanks and hoppers will be textiles and tires and rubber fabricated in Salt Lake City by OGDEN (Special)--- A Tlational goods the Lang Co hosof The following summary lists the policy continuing group Consolidates Work rercentages of sales that were pital and surgical insurance covabsorbed last year by direct wage erage for dependents of employes Automatic controls and Indi- Air transport 42771 aircraft! who go into military service was cators on one panel board will auto parts 345'" auto- - made public here Saturday by J permit the head brewer to handle mobiles 23- - baking and milling C McNeil Ogden plant manager completely an entire brew without 237 5 beverages brevving Pillsbury mills to leave his station at the Mr McNeil said employes on having " and distilling 102' building kettle 2881: chemicals 273'"f coal military leave will not have to By pressing a button he ran make retirement anntinity pay- Pt a rt a flow of 332' 1 metala and glass grain from any of 249r- drugs 125't: ments and their statue in the the five bins and blend them to un: food retirement plan will remain 37'1 electrical products any formula desired Grain will be products 17f-'- household furnish- changed until they return brought from the storage bins At the time an employe is given 3481: agricultural ings through pneumatic tubes to the chinery 309q industrial ma- leave of absence for military new brewing section chinery 338g'r: meats and dairy 'service he 11'111 receive approsiBy utilizing 'mother simple conmately one month s additional trot the head brewer can bring products 122'' Also metal fabricating 247q: pay The firm filen yall pay those to his vessels the required number called up for a limited period rf of barrel4 of scientifically nongold and silver metals :5112 pre-- I of f Ica training by national guard or 22S ferrous rnetRIS pared water at the exact deg e of other oil reserve the 1113'r 608'' equipment organtzatione temperature desired paper 2591 photographic sup- difference between their military The brewmastekalso cati n adphes 377q 'printing and publish- pay hnd the civilian wages or vance set other ItIFIIIIiiients so salaries for up to 61 days PR t d that the complicated ing 28 9e1r rail equipment 311 1ittrri rt reqUire4 717fiTricreirtiralchges 427-- 'f The policien apply to persons he controlled shoes 247y( soaps 1 automatically and e steel textiles employed on a basis for operated and recorded without any sugar Is months before their military further nianual attention 3121: tires and rubber and tobaccri 132'44 leave or absence — Meet New Demand ' t tk ' i ' - My4 14! 1 imil 1 l' oittirrAV'' ' ' il ie I 64 : ' lh 6 1 i ii ' - ' --' ' H ( A - i V '1 t ": 0' '''''--'- T' t ' 'duet Look Ahead But the Industry has to look far ahead in its programming It is true that earnings atatements released so far this year show the autoIndustry's net profits at the highest dollar level in history the records also show worker wtige payments at their highest point and materials and manufacturing costa steadily increasing Indicates ImpOrtanco Along with these cost increases Some indication as to the over- have been worker ptnsion proall importance of labor costs for grams and moro than a little unthe economy as a whole is furabout tax levies nished by the U S Department of certainty The planning tnr 1052 modMs Commerci's data on wagés and is well advanced although salaries which in 11449 accounted already cars won't begin to that of the gross national for 53 for at least another 12 appear product This ratio has ranged! months It can be said that tho and 5511 since between 512 ars of major 3942 but prior thereto was slight- prospective changes for virtually every car proportion 50 ly below maker From an investment atandpoint Alterations Involved the "labor factor" or proportion of labor costs to total sales is They involve alterations In an important considertaion Com- body ehassis power plant transponies with low labor costs gen- mission brakes and other items erally have an advantage over navy Just about as complete a those with high costs They are program as the inless vulnerable to rises :in wage changeover dustry can set up and it involves 'rates In the event of unbridled 'la great amount of new manufarand have greater leeway ttihng equipment — equipment In a for cutting expenses period that now costs about three times of deflation what it did before World War IL Thus if military preparations Among Bet Situated do not cause a shortage of deIndustries among the j:test sit-bated In this respect including dis- signers and toolmakers and special purpose machinery a huge tilling drugs food meat packing by the car makers is in dairy products oil retail trade outlay for early next year soaps sugar and tobacco On the prospect constitutet tither hand-labrelatively high cost element for aircraft manufacturing air transport auto parts beverages coal1 household electrical products furnishings machinery metals of- - v 4 1 Flans for undertaking of a drill- !July 31 againat 928 Valued at 30 ing program in the Big Piney field S124632841171 on June anof Sub tette county Wyo were Bank Debits Rise nounced Saturday by the von Glahn Debits of Salt Lake City banks Oil Co Inc and Richland Oil Co rose 11" in July compared with a year ago the Federal Reservi both of Los Angeles The 'firms control some200000 Bank of San Francisco reported The Ogden gain was 58q Debits acres in the area officials said for July 1950 in Salt Lake Big Piney reserves are estimated at 130000000000 cu ft they said totale $234 065 000 - -- Sales Dollar It i Wage Bids Seen But in the past few week it has become increasingly &poet- ent that most of the auto makrs are going to be asked for more wage increases The possibility of a wage freeze may have inflii enced labor leaders tn seek high er wages 110V Similarly the prnspect of a control over Trice' may influence price action by the ear builders before a ceiling is placed upon them The CI 0 United Auto Work- era' union already has asked the Ford Motor Co to reopen the wage questinn although the eiir- rent contract bans such action until After next Jan I Few induatry analysts believe an upward wage revision would be made in the auto lndustry with- out a corresponding increase in car prices Probably on the basis of earnings an far this year some increased wage sch edules cnuld be absorbed without price advances 3 OF A CENT -- --:: car makers supported this tation Labor Earns 234c of tr:tg'4 ' I ''"' say a mund of price increases within the next few months is entirely possible Early this year some rnodest price reductions were mode and it was quite generally believed more cuts would come this autumn The foreeast of increased earn ings th is year by the various DErRort l'n—Price tags for the forthcoming 1951 model cars are coming in for considerable speculation right now Some industry sources report that at least two manufacturers with new models in prospect al' inak-- : ready have decided against Others changes price any ing — larnia ki ettadrs tb lame us on yea rettions and managemonI stpdlratbon ripaa Gen 113 011 SUOMI! Oil wed tog SS a Ilati widow 01 drUang report& 2 Oil Firms Set Drilling In Big Piney Region ' - 1 - KISS taxa Vilma BtISINESS'IN BRIEF Models Price Tags I Wide Speculation Stir on L'51 i at ' ---- - OIL IPIILL LA1711 Daily and Sunday The Construction Home Building Activities in Growing West tweet - - - - 11 ' ' It - "'''' cer 1938-193- is in Steel - spot! eil eses1 osoulstchsh & Forge Co I frth - - --- - - t I ' 4 4 a a i 1 9 - il tybrisi Structural Steel 416-- ac 4 1 - -- ' |