Show the th home paper pap when the chenin shade abade Is r lallio fallin lu at t he 0 diD a 0 the day a leibe feller teats from labor bosinis ID hia ho sinis pipe a clay theres lothin dust dock him so much good be fortune up or down As the little country paper from his hie oil ol 01 home town it aint a thing a 01 beauty an its print aint always clean but it straightens out hr his temper when a fellers feler lz beehn mean it t takes the wrinkles on off his hia face an brushes brushed off the frown that little country paper from his hie oil ol 01 home town it t tells tell of all ail the parties an balli ball of punkin portion row bout who spent sunday with his hi girl an how the crop cr opall sll krow grow how it keeps a teller posted amt who la 1 up and who is down trial toot little country paper from his hia I 1 ol 01 1 home town now I 1 like its to read mad the dailies a an the story papers too and at times the yellow y allow novels an some ome other trash dont yoi and when I 1 want some that will brush away a frown I 1 want that little paper from my ol at home town chloride furnace news newa |