Show minor matter A CR cardiff III woman hounam oa 01 joined ed I 1 private literary circle tier husband bisbo nh has h DO an faith dib I 1 la feminine lodgment judgment an such men reactors matters wa was sort anxious 1 to k iknou tm how in ago went wart well cal and what sort eort of a com etine find bid you haves have he be asked on om his big bif 6 return S plen dide ali she amus answered hrad an and d what wits the topic under dai asp it med r 0 oh h was the italy ply we a discussed it alie e antecedents e erimus ot of that bram we worn an wi with f h the tbt lived hair that just moved la ie opposite opio elte its joneses and since one of tile thi poets poeta ahel ley I 1 think cardiff A wales 31 mail |