Show J CONSTITUTION TELLS HOW TO SELECT PRESIDENT SHOULD S H 0 U L D jNO ENO NOMINEE GET MAJORITY of ol politics see the STUDENTS possibility this year Sear ear that none of the tho candidates candidate for tor president of the tho United States will sill III receive a majorIty of ot the tho ho electoral votes and In the went event that no dite candi-dite dale doe does receive e aI a I majority of all the electoral votes cots otes the soler- soler selection tion of a president Is put before the house of representatives To be elected the candidate must receive e more electoral votes than were cast tor for all the other candidates for tor president To put It simp simply It Ir Coolidge gets of the electoral votes cotes otes In Novem Novem- November November ber Davis Dais and 66 Coolidge would not be elected Ito would have hase ha e votes totes otes but 26 votes is not a l majority because Davis and together will have polled votes otes When such a situation arises the house of representatives must act And the constitution of ot the tho United States Slates says the procedure shall be bo as follows The The electors shall meet In their respective states and vote ote by bal bal- ballot ballot bal ballot lot for tor president and vice Ico president president dent one of ot whom at least shall not be an Inhabitant of o the same state with themselves cs they shall name In their ballots the person noted for as president and In dis- dis distinct distinct dis distinct ballots the person voted for foras forea foras ea as vice president and they shall ahall make distinct lists of all persons noted tor for as president and of ot nil all persons voted for tor as vice Ice president president president dent and of ot the number of ot votes for each which list they shall sign and certify and transmit sealed to the seat scat of o the gov gov- gov- gov government government government of the United States di- di directed directed di directed to the president of ot the sen- sen senate senate sen senate ate the tho president of ot the senate shall In the presence of the sen- sen senate sen senate ate and house of representatives es open all the certificates and the I I votes otes shall then be counted the person having hasing ha Ing the greatest num- num num-ler num I er of ot votes for tor president shall be bethe bethe the the president If It such number be bea boa II a majority ot of the hole TV hole number of electors appointed and it if no person have such majority then from the persons ha having basing Ing the high high- highest highest highest est number not exceeding three on the list of ot those voted tor for as president the house of representatives es shall choose Imm immediately by ballot the president Hut In choosing the tho president the votes otc shall be taken by states the pre pre- pre presentation from each state having ha one vote a quorum tor for this pur- pur purpose purpose pur purpose pose shall consist of ot a no member or members from thirds two ot of the states and a majority of all the states shall be bo necessary to a choice And If It tho the house of rep rep- representatives representatives rep representatives shall not choose a president whenever the right of choice shall dc devolve 01 e upon them before the fourth day of ot March next following then the tho vice Ico pres pres- pres president president ident shall act as president predent a as In inthe Inthe the tho case of ot the death or other constitutional disability of the president The person having the greatest number of o votes as aa vice Ice president shall be the vice Ice president president president dent It If such number be a majority of the whole number of o electors appointed and It no person have havo havea a majority then from t two 0 highest numbers on the list the senate shall choose the vice Ico president a quorum for tor the tho purpose shall ahaU con consist slat alst of ot 1 two thirds of ot the number of senators and a major major- majority majority It ity of tho the whole number shall be necessary to a choice But no per per- person person per person son constitutionally Ineligible to the office of ot president shall be eligible to that of vice lice Ice president of the United States |