Show II New Farm Equipment Display Set for Fair - ' ' tf' - Visitors Will See $1000000 Exhibit in Salt Lake II e 111 IP t4 : :--- $7111 N11 toloo - 00111UP - ge woo '1 - ' 1s 717"" wt 1 g ' à: r- r -- l k r - ' :'4'1'41t: ' ' - t 1 op 7 ' l' oe - - N:a " "11 - '41 1 ''' '' o4t ' '''''' 1tt ' -- Aff 4 u ' ' ' ''tk ' '' ') v and implements that will be concenrated at the fairgrounds in Salt Lake during this years Utah State fair Sept 15 through 23 That was tha good word last week from officials in charge of the $1000000 equipment display to be offered at the state fair It will enable farmers to get an idea of equipment that is available for their own needs and to study new ideas and improvements which the 1 k i4--- 4140 ' - ' 'ftt -- -i 77: 4 '' V t' worgo -! 1- - n ' 4' 40 IP Xxo amol4 ommooms r:- -- -- - 1 44 601o' somomilsolg A ''''' al neW4 show and sale arena alltichfield to be used for time during the Southern rtab Junior Livestock show Mere is the first to rifichinery incorporates speed and eaA4b farm work Designed for greater effifarm an duction this equipment is expected to arouse widespread interest among intermountain farmers who have discovered that modern farming calls for niore mechanical power and less physical labor For the first time since the war farm manufacturers machinery have hit substantial productive capaciy and this together with new scientific engineering has brought about the flood of new farming ideas and equipment Note Trends From advance news of machinery to be exhibited a number of distinct trends can Ease of attaching be noted and detaching implements to farming's new workhorse the tractor is emphasized along with increasing application of hydraulic power for raising and implements lowering maintaining depth control and generally simplifying previously "tough" pulling or lifting jobs A trend toward economical butane and Diesel burning tractors may also be noted with a number of corn A busy farmer would have to travel many miles visiting dealers showrooms to view the - Over the Fence Post New Arena at Richfield Augments Stock Show owners and other personnel of the race meet This is an outstanding addition to the show barns of the Sevier county fairgrounds When I last visited Richfield the arena was in final stages of construction under direction of Henry Winkle and M R Cowley This is another example of construction accomplished through cooperative effort of business men and officials willing to give their time effort and experience for welfare of ing the I2th annual Southern Utah Junior Livestock to be ' held this t show week at C onstruct- ed at a mint mum through co- - cost ri ' 441 f's ' god ' L 7 'kr moo' '' lad''6kil operative effort of county commission era business Mr larnswortk men and the county fair it Is designed board to seat 1000 people comfortably and has showers and lockers to accommodate personnel of the show as well as jockeys the community Don't Stop Nowl vas aakelx200 (Z4v4 ' COOCTelt - : c tAii N-- 57 ' -- Ws !fig am - r 01 - li All parts are geisanizest or protested by lifikkilkiP or t I- pi t' r2 1:t '4 - litZ: ototoa amacaameata: n A sheers packaged foe penisy Motibeatiou doting ereePost Comes in easy tothandle bundles Ambah paostcaulkom composing torit iewead Q!ely hoinor all I So dwome6ifivit 411 riiid sad feaswritt coaortochau Argint of ft qItà salad ulatage tabiaasa Heel 6renet bolet t 4 to For complete istotmation wood lothos immot your total ARMCO th000loot 613 South 3n1 West—Phone 1 Salt Lake City Utah V177if— - 1 a- WOO'00114811104041044 otalkuilo t- H good idea to 10 fr a lighted lantern into either place before you go down If the lantern stays lit its okeh If it goes out better hock a vacuum cleaner onto a hte and suck out the stale air Then try the lantern again before you crawl in Brand new neoprene rubber puncture proof 100-go- t AIRPLANE GASOLINE TANKS A few of Its hundreds of uses Inclusion ' r : ask! amlor cams Lagoa 1- httk c — 'II 'it Stock Tait Bright and dark spots dot 0411 II:: 411EN ' 'Ilk Utah's crop picture during this Ift44 1 harvest season according to t Ininklio jg the latest weekly summary iogo issued by the boreall 01—agr17— f qv — I T t a cultural economies of the US v 11441 I r ‘ Csoolmos Cleaning Department of Agriculture Bout Illk i Crit This report prepared in coExthe with Utah operation '' 4Intil tension service i and the i weather bureau shows that the e yield in the winter '111Play Pond 141 wheat harvest is running below Add Water Satk Tob the Vis a Tab average due largeDock Biu4 ly to early summer frost damGovt cost over $100 vowtoe age in Box Elder Millard Bealoot ver Iron and San Juan counPHI DRIVER le Solt lakto City Orion toad vicinity Ilitipplloll weigh' ties The state's average yield tigtoron $O iiic for winter wheat is estimated at 15 bushels per acre "There Is a considerable Home of 10000 Bargains quantity of shriveled winter Ogden and Sunset Utah wheat in nearly all areas of Utah this year" the report points out 'Protein content is running below average generTHERMO-RIT- E ally from about 9 to 16'" On the brighter side of the The Miracle Glass Fireplace ledger spring grains and 2 Get 4 to Times More Heat From Your Fireplocel look' more beets promsugar -- -t "1504 7757 9 - "Neatly all of Utah's spring wheat oats and barley are grown on irrigated land and hence are much less affected by drought than the winter wheat crop grown on dry land" the report continues '"The state average yield ra r acre is estimated at 31 bushels for spring wheat 40 bushels for oats 42 bushels for barley These yields are only one to two bushels per acre lower than the average" "Sugar beets which looked very ragged in June have gtesttly rrof0e4"bleexreaentJuly arol August growing wea- t her and slands look very good now An average yield of about 1l'! tons per acre is expected in the 6 - It's a Gigantic War Surplus Purchase ising ostherzstTLImbedputnit walerushinve ' 4-4m-L- --- wall 0 up iiii 1 -- I --- -- i 1 ' 4 100 salsagmblit am be used for ocher soonme is oaroon614ellassnus 1 tiLj A k Bus Bus — 1 I s An empty silo or an eiity cistern can be a dangerous place to crawl into The oxygen in the air may be all ueed Buck's War Surplus Stores pormos — Try Light Then Leap 34v ea Anchor assemblies foraisiked-- thoustanng seed for adebtamal 4PI‘itt14 Look - Sturdy tersstructiou prevents dem "brodsug'—eloor thde plate per soles opy gram sampling Scope runnel &wined for "mato or repose' of grata Plow is alembicd sod reedy foe (-- fair permitting the farmer to inspect the array at his leisure per-acr- vemiaeddyop44f both emir eauly removed T stale fh bothets of ZINCGRIP saaseriol— foospierely segathereighk GR AIII BI N - Crop Picture mló ARMCO Virtually all niaior bland of farm machinery will be displayed in one location at the 7- Too Nem WITH AN - Bureau Reports Don't let up on the earwigs and grasshoppers right now When the major part of our garden 15 maturing a lot of rata3ar "IOW - Utah The chapter super- Rao by Floyd Petty Parker and Leland ‘Vinger has 180 members of en-1r- vtrolarar - Its Biggest vised ensilage for better cattle diet better fattening are lakcwise announced by a number cf companies This reflects increased interest by farmers everywhere in economy and more profitable farm - The Weber high school Future Farmer of America chapter is the largest in the state r3 e1r-VI-T) Z damage can be done by these two pests It is a good idea to heat your place now to kill the adults and thus prevent further damage this year It will also prevent a large crop of these destroyers next year Th 1 - Farnsworth C by Stanley Be sure to visit the new show and fair arena at Richfield dur- panies exhibiting PtH h new tractors ew forage harvesters fcr state" ' ' -- - t 'i f ' i 1 71 a0 t a k 1 - es- ' r-17:t1 3i 71 1 : 1 Soot Smelt's " I thri - i t - 1 t 1 - ' r :1!zi - !I Of t! i lin03iSMt11 - 1'1 or Frost Soil Lou ' 41117 4 - ' IconomY HOLLADAY or Wrim DINO City' Wok THE r Comfort Safety and iTh 107110- avt k- Gives You Demonstration Piton — 1461 BLAINE 6 3760 Sporits t t r"--- -i For evil Portieviors NO MORE Drafty Floor 1 1 ervj ' (tt - A t I " A s' V '' ''""--"'"'- rt f t 4 4 r ' SALT t LAKE TRIBUNE |