Show z tuberculosis LOSS IS BIG federal government bum beara partial LOGS lt of animals ammala slaughters slaughtered d because of I 1 infection prepared by the OR united amoss department to eat ot or the 1919 ag agricultural appropriation la bill di just pa sayied ad by congress a colum contains lit an ill item expect expected it to be of great 11 1 ia abe federal and state cam paleo pg to eradicate tuberculosis among am ong cut cattle fie and w swine I 1 it t provides that the federal fed ral government she shall 11 par MY led andem ml alty to 0 owners whose cattle are am maugh ceped it because became they have been f found 41 in fueled with W tuberculosis J ahe he department of agriculture is to pay a one told third of the difference between the appraised value toe of the its cattle and the halvage so emge value 0 of the slaughtered animals animal provided UP that ti the state m to am coun ty or municipality in which the cattle are am owned and kept Is co cooperating 1 in the tuberculosis coherent A sis work and pays at least east an egos equal amount to the owner 6 W entire herd affected with bovine basin tuberculosis in no case is the federal government to pay more to the owner than 1 Is prid t 0 bt be the state county connie or municipality no pavas am at by the federal government is to le be more than 25 for any grade animal or more than 50 for nay any pure limit bred animal and ad no payment la 1 to he be made unless the owner has complied compiled with in all quarantine tine regulations this his provision 1 la expected to re ce move mu much h A of f ill the a opposition ap pp among AAA cattle owners 1 I that met has hindered tuber tube eradication work borte through it the federal government ti the state counte A dv or municipal governments and ad the owners of cattle tile will she share 1 in the tin losa r resulting call I 1 ing from slaught nim in ameigh feted animals for the abe protection ol at other animals not In infected felted another import important a of development ex peeked acted to hasten tuberculosis rubem lost tion tine w wag as the unanimous by b breeders bleeders bre eders old and IB Hs talk stock sanitarians sanit arians ot of 1 national I of regulations tot mm ac crediting dilla pu purebred herds of cattle this arthal action tak taken A last december aadot okd the co an ord ordination of efforts at 01 and ad the abate tot and ad federal ederae go governments emmen to tor for the suppression of tuberculosis tuber in purebred animals OB july 1 11 1 the department issued it its mst list of herds held accredited cereal ad as fr tree fr from a inbar tuberculosis charms the herds hard roun numbered berd a on that date data up approximately pis I 1 at 7 taft the us list t also named hs herds that t bad passed one a everes successful full they must at pong another that anoual I 1 test on em full fulla bof be wis ire being placed on am the abe at ac credited list the annual loss ines it mon t tuberculosis be rein re in of among along C cattle tile and fugue Is recIo reckoned ned A at in the united states the federal campaign to wliam eradicate the ill dis ease As I 1 is or of comparatively natively recent meant begin ring it has hem been divided lot into three well 11 defined PC projects J M th the first ficat P project eject Is the eradication of tuberculosis from individual herds held of p purebred abbed cattle tile 1 the I second Is the eradication ot of cards tm tuberculosis io is from in circumscribed areas the be third I 1 1 Is the eradication of tuber among fasi swine lt it Is estimated by officials in close clean ten touch h with available records record that 15 P ner or cent of purebred pure bred cattle ill ID this country are affected with tuberculosis in he smile grade cattle and swine rho las percentage exam of infection 1 Is gradually macreas IDS as a by post mortem records tile na in establishments how on where meat fie alon is boult maintained hied infected ma animals luel aw am not net only deager a to oilier ill 1 aal aol I aitla mitla bt play y tr transmit It ill the disease to upon mankind bal through ewt ilk sad and flesh |