Show ENOCH LETTER january 6 1919 A jolly wood good time w wae had bad his here donor during the thil lich holiday days skating was the principal arnum amusement ment there was wa skating on the armstrong pond skating on the ice down on the meadows and finally the people rot got BO sporty to so 90 out to rush ruah lake several car loads of people old and young went out together taking their lunch with them and making a day da of it there was a good sized boat on the lake and some would be enjoying a good boat ride while oth the skating all a en were war enjoying on the same me lake a aa there here is ai a two tain portion of the lake that never freezes over some of the older me men tried to keep up with the crople in skating and the result was that some iome came home rather stiff in their 3 joints chi while others other carried some gome good bruises bru iaea but all dech dechario arid they had the time of their lives randolph Grims grimshaw baw who recently returned from the officers training school at fort macarthur texis texas spent the holidays here vust visiting idi relatives relative and friends friend he is looking well 31 1 ia in the best beat of health and we are doubly pleased to welcome him home mr gri haw has two brothers in service bervice his brother geo having been in the thickest of the fighting and la is now somewhere in germany while thomas is in camp sheridan alabama A dancing party was given in the hall ball on christmas ohn atmas night and another on new years night A rood so an acial I 1 time was had some of the young people took it upon themselves to te ring the old year out and the new year in yesterday sabbath school and services er aisea were held here for the first time in the last three months month it seemed real rood good to meet together once more in religious worship our district school resumed in at st ruction this morning with miss min estelle jones jonea as teacher |