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''' N - --- "N i" Aix 4" :l i::I " ik p - "'Ne 4 I A Sitiilt ‘ 414 "tiiiet k 1k etk' '11-- to 1 ' t - 1 -- t4 ' "''es '' ': - r rREssp '' IV fain t - 1 ' r c:N4of I $i 1 I 1 64"'V 71 igh ow 4 ' 1o ro It " —49s br7Z1r0ArrREs Is itqcs NW 1 le 495 -- Ni--- - flat" 'llyrt 4 St3 t ii6 11 r - Sa 4: N 4''- A' '"''--- ' 14- ' '!"1-- exhibits are to be In Ilate by 9 a m Friday when the fair doors siA ire opem First event will be judg'ng of poultry at 10 a m with dairy cattle twins: Judged at 11 a mi Entry fee for the cattle will be $I rfl head Pou:try exhbtors ill have to pay 2e per bird In the pet show the aanie fee ell: be charged The junior division of the fair will have la divisom-- : Holsteins Jerseys any other liniced of niilk cow: sheep Chester White swine any other breed of swine: beef poultry pets iropit and horticulture Girls an enter the junior homemaking department in such dirt-a- s ns clothing hand work homemade drioisas childrees garmentA baked goods canned foods and home furniAings The junior division will be -' tk- 4 indeed Friday Your Davis County Home Furnishers Itrirmorgeor clr 71 - nill — ay oi It7 it Iti(le TEM1 o 640 LAYTON—Phone -' s" - a 15 81 261h Ttro Full Days Program Exhibits Contests Sports Vaudeville Rodeo Couniy Fairgrounds at Kaysville 200masw111011111a1111111011111m1111111110 Our Best Wishes for the to --- 1 of 1 ----- CkodtW k 2'c ittleret l'aid 0 Ittendier cf 40111110 4H 011 ti14 Ir$eraI for p tr:-i- the 441 club style dress review contest At 3 p m the club ttration contett will be held Another baseball game is lieduled for 4 p m and a softball game at 6 pm A gaited horse exhibition will hold the spotlight at 7:30 pm Vaude- vine rill take over at $715 p rn''' &nuttily events will open at 1 p tn with a horse racing and horse pulling contest Finals in baseball and tennis wB be played in the early afternoon At 3 p m the barnyard sport of horseshoes will take the limelight with a tournament being played Also at 3 p m ill be the 4H home economic' judging contest At the tame time children 'a races will be held on the football field At 4 pm a style review by the club girls will be held At 4 and 530 pm softball games ill be played and at 7 pm fair goers will be treated to a horse show The horse show ill be divided into four parts ladies' pleasure class children"' pony class show horse and matched pair At 8 pm vi ill come the finale when the Davis County Sheriffs posse stages a rodeo The todeo will consist of drilla by the sheriff posse and the Riders calf roping steer cutting steer riding bti( ktre honw7v ' iiiiii(s1 chairs and vilid 'cow broom B It Ilk--- -- Utah on Time 1)epoiitg Depokit Toftorsore Corp Eallaw miti - - I i t :t4 I ‘v ( ' ---- es i''P"- - r 44- - -- r Li 1 " 's - '' " z ' - - s'"'''v - z '' " -- - -- '''' ! r k '''f1 1 0 polo --'"-- I IF'ik-- - 17t4:irk-:- be n' m- during the fair All are asked by fair beard members not to remove exhibits until after 10 Itheir Saturday extept for IIN e i ftflek I 4 it 0 4 it ' I 4 ' i s'"'-- 0 R 1 t - 4 ''' - A r ' ' ' ' e ' ' : 41"- 1r484 0 -- - - i A - of41"ista-'- A ' t i7-'ict- t I k 1 '''"--- ' r -- resent "i v e: a0407 ' ' T ct 1 "Iisri s 1 471 iiailaS4tiitsitearmatearo4TACLio litS"':ite"o "in Ana Mre Karma Saindle an Fleet 'tails connty home agent akirt shell diplay at Davis D sts fair 411141143 4 i ' 1 t - MOUNTAIN BRAND De-lopiz- ed SUGAR k made from a llftPc pure ”rip and purified through a rexolutionary new proces4—gising a extremely pure ‘itgar not obtainable by the old conventional methods of relining THE LAYTON NUGAR CONIPANV hag the only sueeesfully operated full 46eale change plant on sugar in the world Adi for Desugar - -- I 1 i lonited Sugar (HOW MORE SCR ft BEETS-TO- UR MOST SURE CASH CROP LAYTON SUGAR COMPANY Layton Utah - - mom noomm FARMERS ATTENTION Hlghest Market Prices for Dead and Useless Horses Cows Sheep and Hogs ior Prompt Sarvica Coll thre Neorast Plant la Ref DEALERS BYFRODUCTS CO LN HIDES I OCCIN SAT lAkt WV LOGAN CARIP40 49 19S-- WOOL AND PELTS FL'RS 1 EMI TAGS SEE US AT THE 1- 1e71 Oise Cliesehor ' DAVIS COU NTY '"----FAI— 1 41 — milkin g t - f1:4‘ i 'I A 4 t I '1'" ste i - ' r it6120 4 i r: 1 c i eit 4 ' - A1 - it 1 '"2" 'i'i'll- o f'' i TI r444sa4"--'------ es ' ' s'4 oto 1 1 L''::: - i 4 zi 9" r '' f '' : i t ''' f: ' 1 1 ' t 'z - - a Zo - 4 4-1 ' - ' 104 ' 11 c "1 ti': 3r 11'--- lk 4 A l'7''''Ig - t ' 1 - r- - - c::ri :4 " PiL " e r i c 5 :- ''" it ii4t S 1 N 4P1 t 1 4 '‘k rrenrF ' 'Semi am Tin Star Safety Deposit Boxes General Banking 1 I FAIR t at 11:30 Sport At 1:30 pm Friday a baseball game is taheduled with tennis tournament prelimmar- played at 2 pm at the Davis high school count Also DAVIS COUNTY FAIR DAVIS COUNTY starting 4:4! AIM— Ma BOUNTIFUL—Phone Aupst k - V i : 0 7 '7- '''' 7 74(4 ''' AU - $34 so Soo c 9640 zz-d49-5 11 - - -T ''' 44ff t- -- Kaysville : s 4140ie 1' uC-e- t e (4- 1 'k o :4- s istri104 stee "' fair via be the fair groutda near Davis high school in Z1 to::10ip 40:1 L rip 142t1:'!-EN rot'ir-0(0'4 roc' - ei 0 g ''''''t '03:01 W' otl' '' e41 $44 se 10 —' °''' - ''''' s - 1r'1 ''e It t4 -' ' 617--- s"ei iii 1111: 1 - et :"' At 'N:ilitilt 110- - 411( ''' Istt:to - 'iliiiii so N4A NZN ' 4 '41 N't - ' ' - '- ::14k' ''''Zss'r'i4 I ' 14' - 7 :71117r '7-- 1 77 4-- '4777777: 4'''474 — E v er y ' t'farm "life '''' vettl 'be totwhed In Davis county daYs the county's annual fair scheduled for Friday and Saturday Aug 25 and 26 Exhibitx will vary from borne canning and baking to livestock and poultry ttith sports a rodeo horse show and vaudeville thrown in for good measure Place of the - Of - 11sa N ' ri4-- FARMINGTON --- - AsL ' ' — by Chtford Shelby - It-‘4 " ' the Davis Fair Displays Range From Canning to Cattle Ir01 SALE STARTS Tomorrow - 44N rt v) ' -- CI1 lit 1ir 13 Pk - 74 4 At VI 6 ' 11c1 tz - ''- 11f 4'- 7 0y -- - - "kb 1 V -- W cb - ' f As:ethos Cottie 1113"eitikA '''' Jewrolkii' Mt ct August 25 26 Smoot Bros Dairy ETATERI ILLE ITAH Li 7"177:744s1 f 411peo Note SEND 4111 tl a: bad 112---f Mork Lr---- THE S i‘k SALT Ahlao4-F4Aid LAKE ''''' — FOS CATALOG t:t Solt Lou Stomp Co 44 43 W Std Sok Lobo nsy th It r7 TRIBUNE 1 - |