Show V ARCTIC EXPLORER IN SAD PLIGHT NEW YORK July 18 11 18 Ja Jacob ob Op Opp Opp p nb lm r wired lr d the th United States Statu coast guard tu rd t nod and Governor Scott cott C Bono DODe Bo Thursday the th plight of Earl Ross Roes Ro man ot or Nw bew ew York explorer and end big bleam game hunter oho ho ho has ha been living Irving In Raold n old A Amundsen en cabin cakin at on the tho th north coast cout coa t or of ori ofAla i Alaska ka and filmIng Eskimos The Tho Tb withdraw U l or of o the th coast coastguard guard Fuard cutter Deer Doar from service had left Korman without means mean or of o g get t ling line back to civilization and his supply of ot provisions provisIon must mut mu t have havo been exhausted some Bome om time ago a o aC according cording to OppenheImer Opp nh one on of nossman's backer backen back r The Tb annual visit of or the th Dear Bear bU bee been ben the th only contact that the tho north coast of or hat has had bad with civilization Ro n of or course 1 is unaware w r of or the th accident to 10 the Ih Rear ar and aid Is li probably ii 11 iino no We W are ar not featly alarmed 1 tor for or hIs bit life liCe In a pinch IH be becan eRn can live IIvo tike like |