Show AMERICAN HERO DESPITE LOSS OF FEET QUALIFIES AS AN AH AIRMAN atlanta man fought with dublin Fusi leers until injured later he was made a flight commander in the british air service and was going big until he was captured by the huns with american army 1 in francs france LOBB of ar one foot and ad part of the oth AM er did not end tile fighting career of owen cobb holleran of atlanta go ga A man with artificial feet 1 Is unfit for far infantry duty so owen was honorably discharged from that branch of the service being a soldier of fortune holleran refused to be dumped on tho the arm army scrap heap as he ex pressed it in spite a of lit ha ph physical handicap he w wormed armed III his is way into tile the british Br idill air service won a tillers pilot a license ing a type of plane that did not require foot manipulation became a now lieu tenant rapt captain 1 and flight commander commande fio some same climb tor a fellow with wooden feet but not at surprising if you knew holleran he had bad nil all sorts ratio of thrills theme and adventures and then one a dav to but t I 1 am getting ahead of my star story Y better let capt J E G lowry tell it an he told it to we me on an a rainy night while I 1 was WAR with the british army 19 he we was attached to the american oration sv in london before enter ing the united states state mra arror it wn was while at the london embassy that he first drat had bad the case of owen cobb hot hoi leran en called I 1 led to his air attention I 1 allow captain lawry home as also 1 Is in atlanta stronger stranger than F fiction I 1 ilia there Is material kimbarl at I 1 tor for a book tn in H holleran lleras 8 e experience 11 said captain lowe lowry stranger than fiction in spots pat his a P pe mal came to me aw at the ills embassy 1 and I he be he has kept up a correspondence spon Vasi dence dorre th there to 1 is a real lot at I 1 in the chap he hels Is a as a clever er ead and b brave as they make them HP was employed pd P d BB B clerk in the a office of if the southern bell no co company in atlanta like many their other young americans he wanted to a see so the great war it got get into his blood long before our coun conn try was involved 1 in 1915 he I 1 started acted named out from fro atlanta with friend named gray had lust just between them for the big adventure they went to new york and tried to enlist in the british arav but the consul sold be small enroll americans am from a crossing policeman pattern they I 1 learned arned that th t a cattle boat was to sail ball next near day chev th decided berb ed to work their passage page pa ge they applied and got the lob job besetting beaching london load they were accepted at a recruiting station to in scotland mul t yard th the recruiting sergi sergeant want wanted sit to know what bra branch h of the i service they preferred holleran thai mal rea plied piled no choice just as a soon on o n serve 1 in our one branch A BS the he 0 other t her ill my only yon w aly J request Is that you send d us to a warm 1 climate I 1 came fro from the south smith and I 1 like it lavt hot Y yon can an a get it hot an gli nt at sov any P part of the front replied the ser geant t 1 I see sea y your point led lad and ad j well a flee what olt can toe be done don with nith a name like yours I 1 think thick an irish out lit fit Is t the lao place for you holleran was as aligned it ad to the dublin ru rusl leers silvers hi friend G GY gray Y went to the anine reel mg i s adient ml in a few ew mouth months holleran fl regiment was sent to he served through gh that campaign and saw hard eat we th the rg regiment 1 t nw 1 vt with other british uniti t to r egypt t to he con re fitted t led after the gallipoli sep se P feet badly frozen next halt went want with the dub I 1 it alln rall rusl leera re into serbia with the first billed allied rep expedition aitio in tile the III mountains A to many any of the soldiers suffered buffered I 1 from to i frozen feet aud and hands holleran Hol letana a feet were belly frozen joeen and he told wem me wit with b ft a ulu grin list chat ila he mulan t help me using seeing ali the fuary mile bide of it after line lk asked aird to b be sent at to in a hot but vt place falp pate A began age to extend lead a helping ba hand n d to holleran away out there them at n too tallied 1 led to the british field cold hospital in si sk b in were no american america surgeons A one on frag from georgia end the other from south uth carolina learning that hoi gal leran im hailed fro from atlanta they took special interest la in him they it did it everything possible I 1 to gave ove his W rest ft ul later inter to avoid more miles serious corn libations and possibly death they part of baill toot foot holleran returned to england mighty ile he was at climde hospital maintained by mr mrs mtr astor lie he was waa fitted out with at artificial fi id feet feel tim there when it came time t to think thick boat about ending bonding 1111 holleran Holler ortan nn back W tile the states the coff 9 vaa we refereed to we me but owen cobb hollers holleran did not at intend to go 90 home ila he said aid anybody who thought his fighting days were over just because he had game feet beet had another anoche ruess gues he said he had read mad about a new mw tape of airplane while at the hos ile pital it w was operated rated entirely by khz hand band levers e a which h fact sale gate him an inspiration he eta said old h he ed had given the me matter ter much thought haab on bis 1 cot I sh pit and while sunning nw I 1 g himself 1 in a wheel chair he had bad n finally s y resolved to become an aviator a aud d he be felt confident he could make ke good the ilax next thing mug aheard I 1 heard about no hoi lerea leran he be ana a a full fledged flyer in the british air force he made good from the start one day a very cry large go and official looking envelope envelop e come came to in me it canta contained ined t the ll 11 he honorable 0 abl dlf ape charge of owen ca cobb bb holleran r from man the dublin Y it had been sent t by the colonel ol 01 onel of the regiment who wrote very mu flatteringly about the young american I 1 hadn haan t seen am or heard from holleran for or months I 1 finally learned the location of hla his squadron and forwarded the army certificate physical 1 I defect barred him A few daya day later I 1 bcd received a ebe cheerful erfal letter thanking me and andt ate ing me to dine with him at my earliest convenience lre l mt at th the squadron ad me mess you yen could have li necked knocked me over with a Is feather ather when uben at the end and of the letter I 1 read a d that owen cobb holleran was now aw a captain and flight corn conal under he mentioned mention more than once that tbt he his inability to serve ills own country when we on en the war hot but hla his physic il sl defect barred him and he wanted to loop right on fighting fight lnE the sachs boche sal ao he re bained 1 in the british service arl 1 I we was very cry eager ger to be see lid him and ad to congratulate him on tiia his sure 3 but hafl had to daf defer the ma visit owing to the activities of the british army it in fo happened that I 1 selected the tiny day following the most net dramatic due dav 1 in lorma a career at but I 1 we waa W too late motoring to the squadron I 1 found E english gloh and it canadian and american avia tora tors in a spiel spirited led game if at be bae aviators avla ball at I 1 asked tor for capt captain in holleran Holl cran A fellow shouted to a lt lieutenant ctet who we was placing second ad base ah ahe lieu tenant came up panting he said aid I 1 Capt CP lul holleran Holle rau 1 Is go gone gone 1 reiterated what do you mean he I 1 imbt t dead Is nhe he no taken prisoner by the boche bache yesterday I 1 roomed and chummed with him gang miss him terribly happened like this wf we went on a dRi daylight light bombing raid holleran led the e ab flight t before we started he re marled r that he be lud hid a sort of prie pre sentha sentiment zat was going ta t iipp happen to him our bombing t rip we was a wiler success we had orders order to fly low law OD the rem return and ad machine blue gun gon certain positions ons be ran 1 into to heavy so en may emy n fire es hollers holleran A s niah blue lne w w hit he fit went down inside the enemy it lines we see him se to na then we out boches barbee surround him with leveled guns gone and iian aaa rinds hois arms go up CO can you rou beat it for far a melodramas ramat ic last scene acene asked captain L LU lowry U holleran ll clemn w was 1 captured on sunday september 15 A game kid p pity ity they got get hl him |