Show k These Are Fair and Flower Show Days for Intermountain Gardeners S has been named L suprevising dire( tor for the flower show to be held in conjunction with the Salt Lake county fair There will be two separate shows—one 'beginning Wednesday Aug 23 under direction of Mrs Charles Cary Midvale and the second which starts Friday Aug 25 will be supervised by Mrs Arden Miller Herrinian The receiving room win be open from 8 am to 11 am rortet-Watto- Green Thumbers of Area Busy With Displays P1e1)19Yr?"aMPrA211rtft 'POWWOW coral-enter- 23 and also on Aug 25 There in be artistic and cuas well as ltural divisions special sections for juniors and for arrangements made by men Clubs affiliated with the lytah Associated Garden clubs will assist with the shows by enter:ng exhibits Any resident Aug 4 H Foliose — Gitosimiv — spike of Spic and Span The reserve champion and also the champion seedling was one of light by Paul Carroll of Orem and originated by George Mayberry of Provo Best recent introduction sweepstakes was won ty George Safe Salt Lake City who also was awarded the 11idvals-tit- Ire for the best &in iritroduetion interrnount- Regular meeting of the Mid-Flor- Winners have been announted for the Utah Gladiolus society show htld recently at a Garden club will be held Thursday Aug 24 at 8 pm mo ''111Mvadaviler4IPAIVFTTP k t r LT AIM) IA 0 r- ' II cl "t ' of Salt Lake county whether a member of a garden club or not rimy enter flowers An entryof Sun Dance won for M D Wadley Provo the prize for the best introduction Mr Elliott again won sweepstake in the basket class with an entry of Elizabeth the Queen sweepstakes in the triple Apikeclase with the same gladiolus and another in the ministure or small class Sweepstakes for the sitistie 'MOW °°' 11 t itov Dixie Views Future - R 4 Morris was the speaker at a recent meeting of the Dixie Beautification club of St Georee His topic was "Where Pn We Go From Here?" This club has attained recognition of its civic projects and his suggestions inspired members to gieater efforts in beautify- featuring Beauty's Other sweepstake winners were George Provo Maynerry seedling: Miles C Labrum Salt Lake M D WalCity commercial: lace Orem Red Charm ioli and Mr Wiinless with entry of Red Cherry gladmiL Blush r )701 gladioli ' They gloom Lot 14(4'''t ter 1 r ro''"'‘'t p Illf'g' ''' -- v:- $ Wasatch Winners et Winners have bccn announced for the Wasatch Clad itilus show held tecently at vs t 1r 1010011110111 fA 14rit t 4 the-anm-tal t 'kj!i - - ' :' big - across larger than any 11111 ing glory: Flowers which are about to blossom eilin easily a 441” 4 -- -- -- — Talking their fatorite alibied of gardening and Fall Hotter MIOW are left planning Crosby' the riutcn ' ' ' t ft- tNt ' t' "4 1 4h it Moon( lowers which open sunset are a sure-fir- e attraction for garden visitors The uhite moon flower has fragrant blossoms four to five in( he rli - Lit:1 it ih 1 LIIZCin awarded to Genevieve H Folsom for an re-V- Mrs received watt arrangements ing their city The meeting was held in the rardPn of the Mack Crandalls here Floradell zinnias MAMmoth mum marigolds and Mrs dahlias were featured Howard Judd was chairman for the evening and was assisted by Mrs CI andall Sylvan Graff Mrs Lloyd McArthur and Mrs Edna Bentley Mrs Javril W Pickett is club P Provo 0tem h Vi-inc- Gladiolus Winners Meets Mid-Flo- ra Spkers will be W R Jensen and Wesley Smith prominent gladiolus growers who will give demonstrations showing perfect apiami and how to grow them Sof thme I iiitee Ty ball y Co ahowrwoms n East Showmanship award wcnt to Cliffird Elliott Esysville rand champion &we'd otithia show was entered by Mrs J A 'Abbey Salt Lake City It was for a perfect spike of Leading Lady Selma Jensen of Logan received the award for the gladiolus with the largest floh ret floret on a spilt of large red The tallest spike award went to Frank Contratto Holladay for an entry of Red Charm The reserve champion or second day winner was entered by Mr Elliott It was Spic and Snail delightful pink Mr Elliott also received the award for the best seedling entered in the show 550-tit- be identified and it is fascinating to watch their tightly twisted petals slowly open as -- to right Mr' Ibuid C Fronk Frank I Allen sod ?di's W D Feaubk of Ogilso's Garden club- - the t tWilight-lade- d It's Time for Ogden Club Sets FALL LAWN PLANTING! Flower Show I Grass grows best during the cool naturally moist seasons of foil Fall and spring planted lawns hove less competition from weeds They have the advantage of two cool seasons to develop deep roots before next WALTON it 4 cvt VELVET 1 trjjo'd aeit for 1104i E -- Pi II 15(0 Aloonfoi-Wto- knerao — t SEED - LAWN SEED VELVET B- -0 for tint wnerogo Some town —for moist or heavy fo4s nolo no better Sown soed et ny AI VELVET LAWN oritc coy' 10111 thnIL cofpot yoer yord wok l lb 10 lbs S120 10 lbs$1050 1 $1200 lb ers vigorous 1 Ivy P OR Gar Soot III Sawn teed minter S stems To garden wanly dealer T E R oil end Nye wry dkih tioth SUNDAY 4 lost AUGUST'20 "— 64Awrfilirf 1950 air at yen 0 WA LT M1 Adek foes r' 0 New town two wools old mewl opplicatiets of fortillsot ono-ho- IMIIAID CHEN LAWN contains slower provichts isoousitul 1111 $I 1 O S 0 $ 11 0 po piteno0444 sv4 GlittN VISTA LAWN $EED fine heahhy plvslubk heti (no t4eNo) SEED lb10 $120 GARDEN INSURANCE — Famed 10 16 Hi pee for its roctord th 100 N lkot 1610 5111ohCitylifh i and potatoes and are difficult to control except with DDT which kills them when walk on the leaves they Si LSO asstotof strong S455 lbs only LAWN INSURANCE — Compounded foe towns only cont:D4es tool W Proeislos hoilithy "moo mond foe old end WOW owes EL soo hems Iowa 4misles shoo Lawn Insusento pm easwer le Obi tote44I teimiody wth Sewn Intwoom miss tiso ousel torf srMstions holltty pleat growth Po- slotiONDfll DUST — Mose effoceivo ogoinst ell insoéts ise41 Tonto IS is 'Tole allise toto sults 1 so immediate sod welsondino oll—Msosticieto fonoieielo espMem 'loos poeposo Ono opplic PEAT 100 L 100 ills MOSS HUMUS DISUNCIIVE attacks INSUR- with peek moss is 'Dorf investment Rosh preporailon sod sooding of new towns Agolos Dolt !twilit end Mulch frostly without eleloy Protect Asters Asters should be Kept dusted with DDT to prevent leaf hoppers from infecting them with 'the ester yellows This disease m t imes carrots Leaf hoppers are juice drinkers which also attack beans to 2 inches nt pplicatiors of GARDEN KAT MOUNTAIN SOIL am toed) 55ceach 3 for $150 10 for $450 tr POollit-wAtIOW- of LAWN INSURANCE Alulchiog CANADIAN — Cover the bulbs only this superior lily SW Roe Distirros Moms etc shoralei hove ors ANCE now oral sacrist twit wools later et' 39th and Quincy The picnic "ill begin promptly at 230 arriWiiiTWUTTOWE-Tefiiltte-prouct- Iarge-iqw- onoterrao mortise Members of the Ogden club are satedulect to have a picnic today in Monroe park at the shelter located near the corner Best fof Dry or Sonc ly Soi6 Poppiers Joys Woe Aweless yoga thresh thoroughly otter eserf Don't wok lentil elornage ii ovitiork Duet vow lows insawslietoly if it shows ressossral tolossetron fiff rionsolso goiskoc Now os old lawns that ore sparer' Vonow 04444 11411111 14'4 so "- - the near future EVERGREEN LAWN $135 STRAIN onci to grow lb Mado" nna Lilies now! them Plant new Madonna with tall ka cCADE 259-201- $120 10 lbs$1050 SEED 1 mew 076totlei Miro gorchro k necessary or not - Especially lot Shady Gordeeks PROCEDURE Duet Flans are being completed for the annual Fall Flower show of the Ogden Carden club scheduled for Sept 9 and 10 at the Ogden Ford sales st in sheveroeins at Oedt n Nils David C Fronk president of the club has made the fellowing committee appointnients: Frank L Allen show chairman: Mrs C D Burr Mrs tickets and finance: Chatlene-Creepublicity: W D Fenwick and Mrs Charles Cele staging and Mrs D L Slade hostess Other commit tie niembeis will be named in SEED DIMMING IMPORTANT PioorA For Sept 9 10 summer SHADY NOOK LAWN PROPER AUGUST Yout BALED S379 $415 S 1000 IANDSCAPI INSTAItAVONS ommtiiests pieftting Ocicden Problems Will foolfy fe foverenteil Anolyzed ond Advice Gven 110 CROWN FLORAL COMPANY NUISIINES AND GIIINNOVSIS NON (Nkrikon Pivot) sod 5els Svoth FREE DELIVERY — 1411 r' |