Show Yeast Yat Kings King's Wife ie Gets Millions I U S MUST NOT SURRENDER TO WET INET MINORITY So Declares Bishop Nich- Nich Nicholson Nicholson olson Nich-olson ISo olson to League Against I Alcoholism NATIONS NATIONS W WATCHING I Lawbreakers Shouldn't I Control Police Speaker Declares I WINONA LAKE In Ind md l July 18 1 We e mus build our nation on the solid foundation of noss nea nese lam lav la lavand and good mill III It Is the tho only permanent basis basit for business for lor family life lIc and for Individual prosperity This was ae the keynote of an ad- ad ad dres s today toda by Bishop Bichop Thomas of Detroit president of othe the tho Saloon Anti-Saloon o of Amer Amer- AmerIca America ica lea before the thc International an- an annual an annual nual oust conference of at the arid league Ica against alcoholism Bishop Nicholson n 1 member of oft t he governing body of ot Inc Hit Metho letho Methodist dist Episcopal and a plo plo- pio pioneer neer in the prohibition n JT outlined the and progress of the dry crusade mc IP 11 America attributing Its triumphs to th the moral morat REd an d spiritual Ideals have been It Its Ite inspiration and the motivating mo force torce of its lIs su supporter The The prohibition movement moment has been pronouncedly n a ChrIstian and a church nt Bishop Nicholson said Sobriety pays was the epi epitome tome of the lesson leson Clam the American expel lonce he said GREAT T PRO PROBLEM Prohibition I Is and It will Ill be seen to be bo Increasingly a great problem It If law Ian ers brokers breakers and not law makers control our po- po police police po police lice anarchy is it supreme Every Evory foe of law and order will take takene ne nest courage It if we announce to toa toa a 0 skeptical world arid that we have not the courage to hold to a vic vic vic- victorious ideal because lawless lawles me men oppose It 11 then any world court ideals Ideal nih will III be bo discounted like like- likewIse likewise like likewise wise Democracy will not be trusted by these new nations ha have hae e discarded kings Ing Hu- Hu Human Human Hu Human man progress will be turned back and the current now steadily sot sot- set set-Ing log Ing toward a golden age oge will lose Its force In a waif back r Noth Nothing ing Inc else elso matters so much as that the nih will ill of the majority c pressed In legal and orderly fashion shall prevail The The Tho law-abiding law n of othe the nation accepts the challenge of ofa ofa ofa a wet minority that the constitution tion cannot be and ought not to tobe tobe be enforced Recent victories for forlaw forlaw i fori law and order Inspire new flea ne I dence Both Doth of the dominant po- po po political patties pal tie In conven conventions lions at Cleveland and New ew York turned down the Insistent Ins demand for wet et mm et planks and for lor the tho first time adopted law enforcement planks Plan Indicating their determination determination determination to defeat the wets els program of law defiance The Independent platform Ignored the plea for beer SURE JlII The last congress s defeated ever ever effort to weaken eaken the nation nation- national national al at enforcement code and and enacted semen en mel measure mea to law enforcement Both Both the Democratic and R Re- Re Re Republican publican con conventions contentions s the bill to put prohibition agents un- un under un under der tier civil service passed paged the house by an overwhelming ma- ma ma majority 1 The wet force arc aro starting their attacks on state enforce enforce- enforcement mont ment code codes They will wilt tall fall It if the dry forces are awake lime congressional and state legislative districts arc aro the tho for for- forums for forums for tor determining whether ef- ef ef effective enforcement lawn last shall stand or fall tall Every friend of law hw enforce enforce- enforcement enforcement enforcement ment must and vote Fail Fall Failure Failure ure uro at this point mons non en able laws and Increased law law- law We 0 are fighting fighting- the knoll known n e evil etI tI of modern times and winning wiening the greatest moral marat victory eer ever achieved by a governing governing elf people MUST lUST TOT loOT J OT SURRENDER rho The Tho best bent manhood of the tho world is watching us Wo Wa ore are en en- en encompassed en compassed with Ith a of nit nit- wit flosses If we ae e full fall then Ihen the Iho arid will abandon hope for prohibition Ve e are ore equipped for tor this fight oa as Is la no other nation nailon We Va W ha hate e every advantage ad Our foe I Is waging only a guerilla war war- warfare warfare fare We Wo hold ever I Continued on ra Page P fe Two I I 00 U S MUST NOT SURRENDER TO WET MINORITY from Page P e One post port There Th r Is li no failure except by surrender Stimulated by our example other peoples p ople are ar tentatively tenta- tenta tentatively opening the tight against a the thO lIquor forces of o theIr thelt nations Where wo we w lead they follow We Vo can lead the th world to 10 an age where drunkenness Is as ki as human Slavery lavery It if we w onlY have th faith th and courage Wr We lead Id l the world Into the thO th deepest bond bond- bondage age to the tho th brewery barons and the tho lords of drink It we flinch rho fhe United States State le I the th hope hop of the age ace W We must wo we w can caa and wo we |