Show ' 1 1-- DECISION 1 1UP&I Maps Slo Million Plant in S L High Cloud Upholds Harries Conviction ' AN ' rt 1 included: i That Harries denied the right to inspect a tianscript of the testimony of the witnesses appearing before the grand jury and was denied a continuance of the trial until after inspection of the stenographic notes 2 That Harries was required to stand trial during a period of political achyity 3 That he was convicted by ' - V 0 WW1 ' - ' N 4 4 ''-- I -i i ? i V44 '''' 4f -1- '''''' eit 'N i we i ' 4 4 : ' ' -J 4 f 4 iril - ) I ' 4 41 '7t j '44:4 t Robert S Harries court upholds his — Supreme ettn irt 1 414 —"' Mr Gad-b- 0 "'i ' - 4 i r i t fo 11 t 0 niiir' ts '1':i241 I' 1--- t rilq ft - '' :' 1' - ' '''''' II --iJ ''' fl 0 1 4 : - -' '''f''''' vd I 1: 'i t r-- 140it--:3::- e I ll N ttl ' d- 4' - A4ort - k -- By Milt 1 '''‘- ' :7At714I1:':11r-'1- :::::i te::'i:141449 I ' L r - -- I — te ‘ s: f'''''1 rr4g 14'''''' ' i 441' — ‘ '4 A euerhees"41 I i i - 0 et- 4 Peft i ' 't - 4 ' P'4 i - T " It' ' ' - i4 - " sf'''' ae':'''' 4 IlL'14'Irli:6 i''' A '" ' liteoty ' iv 'e-!- I' ' V kNiort - or IF"4"' 4 r i'1 ' - '''' v 4 71 - c 4" 'ts - '4tY-- eily400tiir “eewemoei&kat : 4rir01 ' e ''- ' - ttr — - 1' A 4t l'i' 1kl h ' Ar'N ' 'a 1 k-'it- - 1 ! ii 14 ) 't '44411440 1 I i 1 f ' o Irl'it tt- ' r'7""yr The references hvere Inc luded In printed report copleted by the educators Who constitute!! a special committee appointed by the 'National Education Assn Committeemen undertook the study it the request of the board of education itself and spent a !week in Salt Lake City in Feb- ruary for an study of 8 11 1 4 All 4-- i - -- - r- A eer' ef 4 Holt-dei- n Seven nationally known educators Saturday pointedly charged the state finance commission with responsibility for many of the ills of the state department of education They declared finance 'commissioners seriously had hampered the education department by using power over purse strings to control policy The educators outlined means to curb the commission's powers Utah's board of education has Plipervimion over the school while the finance commission created in 1941 has broad system : powers over salaries intrastate travel accounting budget control and purchases I' II Mulcahy finance commis-- 1 i mon thairman said Saturday he t4 had not seen the report Ile de-chned to comment on its contents N 0 "until I have hhd a chance to z study it" f 1 ti e 4--1- 4 c K ' --- '': ' 1 - 4 - i ::1:I'41 - o :''' o s he"- tri--21 e k ' !) ies- ie' : --4 A g LA ' 2'' EIG: :r ''- t''' PAGE ONE 'it ''7777"7"444""Hk N ad '' 1 I News Charges Funds Unit Strangles Schools With Purse Strings 11 ete: e ! - AitHi 7 Ir k z heads has assurneo responsibility for supplying its service area with ample electric power: and that d though the company has more customers row than prior 'World Vat- - II they have available twice as much electricity Building of the new Salt Lake 'plant will start either late this fall or early next spring First steel and concrete piles will be boiler driven to support a 120-f- t rnan building and auxiliaries local c NrDEA '' V 0 ':' 1: 71 -- t) 11 11 Report BJ11!Tes Finance Board Education Ms L' 7 f!!1''' 6 i? - ye ) - t I k declared the firm y (i ty ' " 4') 41 "47! I) f- : ilf --1 I - ' ' 7 tri:A IR ''- - 4 4 I oli Lit 1 ''''"':' - one-thir- 1'11 40ed ' 6t $4:1 unit a 4 1000-- w team-electrte plant at the mouth of Provo canyon has been it : - qJut Flit' e first The -t f the uncorroborated testimony of an accomplice and that evidence of other crimea was received imtroperly Cites State Statutes In ruling on the first point Justice Latimer pointed out that state staute prohibits divulging of grind jury testimony transcripts "except that said testimony so tranacnbed may be used by the prosecuting attorney to impeach the testimony of any witness appear- Inz at the trial of a person in- -' " dieted by the grand jury "It has always been the policy of the law that the investigations of a grand jury should be behind closed doors and that the results of its tillxrs shmt-fenot be dIselosed- - Jiitice Latimer wrote He pointed out that the transcript WaS made available to the defense counsel when testimony of Lack 'appeared uncertain" and that the L IA judge therefore exercised dis- cretion "in an appropriate man- - ! oe Said 1 ! i(' ' a1 rt tt it L' ' m7T!u----7-T--7e2 i :: 14 t t " i lula 1 )41'-4 ii ' iskAtt f t' The new installation will have a capacity of 75000 kilowatts It will be constructed as an extension of the 66000-kilowasteam plant now being built on Navajo st west of the Jordan river near 1st South And the 75000-kplant will be the largest single generating unit on the firm's system when it goes into op- eration in the fall of 1912 Third Major Stallion This new generating plant is the third major power station In P and L's $61000000 postwar expansion program Mr Gadsby V !1 - 4'''' 1 '11' n - ! Saturday I2-pa- r - The board of directors Utah Power and Light Co has authorized construction of a S10500000 power plant in Salt Lake City George M Gadsby company president announced - ' SALT LAKE CITY UTAH SUNDAY MORNING AUGUST 20 1950 SECTION B To Generate 75000 Ki1oatt4 t 9 1 ''l t fr (S cp c (Jmei lit r Intallation Planned 4-- 1 e"1160 ' og PAGE I I In a dRciston Utah 's supreme cburt Saturday upheld the conviction of Robert S Harries former chief of the enforce- mcnt division or the state liquor control commission on a charge of receiving a bribe The defendant was indicted by a Silt Lake county grand jury in June 194S for allegedly receiving a "protection" bribe from Cyrus V Lack then operator of the Brigham Street Pharmacy' liquor package agency He was convicted in Third district court and was sentenced to a term of not to exceed five years in the state pnson He is presently free on $1000 bail pending final disposition of his appeal Supreme court attaches said erm Saturday that flames now has Yw' - 401 044 ' It 4-20 days in which t9 ask the court Tvvil ' ' 41 'P t t for a rehearing ''' ' Justice Pratt Dissents ' Ii t 1 Justice George W Latimer i) IT' t ' 4 ilrote the majority decimon While Chief Justice Eugene t Z e E Pratt entered a ds- - iFt4 ii sent t Harries based his appeal on an assignment of 42 alleged errors r I which Justice Latimer grouped ) into three generat tateguries "for ) the purpose of argunient" These ' - Radio 0(e400(0'"' the department )trrilo vas extremely favor- of the prime objets ‘ safia 1 Lder tires of the education department Leo-io- n k' It capped a J4 i tween the education department ' t 4: f t and finance commission and took: fi 'I i '' ‘::T a positive stand on the autonomy '4 t Reinforced Concreta of the education department long i t a matter of controversy i I !'''4 250-f- t remforced con- 4s sh:ekAnother Twelve recommendations were r ' i will be erected i ' ism - I confive made problems coveting for the new urt The turbire bay Jerald Jackman unpack a box of Mt rillex Three 'ltonting the department but chief Jookeph M Traey Helped a row uner will be ex - kyolbolic of the ming "You're In the Ar my Novi" am ong thm was that concernittg I tah nation al gu ard Sgt Richard Roberts and gu ard unit nere inducted Into the army Saturd ay develop Ogden 's water syste m S5 s Th reinforced mith ft is int — nld the finance department: 1A111 be 85 Iti wide C Forev- former mayor of Pay- - brick structure The finance commission should ft :0 by jg11 BY COUNTY son and a prominent central Utah SERVICES be relieved by legislative action The has already of those powi-r— resident was elected commander been ordered from by which it is Westinghouse 16 of the Utah department Amen- able to control board of educa-- I Electric Corp 1 I tion policy cal) Legion as 1"11Pgmnnalros of I 1 I) IN ()11(11111q The 66000-kplant now being the state ( oncluited t heir 19:-)111 1111 1 u40' 1 built- will burn a low grade resi- Tested In Court 1 conv:wion hete Satuniav per" ass Lake fuel oil Salt dual the from Mendwrs of the state legion If legisletive amendments are Trial Stipulation a auxiliary named Mrs Harry H Refining Co plant when it goes not forthcoming the constitutionsl t: I deto The service in August oe1951 into As Harries' contentrn that Farrington Salt Lake Ctiv 7 of the COIIIIMWM011 11(11 powere Bitty ' Pie court erred ssatinislies' find will "be designed ' -tnal partratiit president' ' " ' " l ess ehould be tested in the courts" I of the road dollar spent on county Mr VOIsPV Stt AN (Inc! re I o handle coal residual oil or gas iistt111 T''"!!:'"'"''''1'11 diiring a rei vat of prOitit al achy- con- The committee challenged C C17w roala necessarv to leach t'invons sees of i IP prg041711 ai mincr41 for on N'slfr St!t ass A fie I Operlt:ng at peak load Iv 010 stzpreme ecerrd ruling Coe J Bracken Lee Saturday The armed finer of the United stitutionality of the legislature's c sds s"iii'd or colionunities Ile is questiening etates were tor t tvll I ensuiee re stay SO tons af Pited that hot h pr!P h1 Far three units s!ronger power to give fiscal control to the appointed Joseph M Tracy Og- se's' l'es" erending iamniY road revenue to Saturday al tunii:y or the la T I' equiva- agieed to open the trial on Sept' 11th and National: finance commiseion once an a 1- ' den as Utah state engineer -- entain streets in 31 194g and although the de- lent in esidual oil or gaa wear d was emaller by the- - Antlle Adopt By Richard leqiiiree Imp isaitm hag twon maths en ated residential distriets fendant WRA ware that an elec Currently a consulting The new plant like the one nOW number clear there are limits The legion in the concluding 'It In Atli most ks The ill m 75 that Mr It in is the county's levy thing tion WaS emning tip he made no practice use private gineer will tinier construction sp Inducted were session in Huish theater at which headquarters to the usefulness of fiscal super-- I Traoy succeeds Harold of the Salt Lake City tax- - for recreation that is attracting effort to postpone the trial until off 70000 gallons of the (Taw w elect ed and headquarters company 115th vision and control Such super- - I 2 72 adopt ed proximately ion is he that is the the from niost entleal atterition Stratford aye who re-paser to vas suspii it And resolutions 1lp day open advocating shelving of water per minute at full load the county taxes for eer- - city taxpayers All of the nearly engineer combat group at Fort vision has overstepped the lime signed to enter private business then" the derision continues the all new veterans paying benefit bills and f o usefulness when it interferesi The new state its Cooling Tower vices that are solely for county $300000 raised by this tax is spent Douglas '204th field artillery tin reasons assigned by the defendant recommending continuation of the engineer is a and the 213th armor ed su bstantially with the freedom of a d u ate o f the University of in county areas for parks and play- - Logan were indefinite and general gr Water Nvill be pumped through residents Utah state department of 'veterans Idepartments to carry out the pro- Utah and served 10 Years aa Og- artillery bin Cedar City In addition to paving IS ss mills grounds although $135000 was field tower after pass- Writing on Harries contention affairs with stipulation that tip another All three outfits have proud 'gram imposed on them by law id en city engineer until 1926 Dur- that he was convicted by the tin- - dedartmcnt spe( ifieally rot sub- ing tSrassh the new plant's con- - for city services fire pi otection paid by city taxpayers It is not suggested that those The ciy i esent alread y pays World War II records ze any veterans' orgairzation ciersssr corinhorated testimony of an ac- ing this time he was instru- The saree water will be p olice parks and ensure to which tend controls lore than 95' e of the i n due- mental in development of the (19'ft offu ers hy the use l Justice Latinier said vf r and over again and streets) the city de (Iler n 1919 more than 1500000 in city taxes complier 0 a Itt avoidanc lec Y regulanty and FIR I et-S cit y perks and playgrounds Ile tee! reported to Fort Douglas artesian well water supply that evidence of -- the plan agreed :sss !seal e‘silioration paid 85 mills for countyi' s ery ices for d f eats be removed" the report city ''e:er of a c4aturd V F rk medical their cornPd vice and in the enlargement of its Of the queetions whether this levy should UTIon between Lack and the de- This amounted to t-he frisni Jordan rivir or — as in the examinations to make the beet sald Harry D dicrsco vi :z the rep:sceI weterworics and sewage systems fendant is testified to in part by mamier: Lake City water system county 's propettv tax revenue — not be restricted Salt Sehedule Salary record to date of any contingent se')11 v"e y he became this deci- - more than S1500000 of the $3421- - county library levy—to Following every witness whose testimony is (1g1Pn U P and In Ls discuseing Elmer S Pickett St George exarnined at the induction cen- the e d u c a t or 'chief engineer for the Utah-Idah- o dwellers only Specifically detailed in this opinion and by and 291 levied by the county new to construct the sion plant executive committeeman at large Or s hould the county absorb the'' ter said Col Rulon J Ballard charged the finance commission Central Railroad Co until 1931 does the city taxpayer get many others Mr Pickett was elected for a Mr Gadsbv sa id that "although of the city parks de- - commanding officer functions with ignoring a salary schedule 1wheri he assumed the post of re in return? clouded is three-yethe immediate future term Witneases Back Tptimony fixed by the board of ducatio t gional engineer for the 11 west double to do with away The Three Orphan Battallomt county's largest expendi- pertinent in uncertainty we bare an abiding Other Officers Elected in 1947 Consequently - taxation for recreation now im- In connection with the pav- -' they said !ern states in the WPA program fat ' in Call-uof the headquarters money appropriated for salaries is lie ?tient of bribes there are at least this position iin ' This fact coupled with exten- - gents and operation f Salt Lake Poscd on city taxpayers? resigned Other Officers 'elected by the " leaves three "orphan battalions returned to the general fund at 1S43 to enter two witnesses who corroborate auxiliary we re Mr s kl Ice "P "n' i business as levied ital The hos General P private ounty load of electric sive stulies growth without a group headquarters the end of the fiscal year—M000 a consulting the story told by Lack and other Levtton Cache county first Vice x hie h engineer primarily an expanding indus- - approximately $1'2110000 for this 1 - in 1949 unwill be under command They in civil engineering Kiwi : le witnesses whose testimony def- - Prcsldent: Mrs Eav ose in l'ilq Of this $12()t)1"' - P I Ina I econorr v and the accompany NT' til ordered to federel duty of l' A Meanwhile the reprt added init ely - 1 deal- - Kaysville scoryi vie presi N hmineS and eit (1 appreXtprovaed taxpayers in ll'e k e'erairi" ish ri Del t a h'itel Brig Gen J Wfillace West ad- - only two states in the nation rank and Lack " Mr s F ri nk II in our decision to ma tely ST43 t min vr-and di- - lowerthan Utah in salahes paid to Strike )pitant W ritin genenil oft Preli Li' iin I M rs Jhn slote 1re stilted in di sset o t he m a v ( nt Bov 1 3 i A that !)1 ie! sii i her y to ' 'iron° sin Hrectr of l'ikih ipaliorivil gilani: directors in education dopat-t' I '"1 t1 t Ihe t1"4414 r1k ot 7: II 4io ci noing h “ Pra tt mate w :1 ' 1(Inv i s The Forehead are "in and ' battalions nients eye bruises were plith of that 1o Vs and ha tiv xta414 IA ht i W'k: r Pige II21 ii!: ii ' the II t h engineer combat bat- The report said because of this suffered early Satutday afternJon A 1'L11'141 A I inartinns Ix :iii rinn 411tis Tciher!ake Thc Proposal With an Lake -reidents salt e' city 11 ' I eexeculi-tallOn coMinanded by Maj lier- - restriction it has been impoisible by Wayne Maloney I2 et:iside Ca rhon I minty had no '7 t1 v furnishes no hospit il andt I)tlWitt' obit tik4 of chaoino2 heti L Prue: the 1331th engineer for the board of education to staff 1468 S 5th West' when he was (:fr reorobor ating testiony lupin at of Lake Salt so rvue form v of' " In the tiAHt governthe City's ea4 and w dplt'tifers:i ott4 e o m b a t battalihn Comma nded the Inf: Flaes and should n9t have of ou'lt arv t departent adequately During struck in the street before Ms h& the eity resid ents l e "tnt f mit the eamis10 to city s Lt Col Nevin le Wetzel and the past four years 20 person s home by an automobile reportedly k PO n admitted hy to will be at Utah State Agri( ultural col- the ceived about $100000 inoie thiin manager presented 46th anntlal uonvenl on of the Utah the 1457th engineer cornhat bat- have resigned to lake better pity driven by E L Durrant 45 5448 11 : I lege had flown to Richfield and -- Y paid S State A son of Mr and Mrs I 1 positions it declared Il The county llevied slightly moire State Federation of Labor it VV3S" "linn cnilimandd bY U Col" !delivered an invitation to the conling pointed out the finance cornKarl T Maloney the infant wail 'Glen A WrIght VP ntion to plan the 1951 coorlave than SLOW) ( 100 for -- statuto ry and r epo rt eil Surday mission has stalled reorgammtion treated by the family physician in the Carhe county community The federation convention win A Salt Lake will tk'n general fund services- an the itv AAiKninent litter ( See rage on Col 3) No citations were issued on HOop!ed by ' bf's m yr IreeS a yr! an 'XI o m by A ruAn ho Intl Other county ( ontnue VerillA ahiji ' li TAPIe tne leA1 In snetvinz oronfak s the 1attahonm rtrgi'l 1 I d) 1it 44 sIt-1-0mkiL1n4 ylit) L 1 f 11 I I 11 V 4441tetti PY 1 f4Andee--fillIne eyt vgoverome nt proionktiL Nstil prneeInten tor 0vor borm4 5 or tes be fildrii 1111 10r t lie alKillSi-LCIttld---t kfi t !V ) 14 kit141 a v c to n I '44 a Stktf he of in rez4olutIon pf glpt 1!)i 1cf 'tor A4 leenen p he or th oup gr May gionp I NT OI n 'VIVI r and MA' SAt- in the state tt1:11Ittlre to ens:t Sver41 SI117)I2' Sp rt "available 'r) here'ts to'(' I:ityz neW hatialvinS While those -- Liv ruzht NT'at-:a zo— by row or Ivor:1 war n In the genot 41 Lind fIrct clasn given iw be r—ie Aititting rematning in l'Inh I ould be or- 1 N e tn meruherc of the ared l'e' I Rtn ken Ti' And Wnt'nee F R to 11 ug adopt etty manager dupd IC) 4Clifrtil Food (1y in10pinth yennett and flue I Clecg cant- - 'forces fighting In Kotea Sgt Chnstensen sa d :he r:tatk cl government The rnedu al team eXitrifillinZ ex- re vienear a the Two of these find other at house curred resolutions favored for general Penubl!ean senate Many Tr ROSEVILLE rAes Cal ( Special)— er resolutions ready for 11111- the h Int combat engineerrurn ' the child's tainditures are now beirg quits- - rpisv on will state the federation's rati"n at the annual Saltair out- - strergtherung of veterans prefer- - titus rctiience Ile A vocation trip ended in tragedy IA Col Alonzo hearted i ‘sas by In to tioned by city taxpayera pubitc emploYment In mother reported the attatk poang of rtepublican cltibF of Utah rn1's for a Salt Lake family of four i?' ricsition on ernitnimist infittenceet r's ristie sr' Sixth firmv heaJ- - i fo r GOV 1Aae speaking of the Demo- - 'tta-The county Fpcmt $17)1F-ilice ahout 8:171 rtn when their automobile overturned natonal and state M and -Sanford Maj healt h Mil qi iara n tine m os t cf 14ws and various candidates run- - quarters cratic party said I think it is a OgegeWORPqr In near here Saturday killing si o an Fa miser) Naug t in v eak excuse to lay the blame of it to &flay cost of garbage col- nim ff- - officrs in thla years Linda Jean Whiteside ye!ir-ol- d reserve and three elec: physi77 Anarmy for reHicnt cnuntv loction akes on the ponple pertmerRtic The child daughter of Mr and l 1041 " tit 4 ? to for ordered active clans f i duty fi r or t:: : irVirrS Shoti!1 at least a' cept other $121117 vtas spent : ? Mrs Leland F Whiteside 2311 4 ‘ 10 days The Salt Lake arniyore-- 1 ho re si' The county's fre de t':-blaine 3 the NVilo v afi tt) S Redwood rd Salt Lake City protection I D I'Rtli Keller Col a servists Were: I lame 'for delaying the e nil of I : 'it t tt t rc ts t t t itv s 11 I' t" pat i mert vi as a passenger in a cat driven ' 4 Maj Alton A Jenkins and Ilaj t a NVirl I Var IT m t t ter to let the wrelershol but mote than Kilf of '' : b Y her father t ' S Allen —4"V t i'it'"401 t '' Ccrii-inv71919 "1 Joseph fires to t '3 ails Were in Liissans into its if 1 fight Police investigators said the ti 1 ) ' 4 S I)()NN I in buililmgs Corfuisio n n the United SZatOS t 1 t I i Whiteside car apparently went e ftegin Ph)slcal Teqs 4 s : OW'' x ' a r and by lin A pornon of the sleriff-!i19 t by $ entt'nJS T13- out of control and overturned On Idonday medical teams will '' ' '"s't 'Ittii The rnereurv rodetkie roller- 421 budget undoubtedly vas us :I tIcht" at irdirg to Ntr Others in the vehicle were Mrs '?''401"I'dt 0 ' VI go to Cedar City and to Logan to furnish police protection to un- - coaster in Salt Lake C5ty at Ulf P Z "Is an indieaton of t ne 'iq' a son Larry 2 and Whiteside examinationa to physical begin urd coun areas ed the of for the Inc orporat ay ty triith ' people hiinger Thelma Rogan 10 a sister of 1 bat-- ! i field 213th of the 1 m artillery it a We must as Lepubdicans giv'e the On the other hanr many of the' hal recorded Ily p s it i Mrs Whiteside talion and the 201th field artil-- 1 k 1 si-v- i supported by the'penplil' 1I high but IARS back to Sfl pcple th:s truth" ili t 'tiagitt '' '" Into both inducted Pv 2 p m it was bat k tip lery battalion The G 0 P can win in Vtah' this fund are essential to t :tv tax i l'' i The family left Salt Lake City federal service Satn - st tr) 92 day witness fe s fall by proving to the voters that ' payers These t -- -' of members afternoon en route to the sever-iIn servt-sFriday it truly is the party of the people costs Although late it afternoon assesrs had etc( lion a n1 4b tlie 1 rith ate Logan home in Berkeley NTse " to 93 and sliplied ‘Viillaet ' An exhaustive study is needed he Rennett toll party up t 0 t IC ti could have obtained a transter Rogan had spent the summer hai k a ft action offIctal fore the t itv taxpayer tan detci niembers at the otitinz The 1(rno- ' -- -f 4 k ' -- the home Of her sister 11 AI'S 110 ' toi'ecastets at S glt Lake mu- - to i nat tive service in order to he reccived l'i: wlicthtr ai" Kit remesen " 044----6 "fJean kCititerinie we born - 0 h- '4'vivi- - ') N ' licat020: their- - 'school all refused nistval oorpnrt otA qt thoto IA'Rmi ' coni-innif t'"''" nf l'N'' i---t bgrP rvf hProf itg from tha 0011-'t 3 1919 in Salt Lake City Jan f41 le olci do to --la 1 -of q ot '"' 1 likilhood rrV L' I '''' ictioriiv tieing '''' ' rf'l'ffi ''' ''''''i0 1rf 't:i''1 4 ''' '' I :''' are her parents her — ht'lett idf11111v in the city o f11 h oe The giiiort roilltig till be soh 4 rif I 1 lirovers ' I brother and tvo grandparents Hi n hit- AT' I111 A 'I!' : vrt t!it't tit'A rut' ' twton !' 't:" It'll to duty ITV' t'''i 'I 2 8$4 1 ' Mrs Ernie! T Nitelellanel Berke I VI p oi t irk I': 't ro r- IA riti-in rin-tt ti0IIIS Of 7 :f1 ( tr r 11 III ''''ir I ! 1t1 k1 ' : --- 3 Amin-''- :t401:1 Laura Whiteside Salt I c V h or tttn L 6 27 61 Th n t to- e nr 'k IP Ii tt y the until toil)rt-1: Pr : !p L and a great grand- t ''Lake tA itis h h “ it r 14 "t tee City 't l'''' rt Ar i to th Invited it l'( :ithirdev p“i !wv rumt I Siddoway R Mrs FII her I 'Wird I I Whiteside Jean 10 l'i411 orsv Linda on-—1 I i man t i d ( 11trrv the drill lit c nit Tt'r there (ITV xi ri 'e" 1't ltrt arrinKtol oinirs plri-I)141 Salt Lake City I 1 tah Arocrit an uhlle on vie) to grandmother's n I! t holut of kttrttri-or-8:15 s n t 01''0-:rl' l''Y rt l''' V Linn l'''t a n'!''''" torkillar) 1)0111 ''‘Alt LAIAlr iry trwrIllg from 8 to 9 a nl Names-- n Payson Man As New Head ! - - -- - i - :7 : IThetoreport most i Af t 41 ' - ' :' - U Rifles to !leo' n New Holes I- pac ' (ow-triom- t 1 ttxpa's ti'11V rti i i'tT et ' t - G (I 0 tIto0111)S den 1411211:leer - 1:1:e!1""'1 1!‘"s1'1-eI's- 11- -tt Lee Appomis i Of IU I a s I f I'te Gets Levy INTortir 1 bidtlets 3 S turbo-generat- I ss I t i i cing i plavers f- -t non-cit- let hiinch- ar i p t ' establishel fZwPndant T "'' l'-:'- Vi-- !r ' ' cot"t sm i ' - IISpeet S eized I III (71r Itttt elk : Lee Cilm !Mates t I h(1 I 1 ir rns - (atety 1 r'' 1 vtiti lbt brnt -- 1t r! t)n A fn 11 -- imiim slI aoeaio 11 bh fc i : - f Ilks II( t ItY "! t - r : r ' 07 - 1 ' ''' t ' 1- A califorilitt 1 acati()11 III v - - ! ' tnal 11- -I mtrrt- m-- --ew- rolicrlti Injures ln A r !tor1 prrq 1 rli ' 1 i I ! ( rilit NI CI I to 1)etrilt )leet iltiondav la'"I sr1 4 ' 111 I A 4 4 - t :- : i :' nde ' ' 1 pio-he- ' ' ' t ' r-r- 'ks& 1Tt t s - ( !t - tet r d ! t I -- i ' t 't A - i ' c- 4 4 it 7 - : i ' 1 It 4 r : xt r : r:7 ''' 114'0 ' r i I -1-f" ii kt t! i:r i I 1: A ''' is - - ' t r- - al I ' 4 ' A MiiMamataftAllairbe!- - iblituNk70Jti4&SeWarat |