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Show SOLDIERS MOURN DEATH OF GENERAL AT LOS ANGELES Spoi-inl to Tb Tribune. I.OS A.GEI,KS. Dec. 21). More than 1000 l,o.s Angeles men wbo were in train-ins train-ins at (.'amp Kearny during the war yesterday yes-terday mourned . the death of Brigadier General Riehard W. Young at Salt Lake Saturday night. General Younp commanded com-manded the .Sixty-fifth field artillerv brigade, of wbi:h the 143rd field artillery", composed mostly of Californians and known as the "Mary Piokford regiment," was a part. W hen B. S. Young-, of 2922 South Flower Flow-er street, a brother of the clear officer, who is the secretary of the soldiers' and sailors' replacement bureau, made the announcement an-nouncement of the death of General Young, there was an instant hush in the big room, where several hundred former service men were gathered. Many of them were, overseas veterans who' had served under General Young. and manv others had been under his command at Camp Kearny. There also were two men, veterans of the Utah battery wbo went to the Philippines Philip-pines with General Young during the Spanish-American war. These soldier boys, who knew and loved their old commander, com-mander, and a number of well-known citizens cit-izens who were there, reverently bowed their beads in silent prayer, and there were damp eyes and choked voices everywhere every-where during the afternoon when soldiers got together. |