Show WOMEN LOOK 60 AT 40 With k circles under their eyes ey allow complexion drawn i Ion ston drooping a a tp t p many women o of forty have havethe I the appearance of Z women wom n of virty In ma ny cu cues thu tha condition is 15 1 eu a by or ct ot of o web auch warning ie a head bead t ch backache n n and nil Which cate all to t If It all women woon 80 a 0 d 4 would only rely upon u n E kham VegetAble Compo Compound lAd It Itt 1 t iM 14 I tor them th m to a normal condition and nd the th pr tr mr signs stene of ace e Kg win oon cUe dL ew- ew Advertisement OtH STOMACH h tai 04 04 u S Ua 3 It 1 e 1St F i 4 I Household Household Suggestions Suggestion I COST T co IT Wind clastic bands band about the ends of ot our clothes ha er and k LZ 4 you lou Wit will have DO no trouble with th cloth front them thera OM Ott GLOVES when a the finger of song lout kid cloves Blow are 1 worn orn out ofen oten the upper portion portio are ar til rood good end and may b used for or baby's baby bootee Pimples BLOOD Impurities are pumped U by the tho heart in Into to the face tace That Is what causes that grainy appearance that muddiness satI sat sal sallow low I o 0 w n 11 e s a s B pimple pimples blackheads a acne c n e red spots pots and and that I Bible sible some thing f v which n no 0 taco faco cream cream orI orv or y I face tace ace pow pow- po d er can cover up uv or beautify The foundation for tor a beautiful skin simply Is not there and no face tace treatment can give It to you But Increase e your red blood and cells cells and quickly the ruby tint ct of purity begins to glo glow Inthe Inthe In ln the cheeks tho the complexion becomes be becomes becomes comes venus like Uke and immaculate Try Tr it It It ft will do It nory iery ry time timeS timeS timeS S S S builds the red blood cell cells ou need for tor a beautiful con om pIc lon plc Ion Begin using S S S at once and give yourself what ahat v bat on have been working tor for tot toi 7 yare arll i SI B g S S S S 8 I sold at it all oil t i drug drue stores toru tere I la two tzi izei Tb Ir luger lor oln ly Is li mor I be Worlds Best S S e el l FACE BE BROKE OUT IN REO PIMPLES Trouble Spread to Neck and Arms Heals II ft My face broke out In red ltd pin pim plc pies my Diy let lert cheek check and forehead were coveted covered with pith them and on my right cheek was a patch of scaly caly sore Bore en Later LAlor the trouble spread to my neck and arms arroa The breaking out kept me mc awake for hours It pained BO so badly I I bee began using Soap and Ointment Alter After using the free tropic Sample for three days the eruptions started to heal I purchased mal moe e and in an three week weeks I w wt healed Signed Miss MIlS Beisle D Canal Carml Ill IU Sept 25 1923 Soap Ointment and Tat Tat- Tal Talcum curt cum are arc all an you need for all U toilet uaea Bathe Eatho with Soap soothe Ointment dust dut with Talcum s Ph V b l WO u e r Ith rIot Dp Dop II 5 Ui old ry bop zoo Try Tn D w Dew Slick f t tI I Home Furnishings I 4 KEEP SPACES i OPEN I 0 0 I Every space In the room need not h bo bu cluttered with furniture Jl It ii 15 1 but best bc t to leave om some omo room here Jero and en to that Sl a a f or and comfort la provided MOTHERS Watch for tor symptoms of worms In your children These parasites I are the great destroyers of child life If It you have reason to thin think I your child has worm worms act quickly Give the little one a doso dose or t tao 0 of Whites White's 8 Cream V Worms cannot exist v where here this tints tints- tried and successful remedy Is used It drives out the wOrms and restores restore the rosy hue of health to baby cheeks checks Price 1 by Ensign Drug Co Adv Advertise Advertisement rUse ment mont I CORNS get get relief in hi la one minute front from corns and bumon bunions bunion with Dr II Scholls Scholl's pads Zino-pads They remove the friction cause friction and pressure Thin easy to apply antiseptic healing Three sizes Nothing so quick and sure At your our druggist or shoe dealer I I I 7 1 Zino pads j Put one on thu on the fain pala is soras fo e j 4 I IIII I I It III II 1 I Iw w It jI II I fC See How Quickly You Can Banish r I Gray Gry Hair m mm t Will Quickly H Restore This Cle Clean m Colorless Liquid Restore the Former Color Amazing results are reported by young ung is ts always an advantage III Ia thousands of pe people who have bave seen both th social and business s life Both oth reliable their gray fray hair return to its original men mm and women have bave a color under the touch of the remark remark- friend in Kolor-Bak Kolor Kolor able as Kolor Kolor- No j need to furnish samples ample ol ci Bak Many report results a Veal your hair to get the rIght In this thio clean colorless liquid we tion Kolor-Bak Kolor Kolor IS for all bait no have a true substitute for t the e not nat matter whit wb its original color so ural nral which tho the hair 1011 ou dont don't have to do any match matoh has hIlS lost j oat because of age Illness ing or experimenting Just try tn Bak other Kolor and see how quickly the shock scalp disease or some cause Remarkable as i it may seem Bak lost color returns Ko Kolor-Bak Kolor flak or-flak ii 11 Kolor Kolor-Dak not only the sold on ou money-back money guarantee grayness but restores the actus actual n n 13 former color to the hair hall no matter k what auburn nuburn it was black was And the tho black coor color brown krown rown is uniform red j 0 I f P a throughout throughout- the th a hair does not ap- ap ap appear Ban Gray Hair 0 C pear streaked faded or dyed SPECIAL SAL SALE SALEIt Kolor Kolor Kolor-Cak ak is not sticky or mussy It IS 13 just as an eM to use as dear 3 Days Bays Only water 1 It t also cleanses tl the e head l of vf dandruff scurf curf keeps the tho scalp in 1 good condition gIVes the hair a n beautiful silky appear appear- appearance appearance ance anco and prevents it from becom becom- becoming Ii brittle and falling faIling out ing As lon long as your hair retains co 1 l 7 ul you get Its appearance credit cre it for tor being young and to bo be r Johnson Schramm Drugs Drug JJ Q iii BAPTIST MINISTER GIVES 1 MAC FULL CREDIT I I No greater praise can be b accorded ac- ac accorded corded a tt medicine th th n ta the Olun- Olun 1 tary of a minister of the gospel The Tho high I calling ruts puts a grave or hi his ery cry word and anil h ho will not notI I his by a tiling thing without 80 It Ij Li all right Tailing has teen been by of prominent ministers They hoo ut to the t St of persOnal service and their words carry carr they Bay any what they thoy know tp betho be bethe the truth I One of o the latest to speak out in behalf of Is Rev B 13 E Pell a Elm St St San Antonio Tea who says Botole taking I had from stomach and nerve troubles for tor over 30 sears and there were times when my co condi- condi condition tion was wa such that It al almost al- al almost most superhuman effort for rue to prepare my sermons sermon and go Vf 7 through with my Sunday services SK Indeed my work like WLL some great obstacle my t t burden too big lo to cir r car car- carr r In my weak physical condition But In six Ix weeks time my entire outlook for tor me I certainly he hare the b st giving me what seemed like i a new of reasons for feeling grateful 1 0 to set of nerves and a brand new digestive stem My be became be- be Is for tor sale by all au good ravenous my nir cs came Accept no e er i my User vr action r and could sleet w Bound for the Oer O 40 million bottles sold time In years er I S haie ha etho the slightest symptoms of Vegetable Ves-ebble Pills tor for con connow now I always resort to IC am made and an and recommended recommend d dby the manufacturers of taking some ome at present and It by J JI Out Advertisement never falls to things I |