Show th the queer leaf I 1 insect t it is IB culled the Is lie insect and until it arm to croul crawl it Is IB quite imp lible to tell cohere tile leaf leaves off ami it igla it tomes comm in all al sires from flon throe three drobes long to the hie kongth of a little finger nail ladt and it ls Is nut a lent leaf come gnadt to life though that is what hot it looks it lit I 1 it hutches hatches out of bev aubre am brown bmw egg U hat would until be tin fin list hat hopia 1 ial it ita backbone and the point jt w where bere the leaf attaches to the twig Is in thead tand ta its less legs look lite like bits of deel acied bad anil cogged leaf unit and no too of them im are lika in length size ats or calpe it its aings ings ure are irregular anil and helny III bad have are aal ill discoloration a I 1 on them be as thal they h ey had bad hue been touched bombed lo 10 hv early trust frost you could not tl tell 1 aa creature from the leaf it won a sitting it 1 IS on to sae 3 our eja aea most dinney thing I 1 ill ever ban 1 1 I 1 it 11 gave me the be oops bad and made me think a ot hor her I 1 be hiim al beat alpi aids and mc that you for fior humana huiqun blood blen from alie via var in 1 it the 1 ced crindle of tile the world rid by franklin ELID |