Show 1010 COUNTY FAIR GENERAL COMMITTEE TO BE A APPOINTED TED soo SOON N CHAIRMAN PRITCHARD BALL TO BE SET ROLLING immediately W wm pritchard chairman of the iron county fair A association mes tion makes the tha announcement that ft a g general anemi comm committee lit I 1 will ban be pointed soon and it will III be instructed to bet baffin sel elective elec eting tine sub committees committee to take tak over nome the matter of 0 preparing for and ar rainen ng details for the 1919 county fair which is scheduled to be held I 1 in BOtne saime time next amber september Pm ber so some me people may think it entirely too early arly to think of the fair let alone alon beginning prepa preparations ratio me f for or the holding holdier of it but mr rd believes believe not it is i his hia beaire sales as well as the desire of 1 th the other officers ficera of of the co county U nty association that plans plan boo be outlined early in order to allow of the sheep and cattlemen farl farmers housewives boys boya and girls to decide what they wish to enter for display in the fair and to g give ive them plenty of time boget to get the best olevery of everything it is B also alao the desire to berin this early ao an that a good line of sport may mav be assured aured as which as has haa been suggested by the chairman shall be 0 of faucha auch a character asto as to insure the people nm ething that the will twill appeal to them and rive give the greatest bount amount of amu amusements at trie least possible cost we ve haye have been informed that th the co who shall ahall have th the paling on 04 0 of f the fair will be bec chosen hoten 1 within l the next week or ten days and that immediately thereafter sub ab committees will be chosen as ic well wall as ape special tell committees commit teea in each town in the county |