Show r I SN — ' i ' ' 2B - - ' THE -- ? Ills tallill g Ca 1)s T k ' F e k r '' - i Pis - - '' - Lir- 1 4' t t t1 - ' ill'0:'k !l 1 ' 7'7 t ' t z i ft ' r -- -1 k: 1? iI - c : ' 4Pt! :11 Ye!' - A A ' - 4 '1: :" - - :::: ' 11 t' '-- ia 111111am man cho ' let : p 1 i4f serz-- e A and installation (ICI 40000i t nes- - Hotel! ' I ' ' ' Chicago: president of the or-- 7 Cot 0 woman - -2- I ''''- —7---'7 jJJ --- c 11 f ' t (c - classes was an- Satur- -' Highway patrol troopers said nounced the truck driver listed as Lothair dis3r by Jay Is I presi- W Frandsen ig 1735 S maIrt Nelson 114113 cited for driving with faulty i dent The new super- brakes 81rs Raker was treated at Salt visor who sue- Lefty Atake General hospital and re- reeds Baser will di- learn& rect evening pro-- :'" '13 i'-- N k tii t7''4' - s' - 4 N si - - - ''' s 'It I i ' se !N'' in PVSfrtr t 1 - r ':l - i 4 $ Prof ridram ls2 Imilitowl i WHIbial! ' d "taaalMillY ' 1I 0 ! gran' - i - i-- SLUT STAYS 416 I ill quo" xg7 " ! 1 MOVIMS PARTS A6740r et IM ITS FIZETZMS SYSTEM JI ''k ts t‘034 tik FURNITURE COMPANY i t 331 South State I ' : Vt''''''' -MUTUALIS-S- i "' I - 7 : ' - '1" ''--- 4b- 11- ' - - -- s f - :"" ' (I - i - - '!''4--- :' 0- -1 -- t 4At 228 ic I i 'Deseret Gymnasium P- - i r ' I - i a ft- -t r-- k - ' V N r ' 1' ' ( t L' k 7j! c 1 r I 1 i! ! 1 1 - 1 v A) 1- - - 1 i :41-- 4o 0 s I C - ss i : 1 Aug 27 607-5t- t A 4Lir4 1111 1 : f i 1 r:-11- 7 s r d - 7'777 r-o i' j la : IA ' ' : 1)--- 5 1 t " i 4 t::'J ' ‘ A is L ai 0 0i 11 0 ' ' s 1U 's i v 41 rig ' 6 61 P464 L41 flY ' ''' a t - t '" x - 444 4 I‘ - "o c 41 ys : tiit r ts ': 4141 lit"WlkIlkno ' ' ' s' 1 I is' r i e ! ::11i 1 ev - 4: -2 ' 0'41 ‘ " -- ' ef 1 Sl Yikrt s- ' ik -- If-- IS ' 4 1 1 s 1Ik'ti fe t9' ost o 1 --4 dedgn makes possible the smooth even burning of the fvel—blus-fiarn- e Combustion combustion chambers are scientifically shaped to wring ft14)(11 power from every drop of gasoline 3 i ' i 7)- r' d ' ts - II 1111111110 0 equfte it' - ' ' 1:' 4- ‘4 t7:::: '' 3040 ' W" -- '41t11-:'Lci i : si t ' 1 A I 01r""'"4"nft 111111111 - ' 4 - k'r i' ” '::' '''' ''''''1Ke S'k '4111 tif -- j ' '' ' ::: s - - 10040Vb ' equipped makes in i -- 1 by pa -- - 4 —1 e- h- ) palSe-- devnAt Aclionce-Desza- p to 16000 lbs 00 weight trucks GV W Chevrolet heavy-dutlead them c111! Check the seriall plates of all other popular makes for proof And remember—its the power at the clutch that counts! Come in ond let us tell you the kill story of Shovrolel'a truck leadership class-130- fi? y their 01400 rettop pd teIIo0et NICK CARTER sow -- -f ? 014110111 the power you Net horsepower use the power delivered 'ot the cletch is the true measuring stick of a truck's ability to haul payloads And for net horsepower Chevrolet heavy-dut- y trucks with Loadmaster engine have no equal among the five most popular standard ' ''''' is -- 4 ' : ) 'll 00 til I Cikgtiftell t ft 1' i str --- Chevrolet's Volvo-in-Heloadmaster engine with greater horsepower at the clutch Oen Importont advantages to trockftrs it means greater fficiency—it means bigger payloads of lower cost per mile! )f- -- ' e --4 tower cost per mile I' t' 7 ' -3 ' '7elL)1 ' iwit '141 - - - i 'i I' :$ I ' i ' !: ''' 1""'nonl ter : i 'Chevrolet's - 11' :to 1111 k ' 77' ' 0a4N: ' ‘ I: " i on A i comketioa Valve-in-Hea- d 1 p '77744""------1-t- ?'41 0 ' 1 0 tr 1 "1 f : e Blue-Rom- ' ' 4 4: 10 - - - :' 10441 4 rcli 4) Cil I: 53 - : 1' t 3 '1 I ) it '""I 14111r 71---m711- - - 'i t 0 El till ' ""r - - - t i tE4 as- -' t i 4 Pr 11 ( 0' 7 Irk- Z itlf 1- ::1 4 1" '5if 414' f' 44t I'! tlY'‘ '- es 3 si 1- ''':: it tol 4 - ic ‘ k 1444 'arliv--sr '7: - ' i t l 4 ' 4 '' -- - ' A ILI - 1 a esses s ' ': tr-- 4 t)( g 11 " I b ' : r 711 W)-- ti g III as so v1) I st -- - i J 1 ' More truckers us Chevrolet thon any other rocket And one important reason h ValveIn-Hood engine design for 38 years Chevrolet has been the largest producer of Volve-in4lea- d engines—fornous for power dependability ond economy A 1 k ) 1 i)e02"114I ? - Ti ro '1710 ' ' ‘ N r : s: rms rel ' ' 44) tr i '''' 'S s '''' ) ' ! 111 E 1 'pk ) 1: - - ''s f Is' - 7e 1401ali martovaor enghla t ' 0 - ' el Cme- l) 1:: : - A r-- !MOralr t - t me it 1 - :A ' r-- T It - tiirl) A ') 1 i ' 11 1 - - - 1 ri S 41 ' 4) rf v '? 14 (I 41 )X - G -1-1kkolor A (1- t ti 1 as cw Tt "'1 ri - " s 44 L::f :i t t I ' ' i h or IP -- yt Ai t 241-- ts - "' - L 11 4 i -- ''''1 '' ii ! 4 1 'i:' -- Ie''' 4 ' i' i The mayor from B A Assn of Utah results of one organization Mr Weight '") r t1 x 4 1 i1 r i1 t 1 k - kit - 1 4 f n 1 1 ROY ROGERS SALT plaints - ' 11 rTr717 yin TP7 I )ati 0 t en 04401 fled es 116404 01141101 dot 014 444i Foosa ormkS ps iiociolIA r4 0 itetaan 17141 value i I(St" 7 A: I (0 si ' ' TWO GREAT 'VALVI-IN-HIA- - 7171ck ciltufast ENGINES: the loadingstt and the improved Thrift' master—to give you greater power per gallon lower cost per load THE NEW POWER-JE- T CARBURETOR: smoother quicker actittoration resporise DIAPHRAGM SPRING SYNCHRO-MES- H engagement CLUTCH for easy-actioTRANSMISSIONS for fast smooth shifting to HYPOID REAR AXLES- -5 times more durable than spiral bilvel type 'BRAKES—for complete driver control D ADVANCE-DESIG- N co' BALLTYPI STEERING for easier handling STYLING with the "Cob that Itreolhes" noW D it - ' n11in Members of the LOWS DeMItt Bunce family will hold a reunion Saturday received Aug 27 at 11 km in Fairmolt executive park 2245 McClelland at (1010 Weight a letter disclosing East (ILL 'Those planning t9 atcheck made by the tend are asked to bring their °All lunches accordlbg to Mrs Lilly East said rents in the May Syndergaard 'N enr 4 5 ' 4 - — i I He said the commission would to continue investigate corn- - ' 'Ir - ' ' oi-- 1 i g I '' 0 i 4 1 il i - 1 1 446411C-4- r 4 ir- - ar'''a Al tit 4 Lia rA 330 PM KA I ! '- -' Will C011itinitP Probe s 11111111— 1 TRUE DETECTIVE 4 and Canada Sunday More than 1500 top quality ram!' :wilt be on hand for inspection by prospective buyers Sunday at Salt Lake Union stock yards North 'salt Lake as a preview of the 35th national ram sale sale sponsored by the Na- tiolnal Wool Growers Assn will !begin Monday with the sale of blackface ram& according to J Melvon Jones executive secretary of the association Sale of whiteface rams will be held Tuesday Bidding will begin let 9 am both days s 1 '4 AIMIE01 1 f ''''!' 04:30 PM i ebaeorpbalytianngt even ihorwethnZtsYguree relatively As an example of a "valid complaint" he pointed to a call he received from a Salt Lake couple evicted from a $75 a Month apartment after they had adopted ' two children ie ' t rrol fl-- k ' ' ' r- 't '-- ' ':1' ' MI ' 4:00 PM '44 Iti"4: ) ' t r - 3100 PM ' ' '‘I - () ' ' THE SHADOIt'V I ± ' sw 4 i ' 4' 1 ' - :1 MARTIN KANE 2:30 PM - that their 1 010 - 77- - 3'- ( ( " t : - The Albert Brady Jackman tamily reunion wilt be held Sept 10 at noon east of the band stand in lAberty park Recording to J rt Jackman 1129 W 3rd North ()' s - is 2:00 PM l Utah sheepmen and ram buyers parts of the nation will be getting a look at some of the best rams in the United Stales - Jackmans Set Reunion - ' - C CASSIDY 1 ''17:Sts: ' '4 steam-eleirtr- - ' r - — UNDAY-DESTHOPALONG 4 r—k '' glirklia AN tt North 37 E - e Cigaret vending machines are legal In Salt Lake City as long as merchants have them licensed Police Chief 14 C properly Crowther said Saturday It is the merchants' responsibility to limit use of the machines to persons Of le2s1 age the chief pointed out If this is i not &me violators will be prosecuted s'otrh KIward It Jac sson !wish:11 Lake Salt Friday warned merchants in that community that cigaret sending machines were illegal and would be removed from their premises becalm of their accepsibility to minors Two machmes already have been removed front business houses in South Salt Lake 0 - - :ft'V- - J generating stallion Whitened portion alums station firm relationship physically of will build V hi'tened aro is kestark plant outline (Story r RI) Meant-electr- g e"----- r J1 4 T it9 - r- S v- - t'''-- ' --- r - 13000-kil4ma- ' ) a4 ' ' '41nkil'Icit''''' i r lit - r kilottatt I 0 PN CIGAIZET COIN BOX LEGAL LASTS LONGII - - -' 1' '-3- ' t tom: 1:ss-e-—T s' ' will include 30 classes accused of Vides ave forging a bank check June 19 Sarni stay silent lasts yam lower than Uwe refrigerators because its basically chitrent Jet Freeze system Iwo tie meter ea ens &hairy to grew bailey Foe antra wawa get Sam& - -0 1 S6 ev l' City Judge Arthur l Mays Saturday dismissed because of insufficient evidence a charge of tor- gery against John Frank Olsen 19 ' ' -- 11474 i 6'"1' ' '"I"'''''" ' It ' s ' — c Drops Forgery Case t - - ': V ' - A1i'-"'i- r lt - i JINN - r N " A: "41112'": retri 4111 -' I : ""- ii 11 01'7' 4 3- 1 - ' !geedrgoeculapst hreointrtt Wellree I a - - ' 1 1 wales i 1A ' ices Mr Samuelson received his bachelor of science and master or science degrees from the University of Utah He also holds a graduate certificate in social work from the university A member of the i National Education Assn Mr l Samtielson also belongs to the l Utah Education Assn the AmeriAssociation of Social Workers Ican American Vocational Assn Utah Vocational ASSn Phi 'Kappa Phi and Phi Delta Kappa The everiine school will start the week in October The day :I first school opens Sept IL according to I f Mr Nelson 4111111111111111111N1 - w 4 '' : - - - s - eilli Bicycle Vandals 9 'I '' 'LI - I '4 eal ec said a tfoewbIroffice salnildi coming home but many of these are from persons who cannot be helped by official action "Many persons" he said 'feel r 1 - - - with the state department of vocational rehabilitabon is assistant director six years Mr Samuelson served with the school during the 1918-4sender:re year as dire( tor of guidance eerv- - ---- elmeepenoi ' 4 -- - IAssociated i 777 exsesseeettenti t - ' 'Zi2 '- t1 : los s "have i ' coor- Li I -- - - db4k -- 1 Aw4)01' 41k Progress on a major Utah PfttPir and tight lo installation joist west of the Jordan riler near Ist South is shimn here Under construction are main building turbine bay ricsator and boiler for a nem 660110- - ' ' - weevers '- ' ' - f''''' 4 "'4 dinate related in- - Mr Samuelson struction and apprenticeship train- d grams-an- GUARANTEE - Nor d- ' '' 101- t 161Nittae--- C0--- roenatsn: °ugh airing by allI volved" the mayor noted Still Coming In - - III I 1 irRe Temple 4t1 Police Saturday were attempt-torobert Lunt 12T N West About two hours later at 530 to fathom the purpose of Temple and Thomas Hansen 137 ii the two wheelers were found pm l who N stole thieves West told officers bicycle Temple Friday then demolished their bicycles had been stolen in 'Memory Grove Both vehicles two bicycles while they were swimming at had been destroyed them ' is : TEHBYEAR t r 4' ' 144‘$A m - - It - -- rentals - -ir--- 't 4rt:r fi't bet ' -- - It — 1 ' II -- i ii k- t 1 1 t- bes16L - :0:tos10-'"4 ted ' — —- Norational 91 A - ttt i “- 1 Ir: ' 7 ''''' convocation 1? ' Ratil Pi'evielv T oay in S L Although a legal question arose over the commission's power to www-- I 1 1 I 1 4 retba (11(4 ! t Cets Leader Lois el' l i tiherthree-da- Ntr3 e ' I i eegnsa ' il 0 - - ' Daher 29 suffered fractured ribs Appointment of Cecil 0 Samuel- Saturday about 330 pm the automobile she was driving and son 1306 Woodland ave as suof Lake Ares a truck collided about 11S miles pervisor i the I Salt south of Sandy on U S hirghway sehoors evening le"""""""‘ '11 1 ' - '''''-"- y 1- 41111- s7 ' succeeds Sgon f clodi-1:4:1- ' ' Rents that threatened to sky-- ! !apartment in question had been from $60 to $8-Ko-- ! !raised sime ro(ket at the outset of the been119-1but added that had the reth frisis generally had stabilized in Salt Lake City by !landlord wanted to be a gouge he 'asked $125 for the could Saturday according to Mayor' accommodations Earl J Glade — Complaints on rent increases! have dwindled he said The city commison threatened last month to reinvoke rent controls - 1 siniej : lonshlaitguhrtdays biennial He Hungerford ' o I i A Smith An Ogden ' 7 Th" Woman 29 0"dell V 1 ocati()ii Unit Injured in Crashui I 1- ' i f 4 ' - Other officers elected triclude richard d LOwe':iVilhamsport Pa' Lk lk ! Vail Ashman Co' '4 vice president: 1(b c ill t 'Iumbus 0 secnd vice president ' y santec de inatcAtlanutidst Ls itai ' '1' secriestaDr) A' Diego Cal treasurer and Dr'i ' ' n :Lothar I Iversen Bozeman lkforit1 grand herald Cornell I i A Banquet and danre concluded' PL l Zy 1 Rents Generally Stabilize In S L Since Red War - Ellis W Barker Salt Lake contractor was elected chairman 't i t ' - - I Utah ' Mr Smith is on the faculty or ' : the Cornell tztnersity school of t !::34i (Jr i I - ' -e - - sokt - ' - 1- i 1 r eforantvocaitty i !ganization '''''q r I WIRT GOES UP - I p8remslitbdenittilltiafeSiLigml t fr '' ) v 4 ' ) 1 Jr' ' :' - ': ) ' ) a"s'llniationAai ! :'Ife - Election ! 1 4 - - 1 M i - 'Parley Finale A N - i - '' 'Sunday August 201950 i as - :- -4 a - - s - Itillia - I ! -- v ' t - 1 -- - ' STREATOR CHEVROLET-C- 463 South Main Street CAPITAL CHEVROLET CO O Dial 8th South and State Dial LAKE 1 § i 1 Ili 1 N 4 4 I A 4 |