Show t ' I - 'P c l 4 1 44 — ' ' C4 :)1 o'n Ilk :dm ' ! kill - I Ommiir F Ro 1141 - Montalbab"n Fortunately Ricardo i HOLLY WOOD—When RICardo Ntontalban is invited to a Willy-woopremiere he'll doubt less remember btt not fondly' the preview of his first picture Which so far Am he was concerned tool( phice in a New He hall '1een York saloon starred in one of those miniature moviesknown as 'soundles" which enjeiyed a brief rrind of popularity particularly among the patrons of gin mills If you remember that far t hack they operated somewhat Ike a juke box You put a coin in a machine and instead of music you got a aeries of film shorts on a small screen If the confilms were not in dition neither were the critical faculties of a lot of barroom so had people felt picture played in a picture that I drag2e1 a friend criticism" Though Ricardo is a comparative newcomer to films Hol'ywood itself is no novelty to him He was horn in Mekleo City but attended Fairfax high school here He was 19 oldest member of his class His ohginal intention had been to study engineering but when be arrived he knew only a little Enghsh So he was advised to take up public speaking as a means of improvins use of our languae g-hi From that cotirse he was recruited for a school play "The Whole Towns Talking" and the next semester he had a lead in "Tovarich" In this school production he A9 seen by an talent scout who asked Ricardo to get in touch with him hinting at the possibility of a screen test But he didn't get the opportunity Comparative Nevveoriter see my picture we had to eit through seven other shorts and even my friends got bored When I finally came on the screen the sailor glared at it turned to me and said 'ts that you?' I assured him it v as Shaking his head slowly he said ' 444' ' 1 4 wN ') - 1::7 1 '' ' - ' ' A ' 1 1 t II I l 4:: - I 0 wow i i ''rie s I 1 - 1' 1 I n ragliexnti n ' ii:linrn: I 1 I - ' ' I I I I t 1 I ) I ii4i 1417-''- - gtnth e 1141:4:f r:slh ead ot 1 t(yri: iiires i s 4iIAiiiiiamiasiiiraossmissiseriaiseso444741ratr70:4-Prmaist-Zwosa- Ricardo the glamor man marches gaily forlibard with Esther IVII- llama In a scene from an older picture here he played minor part --- r -- t- HITCHED MY 1 -- --- : cc:lain:a NIIIAGOII TO Al‘l olk 17st"p —-- -- ' - SOPRANO 11' - e am Ilki 4 A - 1' e 2 s c- 441 1 TA t- - 1 4 I' ' 644fe It--- t I it4 j 4' ' 1Otrls ILAs SOKIIY1m1 BirootitA LATI- SILL-OU- S Afc1 I "This tIme I was testa for Tort:Ha Flat hot John Cartleld got the part Then my mother tteyk ill and I uturred to Ntecco vk here I got a part in a flint that was tietng done in both Enghsh and Spanish Nty knowled2e the twn ngtilges landed me the job The picture wos one of the worit I've eer sov'rt The En:- 11sh Venson UR never released hut the Fpanish one unto:titnately was "It was so bad that 'people 1 lo ' o'''-- - a3? v youe He looked at nve but didni ret!sii the subeet wasin Our Betters' that I was again spored by a talent scout- - he continued that 4(41 -- ' A ' (eio"'A"ø'e'"""1 4 4 v t A: -- - - I - r ' It t ' - xm p r ' I 1 I t i - '‘ o0o $: i - '- I ei) )- IILAttat' 7 f''7 4 ' :' t -- s y I iiil 4' ql t - - V )p ‘ '711 4 ) l'"'" k it RICHT r4 441 11t i ' t'e "- t'''' ' t ' I ko 4t i1 - TENORS 4 ' ti1i ft 1 ' 4! ' l'rt t ' ' ‘ 1 4 ' - 1(' ' )1 11 )1 '' : t ''' ' ' ' 4 ' ' 7--- ' r-- - — --- - 4' - - -- - l'''' vi IN 4 ' ' ''''''''''44'oNt - ' ' Ac- I I $ - '' ' t ' - i - -I t- c ' -- ! o ' 1 - ‘-- 1 ' : 0- - ' " t ''' : ' ' '' - 1 ei ' - '0 J 104--- iot was a loeal girl in whom I had more than shght interest but agreed to end that romance if she would end hers Two weeks later we were married 'That was reariv s!x years We row have three lovely and wer gmrg to have as many more as God will give us It seems that everything I've wanted has come my way Ive been so lucky" a small I found azo chrer I asked him about I havent anv said he just love bales" 4 A ) krt SELF'! CAMELSJUSIg:HT FCR MY T4R4:'AIl j:Lm""NIN -' ye - a i e q 14 ' '' '' silf4"42711‘414tto:' s 1' — P t 1 I ' 1 40101-441-de NIP-4- — 61- LtzEit41 )) P -0 i t' e c --4I -( ' - k -- 't N 14 -- I -w Ito- il Itt:iiwitei ti 444totem 4 00444 is amp slat Ana Ipmfrobk imktal welsh itasologiampt 448064418- 1 Olt cootako I: 4 ' -- t 7 4- '- Ai 2 v ' 1 41ttAtimrlD 1 ! ( ili 1 A J' ' i - 4 t I 04opt" 11 1 i h1JI ) "1 111111'!‘ )VI i 41 s :lb1 - 3 4 till DI 1 -LsEL iiiezk1A1 AND THEY VONT TIRE MY TASTE! ' - wt ' r I I (7:4-4 4)" 4 Il3 - - f A P'41sTie e t"tt :ti' T'stst : i I) II : g Itt:ki reptisiti LI til i lartz44wAstobwiarloRaokimwm4010gAbi - ' ? -- 17:--- 1111 - se l'1k):' 1 Ci: 1 b r::: tl 1r k V -- :r I r I i 1 1:i 1' 1 t '' ' b 1t1 i i '''''' 18 'tZ--111---t - I 'y 1 '1A- 11 :- ii - 4 i l'- t ' t 11 II -- 4 111 I ! - ti '11 li Iv 1 ( '' CO WITH MY THROAT I krHEFouton i TEST AND r - 114E 1 SO-To- NtAKE rAY TEST Y 41thA' t S1NGEmER e I Tw S CAMEL TASTES GREAT! I1Ni --1 -1 A--- '' - ' I IcNCW YOU'LL LINE'‘ THE FLAvOR!A'‘D CAMELS ARES° mix! 1 AS A A3:rt5t:zzaLios - - 1-- ' - the erd of that except for the fact that Norman Foster Ls nearred to Georgtanna's sister So when I decided to come to Holy-woo- d for a short rest she told rre I m:ght a well stay In the borne of another sister Polly Ann during my visit Mat perhaps wag the best idea of any year On the first night I met Georgianna and at the end of the evening told her I was in love with hers "She seal she was very gist but it so happened that she had a at the next night with a boy with whom she'd been going elf that Was'a steady bon that called for counteraction I to:4 Georgianna there that might have been ii -- ( 4 Itz7 A '" - r'' ebeN ---- Colt ':' b : - i‘at 1x4 ' litt : C ' - - -' - - - ' ' '' 0 -- Z - to5 : 4itok ' i NI 0 1:41 "1 7 0--1 I( ---- w 1110V1el In a "soundies" a film short projected from a juke box But now be's an lmorito 1 REALTEsr LEr ME TRY ONE 4 MILCNES3 ' -- -- :' He Met Her "Well k i In I fan because i I )) Y- - - '4 ' — t- -- GIVEN CAMELS A k- I 4 - 'IA ALfco44-- 1 I' 7ftoftoti1 - ot '44- 0 r T- i 41wri4 ki '1 4t'' I: rr - 4 IL 41' 4: ALL RIGHYOOV E GOT A FINE 7L " ' C - ''-- N 4" 'SEEM TO NAVE LOST MY TASTE KR CiGARETTES LATELY BUT NE NEaft yOu'LL BE - FIRST BROKE INTO OPERA WAY WHEN Now I d ' 4 'r - picture of her in a magazine cut it out and carried it around in my purse for months Once I saw her leaving a church and tried to follow her- - but lost lig' In the crowd dirKte-- HAVE A 1 s II '' Foster CIGARETTE KNOw - :1 HOW Net) FEEL iff —(WAS THE SAME e4' r r:1:: RS ' i ' N E CONNER --- ' " it I GOINa PLACES J 1It YOU TURNED luT--To BE A REAL TROUrER! LETS HAvE A CAMEL i ' i' -- - 'Meanwhile?' said he "I certainly did That mamage as destined Long t)7f7r4 Lorett a's Young Geeirgianna s:ster I saw her in a bit of 'Alex-ander Graham Bell? I must in love acith her have sIght ikt 1 "16 AND THAT VOLING f)g - - p74 FORGET YOUR TIP ' ON CAMELS! THE" kE JUST RIGHT FOR ME! -- ' s is AurE ' Z : 9?flir ::40" '- ''''' qK1 JV' A9 :' T 11 4 444 ---- I ' -I I '': I'LL NEVER FORGET THIS AND I NICHTo NADINE - '''' 4 ' ''''' ' ''' AMY ItTISE ME VT VW STACT FR13HT ''' k 7'moo0 t woNt 1 1- I 4 It NAC1 -- 0- ' —4--- -' 'P'' 1 t 1 ' BEFORE THE NIGHT CF THE BIG CONCERT! ) 1CICEJUST RELAX NOW ' rt le‘- ""1:t--- AND LET - ' ' ' ! 1 C:t Irs 4 ' ' t - 4 1' ' - - ' g 0TR it crill -0-- i - " Did Nine Pictures ') Ner71311 0- ''------ e 3 -- 'Nov- - that I iaa Whnie thought was to act naturConsorz ally hofeTe the tartleraF fluently tho critics complatred that I wasn't actin z at all Later I'm happy to say sonlebody called me the most natural artor in Mexico' Be that till it Then may I did nine pictures for the third time it occurred to Metro that I might he used in a picture So I landed the part of the bullfighter in 'Fiesta and was put under contract" The part was an actor's dream It was so perfect that a broom could have given a creditab!e performance In It The picture I'M SURE GLAD THAT-iFINISHEC!1HOCT I GET )I 1 I i ': ? 4 '''' ' ' f' r : - - 7 "--' got rne the nomination for a a Ca &Illy award I began feeling sorry for me was given a part in a picture deserved all the success youve had 4' ' 4 - - t - - 2 ' ' ' I '- ' : - Walcan r -- - ill a - '7Meanwhile7 gaid I "you 000000Po I t : 1 1''' 1 Al 4- Ricardo Monts than now climbing steadily on Ilot- reeeived his first break lynoods success 7- i11916 tf - 1 "i' 7 I -v RCROWD T e '' fZ et' f ott - nois: e 401ritri 0 t -- 1--- '6:4 - - ' i '' - '' - 7- - k'' - I' 1: 't st ' - ' 1t - ' - b' -! 1 ti2 - rt 7—1 tzT--t"-- -- T -- - :— ec7- Ay ':' iII OPERA - 'itepar7:: ii::i 4-- I t —' —41'''''' - s ' 41:4: :- 1' 7' ''' 7 4 ‘ 4te:':1:1!!: 1 1 - I lv it ' t-- t ' "' ' : ATe rn-- rt TO MORROW r olitlq 0 b--- ( 's - ' ETRITAN - WMMWd1WS - -:- : e- - v- - pot' I ALL RIGHT THATt ALL FOR TODAY! REPORT BACK FOR REHEARSALAT 10 : (1 t p "'mil i k i Emit t t ‘ that 1 t y 1 h ADVIRTISPMENT ' - r - III ) - ) — married' dos to be visiting Miss rankhead at that hour but who was I to question a talent agent Then as I later discovered Tat- lulah was not noted for adherenee to conentionalit V "Her apartment building toles forbade pets but obviously she overlooked all rules since she ' I —0 — ' f ?--1r- "I can see" said I - riis t Itn': the exact opposite of a ( anary But in the end I hal to sing I gave with 'Rancho Grande' and filled in with a little Spanish double-tal- k 'The producer was convinced 'As a singer he said 'you're terrible but maybe your personality can be useful' - - - C ome at (Ace "One night after going to the theater to see 'Old Aeqdaint- amt" I stopped at OrIP of my favorite hangouts and the agent contacted me there at 2 in the 'Come over at ont e: morning Paid he 'we're going to see lulah Bankheld There may tv a part for you in 'Her Cardboant Lover' It seemeta bit tinortho- - ! I : 1: 'allitli"1fh11 Fi 1 1 wuphoninvideinttor:izoelcmeymneamaos n 1 4446 "During the run of the p:ay Tallulah was very kind Once in attempting to teach me to project: she made Me ait in the last row of the theater while she read lines in vanous ways to show me the difference Again when she had to go to CoreSNand for a magazine pict-arlayout she took me 'atoms to 'share the publicity That was a wonderful break but nothing came Of it except for Banatead "I moved from 'Ca rdhoard Lover' to the taitler's role in Th n Nancy's Private Aff iir I got my firat break in god Our Betters' in which I head“I a conga line with Elsa Maxwell" to find it out for myself He up tho argument and told me to go ahead 'Then I ran into difficulties Because I was Latin it was assumed in show business that I co iild dame and !wig I met-a- I ' She Was Kind gait r- t I t '' ' t: I said to him 'You're my brother and I know you ve got my interest at heart Bub you're also my friend If this is crazy I've got l ' II - 114411 '' "By the tuneit was 3 rant- - I was supposed to report to the theater the next evening at 8 and go on without a rehearsal Wheri I arrived the actor whose part I was taking over bad already got into make-u-p wrally he was as pleasant as a wet tiger on reeeiving the news that he was being replaced And by this time I was completely bewildered The actors told me that they'd push me onstage when my cue came All I had to do was say my lines and exit through a certain door 'When I got out onstage I remembered Bankheacrs 11er319 tO actors who forgot their lines So naturally my mind went totally blank But I recovered in a second scratched my head and managed to get a laugh That pleased Bankh?ad 'This' she said is evidently doing a ray in France where even the smallest bit is a stand-ouThat to put it !Tully was a relief to know His older brother with whom he lived moved to New York and insisted that Ricardo () -along "There" says he I saw- a couple of shows and that (lid it I knew that whether I failed or not I had to try acting Nly brother disapproved wanting me to get into a more solid c--''- '' ' V r'' 40''''"""r'' ' Like in France - Ran Into Difficult lei ir It v:' ' 0041 living with a lion cub The fellow whom I was supposed to replace bad been forgetting his lines and Bankhead was as sore as a bail She looked me over and said she guessed IA do 'so I could remember my long dialog do you stink!' That my first taste of movie was 7o Ricardo recalls with a wide grin 'but it was undeniably' something I was so proud of my a z '1 WR3 'Brother It didn't intoxicated Heddo Hopper By mine and my sister-in-lainto a bar to see it "Another guest whom s e didn't invite wan a drunken Pailor He would take a shot of Scotchi follow with a slug of gin as a chaser then down a drink hole of bourbon topping the pmcedure with a dash of salt in his mouthIt was his theory that such an unorthodox mixture would cure snake bite and prevent a man from becoming of Did He Stink! wasn't much of a start" 1 4ty l' t customers i 6 e : e'''' '' orry ' -- -- O top-notc- h 'It - 1- f- to - f c:1:ji :c'o':: na 111 I I " 7 oftt4to A i Et 1 -- --L8 3 " ca' S 4 f:: ' - it I 1 f I |