Show l - - ' - ' - 4' - J - - - -- — - k -- - ' ' r 0 ' — -- -- -- I2W ' - - Sunday‘August TO 1950 THE SALT LAKETRIBLNE - illlE STATE i Brides Brighten Scene Mid-Summ- er ? 4 t '3 t 4 -7' f h j newlyN Neil LDS temple MProvo for:net MissRrd a I ! t- ' t - i - t is - ' ''7"81w ‘ t t '0e t I 1 1' 4116 e V1 — es - be I - :- iI t A Bore J Erickson - — Castieton of Garland who formerly at tionie of the bride's parents A reception followed at home of Mr and Mrs Ray Vernon Mrs Vernon is an aunt of the bride The bride's gown was of white satin A matching beaded crown held her flrigertip veil and she carried a bouquet of pink roses and white gladioli ' Maid of honor ss as Nts marriage vows : 9 '''' 1 slr- - - - e d' twat i - 4v ' ' - I fll' ' i V I ' ' ss- : 'e- k -ilik ' i -- - q '' '' - 1 "TM ' on a 1 lilt1 lilt after college ' 4 K f Z - ''' 74" a Net i ' s t MN 11111 l' a Li ir 4)1 V At fickci‘ Miss BEAVER so versatile FAILLE so ) Paris' original faithfully reproduced down to the lost but prkedl —Herers-i- Idetail i 1i!!!'"'"'"1""m"'-'"14''''!''''''''r " A 4 ' - ' r' 0 '4 t -- ' ' Weekty ' ) e - 1 ArEs 1) IVan 91 Sasser ' Advents's' t e : low-pric- 040144 it! Black Navy - 1 - ' : ' i t - 1 - - r s -- - "ri ' - im064416 44 Wef the bride was maid of honor and Ronald Smith WaS beat man - 1 " : 21- -11 iittarm IFILII Ilu COMPANY '138 iOUTH'PAION df si":"N0" 4( - -eol ) A Iltichanan-01e- krs-- C ito Miss Geraldine (Jerryi Boehanan daughter of Mr and Mrs Reuben Buchanan and Boyd Olsen son of Mrs Emroy plsen of Ephraim were warned July 19 at nome of the toss for refreshments when &ups oc Just keep an Ixtra tAr at the' oriiiiod 11)1Nx tabool a C frr grrl1 c III:M11T a 'IOW - 1 re:tçlf i osss "‘I ri 1 ife Ndl1iiitnrsatiiioli:Ikalfkor eL1 7tit September di ( A 4rflib:-- - indhidual attention v 01h v"- or Ba1FiairG000fdrNicliilehorKi"llol Rub- ber Gloves at your Drug Store your soft supple hands today will toll you they're a busy homemaker's best friend! Are you guilty of unpleasant or have breath you taken my tip 0 c 6 for this waxed and flavored nylon FLOSS is one Of the best "safeguards" I knowl l'hat's because it removes hidden food particles from the tP11111 here )(our toothbrush can't reaeli and hero most load breath begins By thoroughly cleansing these between-toot- SittlaCPS JOhnSlin & J61111S011 DENTAL FLOSS helps pievent tooth decay too so get a 27e or fifle pack today! Or ask for the famous l ivitliii grriabili'dnilf-o- iris est rlinLg°i'itsg' -- rt the hie of For t st-- fingers and palms you get a firm grip with good acostrintti which is why 'they're ideal for every kitchen chore too So get en - Boarding and day students Boys accepted nunery through 2nd grade i!inall classes with " Rubber Gloves for nothing can take their place in protecting your bands! With Ooughness built right into the P qt00nt S bads a cool breere ( r ‘‘ u 1 'V slip-o- That may' "blow” 'health snd 'happiness your an way What is :itel'ItlClinDulr0rStribUtNris ndni mey 1 —I pteople ag i who For example: Miss Elizabeth Smithson of Port ) Deposit Mitpland writes: "Since switelling to Postum I sleep like a top No more restless nights 2i I feel stronger am! enjoy life as I never did before!" -- You see while many people can drink iced coffee c odfliei nerves" indigestion i Aannl IsciacP1splishsTlfts to r‘sv hsetintI ft I i delicious but flavoi ful hey ICED POSTUM—it's foor'e out infrol So try it for 34 days see if you don't sleep better feel and look better tool - f kr— - why it's a paq of Miller "lioldfast" or B F Goodrich "Kling-well- to a 71 it's littl---- - have MiNor (111cHiliS 11 your FLOSS after every meal? I hope you - - 11- r1ii IL: handscoarse 100 stained grimy and )— Thatmar d about using Johnson J0i111S011 DENTAL made from fm0 savory hatliS ilitll 11PV- ilPdh In poi fret ion with a dress: ing of delicately 11141)(1441 spills s)alwaNs tio slut to get the oi igi- - 1 tith Illio R pleasant pasbut !time bound to & Tharebeciane its trC par1!ry aI rc 1 it'"t its for There's 1''0 IWI'AOMOoln) 11)t "life-saver- " --p----- llegitraLion on or before II 11)LIF:: - a I for fa-The get together& mite sandwich spread of the na- ton for S5 years it does all sorts of uonderful tthings to crackers scrambled eggs celerY and olive stm!ings ' "thanks" to its atm- tie!iriliv smooth consistency met hand real Miss CaTol Bitchanan served as bridesmaid and Allan Olsen of Gunnison was best man for his brother - a At C Braith-- ' bride's parents waite L D S bishop officiated HALLs7400tPq-17-- Cus)eo l'Onipany B - niesdivlootste:mnieer it soothes and refresheS your feet vk tole guarding against Ath-- lete's Foot and unpleasant odor! — n - MANTI Hen- Piths - me I can't tell a a p rofosstfinal s2iis permanent i 1: e if twin with a $1TONI from a twin But that's irpolEst-(7 7 ! -- sifnItedi:o':itio'is'ie: gal:triegx:::1Nit:spin'SviesC 01:St i t C :1:l 040 " 2 0 v expensive heatity shop lotions That's why It '"' $ wave gises an easysetting silky-soflighiki 4 act like naturally curly hair makes your-haiThat's why TONI is guaranteed to look as lovely and last Tasololnsg as a permanent costing Vlt) (including shampoo anti so) 114:1 1 t ti DR your feet require something special such as bunion lasts extra large or small shoes please brini your problem in to Mead's Monday ( Regular customers of these fine shoes are also invit!d to come in for special color and pattern selectidtt i AM i4 HE nuittn IANGIA(1ES If PI ' )t $ NO tn or 1Recen: t I) ') t)ItG ILN ) SPOR IS CallI I MEAD'S SHOES 0 Fully Accredited Rowland i ( am to 9 pm 27 EAST FIRST SOUTH 44 12 ' Ida— ' Miss IrelPn ROWLAND 14 7 I ) s 1 L — '' start! It they've already developed just use the separate medications that come with DR for this SCHOLL'S Zino-pad'method gives the quickest corn and callous removing action r Puttering---- ---in the garden Is - Lz- I Sine Mr R A Burke Our Factory Representative r - Will be Here One l'iy Onl) MONDA' AUGUST ligm er Egan-Schooli- 4 t ' - supporting an important 17cs Graoe ItIr'RLEY derson son of Mr and Mrs C Henderson July 27 in Las Vegas NeV at the Wee Kirk of the Heather church The bride attended Branch Azricultutal college at Cedar City The bndegroom spent IS months in the armed forces — FOR WOMEN aitPi ti -- J flICHFIELD George retetson announces the marnlike of a daughter Miss JParl -- S " Roberti and Donald Lee — Mis Si-IOE- ot I Neil Brywn man Mk Bird of wood Crog Mrg N n - si '' to c cre irpo i ' rs '1:t -: Janet za (' - - - Maxine NValker daughter of and Mrs Theman Walker of South Milford spoke wed- ding vows Aug 2 with Harold Cale Jr The wedding was solemnized at the Harold Gale Sr home by Wallace D Yardley The bride wore a blue chiffon semilomal with a corsage of pink roars and gardenias Miss r4''''' :aareie - I Mr ' Miller Foot Defender Shoes - - served as The bride attended Southern Idaho College of Education and for the past three years has taught school in Rupert I ' 1-- 00nr-- ' Don in If you refriverator ever or COW BRAND cleans ! kills "ice box odor" removes nmsty sour odors that '14 adhere to enamel and emulsifies greasy film that k no or to mold and germs ding Theie's rubbing 'W just sprinkle soda on a damp cloth— rinsing in soda solution (3 nisi) wipe only once Wash trays in fact tti qtwater) Soda won't scratch delicate enamel either it's recommended by 22 leading refrigerator manufacturers ARM It HAMMER or COW BRAND Baking Soda is Pure Bicarbonate of Soda than icb a week ' il " ' ardZioott Mrs Larry' Itoesch St tirorge bride tuts Dorothy J Lamb ji- s '' t ' tt o1 Os - true no finer whiter the world And re just ask your Grocer for wir 1 InviteYou to Attend Our Co li hiteeconoin famous brands of BEET SUGAR 11 Whoa your foot hurt you hurt Grace daughter of Asst Chief -: so he all over of Police Floyd Grace and 1 wise and Lavon Moncurson of Mr and apply SCHOLL'S DR Mrs Moncur were Reuben a Zino-pad- s fs1 united in marriage Aug 6 at ttvit hoer yrry t horne of Mr and -- Mrs IA' 4- 1- :2 sore tender or Taylor Idaho Falls L Roy chafed toes These Pickett L D S bishop officiated ' sooth- supec-sid- t The bride woir a rose beige ing iushioning prot'ective pads suit With corsage of Talisman not only end painful shoe friction ) - 4 ! ---- one of the GraceMoiletir RITErtr Ida— Miss Frieda roses lir" te Roberk-liendenio- ' ' 1 FIRST FACTORYSHOWING If jellaking ittwhiest tsabhlaevetot0 atneh- '0 i ' Barbara 1 ' - 4 triontig t 1 ) 1- 4 "'"s e MEAD 1 va - 4 )' ‘ le) 1 Agricul- - c) o 's-1 - every jar of Jam and Jelly you make If you use pule BEET SUGAR in your homepre- 8 use serving It's the sugar State Fair prize-wine-r because they know it gives the best possible results in jam 'n' all kinds of cook- i on ists and 17 I hall ' 1 e take the prize for ' ceremony a reception was held at the Episcopal i 4 - ( :!Lx Afterthe 1 –1 - 7' 1 ''C'es-its" ' - 4- - ' s' Iy 1 N -- -- eheaviest -77-71 Blessinger bhdesmaids Bernard Bengal was best mart ' " '-- TE Miss and I "4 rost-i-zas- tl I et Donis New end latswestinc Contain 7tEW YORK Aug 20—The answer to IMF motoring picasure is CHEVROLET'S famous P Powerglide Automatic Transmission just vshat we women have always longed for—the thrill of driving through triad t safely smoothly and easily This is whet Pow- ' i erglide means to the woman driver—no more 4'1C1': clutch pedal no more gearshilting—Just tourh '' and go—it's as simple as that And it isn't ner '' ' a essary to sacrifice beauty for comfort either because the new CHEVROLET is the liveliestlooking loveliest-looe field to ing ear on the road and it's the only car in the give you a choice of standard drive or Powerglide Automatic Trans mission (optional on De Luxe Models at extra cost) Ask your neighbor alto owns a CHEVROLET vvith Powerglide and shell tell you "There's just no other car like it anywhere" Then visit your local CHEVROLET dealer and find out for yourself You'll Catho- were Miss attendants Hocking i 4 t : ? I 1 911 4 Ii9f '111Plio - 16 144 r"- ' Her - —1--- k orchids and red roses Ir -L' - ' 't e::1'- r 1 1 DS Ntiss Margery s 0 '' lic clvirch The bride is a daughter of Mr and Mrs Frank EcheVarha a-1 ' little-rnone- $2950 ' — 1A — 1 St Barnard's in 4 - Griffin sets date int Reed Jensen Elsie - r f Ida—Miss An- Echevarria and Joseph Aug ta t 47710:' for neddint Arrk"St of sPringileggratdu4441 vows of marriage exchanged e la ' where he with Lambda --- i Wear it and love and Brown A 1— ncir te- r- 4 Mrs Allen P Hansen nest AuK II mai Miss Maurine Jensen ' tit-- lii) t 3 4: 14t11 - ' Logan 'Walker-Cal- ' t- Aicelncehhe'st ''''''''' 19' 4 ': '40 I- summer SANTAQUIN—Late bridal news is the announcement by Nle and Mrs Wallace Greaves of the marriage of a daughter Miss Carol Greaves to Lynn &Axle of Payson The couple exchanged vows Saturday at the home Of the bride's parents A reception followed at Santaquin junior high It' hrr!: Sam Peery a sister of the bhde was matron of t honor: Miss Margaret Greaves Miss Joan Wright Mrs Janice Lundell and Mrs Jeannine Carter also attended her Best man was Blain Greaves The bride has attended Brigham Young university for the past year The couple plans to make a home at Provo '1 s - I II it — - ' 4 BLACKFOOT ' i - --r DsSn toetnipmler La EflievarriaAnello for- mer Gvien Siddonayn Coal ilk t eGmasbnn Kappa sorority Her husband is a senior at the college studying accounting John 11her Ilamwn Mrs me th i If - ' firø"""lilltiir - e 11 : The new Mrs Gabrielsen is a junior in home economics at Utah State Agricultural college Logan and a member of Sigma s : Creaves-BaNi- e ' i ' 2" ' - s - A 4b daughterof Mr and Mrs Lyman J Gabrielsen of Lcgan Mrs Juanita Olson was matron of honor: Miss Helen Freeman Miss Nedra Gabrielsen and Miss LuDene Fresh were bridesmaids and Pamela Gabriel-W- I ' was flower girl was best Alvin Gabrielsen man ! ‘11:1 — V -ik- I ! f 14H Al Crisman was best man A reeption followed the wedding — Miss Ida Amitigcialbriniellsongain V ' of'honor E J and married sio RonaldI ''10 i ' -1 t ' ' : :: ')lil' :471 7 gladioli and red roses She was attended by Alveritta Egan and Z41arlene Stocking Georgia Blanch was matron I a was affiliated Delta Sigma yl lf) i 1— i The couple will make a home 1 II) - -- BLACKFOOT Gary Freeman' at Beaver Dam ' 1 I ' GEORGE-:-M- r student at Utah State fabulous - 0 - Freeman-Gabrielse- n bride of Saturday aim 31i4Carol tireaves ut santattitin before ceremony inmarriage Miss Louise Castle-to- n daughter of Mr and Mrs Harold I castleton and Bryce J Erieksen son of Mr and Mrs Joseph A Ericksen of Beaver Dent Rites were soleMniled by EIRay Christianson The bridegroom is a former t a I s '' PI 'f's1r: ' ' - Ilan - essmint ohw- (iinotiltirte)rn Stanford Mills t Scripps anti many other colleges 5 Major i Scholarships awarded Rowland lb!! gra d t Enjoy yourself ) rite n t Tel 34613 T Corr 'Headmistress Illy:0)0h Mrs West Secretary A Street hotween 1st ant12nd Aenues - '' ellaisis: ' i yin:Ilde!it:111asve inrtzotirlluttlititilin yliTillvtli Jukstoliti(11(7:i t i o:::)':): ::::::4'14172p"4:16t14"011111 1ameltitl:lt u ) ks v Stsillyagrdifilirnit) ilc ( nal padq to rtalPT11::11'!:Prtilkt1X('1115tr:ostrualtngly iti tons and ttIi'ls :1::rts 2 c"t11 nral'tjat::Ill'Ittt flPs too NAT 111:itkosc1:ailfit:gt it!to)404:ihirfar ' A' tit:r ' 1 18:011e1 4" lioni extrr- - tatobolgos 1:' ellEMIIMEMI i'' list:ottts'I'''YI"'11fi r st1Ictitysti hs:prJ'Ii7ilialtsNh:tel:111sg "':' t itufti""tt7tt:jit i t - Mrs ' tt ' " '' s 4 1“1:rftolts:1111t111Nni:sitit:rnoliunrsseto1:1:erikispol:1::Iittilislittrtv‘gryItiNateirlfr9valiNrelfirit:trilillin(elilf01:f:rittlitilpellailstilettsrlt Tr 1 : p - Lynn Bayle IP iIllh ! Nirs 4 tempCastletonErieksen il 7! ' i IN iss - tc t A t rw 1 In I ' '''s f I- al 4 ' '' - r"1' i lit61414il I Jensen' is a son of Mr and Mrs Howard 11 Jensen and a former student at Brigham Young university Provo The marriage will be solemnized in Logan L DS temple Ntr- IT- - ii r: 41111116 today ' Jr - ' - and Mrs L Lamb announce the 'marriage of a daughter Miss Dorothy Janet Lamb to Larry Ruesch son of ND and Mrs Clifford Ruesch ofrHurricanein Mann L DS temple Aug 12 The bride has been active in community music programs in Hurricane and Toquerville Newlyweds will be at home in ' i '' ? I - - t t Miss Louise ST George f wl' ' t Lantb-Rtiefl- " 11 1 ri CASTLE DALE -- - Mr and Mrs Allies C Jensen annount e the marriage of their daughter Mms 'Maurine Jensen to Allen P Hansen of Spring City Aug 11 in Mann 1 DS temple The bride was attned in a gown of white slipper satin with full length veil of nylon net draped frotn a spray of lily of the valley Her condige WaS pink camellias A reception honored newlyweds Aug 12 at home of the bride's parents The couple will make a home tn Salt Lake City i i 1! ' I'vvi:! " Ii "o- I f11191010 ' Wilde and Miss Donna Bowen as bridesmaids Jan Vernon was flower girl Grant Black stood as best man and Ralph and Dale Siddoway and Richard Blonquist ushered t - ''t Vea t !i - their - return from a wedding trip to Yellow- - lio'" c t ' lit-4'-''- bride-to-b- A Hurricane it fitittl 4-- 4' :" 1 ef i ' Beverly Corby with Miss Cleone er 11 11 ' '': I nas married August e l --- - - 1 - 41111 oi - ii iv ' ' st 11 d'11 0112 t I 0 o e I t ' I 1 - s v04e41etos' atm i1 1) - - isl '''stossitwe-- 1 a i ) -- ( 2 i i 1 C' i ')' - 14 - i A ' I r11 : "111110110aaakaw 'r ‘ 1- A I ' e ' ' - 4 No '' 4 t i ' 11 l" 1 'i-4- ''4-- ! i 1 Jto"11"'4 o k : - - ke ' : x t :711 — - t T to v 4: I ' ''' e - ' 4 t:k 04 s ' t : er4t1! 4 4 Griffin 111 Reed Jensen have chosen Monday as their wedding day announce the parents e Mr and Mrs of the 1 Rulon Gnffin 0 :4 1 'Egan daughter of Mr and Mrs Troy Egan andrTack Schoonover son of Mr and Mrs A J Schoonover were married Aug ' 4 at the Third LDS ward The bride wore a white satin and lice gown with finger-tiveil caught to a lace and satin tiara Her bouquet was of white Elsie s BEYBITNt-Ida--Mis- 1 - ''' ' 1!:: ( — A 1 4 ):ls - I - i rn 4 Mrs l' - f iiitioltayliallett ' i I ' COALVILLE—In a ceremony performed by candlelight on July 29 Gwen Siddoway51augh- ter of Mrs Marie Sawley be- came the bride of John Fisher Hansen a son of Mr and Ntrs Eeymore Hansen of Boise Ida Joseph E Beard read the - - ' ' ' ' ' fi""'-'- '' and r BrMrs Floyd H ysn is I son of Mr and Mrs AM:en Bryson of Bountiful Refewing guests at 'Garden I ward that evening Park LDS the bride wore an ivory satin gown with full length illusion led ripplmg from a ova eetheart brim crowned with orange blossoms She carried an orchid bouquet The bride's two sisters were :matrons of honor Mrs Charles H Blake Jr and Mrs Lincoln 'S Haacke Miss Helen Bird was maid of honor Miss Allene Bryson Miss Barbara Wih lde And brides- Miss Alhe Mae Hatc a!ds t Wallace Bryson stood with his brother as best man Wayne Bryson David Bryson Floyd H Bird Jr ushered Newlyweds will honeymoon in Canada before Mr Bryson returns to his studies at Brigham Young university Provo ! c I I waa Logan Solemnizeh e0" ' ''''''' I ft t ' ' t — Making WOODS CROSS their borne in rnamed Mr '' SI :11 ' Their Weckling Vows' Ot 4 "4 a ta t' ' 1iids Take' In Idaho leg''N't - ' 1: a - ! - - I ACROSS - - ---- -- ' - - ' ' - - - ' I:ttirt sitituitte421got hot ohm!- TANIPAX '''' k i 4 I - ' ' : -- -- jk |