Show LOCAL ITEMS the new county officials all 11 II took path oath of office monday the parowan carowan drug store now has a nice lot of ice put away for us next summer I 1 G W decker went to cedar monday to attend a meeting of the county school b board d geo taylor and anne have stored away 22 full fall loada load of ice for use during the coining coming summer months N C madsen and clarence smith of summit were noticed in town ton monday attending to busin busio ebs matters mr and mrs enoch burton hae base returned from salt lake city whom where they lime have spent ft a week waIl visiting imil f friends ends and attending to business representative day will leave for far salt lake city saturday to take his hia place piece in 1919 legislature which convenes monday january min caddie orton after spending apen drog a week visiting friends here returned saturday for far ka kash kanosh sh where her mother is living at present we notice by the market reports that the price of wool mutton and beef has risen a little which is so en clanging cou clar rasing ging news we to our sheep and cattlemen enoch barton contractor haa bm completed the bank building and will 11 now take his workmen to to finish up tip the arbiol building at that place mr and mrs lou burton wet wert to cedar friday to attend the funeral of mrs bertona Bur tona brother john gower who passed away thursday from influenza pneumonia walter C mitchell newly elected to the office of member of the board of education of iron county went to cedar to attend his first meeting of that organization doctor smith says that one good preventative a of the influenza I 1 i t to have your teeth properly cleaned and kept clean by bv doing so the germ will mil not be able to find 0 fit field in the mouth to propagate prorogate the two main mercantile stores of the city were busy the past few days taking stock it is understood that each institution has haa a larger stock on hand th than anthey they did last year it peculiar 7 sine since the restriction a tIt loa have been taken off sugar the people or a great mary many at atlease least are am not half as aa anxious to purchase sugar luzar aa a they were before the re were taken off two years ago the legislature turned out exactly 2 bills for every member employee and appointee gee gael we hope this year they wilt will pass pam but one half that number so a they can finish up op in sixty days dayi harry lunt manager of ore cedar mercantile company was in carowan parowan sunday having cameo meet with a few Pa rowin cati citizens zens and two gentler gentlemen arn from beaver representatives representative a of beaver wollen and to transact business connected with that company rumors are now current that in 1919 parowan carowan will have added to her business section a hardware store hotel cafe and les ice ere cream parlor furniture store mah door and pl ong mill mili mid and maybe a new barber shop if all that a is planned e is carried out business in parowan carowan should be some nhat lively this year ladies notice the aal article fr from the red ad a cross A workers asking that all socks sock and sweaters be turned in by saturday as well as the refugee cio clothing anz now in our hard hands A rep thin part r auit be made to denver headquarters by jim jan 15 he hence it I 1 is necessary 9 ry that everything be turned act in S saturday r day if you have some work unfinished put in a little extra time une and complete complete it on OD time |