Show - TrtmuNt THE SALT LAKE Park Service Sunday August 20 1950 r maCarnize your homa and 1 Voices Stand On Dan! Sites WASHINelTON Vz 1 The national park servi(e voiced opposition Saturday to some of the major reclamatton bureau in locations Pervice in 1911 to make an over-- ! all situdy of the huge basin) rec- reanonal resources The report said the proposed blidge canyon dam in the Grand Canyon (If the Colorado will create a lake 93 miles long at an eleva- feet ton of "Construction of the darn at the would 8ITIOlint proposed tO virtual disestablishment of Grand Canyon national monument and in addition would back up water into GI and Canyon National park for afiout la miles- it said Thf rcport &scribed the canyon lands of southeastern Utah as of gi eat potential recreational value ' 29 ALAJJLGAAmtA 1 FLOOR COVIIINGS LAMPS PL ' 4‘ CURTAINS - r (0 : ' ' 0 I - v" SO( I COVIi-S- SLIP StAps ' Li oog 4111441 b ilf fC10CI r ( 1AL Aa40 4 I -- rAti' - ' woo 41 lc VII0 7A ' - ':- ' :'-- i pc m 0 l'i 'i - ritts satt 4-- Standard Gaug to - -de' '''' 114 I A 41 - 0 i 11 " (riel J 7 t r-t- i iii L -- 50 Li -4 1 '‘ '1411t ')' t tr f tr: 6 4"tJ:i"' - ke- T i':tai--- t covering with a wax-seale- d cleans easier Lovely in red or green - ''k'4 S7' 47" -' ' Recreational Areas t -- -- I I l IT 1 or from a gay pal e - I I -- f' t 443 798 1 - - $41 - - 1— — -- ' - 1330 ) t L ') - - V -- 1596 9x15-F- t 1995 12x15-F- t 2660 :a 41:a 4-- t 1 ' It:11- K 0' W4 Alt' -(-11- eo-- e 'C 4 i 4 ''111-- '- -' ":1'17or"1- 71''''''1-- 'There In this of our "Eta ''tc-- v ' 4'T — - Wall Covering '4scalors qz sq yd ' gloom FOR THIS SALE ONLY ' I 120 - v----- RAG RUG GiidniRivi4 P (A Our rpsponsibtlity tn hp mit-- I rtso I criminue enticiroil And we will thi rrel surf g which wouil weaken th e war lt or bring pertrairsnt thrn!s of socialism to harrorr and hamstrnz our domestic pcnomy t cff-I- I -- n tft tlyt the cry prewrt pledgpl import fre1-2- 1 Support Free Nation It will support the efforts of fres nations to protect themselves ' ee' i ''-- ft N ‘ 4s - t': ' - - 10 4 - 21:707t' t "I - - ':' ' '' ' ! - st 17'-- - 4 - 6 i :1-t-43c0- r - ' '' - '11 4 -- 1 )'t r ' eft:--- :li 4 r F710 provIle th An A e r-- 12-f- width t toil - 114" itti ' A14 '" ' tos' ' K") 4 - ' i- - tkil ' r 4 1t 1 0 ''' - ' s '- - tfr r l' ' 'r so I iitA i at -- - ''' vNo-- (41" " ri ' 1 - tp : '''''''r tr' ‘‘ --'- sq yd — - - - 1 ' - ' -- ) ' 4 1 I I (ban° rl c4 ef:l Was 'r 4988 - 1 - ' - x Q 'ralAl-4:-:4—j-47- k:1 l' n kk t t1 1421 :4 a tlokt :u '' j r4r1'' It! -- i this solo only -- t ) - ' ii MS31: 3tc u tte i' 0r7:75::11 111: A:41 ValN1117::10j 3 l': i - 4 T 1'5'' IC 41 -- I '''''ti i - '11 t ' t ' r o ' o t ' t 4v:111 t'''"'''t - e':" s 01: ' ' t-t-J) '''jt- "- t ?"' ck t"11 7Z ft -- ' - 0 Large bedding compartment Easy motion 411:1e:: -- O ''''''-'-- ' - ( I Optical- Department 1 - fire44 4 11' - — 4e ''''' 4 --' ' f woof'' ti1 I -Nr- ) i7 i 9 01 t ote- ti:e41 armless c I "4— :::- 1 -- t( t ' I ''''''' -- ' - Rich-lookin- Deep ' lock-11ing- colorful divan by g — - 154-co- il automatic spring unit day ti k-:- e 2-Pie- a comfortable double bed at night! Constructed of a semihardwood Flexolator double doweled and glued frame comfort by at night! See it tomorrow insulated over the spring's! You'll enjoy day at Sears' its slumber-softnes- s its ce HARMONY HOUSE jiving Room Suite eZ01(4We'ail1 sulgs - 95 Was 27995 NOW fsh! Years of sturdy modern design and Luxuriant comfort life and pleasurable utility Add the lounge chair in larger rooms! Deep innerspring cushions and tempered steel coils Choose front mahogany or walnut Restaurant Ileauty Salon Barber Shope Key Shop Watch Repair CatalogOrder Desk 1114!9 rPo71i tor'1 rf rotArex A uto‘nn Ani Jchnson GabrielBon conunuel in Li or floral pattern HARMONY HOUSE t1 I - ''t ie ---- - !0 - - " " ' "' 4 Anistican psopls Aro and anztv lie said they ' 1sn !t dovn hv R Domociat '11'- sis -- -- rman doclaipd rt' ill ' ' - 7- : '''' 0 t - 4 : —:-:----- - - '4 4 - - -: '- 'V :' Z" if 'tt:-- 0 ' 11 - - i -- : ? - ' l I 410 5 6k r tone-on-ton- e Easy-to-Clos- iI tvk 1 ?i ti- - " 1 ' ''''''"I' 't CNA' '"f -- kosh 411" v -' - 1 4 !' :' 1to k ''''tZ ' 444:''t1 z"ti''' 4 - ' - (I 1 -- from red imperialism And tt will sic grcssinn of CVTIIM11111!tt n ideology uithin this nation wliatever guise that ideology ap- - Th' rationsl n 1 !- 0!--- ::::- L-- " issist the rer '4f - ' ta 109 I 0 I s ") k u th 4 198 Reg - l'r 7 775 square yard qualify i I : t - A1 frein snit' Communit agrression P hum hed hcirdsrat ' ! I I :: - ':7:4 ik" '1 )iel1 Nk47- q ) - e - t 1 N) 1 ' '"'t c t''"' 1 It'et' al wp Reg ' 77 I4 1 Itvo-pail- y -- 7- 4: 4 'It yp ) blar-- y oiir hrcon slid ' 0" e: -- - AT A GREAT SAVINGS PRICE t 4 A strong cotton warp 24(48in with fringed ends s ' with weave Variegated 2 PATTERNS IN ONE WIDTH Choose from a jhe: AI' 4 i z vf wç Pi es sootmt 14 j 1 -- Preittent Wiamie on 1- a yd 7111 sq s c? ---c PO eft the ! I Johnson VIP - 74 0 - L I OLDFASHIONED Install It Yourself or Let Sears Expert Craftsman fit It 1 4"' 04 51::L' of "replacementSecretary nf S!lto Pearl cbwmt P nd Defense Secretary Lnuts A Illa me ' ' i - the i? I 10C Add e now took to your howe who irrlitt criers ere needed Word for end se oty tre 'triton end troth l Easy-to-Ope- ' Inilmel - ''''' - ' Ft Reg13c Wide 6-- ft the Sq By ' - " re"--0e- 2 - 14'4 te: re- marks tn the clostng se ssinn of a 12teist roilwest G 0 P conforrco The conference resnlittmrs demanded 1 Reg 249! Impervious to water alkali and grease won't peel crock fade Sunproof Choose from striking and patterns Reg 249 441r4173 Practiced Sparkling L MON Illonsimmiiiiia 1111111 -- HOUSE VINYL PLASTIC xtlemte" he said in Ppirecy w'lli't ' 7 HARMONY 1 Qmulti P4::1111"- - -- '''f'' ftit cen be nrs partisAn pnIttics emergency Rt the expense ftghting men" thts dnesn't mean that nn vt111 enter into a con- 11 r0041Prr24 -- V6' DES NIOrNES Aug 19 G Gabrielson Republican national chairman declared Saturday rught 4-- - ftwoo - ::: '''''''"'N' F C741 - "' 114""0" ' War Aid Trunfan ( it t4 't- - Q1 eastern Utah GOP Pled fres 0- — - ::---161c-4- - 0 ' Alk ! - z)111e4'' platea 1 1 ) k ' --- Zil ( '0 t Sli: vt 1 1 t f t 4y 11 1 11iti ' EJ le Te potting -- I w1 Of 0 6 ' -- Ea d The report inchitted as some of tho' more Important areas that shoull be preserved and made for recreation: Uinta ovailahle umoun'ams Aquarius Boulder mountain area Monument valley and canyon lands of south- :: x 1 725 11111111111111n111110 I: 9x12-F- 3 ' V irti designs ' Fisher towers Two darn sites for toting the Green and 'Yampa nver resources' Ihe Erhaa pork and Split tam would deprive Dinosaur National monument of its qualifications as a monument the report t::''''''' tolml Mighty Siz t""- 4 1 ' - ' 9x10-F- lid Smote t 1111111111111 ic:"- l'i ' t f 1 111111M111111ili basket-weav- i!! t 6x9-F- - - - Choose from modern leaf in - I 11 Harmony 9x12-F- 1 Take Advantage of These Low Prices 5x6-F- -- Enamel Surface Rug beautiful t (I - - i--- --- It 139 REGULARLY w ' -- - -- e - wohovi fading i ti t0 t 1: I ' tt 'portion colors FA bow rust which clittas smoothly to floor and shelf covers t 41 l I-1- grey 0 blue 0 green 0 neutral surface which resists dirt any room t t 0 Match your floors and splash boards counters tern ‘ p4' -c- F ' ?f''-'4taipirec- i - - erect'' 4113' r'14":4074k'440d) kk 4s! -' lc - Vttlk t 1 i: g floor Patterns eye-appeali- throughout the house ' VI 7 Exciting colors in "7 NI 1 t t f'''41kAN -- - t' r1 411 1 - iol :ilfi L " - ' s y Smart 'co--' 5c te a ! !' ri 4)t ' '' 440' ‘ A 1"1: '''1 -- 'it A f 1 ' i It N l frN noon iikr7-- - 40-- - : I ! - - A ttit: x''''Arc '! - - ' -- : 1701- r' 't i' t:11'1 1 'A 4 21 4' - '''4 f ttog -fl) it: !k 1t: tot glii ' -- A :44 i 4 ' "''4 rt k p 4itci f 1 tCrt:' k4 'k 1 : tt 4 4" 't ) '' - 4P 7 1 - 4 ? 1 '' 41 l'' ' 1 ''''Co ' - t1 1 --- 1 with Owe your Yoors of wiser lay tilos For lotchro both ies onsy to ctoon worhfoorn grained red 0 green multicolor grey 0 red ! v l' 4 lN 4114-'qe4 ridP'u'° 4 $ ! 4 1 441 e AP'''- 'ili' k 3' - Atti- ' ' '''74 ' '''t 1'-- 1 '4 °° :?00— e' 7""" 4151 rk fsj 3 ( "'i ' ci y 0 4 ifr Allr - 11 -- :gite --- r'f C41 il il )1 t I ' I I 01 01 " Sermonizing Wore $ co CHOOSE FROM 8 HARMONY HOUSE COLORS I 4 fit Mi Inlaid Tile 9x9-i- n orc w 1 It added that the most importer ' recreational sections of that sci tIrfl incIude the Clays pasture- Junction butte area the Elk rtdge- Needles area the Wahweap area: —the- - goosenecks of the San Juan river the Arch canyon area and 0 :I 4 Lli L t 4 esy-t- El 11 4 ' 1 e 76F '' '0 11( -- - - —400 I I ) cTo s 16'11' two proposed dams in that RICA one at the Dark canyon s'ci and the o'her posqtti!y at the Glen canyon site four miles at we 1405 Ferry Anr or at an alter-- 1 ' sist 15 miles above Lees Fer-- 1 ry xvotild impound water for 279 111!PS along the mei The reservoirs would be con1 fined in t'0 canyon of the Colorado and the Greett rivers they would have little effect on the recreatrona! resourt es of the region anti they ought pinvide a means of act' the report ceQs to the canyons ' sa:d ' I llorlivictuolito - 7- 4 : ' Ii P1es-M0- Bark 0 No nousvatts DINNITIWARL SIDSMADS 11111111T1111 v - 16 It ffratn 11 - where the existing natural features are of greater recreational value than can be expected of the proposed reservoirs" the service said in a report released by Secy of the Interior Oscar L Chapman Aut horized Study im: N"ALAdkai"tral 1 t Nolgmlowolmoommiwitaamierwmr"TrIM skrelii05L4 i111 '40:1' dams and reservoirs proposed for the Colorado river basin But it said that of 135 potential reservoirsites it had surveyed in the area the majority would ere-at- e new recreational resources of: benefit to the basin 'A number of the reservoirs are proposed I 4 ' 19 ifP scive! 4 MelnINgal ' AT Ail at Sears - MAIN OR STATE AT 8TH SOUTH PARK FREE DIAL 4 51 HOUR51 9:30 am to 6 pm—Fridays Until 9 t t 4e&ii&40!AdWh4w A 4 as |