Show 0 carowan parowan Pa cc rowan aimes published every wednesday t P farolan it if S 1 caun Y editor and manager i alex H rollo subscription RATES KAI one year but t ax months M nth 50 I 1 ahre h months month aly al y payable I 1 in advance ado entered a second class M mail I 1 matter at the post port office at par carowan parowan an utah october 27 1915 S advertising rates rate made MadeJ know Cnown on application prices reasonable carowan parowan Pa rowan utah jan 8 1919 thou not spend nore more than thou earnestly earnest extravagance and living beyond one 6 means mean are aimed at in the new commandment which rupert hughs hughes gives us in in the new serial enal from th the a p pen en of ahr Is well 1 1 known know an and d popular 1 a r let that we have secured the thirteenth commandment is ii an unusually interesting story jury ot of ma modern denk ide he set on the he fringe of new L york high h so casty describing del bg the struggles of blittle little group of people working out I 1 the he problem of romance nuance once you start reading the story you will surely aurely finish it and having fir fur dished it you will be glad you started it be sure to read the opening installment I 1 stomach c h trouble if you have bave trouble with your stomach you should try chamber lains laina tablets so many have been restored restated to dealta by the use of these them tablets and their cot cost is IB so a little 25 cents that it is worth while to give them a trial hold old your liberty bond receipt re read a d your our liberty bond receipt Follo following is a copy of the receipt that thal ev s I 1 receive covering bonds left win tiu the 3 tk k L i I 1 ill I 1 county for safe keeping OR HURA no date received from name of subscriber the following fol lowine described liberty bonds ag regate value slid d d bool bond ft for fo ife kair aid d th 0 BANK OF IRON OUN IT Y is PAROWAN UTAH J CLAYTON MITCHELL cash cashier r this receipt it Is not nd mut mt b 0 ur 3 d bov r returns name of subscriber depositor deposit r ad 1 F isas native lumber in all dimensions at the 1 t walter C mitchell lumber yard bsh soon over hr his cold everyone speaks peaks well of chamber lains laina cough remedy after having used it mrs george lewis pitts pitta field N Y has this thia to say regard met me it last winter my little boy five years old wasi was sick with a cold for two or three weeks I 1 doctored him and used various cough modi medicines cines but nothing did him much good until I 1 began using chamberlains cough remedy he then improved rapidly and it a few days was over his cold P prefer f Clo in the course of a con ron versa veran in a with chamberlain medicine go cn representative today we had sion aion to discuss in a general merits of their preparations at hi his suggestion aug I 1 take pleasures in giving my estimation of chamberlains t remedy I 1 have a family of six children and have used this fremed in my home for years veara I 1 c 1 m I 1 the only cough remedy on ih eh market as aa I 1 have tried nearly all kinds earl C ross Pub publisher heher harm hamilton ton county republican news acom Syr syracuse kan FOR REAT RENT Frame building op posits equitable store suitable for small business place two roomed house boom on main street water and electric light connections for fur ther information we see S J WHITNEY Pa rowan utah adv dee dec IS 18 tf if FOR SALE 40 acrea a choice brush land adjoining the go gm decks decker farm on north and the jas G C robinson farm on northeast cornet corner will trade rode for far cattle for further inform information nom see H C AYRE aar parowan carowan Pa rowan U utah h arty adv dee dec 8 jan 8 M J macfarlane M D ph desm as surgeon CEDAR CEDAR CITY UTAH MAN offices in knell block over cedar city drug store stem s sw s w 99 9 9 iron ron countes Coun tys family newspaper the times as JOHN T MITCHELL LICENSED abstracter NOTARY PUBLIC Par carowan parowan utah deals in groceries notions perfumes tobaccos cos etc right goods at right prices L lis ESS bigi meet fleet your friends and neighbors with smiles F SS SS sa I 1 matheson meat market N I 1 lai D A MATI man lou irh I 1 rec II 11 alt til t foil bertli z IN ai 1 I 11 j tell P k v S ea ee 1 I vi send us your estern 1 t MILL WORK s BUILDING MATERIALS EMEN 13 PLAS I 1 ER pickets taj we also carry a full line cf rl hi U 1 I PAINTS ETC C 13 at milord miford lumber company 0 0 MILFORD UTAH H 0 o is I 1 the times prints only reliable news sir SAY IT WITH FLOWERS H ah 24 years whatever the occasion a birth a in the business death a joy a sorrow you can heat b a at show your pleasure or sympathy still buying P by saying it with flowers flow flowers sent at by wire win anywhere HIDES PELTS we are as near to you as your telephone wm pritchard floral hill greenhouse green hou house thomas lawrence cedar city ut parowan carowan Pa rowan utah I 1 ex express ress barber and a shop passenger service JOS E WARD proprietor M wv wv regular trios trim to M mlford iford and return ant farat ism tona onal work will carry express is IB our motto light freight and open week days from 8 SO JO s in to 6 80 p D in except gat satur daan do when lum the shop leave orders order at office of parowan carowan will voll elife 1 ir 8 sp 30 auto company 0 m JOHN mgr aiese W p dna north lirag ieiri lmh ALBERT N tollestrup DR F i J UNTON teacher in piano ard and violin phi ph ci surgeon pupil aroll alt t ny P alt studio at thoe thoa D adam of ft par carowan parowan utah cu calling houn B to li u sin 0 z heun 2 u p RI A an YS your sewer clogged the bowels are the sewerage system of the body you can well imagine the result when they are stopped up as is ie the ease case in con sti pation As a purgative you will bitt find chamberlains tablets excellent they are mild and gentle in their action they also improve the digestion |