Show we he have been told cold recently to cat at yet at excited over oven a railroad coming into Par carowan viva we were also told that when be the proper time came the ormy orem electric road would be built to iron county but that it was pat not deemed that the proper time he hae we he ahva 1 been told old com come yet and by railroad people that if a railroad does doe enter iron county it will tart start at lund pasa pan through cedar and oil oa down to little zion geo gen A and his hia father have purchased fr from 0 in john bayles the stock block that he owned in the auto co the cona idera tion non being something ao over inasmuch as david A matheson wilt will be unable to get sufficient electric power to manufacture ice why not some enterprising man store some ome now BO an that he can furnish it to the people next summer for family the misses pearl and vera rose roae left for salt lake city saturday where they will enter a business college now open after the removal reni oval of quarantine restrictions because a of 1 the influenza epidemic A prominent lady of Par carowan parowan warlis is i trying to interest about 25 or of io 10 married ladies to join her in a loafing feast for a couple of weeks on I 1 i main street such as the married men have been enjoying all winter remember 0 there them are t two pay iwa apsy menta n due on that liberty libert y bond nd you i purchased and both of them come due this abia month |