Show - iw ggyupgiisniim i a jfTTghfey’ ” VK "" L f j c5 The Salt Lake Trtbnne Snntlay July 19 1956 4 U Business Portrait Sales Copper £ Continue In Doldrums I J 'fTIftf it nits WI71 CAJEXQWfSHEMt-C- O - atU- 41 Olto A Wiesley By Associated Press - NEW YORK July 2&rCopper sales continued In the doldrums this week with little hope of tyV: iW i any strong Improvement In the immediate future a fi-w5 J£ec--u The price of the red metal held fum 'both in this country and abroad dimming any hopes copper fabricators and their customers might have held for another price cut Major U23 produces slashed their price from 46 cents to 40 cents earlier this month to meet competition Xi om foreign producers and custom smelters of copper In this country X Construction Rfarlctl this (fk on this IS’SOobo building lor the Cate llquljiincnt Co at 1100 S 4th West htructure wilt be used for sales service and repair of heavy construction mining equipment Ashton Evans and Brazier architects Ground Broken for $250000 Cate Equipment Facilities Giound was biokcn during pany’s opuation location the past week on a fiew $210 000 shop office and ware house facilities fur Cate Kquipment Co on the company’s six acre propet ty in the 1100 South Work on 4th West - David E Hughes Cate president and manager said the complete facility will provide more than 23000 square feet of floor space for the com and visited 25 floor plans of laige modern machinery companies throughout the country hefore deciding upon final plans for the new structure TIIE BUILDING will be of brick and block construction and will also provide a parking area for customers and company cars Utah Construction Co Is the at the new "HE BELIEVE this to be the moat efficient type of building possible for the sales service and repair of heavy construction and mining machinery” Mr Hughes said He noted that the architects Ashton EvaniA Brazier and Cate officials had studied general contractor and construction Is scheduled to be completed by Jan 1 Cate Equipment Co’s present headquarters is at 49 E 9th South In addition to Mr Hughes other officers of the firm are George E Springs Colo vice president and Harold A Christensen Salt Lake City" secretary and treasurer ‘By Associated Pres 23 — Sources —DETROIT-Jul- ll AS THE program now Is understood here the transaction wilWgjv® admin-"- ' Studebaker Packard This would be achieved through: A tyo year option to ot buy from five million to seven million shares of unis s u e d Studebaker Packard stock A 12 year lease on two Studebaker Packard plants in Detroit t and South Bend by with 25 million dollars in rent being advanced immed- Pending completion this fall Bank Building in Boise Mr Comstock will divide his time between Boise and Pocatello Mr Driscoll has served in an official capacity with First Security Bank of Idaho more than 27 years Born in 1891 in Craig Neb he attended public schools there and in Boise and was graduated from Boise High School in 1909 and from University of Nebraska in 1911 Mr Driscoll began his banking career as bank messenger In Boise In 1915 In 1919 he joined Livestock Exchange National Bank of Chi-ago and became its vice president three years later During t 191929 he was also vice of Boise Livestock Loan Co of Chicago but In 1923 he resigned to accept the presidency of First Security Bank of Boise He was named executive vice president and director of First Security Bank of Idaho in 1933 and became the bank’s president in 1945 He has been a director of First Security Corp since c presi-'den- 1913 DRISCOLL 1$ a pastpresident of Idaho Bankers Assn has served on the execuMR - tive council of American Bankers Assn and is past president and board chairman of Boise Chamber of Commerce and past president of the board of trus- - Curtiss-Wrig- iately Rachatl Kellogg? Mr Comstoek was bom In Green City Mo and attended It e X b u r g Idaho public schools AH Hallows College In Salt Lake City and Klrks-Vlll- e Mo Teachers College After college he worked In his father’s bank In Rexburg and In 1924 was named collect ing agent for Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Later he became assistant vice presi dent of Idaho Falls National s Bank In 1927 he became vice presi dent of First Security Bank of Nampa and later became presi dustry racked up record sales 5 Vi billion dollars of more-thaIn the 12 months ended March 31 says the American Gas Assn This represents a gain of 762 Million dollars or 16 per cent over the like period a year ago Net profits of the gas transmitting and distributing companies climbed 23 per cent totaling 565 million dollars for the 12 months Taxes paid by the industry In the ufne period totaled 745 million dollars also up 23 per cent Woof tafest Market Developments? -- CALL - j EM - 4-35- 95 - "a' - - INVESTMENT CO "H0M OF MUTUAL 111 Allot lido Phono IM Montkollo FUNDS” Sak tat City Utah Teletype IU 47S Office— Cempbell Bid Phono III $15000 — CAPITAL for )RvtfRnt wvit AVAILABLI 1m kiinM r bi firm in Hi rado-t-o nctiv jratmipattM to Iiuiimm with 20 yoort ttporvitory xpri ott JMflY ftOX ho io otcoimttnt 125 THIS fAPIft mi We Are Proud Mavrakis now a mtmber of our soles staff George invites his many friends to call him for any problemi they may have concerning Real Estate Is MOONEY REALTORS ’ rector- inventory s for defense contracts and assumption of the auto company's defense contracts Award by the government of 500 million dollars In defense orders f the- - bank’s eastern Idaho operations t Later he was elected executive vice president and nnmed to the board of directors of First Security Corp For the past 20 years he has also served as president and di rector of First Security Savings and Loan Assn of Pocatello Mr Comstock has been a member of the executive council of ABA vice president and director of Idaho State Chamber of Commerce a director of the regional executive council of Boy Scouts of America president of Idaho Bankers Assn Pocatello and Nampa Chambers of Commerce Oregon Idaho Western Council of Boy Scouts of America and Rexburg and Nampa Rotary Club He is a trustee of the First Presbyterian Church In and la married to the former Margaret Gladys Bassett Foca-tejl- p Ph DA 25 bet- Many men win success by sticking to their last but a cobbler is on of the few things Otto A Wiesley hasn't been The son of a preacher Ott carved out one career as a school superintendent came to Utah in the lumber business spent 11 years practlc-inlaw and wound up as a public official with a worldwide professional reputation In— logically —Industrial medicine g At ‘ 4-Ca- the minority member pf the State Public — six-yea- EARLIER that year the State Legislature had blazed a trail which Ott Las built Into a sorsupei highway In the field of Industrial relations The Utah bom idea was a medical papcl to Ott may hpve Inherited hi versatility from his father a Swiss Immigrant to the Pennsyl- determine occupational disease claims 'Under vania and Illinois coal fields who became-- a Ott's nurtuiing the Utah panel system has attracted worldwide Interest Inquiry and imitaBaptist minister It was in Coal City 111 that Otto eighth of tion Since It was instituted ' more than 250 eleven children was born on Oct 12 1888 claims have been processed by the Utah commisWith the reverend riding circuits in Minne- sion and only lour came to a formal hearing sota South Da AU four 'were x" and kota and Iowa appealed ’ Suthe State the Wiesleys were a peripapreme Court uptetic family unheld the commission all four til the father ”’ died when Ott times was 14 From So successful was the system then on Ott was" y "on his own” fithat the 1955 workex nancially Legislature ' tended It to his way ing workmen “ comhigh through school and colpensation fardel ent lnjurvl lege as variousclaims In $ ly a school janicases so far tor night fireman In a bricknone has come to a formal yard a foundry worker ' and a t t hearing other Two railroad night 4 - - t Motor vehicle production frorrj Jan 1 through July 21 1956 as reported by the Automobile Manufacturers Assn 954989 L Chevrolet 2 Ford 777956 345641 3 Bulck 4 Oldsmobile 5 6 7 8 9 10 272172 269203 Plymouth Pontiac Mercury- 205168 155212 120388 Dodge Cadillac 91837 Chrysler & Imperial 11 De Soto 12 Studebaker 13 Nash 14 Lincoln Continental 15 Hudson AERO MAYFLOWER - -- -- ances plus lower residential house construction for their poor business Lead Sale tills week were the highest since the second week in June wllh the price-fir- m at 16 cents New York Zinc sales still lowIwere expected to improve with the steel settlement since zinc producers sell nearly 40 per cent of their normal output to gtedmen for galvanizing Demand for HjraasT’Csed" TfnFoific live die eastings should Improve soon with the new model year in automobiles approaching The price of aluminum which has stayed at 259 cents a pound since mid April may be increased if as in the past the major proddfcers’ contracts with the United Steelworkers follow somewhat the same pattern as the union’s agreement with the steel companies -- Important "firsts" have clerk Ills collegiate career was as been chalked up Attendvaried ing when and if he he could went to Highland Park College a now gone n g I n eerlng OttY The heart c h a lrmanship: the "Utah Heart Plan” end the Utah Radon conference’ W3S ‘“'the first sef of standards Jo be schot)r“tn“Dts“ Iowa Moines under State -- Teachers Variety has been the spice of life to Otto 'A Wesley Utah College and Industrial Commission chairman attorney professor etc devised to and rate Iowa State adopted Industry’s liability in coronary cases One of Without a degree from any of them by time the many interested agencies has been the AmerOtto was old enough to vote hevas superinten- ican Heart Assn which now Is conducting redent of schools In Melbourne Iowa and later in search on industrial heart disease after studying Bradgate Iowa until 1917 when he joined the and reporting on the Utah plan The 1955 conference called by the commisArmy sion on radon remains as the only such study on MEANWHILE In one of his early teaching the health hazards of uranium mining and calls jobs at Leon Iowa one of the other faculty are still coming in for transcripts Utah is the Major metftla priori! was Miss Ruey Ilazlit COFPm— fwti a round d1k members only state which has adopted safety regulationi red Foreign 34 37 3 30 cents nomiHe married her In Chariton Iowa on June to guard uranium mine employes from the efnal New York I EAD—18 cents pound New York 22 1910 They now live at 1541 9th East and fects of radioactivity 15 8 cent! St Louia have reared three sons: Bruce production enIN ADDITION to his many other functions in ZINC — 17 5 cents a pound Boat St gineering manager for Continental Can Co In touil 14 cents New Yoik New York Vere manager of the Los Angeles heading the commission (which each biennium" ALUMINUM— 25 9 cent a pound returns—a substantial part of plant for the rival American Can Co and Keith returns— repeat shipping point pigs 34 cents funds appropriated by the Legislature) the the a Aviation for executive production Northrup ANTIMONY— 38 470 cents a ’potmd commissioner has found time for his full quota cased less than carload lots New Co in Long Beach York Bulk 33 cents earloU pro"outside duties” of ducer's plant Out of the Army again in 3919 the ex These include the Utah Committee on IndusMAGNESIUM— S3 78 cents e pound sergeant left the teaching ranks- - and moved trial Employment and Planning of which he has pig lob Velaaco Tex to Wyoming where he managed lumber combee a chairman since Its forma Uon-l- n 1950 and — MAGNESIUM "" long1 ton unit ( 33 4 pounds India Ore panies' In Lusk and Newcastle Boys State from which he Is currently retiring C US ports duty extra Ferromanganese — 10 75 cents a pound aland 1921 he came to Utah (with the Monson as president after heading it since Jt was started In rd carload lota lob shipping point Lumber Co In Richmond Cache County) and In 1939 He has been Utah commander of the NIC KEL — 64 5 cents g pound elecsettled down at last American Legion belongs to the Masonic lodge cathodes OnPort Colbome trolytic tario U S duty included (Argenta No 3 Free and Accepted Masons) and Two years later at the age of 35 Ott started to PLATINUM— an ounce a number of legal and scholarship fraternities SILVER—90 125 cents an ounce out all over again enrolling In the University Of all his careers Ott feels he wound up in New York! 78 375 pence London of Utah law school from which he got hi degree the one he likes best and counts it a lucky day TIN— 88 cents a pound New York in 1926 He stayed on as a member of the law when he decided to come to Utah OUICKSILVElt— 258257 Bask (78 faculty In 1927 and 1928 meanwhile joining the "Officials from other states can hardRy bepounds) New York TUNGSTEN OKR—81132 50 a ton law firm of Fabian and Clendenin Ileve me" he says "when I tell them that never unit 20 wounds duty extra — He was till with the firm In 1937 when he yet has an employer a labor union or a governor left that more lucrative profession to accept tried to exert pressure on me Under those con- an appointment from Gov Henry II Blood as ditions a man can do his best and be happy" Ore Shipments Col-leg- ? ’ 3S-4- 0 ln-- ( 16 Packard- - 62572 49848 45445 31674 19047 13289 - ) CLY NEV — Kennecott Copper Corp Consolidated Copper Mines com 1 BUS cars 80-to-n average CALIFNTE NEV— Combined Metals Reduction Co perlite 13 cars) xlnc 3 cars lead 1 car Bristol Silver 8 ers nd BINGHAM— U S Mines 8 511 n Copper Corp 919 cars Kenne-cot-t Salt Salt Lake County Lake 3585724 Butt County Atkel Graham block cement building Hubert D Klein four brick hotiaee at dally auto 8 Market tonnage repair 3115 E 33rd South 8160(10 $12 GOO each 3692 373031-Atbal Graham block building (Ice 148 OOO Kl REKA— FUtrot Corp 1800 tons! C laarles Chief Consolidated and subsidiaries cream drive in I 3260 S Metropolitan I artery Jr brick residence 1320 tons Colorado Consolidated 240 Way 811000 15000 3748 Adonis Dr tons: Yankee ConsoUdated 80 tons Oentlnental oil C block eervlc S Fuller brick and snmonry Glee Mammoth Mining Co 120 tons atatlon 302() W 3500 South 11 Ot 3475 Capricorn Way SIJOOO residence BARK CITY— United Park Cftv Mines baby A Frswa two block houtca at Thomas I Bnllerk frame addition Virginia Way 'td sredrideittn! ‘7870-07tons Fork Muo X 3&S4 1284(M0 each S3 000 ()O0 tons end Old Mill Frednrta Ca brhk ifhita-ttDaley A Frays two block hoturi a 1361 1 h' 8 54 1300 ti addition to loc eath fast 14(140 building 4(2)9 Blvd $6(1000 £ 642 South 26 M r at houaca hnuae et 10 brick 16 brick Hemes Acord O Thayn Rerarlty 6226-12 4 hours ahut la 30 mins Recovered 19 Fast each 4046 18 2 20 fl 10008 425 35 ft black high pour point oil 83 ft 89 040 each 00 000 130000 West 31 21 11 2275 East water and alight oil cut mud 351 ft 4257 E A brick residence to Gygl addition frame C Ritchie Vert alight mud cut water aaiinlty 340 PPM Jupiter Dr 820000 residence W2777-- 520 East 85 000 Standard Oil Company nf California Maintain Mate Telephone 8 Telebteller brick residence Red Waah Unit No 12 29B 29 7S2t£— Joeeph 2315 E to addition 30113 8 7th West MOOO building graph ( Larin 4118 ft LIST No 4 8 000 brick resiSouth 4800 $45 LaMar Chrlstopiierson etredrll teat no water cushion or ft Grant I Ear Benglry brick dence 2610 F Olympus Dr $20 000 bottom hole choke Tool opened with W 3840 South 810 OuO brick residence art F Erickson 3490 ( blow weak Increased to fair In 111 mtna brick veneer 1780 E 8825 South 20 000 HllfarA B Madman decreased to weak at end of teat Open residence e 89 500 frame M Greer remodel 2251 E Fa Mown Av oaa It 2' hjura ahut in 30 mlna No to E feouth Union Ave 86 OOO brick veWilliam Canstreatian C surface Recovered 156 ft slightga gas neer resiChristensen brick Otsane 3901 Pluto Way (3635 cut mud 90 ft alight mud cut water East) residence East 12 000 dence W $17 00 270 ft water aolluity 360 PPM CL Anderson brltk residence John Mirier brick residence E nrelA Standard Oil empany af I allfomla 3106 2700 Feet 816 000 2101 £ Haven Dr (3739 Smith Red Waah Unit No 14 23A 21 7S 22E— residence 500 Fran E Evans tram Waiting on rig 1183-70Enet 81000 Standard OH Company of California R A Eyre blo k reeldence 11$ I Red Wash Unit No 12 16B 33h— 9460 South 810 000 Grading road and location brick residence H Melvin Golf fill Cnrp Brennen Bottoms Unit 5684 1740 Fait Jensen 18 000 No 2 2 224 ft from 8 line and 720 ft K Nelson brick residence Merlin from F line £— Total "depth E 4600 South $1 000 72U1 Plugged back to 6 81)8 Pumped 2065 frame residence Arnold J Clerle 84 barrel fluid in 8 houra 40 mlna South Sandy $4000 E ent 6 bet cent by muddy water end 8 DtJ j G 11000 brick snd Henry Jnhnaon 7800 South bv clear water per cent residence 1850 E — kl HI (III Corp No 1 Oil Springs rock 000 NW BE 14 12S 24E — Depth 5 270 ft 818Duane brick residence Henaen 812 000 Operatlonf temporarily auapended 3460 E Mllicreek Rd Ski HI OH torn No 3 Dll Burt W Singleton two block houses — Sunset C 81 58 18 12S 241i at $20 000 each 2 ) K) Et 14-- 6210-2- 30-3-2 Yield Y B Ynrllah No 1 NK N1S IS 22E— Total depth 8409 Fluffed back to 4 83 Tutlnf on pump I aat pump fnufe bowed 34 barrel of fluid includin T oil and 27 atr In JA - 7 Salt Lake County Building Permits bined 8429-350- Totals -- $103-811- 0 72283 copper Bthra Phono f -- Notorol Go Co Jock's Can ft pnu Unit No R— --Total 3275 Testing on 21 hour pump Tmi Co Anth Field Navajo M Pail Nolttraf Gat Co Jack's Can- D The 3 — drilling 3 35 yon Unit No 6 — Total dpth 2410 Pro-ariTbo lexaa to drill atom test from 2 020 to C 1— Drilling 3to712 Anth Yield Navajo 040 Ran DST 2 2Vt to 2 317 Open 41 Anth Yield Navajo mins Shut in 43 mins Recovered 300 O-t- Tb Text (a Drilling 4 348 0 ft muddy water Plow proaauro C The Anth Yield Navajo Txe Shut in pressure 662 D2 22 41)8 24E— Drilling 8 413 Triaa Aoeth Held Navajo to lb DUCHESNE COCNTT IT 1 arF— Plueged and abandoned RUndord Oil Compony ot CoUforoU dulv 24 Totwt depth 194 Starr fM Are Uintah and Ouray No Tba Txaa to N 1 Navajo Indian 20-2- 0 1 2 W—Drilling 185 ft Jn hard M) N and-I J ft from and Tribal the sandstone line 20 4bS 2tl£—Wildcat A noth area ButMtmr-rowdTest1 EMERY COl'NIY 2 be Texaa Co No I ( atoraet Can Oil Co l’tk Ornr'Vl’lo 19L— LocaUnit N EE SW Structure Government No 2 SW NB yon teat 900 4 tion ft NIC 24 17S 7E— HluKBed and abandoned Oil Shell ( Recapture Creek Unit Julv 1 Total depth 4 907 No 1 2 1 AOS 23E—Location Proposed Thre IMu Nature Du C Mary 1110 ft D Ream No 8 SW KW S3 1? 7E— depth Shell Oil ( Aneth Area State No Ran Halliburton retrievable rement 3 — Drilling ot 1 720 Cemented 11 in and preparin to run cement caaln 1 3)0 with 210 aatka at In damaged raaln phi at approvl-Imatel- y Shell Oil Ca North De-e- rt Creek Unit 4 191 ft to 21)1 ft Pulled 6A No 1—Spudded Juljt 23 Total depth In wah-ove- r hoe and 124 pipe left cluaterlt Running gitrfac caning 9 ft of waah-ov- r pip approximately Shell OH to No 3 Bluff Unit— Total in hoi at about 193 ft g 7 IS Ran 0 Vk in caautg depth Standard Oil Company at California at S 703 v Hh 2n0 aacka Monnahlne V aah Unit No 1 32 25S Tba Gall OH t era f Aneth) Wert — Corln 2 278 ft Irmay Federal No 1 C NW NW Waiting on contractor GRAND COUNTY ANFETR COUNTY RlnIalr Oil 4r Ga Ca San Arroy Warn t hit No 4 2 481 ft from N lin Three Rtateg Nataral Ga Ca Joe'a and 2117 ft from E Uno 3r 16S31E— 1 BW SW 20 15S fiB— Uaa Location for 8 1U0 ft wildrat of Valley No7 327 ft ahowad 2 826 (K0 cu gauge at Morrlaon Ijakota Entrade No dun fl with no Increaw In water Drilled AN tV AN COUNTY ahead with natural gaa with no ini Wadorn Natural Oaa Co Boundary crease In eaa Total depth now to7 474 botReaming and eondltioniag hoi tom with y in bit Mt Oaa Ca Colorado Interatat Pleaaont Structure Jenaen No 1 2 640 fiom N line and 3179 from W line 16 14S 4E— Drilling In aand end hale at 2288 TRANSFER STORAGE CO TINTAH COUNTY EM 4-84- 91 Standard Oil Company nf California Red Waah Unit No 22 1311 19 78 2IL— Exclusive Agent fer Tobd depth -- 6 184 Plugged back -- to' 144 Ran logo LsT No 12 from fi 114 to 8 128 ft atraddie teat no Water cuxluon or bottom hoi chok Open HADLEY'S J spots he held s lot of to university profes- In between those high other Jobs from Janitor i NW Po Eervlc Commission In 1941 Gov Herbert B Maw shifted him r over to the Industrial Commission After one term he returned briefly to the U ’of U faculty untU Gov J Bracken Lee asked Mm to come back to the Industrial Commission this time chairman in 1919 1 Intcniiountain Oil Log IntormooniotB Oil kof PRINCIPAL H Ft LI CARBON COtNTY Man:- - recr -- lt Mr George 9th South transferred to First Security Bank of Pocatello as managing vice president Upon merger of First Security Banks of Idaho into a branch banking organization he became vice president and di1934 he was - Announce 120 E dent In lit To i PURCHASE by Curtiss Wright for 10 million dollars of Studebaker-Packard’- tees of Boise Independent School District A Royal Arch Mason Mr Driscoll was for many years a member of the board of trustees of the Masonic Temple Assn in Boise His wife Is the former NEW YORK July 28 UP)— The gas utility and pipeline In- KUY OR SUIT Wllh Named Ralph J Comstock bank president In Gem State New board J L Driscoll chairman of Idaho bank firm In Gas Industry Apprvxlmata ht Curtiss-Wrigh- Sales Topjlecord URANIUM STOCKS Cur4issWMgkbfio4 neer aircraft company control but not Immediate ownership of of the new six story First - y close to Studebaker Packard Corp said Saturday an arrangement with Curtiss Wright Corp for financial help for the auto ti concern now is about ready for formal announcement The announcemertt was made Saturday by Geoige S Eccles pi evident First Security Corpr vv ho said both appointments are effecth e immediately I'irst Security’s growth and Increased facilities In Idaho were given as reasons for or sales Their feeling was that their customers have been living off their Inventories but that inventories now Are generally depleted Herman W Steinkraus chairman and president of Bridgeport Brass Co said many of his firm’s customers have been on a "buyer's strike” since May Some fabricators blamed the drop In consumer durable goods such as automobiles and appli- I rectois istrative officers ter Plan to Fund Auto Finn — Near Windup Special to The Tribune BOlSEr IDAHO July of Fir-- t Secuuly Bank of Idaho NA have elevated J L Driscoll to chairman of the board and elected Ralph J Comstock to succeed Mr Dr as president FABRICATORS-f- their part were looking lor Emerson-Steambo- First Security Elevates Two in Idaho fhV'Twiik’S THE A e rest-den- 4284-90- 1 Inc Granbo brick resjdendb 451l! Leo Way 815500 Kenneth Irishmen frame addition te residence 3681 2nd East $5 000 Ida Layton two frame’ storage sheds $1000 each 1788 8 1045 West $0000 Rsrmaa Cecil two brick houses ! East 930 000 815 000 each 3116-290Vaaehe Bains brick residence Ml Z Capricorn Way (4080 South) 810 000 resr J Neweiae frame addition te— idence 2030 Marwood 84000 O Sperk three brick houses 8112201 8 Tnton Or cndi 35818 Palisade Dr $46 600 Wallace J Reid frame realdenoe rear 32) rum last WDM Bunn K White bm k residence 499 Plymouth Ave 812 00 brick leak Wesley T Oaautkorpe dence 3591 E 3700 South 814 060 DIBINTU8I BONDS YII1DINO 1 Lenity earned end menefed finoMe serf with 8 era eperatin nape-Rent- e wishes fe tuppemee benk line debennne beaA ef credit by eellm 8 fee paneunl intarriaw ylalJln with eaenefer write 8ex M2 this $lc 1 Springs-Governme- 4178-410- 4 lti-g- up 840 000 Dr 4220 Vartan Smart brick resident) UTAH COUNTY 814 000 2700 Fast five brick Bernard F Brerkbenk Yd win Y F solar Soldier Summit 6565 W Unit No 1 Federal 660 ft from N line houses et 000 eath2260118 8 1466 1360 Wast end 2210 South and 1880 It from W line 11 11S-7Si 844 000 Total depth 6J8 Reaming Freeresalve Darelaement brick resiGARFIELD COUNTY dence 6545 2425 Esst $12000 I ten Oil 0 Dlvtafon Bryce Unit No 1 Federal 10 343-- W — Rigging up View Nevada Oil Log EtREKA COUNTY on C Valley Unit Chet! KE NW Diamond ME—Rigging up Arizona Oil Log 65(H) MOHAVE COUNTY Yalesn Reaheard Drilling Ca Ante stnu-tur- e Government No lope Springs 1 C SB MV 26 40 N 8h— Drilling at 2 19 ft Fata Natural Gas (a Vita Peak Unit 5oO No ft at 1 2 I5tt E ftfiom 19 AIN from W line 49)7 ft line and J1L— Dfili-l- lino Iff n icIoHv ff I tlflfcot Of eoimtnf Wk ff Thomoi Jack AFACHE COUNTY TTanrark OH and Oea C Black Mesa Aren Government No 1 21 41 N 27 1— Plugged and abandoned July 24 Total depth WHY STAND or thip A your komo witk no will roll or tickott lo or offlco oorviro Coll 4 - Vu if Ai Jack Thomas Travel Servici Sugar Haute ORtce Ph HU 1040 te 11th loaf t Dsaffltews OHee IM Newbeute Hotel (M n "4-- 4 PC M U MU - f D 3b xjRXwp |