Show Iii I r FATTY Alhambra theatre doinG a 1 v dally daily workouts workout In an at effort to anee on the he screen creen Roscoe Kosco 1 oscoe p 1 bell bali does setting up ei with w Chants Chanta Lane and Roscoe s secret secret-ar Jimmy I Istar star alAr l r During the thc past three thre eel informed the th write write- Besides tb where here the h opportunity presents I Arbuck when In Ih the pink pink tips the th Fairbanks Io at t bouL 2 6 no pound pounds Ho tr elgh t no now 2 Only a few tew sears ears cors me ago the screen Idol was wa ae a baseball bD ot the first Ho Ic tool took over the presidency of ot th thu Vernon ernon club of ot the lh Pacific Co ml tat league loague In 1919 when hen the 1 11 Tiger 1 AP uric t NO Rl A In In the h cellar sixteen full tull lI g behind tho ho leadro lc and them to toa toa toa a 1 M Kl COlt COIN L LI Lp I until that season eaon te in Tigers had lo lost t mOno mone annual At Al the conclusion lon of ot the th fit tl taco race In InI Inthe L I the Coast Coat league the Titers were J against I ha St Paul ul club champions of at the tho th asso asso- asso association elation In a 0 junior tt uld u Id In order to meet hu hI S St Si Paul raul tune the thc Tigers fri f fere ere tot rOI ced to win In tle til tl iso e out of the Erven ven final games ames with the lh Los Loa Angeles club In ordel lo to cinch Vie tlc pennant The Lo topped lopped ped six lx ot Ix lor of the tho al sten t ell james games and turned around and won on the junior title Durl Dun IK g g the thc ear earthe earthe earth the Tigers made a total profit of ot j d not including the sale sal of at pia ers to 10 the big bl s siow ov o After Atler making such uch a success 0 of the un- un undertaking Undertaking un In his first fir t ear car AI bucIU Al-bucIU buckle le resigned His HI record for tor forS S ears eara to tome lorn ome w will ill be b somethIng I for tor some ome of ol the th oher Inexperienced I magnates to shoot at From Indications however ever It wilt will never be equaled Ted Johnson one Un western long distance cham champion pic paid this department a II y I Johnson tor for more than 10 years was as ou supreme reme In the W WILI wL us as a run run run- I ncr ner ocr o 0 er the tha distances from tl fie tle tl ei e I itt to 10 I 15 mites miles In fact he ho had little Competition On top of f hIs hi many 1 he performed a a stunt In 1 1909 O w with ith Sidney H Hatch ch famous r J that will Ill perhaps ne neer er I be e equalled 7 They hey made the jaunt from Manitou to I Peak and return on the run In tour four hours and 18 It a feat which atti acted world orlI Interest at atthe the time Johnson John on held the lh Den Den VT rr r for tor or many lt cars urs r cov Ca- Ca erine cov-erine ering the 10 5 2 event ent In Inon one hour and 2 minutes flat It remained tor for Bob Marti Bob Martin Martin- Martinto to clip Up IS 15 seconds front this mark In 1922 1921 Perhaps the gl e for tor time made by Johnson was w aa record recorded ed In his first I lace ace in bait Lake LakeIn Lakein Lakein In 1909 HO Heon He to won on a 0 10 mile mite ent e c from a a fast tast field In sr 56 minutes 42 seConds ae which i Is remarkable able at atan atan atan an elevation ele such ouch uch a as S Lake Lilke features u i The Tho writer and J Johnron were Vere Th ls in n long lone distance l tents lents in 1915 1 15 1916 UK 1917 and Ind 1911 and andI I met meL numerous on Each Ellch held tour four 01 the other Johnson came cam from tram the old school lacked form torm I which wI-ich Ich Is a big ble bl tea tea- fea feature ture tore In modern I but man man- managed managed man man-aed aged to speed peed over the tte miles mlles In fast tast time During hi his career he c 1 In a a of ot na- na national na cia national end nd In the tall fall of ot 1919 19 U won on second secand place In ina Ina a 0 ful full distance marathon In Chi Chicago cago In a raco race which featured 1135 runners runner 0 NOM I Johnson has ha now placed his hie hi spikes In the th moth 1 balls ball His I raring racing daIs da a e are oro oter or l hut t 1 his hi lee ice od will III tOle er lito lh Ih in ITt I IThe The no now in Lo Los Angeles and Is f a te few weeks neek ii Ir II 1 t tah with lIh his hla hi old jJ friends Frankie Frankle Darren Do welter welter- weight Ight I getting Into the best l ot of condition for tor his lound 12 mill at Logan Lot next da with lIh TeddY 0 Hara of ot From present Indications 0 den will Bill be boell II at the ringside Ad Santel world orld S hoa h dint anit weight mat champion alto ho meets I I I I I who ho Is no now appearing at the comeback oer o Panta takes get Into shape for tor his reappear reappear- inches the bag b c tosses te medicine rfd concludes conclude his hit daily program one of ot the other atari tr on the th bill ant work ork out with th the comedy leo cs Arbuckle has ha e lost loot 20 pounds pound he heA II A above events he ats also alsi plays playa golf golt tacit I George heison el on S I a one of ot the tta fea- features fea features tures of or the twin t t ln bill at Logan LorIs Is well seil ell known to Ogden fans rane Ic He Hehu hu has w wrestled here lere or numerous occasions i G S l ULM G rnE CHAPEL EL Fishes In EnglIsh channel are liftin ball bearing o to 0 rt r rca In 11 pio- pio pio o test Ag against ot of sees who ho I aspite to damp honor of ot swimming from coast to coast on stop non-stop principles The water ater fish tl h ha hat has no desire to mingle lc on terms ot or social or with Ith the tho land landfish landfish fish Water ater fish may hate ha ha e hs his weaknesses In certain he probably ably Is t ery cry It if not notI do downright dumb v We c cm cm n steam up no noa tast a 1st t amount ot of respect I for tor mental qualities cf ct fish that Ia b unable to o h a de- de de defunct norm orm t orm impaled on n unsociable hook from rain real article And Anti et ve we 0 ne neer ne er heard hard of ot a ansh fish that paid fifty mackers to toce see seG a couple of ot graduates demonstrate the r tint r of ot whit ht Is laughingly called art of at 8 s defense hoever Whoever named me 11 It descend descend- descendants ants ants of at the orIginal fish llah family knew kne plenty about dr do land voters The human jell fisl fisl- for tor ex u example ample You see seo him ever da daIn In his hili snappy tweed t eed ed knickers with hair bait hal all up like the Athletics slump lump K out with the tho Simple Susies and wearing an expression that Is as aa a ani- ani animated ani animated mated as a 1 fh cent fite-cent fi cent e-cent sack ack of at atI salt rhe bullhead fish is another rea rca rea- son on vi h hi re reoh rc oh ero are arc stid s- s ld to dia- dia dis marksmen You find him In W Washington ashington thing thine the J banner of ot the tho enders bitter 3 ou au I see him In the that the cub of at 1906 l were ere b than any team that Q el threw a 4 series aeries you hear him in ut the the the- theatre the theatre atre lobb lobby chirping that the th drama died when hen Booths Booth was s caught off ott second The bullhead fish stands high In his own esteem and Mot hiv lil opinions on hea matters are aro ar highly i al- al aluM Bl Blued uM by himself arent aren't flap flap- flapping All 11 th Die co ping about In murky seas sas either We ha c e a yet to watch th the Zb boys boya wrestle r tl without tee feeling ling that held out on the whale hale family A little up with witha a tin here her and ond a tin fir tho thue e and ond anda anda a tall there here tails usually go eo and the Zibby or bos-or bo s-or s or any other tilt fat w tor for that V matter easily make mak the grade crade And somehow or ott-er ott old Jess Jeas alas ollIas ala s reminded us of at ofa ofa a 1 catfish cattish Ma 1110 be it was because catfish are poor tI And when hen they do put up a fight fl ht AndI It itt I terrible to watch atch 00 I |