Show STOCKS MAKE BUOYANT RISE Pools Force Prices Up Despite Selling By Bear Operators NEW EVI YORI YORK J BaIl 18 18 road shares assumed the tho leader leader- leadership ship of ot a broad bread upward movement at tho opening ot of today's stock market St St Paul preferred and andSt ht St Southwestern Louis preferred each opened about a point while Missouri Pacific moved UP uto to 10 a 0 new Dew 1924 hl high h Coppers also nero ere In good demand Smelting Smelling touching a L now new peak price In th tb few tew minutes ot of yi-W yi KAtL PC US e lOter interest 1 continued to 10 center largely in the railroad share additional new highs ha- ha beIng halog bIng log Ing recorded by Rock Island loland corn com common non and sit sl per cent preferred Kal Kati l I Western Vestern liar liar- Harland Mariland land second preferred I City Southern common and lund p pr e- e Pere Marquette Peoria leorla Eastern Eastorn Frisco common and d Wheeling Lake Lako Erie Irle preferred the gaIn gains ranging from fron small to 10 nearly tao 11 points Other strong spots spols Included include duns Express r press American Tobacco Gen General l Petroleum Cerro De Da Pasco and Warner SIC Warner art art- Wern r Speedometer all ail allup aup I up one on to two points Woolworth II and United States Stal's first preferred each ott olt a II point nero ere Imong mong the few fow heavy Y spots For Ign exchange opened steady teady COPPI It itS ISS C The upward up movement mO d broader proportions as trading progressed despite rather r tree free r soiling of ot Bethlehem bm and Crucible le r Steels Baldwin S and pump sagged one to t two 0 points 1 Tuto 10 T 0 iscore score coro stocks had attained new peak nc peak prices before beCore noon ot of whIch moro more than Ihan halt half were rails nils IncludIng lag Ing Southern Pacific n Pacific Chicago Great Northern and an Rock Hock Island 7 per cent nt preferred e ordinarily Inactive Issues also came to life lite coppers continued to give one ot of the be best t demonstrations ot of strength Call moneY ope opened lied at two tao per percent cent nt GOOD CC ADYA ADVA The ability of ot pools to mark top op stocks In opposition to 10 the th spasmodic selling o ot of the bear le- le lement do- do ment found In a much market ia in the afternoon hen hen a number ot of shares rose roe Good lr Rubber pre pre pre- erred red bo eight points and an 1 G Davis Dis ChemIcal Department Store Stores Sat Sat- ago Arms A Atlantic Coast Line and Northern Pacific ruled three to toul points higher The closing was strong Dull Dull- operations were conducted In th the tail util dealings Big 1515 lour Four jumping b Gen den General denoral General oral eral Electric United d 5 each American Car d 1 I 3 l 31 As Aa L whole h heavy y buying or of o the tho rail rail- ro rod d l es Inspired by the Ibo de- de dei I isbn of ot the interstate commerce commissIon a n reduction In freight rateS rales on In In waa nas the tho lh outstanding of ot toda teda today s R ftc Ite- ac active 11 tive ve stock market marlet Mure Myre than 50 5 Including ove ovee OV t 30 rails touched n new w high prices tor for the th sear ear Sales approximated 1300 1500 shares |