Show s Is IsI I DEATHS I 4 Mrs Ea E Ei a Dunbar former rest resi resident dent of ot Ogden died July 15 at the tho home of oC her hor daughter His MIS Charles L ls Ld ls In Log Lo Angeles The bod body arrived In Ogden this after after- afternoon afternoon noon at t 1 65 55 5 o'clock and was taken to the th chapel of ot Larkin Sons hel heie e It may be b sieved i Ic lowed cd this after after- afternoon afternoon afternoon noon until 6 o'clock when It III bo be il remo to the th home horn of ot Mrs De ln 2712 Lincoln e a nue Thero There the th bod may be bo viewed until time tim of services which will willbe willbo be held Saturday at 1 10 30 o'clock t at atthe athe the Eleventh ward rd meeting house with Ith Bishop James H II Riley pre pre- presIding pre sIding aiding lr Mrs hIss Dunbar Is la sun un 1 ed edby by the th following children W Wil William II- II ham liam A Dunbar San Stall FrancIsco Mrs Eta Ela E Dodt Dodi Alameda Calif Mrs loin Mr Gertrude Lewis ot of Lo Los An- An Angeles An gobs geles formerly of McCammon Idaho and nd Mrs SIrs Lucilo Van Yon D ko Ie Ogden den William Doss 45 a 11 negro resident of oC Ogden who ho a was known knon as Big Bis BIg Sam died Thurs Thurs- Thursday Thursday Thursday day e e at 9 1 30 o 0 clock after a Illness of ot neuritis Mr McConnell was as born December 25 1878 In Fair county Arkansas Ic I-Ic had been a resident of oC Ogden for the th past pt 15 1 years yero In that time h he has hIlS been the hid packer for tor forthe the Ogden Packing and Pro company for tor 12 lears ears The Til fam fain famIly family ily home horn Is I at 11 Twenty sixth Twenty street Surviving are re his and also three brothers and one sister R who Use lh 0 In the tho cast east The rhe body was as remo remo ed ed to the dill pending arrangements |