Show CASTOR OIL FROM ORIENT thousands of gone gallons are am coming catalog through the port of seattle Se seattle seatta attl we wash b thousands or of gal hin ions of castor star oil ad ag are coit tine thedaugh this thia port part from I 1 tile it a or orient I 1 cut and it has bem been largely due to this importation that americas airplane performance in the war has baa been so BG successful CAs oil it tos has proved to be ba the best lubricant tor for airplane motors lotom but its production 1 in this evolo country wn wag it limited the united states government encouraged m cou the planting of maim castor beans but the crop was nag a failure in the orient crops crop b have been exceedingly bountiful it Is believed the stream of oil 11 flowing into this country won soon will he be increased owing to the vae use of alt airplanes illaneS on an mall mail routes maim |