Show u p- p pi i I BUTTER Hot weather is So a true test of good food butter The Th intense heat het brings out the tin real flavor flaTor If It your butter tastes I greasy of or old it is because it is not first grade gride Skaggs Sk rg I BUTTER is 13 always churned fresh and nd of the th very best quality It is i easy e sy to buy cheaper butter but not better Saturday UNTIL NOON B Lbs Skaggs skag BUTTER 2 L Quality Creamery Creamery U CORN FLAKES Fl AW 3 jor Helloes I jj PINEAPPLE 2 Large nc Cans 4 e Z Broken Sliced ed 45 T Choice Shoulder 10 C PORK PORI l Roasts Best Cuts lb PORK Hock Shoulder End lb Ib UC B DEEP tF Pot OBest Best Roasts Cuts Ib lb IOe 1 10 j O OTHER BARGAINS S1 Cur R AD Lb Cloth Bag rJ un tJ Fine Preserving 2 00 1 SATURDAY ONLY I RAISINS n-AV n 3 J s Largo 1 Seedless Seediest or r Seeded 35 c PICKLES pr 1 1 i r J Or Large l-a l r chow e 22 oz Chow Ch w Jar Jars Sweet swe t 39 on c SARDINES ARDINES I 2 Olive o Cans v In o Oil Pure 25 c JELLO aIELLO 3 All Flavors Sweet Mild Cured BACON Eastern Sn by piece io lb 23 C EGGS 2 Ranch Doz Strictly Fresh F h 55 c 0 ROLLED OATS or Largo Carnation Mon Quaker Quaker 3 0 c POTATOES 10 L c cn S n Sd d SUGAR Ibs Iba Preserving Extra S- S ng Fine Fino 7 69 1 TOD TODAY Y ONLY I IN OUR MARKETS VEAL Lb Loin Chops Chop Ch p 25 or- or C C CRIb BEEF EEF RIb Rib Lh Lb Rolled Prime Primo Prim ZOC 20 C 1 VEAL Rump Routs Roasts R t n BEEF Lb 22 C Lb Rump Roasts i 18 Q C VEAL Lb Legs Le 25 op I C Sugar Su HAMS Puritan ar Cured Curs Fancy Fanoy Lb Lh Puritan 28 ZoC C TEN BUSY OGDEN STORES AND MARKETS rS w GGS TORES f 1147 41 Sl St y TU JL 4 Wash Wh tt It tt 2276 27 Wash Waal a 4 Wade wasl Wa 2564 M Wash at atu Dependability P y and mc 2364 2304 2275 2271 y Wa sk t I u w wT wr r- r T r t July y Specials c Many new arrivals arrival are now added to this tremendous sale Smart styles of typical HIRSCHMAN quality at greatly reduced prices price I Open Saturday 9 a m m in J JI Shutter Sandals Pair 1 r Childs Child's Child sandal sandals and play oxfords SI al lz s y i SY 5 10 to 2 2 These Thele Th will wilt ell fg r In a hurry a at- at t 1 LOO 00 White Whit kid and nd white whit linen oxfords oxford or r I First Fir t step Up slippers sizes Izes 1 to t 5 9 Thre Three trap strap trap styles tyles high Cuban or r flat heels heel styles Just Juit luu pairs pair le LOO 00 1 00 t Real Values for Men Women High heel novelty styles In black birk satin gray grayer or tan ud also ale smart mart mart Tut tan San lan dais patent or r colored e A special peela p ell purchase of f mens mena m n navy ox fords forda kirk black or r brown calf plain lain too toe to and 2 G 00 tip styles llyle Just Jut 00 BO pain Strap slippers slipper or r oxford fOr fr women and Doy Boys D y patent leather luthor oxfords oxford welt oles sole rl i growing girl girls Cuban or r flat heels brown size dze 1 to 6 calf bl black birek ck kid or T patent leather All axes axes- izes F f y The Seasons Season's Smart Styles s Gray or r tan suede sued novelty slippers flippers ani an desired desired an heel values value to t 1200 1 3 L n 5 00 fyr Any red green g gr n or r blue blu kid Upper slipper 11 In the r store tore high Cuban or r flat heel hool h l values value to 1250 1250 Special Special- Tut sandals andal red green gren or blue kid splendid quality quality- quality 3 00 1 Summer Models a at Unusual Savings I Smart Slipper Slippers from fr m regular stock t ek black blackMen blackMen's bl Men Mens Men's W n oxfords oxford or r high shoes kid hid or calf kin calf patent kid or r satin also delightful akin Any desired style tyle Our special pedal pur pur- pur-ehe pur white kid creations creation Any desired heel heel- hel chase Chate from irm a famous eastern maker pairs 4 00 Novelty step atop t p In slippers A famous fam u Brooklyn make patent or r satin satin- satin Q 4 ig 00 A Real Hosiery Sale Twelve hundred hun pairs pair of f our ur mOlt moat desirable chiffon at allo Ir o pure puro thread silk hosiery h lery fr for w women I III In t the th popular p shades eh Our standard ar r Hi and anil I value i tit ell II au r lr pIa all Ia perfect On sale ill at per por p r pair FOR FOB THE KIDDIES Box x standard r 35 and SOo Oo o values value In the th mot mOlt J lr bl kinds kinji and n colors CIT per r pair pairA A REAL SOCK SALE FOR MEN While east et t Mr Hirschman mode made rn a purchase from r m ono one n 0 of f Amer Am r- r rf I l s s foremast f r m t make maker 0 of f mon men m n I a hosiery h l ry We W are aro not nt permitted to the th e name nam but t tM th ticket 0 li ii 1 on n every vry pair All and all r perfect p o Men rr M n t this thU Ih Is l a real hosiery h 0 l ry offering ff rnO and d one n o you Z cannot t afford ord to f mix mill ITEM No N 1 fI fITII Th very vry best bott sod and Me SOc values value In mens men's mon m n sock 4 pair pairs patra for f r 1 00 ITEM No Ne 2 The Th very vry beat keit TSe fibre silk IlIk sock lock ck 2 Z pairs for f r 1 00 SUPREME SHOES SERVICE VALUES SHOES SHOES SERVICE VALUES ALUES g t 2473 Washington Avenue iI I i iSEE SEE THE LOUISE SHOP I AO AD ON PAGE 4 I I c |