Show M 7- -- ) a ' 1 ' AV"' - r - 474 4 13 t0 I L- gili - I rl -: — --- 7 tr : k‘ tiv4‘ 4 0 ) 4 '''' - ei i ‘A 11'0 1 !':7: -' 7 h NN V O :- 1 ly- T7 '''‘ "'71"7"""'—'- 77 ' tot: iii :4!: t litLI'i - 7"777 7 147777'-'7- !- '1 t 'ia ''' - 1 - ''' - - '::t'- - - "t'‘'''' - A076"11 ' '' A NI' t " 4 4 - - ' 2 2°:L 'II 1 f ( rp i r i:00 Aril"1 : - irr - -- - r 'a ' I ' ill'' 1 4 I 401 - Pr— 1 4t imeomity ' i ' 4'1Pir ''' A GIFT of ' V i flowerson March 12 ALL show contained deadly inake Powell tracked down its sender TIED UP in plot of July 12 was shów indestructible Powell left in a room with gas lets open HIS FAITHFUL YO-Y- ( saved the O Al day for Powell last Nov 3 He tied up killer's gun with the toy 1:114I - Iglar'T-‘-r- fr - - it 6'''' 7 '"“"4'' ' k ' 'X 44i44tskQAIwIu' 'y y 41" : 14"401-di- v4 M ' 'tr-rt-r 11111 k ''l 4441 1L'---r-7- -- i - i itt()" r - t Mt A ZlitisibE WHILE ATTEMPTING to sofve death of pretty maiden on May 15 Powell was crowned by boy friend (rear) s t (St1 0 1 4 (10 l'10 ill efts i -- 1'''' ' CONTEMPT for awn life was demonstrated by Powell on April 24 Taken for ride by Theovy- - he Oecs0 rammed car into wall Between shows Powell is quiet excrponer drinks ginger beer hos no gun k ' f Ct t e 74--11- 41V 1 ' i lb 1 ' : 11 4- 7 ' ' n turns up for some more of same next week It does not matter that in real life the private eye has a somewhat easier time Rarely does he serve as a human punching bag Powell — and the others eyes" on the screen radio and television live in a different world who-portra- y -- : a police station and a fiend armed with a hypodermic needle Powell's saviour is always his script writer In one show when things looked pretty black his writer sent a trained seal to disarm the villain In another Powell was led by the script to ensnare the killer's gun with In a third his script writer simply a o k a desperado who was about let him to blow him up On the air Powell is touch glib fast- and talking Off it he's quiet middle-age- d give me any ideas about being a tough guy" he says "After all once I leave the studio the script can't Sal e my life" 4- -! St rfi f' J'- ! t it i : I r 44 -- ' : ik 7 7 1 'cQ 'WC V '"' 4 ' t -- "I'' 4 j2:::30 tte I 0111100 8 out-tal- In Powell's show Powell is always on the spot In recent weeks he has- come safely through encounters with poisonous spokes ItztY in an room and then turned the gas a !hurnan bomb" who tried to l):ou up not only Powell and himself but also air-tig- tIC001' "HUMAN BOMB" threatened to blow up police station on 'March 3 But Powell craftily disconnected weapons wiring yo-y- even maniacs worry him - — e li' '14 0 4- - Not ria t :4 ! 4 ' !t-- 1(1 li has been stuffned shot knifed mid held under tenter et- - 7 ' 'I )' - if --14 ht - 4 - -' e0- - oaer att - - 44:-- 1 "' - itotea0324044 atAtatAme4i by Powell's crooning neighbor hired thugs to ruin his larynx on November 11 They kicked him in steaM bath IRKED ' i' I i I I if AJCA"Si 211950 posed 23 |