Show mm CAN YO U FO FORGET R GE I 1 the gray lin line e of re refugees f 19 a fie is edd stricken r aca fields ids of of 1 ing g ser across a as th the a etrope back h home a old men an and women shuffle long atone their he backa bt stooped pd under the weight of the handle bundles containing the few goods goads they have saved f for or the tivilia twilight ht a of their lives widowed hopelessly mothers hopelessly beginning anew a lite that they would not cherish bu but t for the children dependent on theu them turn th their air faces toward the hall racked it pleasant land of frince france 0 here and there in the pro ce cession ceon on appears a stumbling goat or a scrawny cat salvaged by affect dionie owners w 3 from the wreck of their world bathe but the mass of the refugee line is made up of children wear young at stera hearing bearing themselves with a stoic calmness bred of living thru cen centuries turn of agony g ony in four short years year so some m ae a e a mere men babies born to a barim heritage ir e 0 of f blood and confusion some bono bo no are old id enough to remember vividly the MY days I 1 in which the scythe of war mowed down their parents and leveled their homes leaving them without shelter or sustenance they are the wards of america these babies of europe and it is up to these then american women to mother the them since militant germany first swarmed over her borders border and loosed her is name of cruelty and devastation ivr france and belgium they haie hae been barely existing getting along alone anyhow somehow wearing tatters of el ahmer and eating the little that w was a tarus t at them many of thew them were a out of the reach of help and only sur survived v ived by some mine miracle during the german occupation now they fire are again free and within reach of help and help must be given them at nee the first need that of food has been filled by supplies sent to europe thru thin the american red grow cross and in the last few weeks at least have shrunken little bodies have bee been tilled to the point of comfort thousands of the shrunken little bodies dies however still remain to be in clothed |