Show Evanston to Meet Ogden Here Sunday Special l Dispatch EVANSTON Vt Vo o 0 July 18 11 11 Evan ton are ar primed for tor their game gane am at t Ogden Sunday with lIh the th Ogden Gunners Gunner lude headers or of the th Utah Idaho lea league ue Mem Morn Member bere ben ber ot of the local club have h v been sent lent ent through three fast tut f t practices this thle week In preparation tor for the th battle E Eton ton has hae ha made mad a brilliant record on the th diamond this thle thi sealon and ii Ie I out to trim the It I Is l expected that a large larre num num- number number ber or of o local an will acc pany the team George and Lefty Leny Man Man- two former members of at the club will torm form the th batterY Y Ogden Od n for tor Sunday lunday MannIng will do the th for the e th W nine ln while Er- Er ErIn Erwin Mn Er-Mn win In will work back of ot th the plate lat The Th other oth r player who ho will PIli get et are Eaton Ib Into the in same gains Potti Pott Layne Jb Burt is ee It if Kr Krauth uth ct cr and StArr rt rf Two iU lao also al make maket t the he Jaunt |