Show t C 4 17— WartKowH M and Trocliagt Nrw WABFHOUSK— THE NEW (it Pullman Wl ' ' 4n TM Built-I- ft Immediate Njf ae CLUB 9 BEDRM BftlCK RAMUlFRf Living and dining rooms beautiful built in” kitchen with eating pare utility room double attached garare Quality home MIST BE SOLD — TRADFS Mr 1NVITLD Buffo EL A Sons on prtmiaee OPEN HOUSE I 2105 Oneida St Mr lrtniV- $7 500 MU4-7t0- it SOUTH 1 - JOY-COMF- SALT LAKE Kt Brockban!7-ln- c 43 n NOT A VETERAN? and ypu don’t hava the qulFfd BUNGALOW Inal Huln 43U0OO rt PFAI knuth Plal t CO " jl -t 145 $16500 VALUES CITY modern trades other d'Hinclive custom for im available AX 5 3964 medialo occupancy IN 6 04 9 7 IN 7 6356 CK home 94 IN 87 REALTOR CM 3rdAvj 2823 3 5103 Connor St Open Jl 3:30 till Dark New bedrm brick IS tile baths 2 fireplaces sled cablneu bas full basement gas heat Mr Worlhen carport planter IN 3:30 till Dark Open 188 Fast 4740 4o Midxale 4 lovely Like new brirk Colonial roome fireplace w w carpet tile bath full basement gg heat bmA garage t Open 3:30 till Dark Breitling Park 410 West TOW South lovely new 3 bedrm brick lHi tile bathii large kitchens metal cabinets double carports FHA and GL approved Sun Whk’ Wt tlk 1N Investment Cn DUPLEXES We hve 2 fine dunlexes Bide by side brick and block 4 rms on each ide Nearly new exH £fK)d location lent condition AM 4 as Csil eve Other CHRISTENSEN HU 4 VIA THt OUT IN IMIS OF HOMfS-M- Vf Highland Dr R Ph IIU4 7441 C 7 ibunda y Jflu? EAST BENCH-l?j- EAST TH $25500— TERMS Owner mml mot nd two K dollar on Ihl prlrr A Jiax aq ft All riMimi larao J'ojUy riwm Well devrlopwd proleiled vaid Jlewl fniilv hom mien ner st honla anJ all rnnrnlei-And Ih pro only $21 0 Owner will erivui lontraM wllh mamabl thrmih reaporl P''wn &U4 lVs774toW LR 7 thoubiid (nr I '27 REALTY iyineiil “3° S1UK SHAW INC Renllnr 7rd '£ 22? LOW BUY ran buy TL 7747 DOWN payment’ PAY BfNT when vnq this a)nnt new 3 bdrm br(k In Lake Ridr Get heat l t of closet arrt spare mce Siair A HFAL BUY frr onlv 115K) floxHi dosn will move vr" in Ca i Sgarl Huith Magna 6488 BECK 714 REALTY-REALT- OR East tth g REDUCED rL4‘7 leaving city and wants on hm home pear T7th 4omh and Weat Temple Lit 73h 50 (ive u a call and talk and terms He price to $8 non Owner an offer 1 cjuccd-w- w 'LOTS OF VALUE nvrni home and 2 large coops Jot Near 9fh extra Inrar and iyon South Call ut and gee 3 Lit HU 4 4 24 IaPR bF owner Pne park 3 bedrm carport blhpain I 7843 11100 icrmi $)0VM) Miller- & - Realtor end Viele EM 4 B378 funds' CH IN7M78 AM OPEN HOUSE FM12U4 ' 4 ' Realtf J COME IN AND ' W COOL OFF iNTms f'ovptrrrtr aim c omutionh lUmt it Millbroelc MUPPAr DAlf 2 f M ‘ New 3 bedrm 2 hath bn k cr frame With or without Drive to J70 F on 64th So Turn north and follow the open houM mis AM 6 17 91 AM b 8247 hmt - Arrt 1714 MILL CREEK WAY 73! Fron’ Miehlind Dr OttNMtS AUK AW AY mo you Cn litirr'y mjoy tl room ilorloti lot rulemllnUvlto itirnm mi mmt b oov rrni Ptlo frm SS 1 liviua room Urn I mo room 3 o firrplt fimii tilnin room fnmily n duhwmhrr by Ilfiil cmuclm ml dtoim tnriuiuhimt Srltlnm i muoji m rhoirr proririly (unullo but i fmnrr traitifotred nut Vutv ! "’Imt 'ncr' AtPFR mil Alllro or FI WAXLAt1i ipoJ RSAUPK TM 37iV MAKE OFFER OWNER ANXIOUS 4 vr old brk home tn"hnh fauthast lHalion HHFI’fACr cheerful kit with eaim oar “form don a and window jr gar Tre CR 7 1173 AM 8 fall 7JU7 HI- 8 1RJ7 CHRIST Nh V RtALTY - 4 4124 MORE OPEN liyiNG ' tM hopping UHyO Moith hiprh moi IV 7 1548 BY OW NTH — 187 Yale A ve I cT down imnienl NVvbIv dot r wth pew w tow caipet 0 im bunga low a sere Ii nnYvTern himie foil hvint 2 N'ditn down dooblf gar XlSpOO 4'-1D4e:o Redwood Rd It g 6 rm sse for b'V H ipt x or 5 rm brk S L Call 1 L 9 2164 HY Ott WR sltfi tiv e home on Fwsnrh at fight pure Call HU 5 97fl5 F 2M Bo Realtor VTA R 100 1 AJn S 4 7611 NICE' IsrHient materi tl end If 77"rt workman-shi- sre xn sun gleaming COOMBS PFAITOR MU Hluhlatul Dr 893 Vi J bedroom hom wot of Murray In vrry anoti condilion with nice Ordcn planted Can b rairchaaed on contract E Williami S HUA8U2J NEW Near Slth So and 87th Went 2 bedroom extia I true garage Prti e reduced tn $8 800 nr iHU5muck atofcli X W (iUamg 8U2J 4 rooms $700 DOWN TO G( - - beautiful deals One nearlv new 3 bedioom brick in choice So Fast area Newlv carpeted One with full bane-mpi- it in choice So East aiea Double garage newlv carpeted extia large kitdv-- n You Can't do anv belter C M Sproui HU Two Sproui Realty IM JAM 2 n dSo 2(i79 LINCOLN LN ETS- - 2R25 i4ii)0 SO WOMAN TO WOMAN DON'T SETTLE FOR LESS THAN A CFNTRAt HAIL PLANV Mere la a- new in finest Holladav area lfl ft deep terraced view lot $5 000 under market 'value This most veisatlle central hill ho an open stairway lined with and murals It entree planter into th exmiixde 7 rm TWO 1 frVFL SHOW PLACE 3 bedrms 2 baths 2 stone fireplaces 2 car sit gar LAHOr LAROF bkft rm and dining rm Seat 20 T 4 no People on view bilronv o ft tinder roof ALL CF built-ikltch Padm Intercom fin ranrh rm in lower level CAN PF 6 bed? m 3batb home STve steps save wear and tear Save sioldmg kiddies tn this central hH Prof dec ebowptsce ftnO - n Pleae call For CR Golden V’T i Italic ' annt to Mr ce Main ILnit4 1527 HOT LYWDon ''Broom Colonial K& extra rooms fp full bmt Carpeting fireplace lirge dining room are feature Newest and het school districts Tnn gUi 950 FL9 4H4 MERRILL WOOD bailor 877 F An — FI 577 RY O'VNFH— 3 rold brkk At full bsmt patio gir 2 bedrm spinklg svs View lot Quiet restricted area $14 950 34' 2 Dot VeideAvp 1410 South tnd 3400 Eiiit ) Ph HU 5 ) 446 f et SLC IMMrniATF tp ey ftr RAMBLER Immaculate and Ingeniously deioiated 2 year-ol3bediourn bruk with fireplace carpeting attached garage landscap-bi- g and childirns swinuuing n pool Close to achools and and $22 950 Owner wantayour only offer Phon Mr Katz KIEPE-LeCHEMINA- 302 Felt REALTORS Bli Evening fall FM 4 AM 6 8028 U P u H W )i' r V d 19th S Pi 3id Dm 1937 HERBERT E 7th South-RftnK4- ATTRACTIVE with att garage 2 bedrm bsmt gs sndsrsped yard sprinkling svs-teloc Wonderful view gd OWNFR ANXIOUS Mav consider Call Herb trade Schroader IN 6 1511 BECK REALTY— REALTOR S Fth East FL5 247 OWMrt WIIL TRADF eouitv In home federal nte Heights loc turn a down pavment on 4 or 6 unit apartment Lowm FL 9 9417 71 - CANYON SoutnwIckFM 4 8147 Francis Solomon Fnt 4h Jil 5362 7 2173 JUST LISTED 30TH SOUTH AND £TH EAST 4 mom frame in immaculate couditum 2 nice bedrooms good Co & FL 8 5JR7 “ RFALTORS East 9th South OPEN HOUSE 3 313 TILL DARK $12500 worth hat’ fnveatlgnttng Theie's a large living dining tm t 2 bedrm a drn and a beautibedrm and Js fully finished bath In bsmt It s carpeted and all in A 1 cond Enough storage space to please any homemaker A Home with the '56 Look It' o arranged that It wtll almost run itself Theses 7 beautiful rms on 2 levels sn air conditioner an all electric kitchen The view it Unexcelled and There I a minimum of yard wotk Rejulatfon tennis court— patented rohe garden 14 ill trade for othr re-estate See thi C t'I now EM 3 5379 EL 91dv 9958 IM 4 4781 HANSEN futures Carpeted driped American decor Full basefront planter Expensive landscsntr g excellent ne xhbor hood Full prke 14 2"m Mt A or IN 0 1308 AM 6 2168 EL 9 6191 ment OPEN —Follow HOME Fit 5th Sq ' MUST MOVE FAMILY 978 stay F!1A )f you DA 2 4420 2vr-l- j I (lldii't Itorrnw hook from her but I'm rplurn lng one anj-M!” ' 2 bedrms IN 7 2913 or IN IN 7 Buft t bedrm 3 d 2 brUk hrenhtes Completely ’h oichaid Bsmt cnmnlclelr inched ullh rxtra and knnUv pm( 1ll(d bfc)rm fiooi recr e $21000 ition rm AX511E13 B i d ga heat nn'v roof'd Icrstion Artmtrrent f tr 9 44n M 9 797ft H 9 2ftft3 i NATIONAL htAL ESTATE CO $25500 Fxcentmnal 4 bedioom qualitv built buck rambler Twocijr attached garage — two level construction— lower level cnmpletclv finished deluxe appointments a real qualitv home on best valley view kit in county! COURTESY " ' 2418 Highland Realty Dr Ph HU 4 7841 call IN (1 ITbO or CR 7 '(07) (JSuti ' BOUNTIFUL H 9 4 509t PACK REALTY 1 coop Evg HU 4 used for rh’cken 5856 7159 or IN IN7-54C- BOUNTIFUL Verv beautiul modern home Id exclusive new subdivision Charming living room beauUfuhv designed kitchen j bediooms Ils baths You should se this Call US Eves AX 5 14 T LARSEN bfaltdr 45 North Main Btfl OPFN 3 00-- AX 5 341 30 1353 ARLINGTON DRIVE LAST CAT Lf Absohdejv must be sold This choice led Hi ' home featuring 3 bedrmi bathv OUNMf TH ftNSF HHU'D SAYS SUBMIT ALL OFFFHS on diAn pint Willing to carry enn-tiaitooo biacket) Mr Par-r-y FL 9 8(H8 M tin Realtors " GRAMGER Beautiful 3 BFDBM brick at-t- s h gai 2 v rs old l't bath toll rtl All landcarFed and fenced v ith st'rhik A PFAL BCY ( HI Fc AM 6 7 K)7 HP ft 1ft ’7 ( P 7 o7 REAITY CHRIST (ail jrmsff ed Dr I) An Down Pymt Curstdp-Tna! price 9 9ftn Your down pxvti ent rfer mav be considered nf nd ert-f arge rhfPRM buiMu7B ’ha' he Bemg $530 'DOWN dM or hath TAYLOR REALTOR 4 v r tlu Ee Btfl— By Owner ‘ur'inr "t! 'lh l rnl'"'icd FL 5 2240 Blvd— Beautiful 16O0 square font AHr of weeping mortar and redwood trim — Jumbo sired rooms living room with Hornan brick fireplace dining room with glavt sliding doors to patio birch kitchen tile variety bath on beautiful lai$e view bt MT OLYMPUS ftQu Husband transferred’ wife Join lovely 6 vr old fvackedm toSoutheast titv readv to ruh Aurora Circle arrows from 39th and Wasatch ona rambler THE VERY BEST $4T Wivrrh - 9th Fast in bountiful 3 large- bedrooms 2 full bath-blnh kitriien full dnvhKht basestone fireplace ment stpnrate enti mce hall beautiful view lot tor tc - comunu tlon — QijhIuv Liv ability f"r lift VtO Eve EL 9 rl in He eltv b fn Vou can find more house than Ihn ID in an area like thu e will buv it and pay you well 2 level with room aalore 2 both of home value at 2 700 Plenty Go to Foothill i 28i0 E and comer of Blaine ( 1740 Southeast So i Handing 1bee Faiv 4 State Bealtor HU 4 888 COMFORT AT LOW COST An eld but lovely home that's close to it bool There's two bedrms plus a love- lv bedrm m bsmt Its carpeted and in Immaculate cond There a bright living rm and lota of storage sp Widow must sell The price is a low $8 900 Hurrv up if yew want to cash in on this A Bungalow on E Sherman 2522 EM 4 6525 3050 E Evergreen Ave 3425 So ) $16950— Exclusive beautiful brick Gabrand new full baserage carport ment: large lot patio See this today HOLLADAY ESTATE $27500 Owher transferred on foreign assitfntftent Beautiful rambler Carpeted living and dining rm full straight wall bmt with bai and recreation rm 1 aci lot picturesque lily pond IN 8 5858 PACK REALTY 65 West Iftfh So Bountiful A sweet bikk home Check hh rrflp 3-- 6 KALM & CO ACKERSON 26 PM " 1467 W 3RD SO GT special 3 bedim shake In wonderful condition Carpets and rYaitor IN 7 fiOCifi dr me Plx k gar femet and !R3 w estminter lmd(Hped $100 down will hen die Thi ta a mud to see You REDUCED TO $13650 hav to huny Call-d- N fk Beautiful Fait Incatlnn Udng dming rnmbtnatlon Dining rhan-rinlie- r MAX LOLL REALTOR from Cerhnlr vaklrf DKixiaal beautiful carpet887 lid A It FM7 5ini ing fireplace baaement garage Fx eflent (ntjdilmn and an nut OPEN HOUSE "Nd OPEN -“ FRINCFTON AVT red Kvtchen fuHtaement "smti —"8 bedrm rrmr-t-i amusement and bedroom 50xllrt look from oufaideblgrerthtrir'”’" I)tep lenred lot An ext'ellent buy Call lot ith Ig workshop In rear' AM or IN 7 5569 Eay terms It DPmJdQUSJElll hedrrni h t hei uilJ 3rd Smithy 2-- 6 DEPENDABLE' wh H rent SUMMER HOME At Silver fork near firlirMnn Imelv 2 story home lfi20 ft earh floor plua added modern kit hen with eleetric rinKe water heater shower refrla Home comolidelv furnished Jtr ood fireplaee pntio off liv rm out of this wmld w on rreek asphalt Street 12 ft fiienlire out-sid- e drills and stone polio ltKhted Best w a tei rishts Not a thin to buv move rich! Irt and live inartelouslv Onlv b7to tall C (3415 SO INLAND - brlrV Lovtlv knotlrheat fireplace DARK TILL BARGAIN A 5 room biixk "home with fin Atato ’DUftk 'A ' '44nt irirn f tafptvirfg ' t1iptg knotty pine pjav room nice vard "LIST WITHOUT RISK gaiwae and carport in Bountiful for only c4LJe5wnd mi th easy t terms WANT TO Bimn 6ftx212 7j in far Southeast $1 230 with easv terms Alv A view - IV 6 671 T 3413 Highland Drtr lot in Bountiful 90150 for S2 600 " will take a 2 level home MR EXECUTIVE tripiex opportunity ' ' Owner says SFLL! Make offerg DOCTOR LAWYER on price and terms and let us do Now being offered for gale the nvt Southeast location and thu secluded June eatate Verv nice tak amid natural fuliage withnetled year-roun- d an running through lrr property - Lovely fuh pond or swpnmmg tHol fum fnw1B n?Mrrt Yat FM T 887 FM ? 814 ennnga Iandernped to pei fec-tin- n with own surk IN 7 772 IN 8 5425 This tME 4 4404 all auriminda 14 vr oldavdtm brk Meuhen Hurkmiller Realtor a modern a tomorrow 211’iamb can a w died In OPEN HOUSE rn) Fueplaee in large mivter bedrm Too many 280 South 18th East other —feature to enumernl heie TWO 'til Drik Sirtv no addiea given over OWNER MUST SFLL NOW— phone hut will be happy tn ar$20 ftOQ full price— featuie inrange inspection of thia ehoiee clude bedrooms two baths Funilhed 00000 UOJ be tuliful3 200 fui uivhed t 8 ono lot dLehwrihbvi fool FL 5 2077 IN 7 4 17 dihpnsal rhuin link feme dieipes IN 7 009 ’ k’tmfty—pftrie jrrTrtTem'rrtfnrnrT P is ment Otft Nf R WII L ( UN R ALI DOWN PAYMFNT Fv- pbon JN 7 $063 or 8M 4 6 MIS MORMNOS1DE DR (4110 So level bruk vaant and com- OPEN HU 4 1 962 or CK neighborhood with Go outh on neighbor 4078 South then W ay Follow r Srf’HeitlW flU IN 7 2107 3-- 720 BRVAN AVE Sre the de luxe quality In Ihla 2 bedrm moderately prh ed home Air cond dlshwgahei all tile kit and bith Beau decoiatod HU 5 524 EM 4 2320 wasatrh this east tn Dutna OPEN 12 TO- 7 - DON' LAMBERT “ - ' on- - m t t2fK'-lT(- IN OPEN 3 TILL 6 174 MICHIGAN Nrar Yalecreat Churrh Bilrk J brdrma up 1 bedrm te (ration rm and bath in bvmt 2 car Will gir Sprinkling 2svutem contiact IM 4 1211 IN 7 2107cariy SOUTH AND 3RD EAST Outstanding 2 level ranch tvpe home One of the most beautifully landxaped in the area 4 room upper level 4 room down 2 fireplace 2 bathe rarneted dowmtatra tiled upstairs lovelv drapes throughout aparmti kit flan Abiindante of motllghta out Me with a number of exterior plug tna for outdoor living e 615 East 45th South with com Lovely wooded deep lot 32 fruit trees on beau Mill I te it stream All this plus charming 7 im family home let ng hug our offer EL 6 0339 EM 4 2120 IF OPEN 4 to Dark rambler deeoiaM Jo 50 EVERGREFN 4 TILI DARK NEW SPACEMASTEfT ' DR-“- finished bsmt on bemi This will go fast ? OPEN 2 OPEN g SOUTHEAST BENCH PFrnFD 2 AVENUE 3 6 Arm? pletely developed Nice for horn and office Lxcel view Oivmpic EM Heights Area £L full basement pi heat 2 land garage Beautifully scaped and fenced yard Terms arranged 5 fawn brick home— m exceh lent condition choite area Taylor-Gardne- rt74i4 ii tp to e s d d i rY' w thrfwCHont pm carrtlng fuiiirf r and hot ah co i g nrf in u it h f PRICE REDUCED FOR FAST SALE 2 en car BUNGALOW MADSEN SUB B— !— T— N—E- -R toe v ATTENTION GARFIELD WORKERS 2 bedroom shake large kitch $11950— Immaculate condition I iving and dining room carpeted Convenient location $1500 down should handle 6 00 — 1 bdrms-Bath l't and — Rmitun Oven Rang Birch Kitchens and what pice things they will T — nrge Lots Carport mv about this solid buck rim-b- r — Masonry Const Only 4 yrs old The enRm Utility Hm-Mo- im chantment of the ptrture window Choice of Colors yiew of Mt Olympus la terrific All Improvements diaped anaA carpeted ' pecoiated PLUS SFWFH In exnutsite taste finished $12 9V) bsmt and attached 2 car gar add FASYFHA TERMS to the convenience ANDGI Pried to orkclscn Allred se'l in the low 20 EM 4 9078J 4015 r 200 PRICE Al F ph OPEN HOUSE People Will Talk NFP TRANSHRRLD Q ‘ baths Full basement Additional rooms roughed in Priced $18 500 Low down payment Cali McIntosh EL 5 1168 after hours 583 del ill cll Pdf MUiri BEST PUY R E ri 2-- 7 BROOKSHIRE ACRES (35TH SOUTH AND 13TH EAST) brick New 3 bedroom 14 h'i 2 bedim OPEN Katz t'e BEST it today OPEN HOUSE 19TH EAST LOCATION If BFDROOMR full bemuit 9 firpiaro amusement rm femed vsrd setci it fruit sprinkler s stem ()MY $1B ftfid and tci m See bv railing fAV Is DASTH I P P t ALTY IMS-Hi- t 4 HU4 Vi mud or CH 7 4 Ml IM 3 5207 nT OPEN HOUSE K ON OVt H HAVE A I OtiKt Newlv decor itt d inide and cut 9 rrvSd bedim 4to rm A 4 me krtchen 1 h tn rm tdx? a rage 12v24 l atirhnd t urge rpvr e ed r tin lot f'rtlMl fern ed and ah improved flwner buvmg er hope IM $112U St c this Y 'u H m e It’ k Main Street Salt Lake Citv Utah REALTOR DA 2 0509 or DA 8 8282 TttMefuilv 3 00 fM TO 700 fM 8589 WEST 3100 SOUTH 14TH 421 South OPEN 2002-- Charming Eletely Dr diti-wahc- r divoosal drapes large fmihed amusement foom and bedroom In basement Owner Iandcaped very anxious for sale After hours call Mann AX 5 5157 OPEN 2 TO 6 PM 21 5(10 TO OPEN U HILLS spc 30 PM 4650 SOUTH 1?00 FAST BOOM HFD BRICK 1 hath rock bedioom 2 full til room fireplac tn living burttrr laigc K dtnrtr jnlcnn with and stove 2ar tat-por- t rrfngcratm lot Will Uka Uade Large 3 00PM OAK NEAR On an txclustvg street of homes and a pine you Tan af ford 6 bedrms 3fs bslha amusement rm Let us show you thiousb Hus InveLy piping IN 1 LM 4 2 20 Hom6‘‘8rGarderrCo: ' 9 ' OPEN Lovelv 6 room frjme home large living and dining room Well arranged caipeted fully kitchen nearlv new gas furnace new bntk bmbecue In bark yard Owner wants quick saier Call close $o school church and irtopping good east side location near 17th bo and 4th East Onlv $7 500 Owner anxious Call Ken Olsen IN or EL DA 1 3428 FiFALTQRS TH SOUTH If vou ate looking for good Wdlardaen IN 1643 reterxon sturdy homs for day to dy livAX 5 171 Roland EL53904 ing in clean quiet east side loea Brown tM 34384 tion 2 bedrms dining room full basement with go heat 2l car maonry giruge Your down payment mav h mrile $500 DOWN 8 800 — 8 ai n'd 2 bedroopj flume turroundd bv onlv beu STmtAST" home Auto tlful v hr tin 2 TO 6 PM £M 40 South Main St em range rrfrur and valor IM 4 8 547 aoftrner tav OWNFR TRANSFERRED ANXIOUS lot Indaped Your 3 bedroom rambler L shaped IN 9nterm may handle IV 7 281 8 CANYON LIVING living and dining room Wall 2172 BUS IN 7 3794 t tied catpetmg bath Would you like a year ‘round Full basement drape with roughed m nom in Emigration (anvnn toni-i- l shower RICH-JERMA- N bedioom amuse and te with abeam? W have a room Double garage lov rambler for you with ment ered patio FHA anptaised After 2ftf7 S State Realtor - HU 4 61 77 hculac and dming area at $1 rcall Acev IN 6 7128 hour 950 Or if tta more room vou A Good Deal Depends on peed see this roomy 4 bedroom with 2 bstha gt $19950 Rhone OPEN HOUSES Mr 2A42 SO 2V'0 FAST bedroom Rambler Pesulifulle carpeted CIrnnd view of mts and ekvbne FHA gAphef for This i a large quality home $147541 r Gi SPECIAL! Gt transferred will sell 6 rm rambler 3 bedrms ll baths birch kitchen with electiic range and thermador oven $1750 down $800 DOWN doe ACRE - MOONEY 2 30 TO 6 00 P M 1 190 HARgLSON AVENUE Beautiful Spanish typ home 9 nice comer bedrooms flreplay in living room full basement with amusement room gas heat large Jot completely fenced Lx celient location 0 rmHbuci5 $7500 FAMILY HOME 4 bdroom brick with two baths located 1 tth So 11th Eat area Owner wants offer a to price ami terms C AL Sprout HU - - HU 4 Davidson Uh you MT AIR DRIVE Out of town owner must sell brak cothis delightful lonial Tiie features full bsmt sprinkling system patio gauge Call $14 500 Present all offer Rteve Sanders CR 7 1707 or EL 5 —no loan costs Call J A Aider EL or HU 4 8212 4 rooms sra Is n home hath gas heat ana wjth2 mom and bath anartment In fhe basement rent for A30 month- - making it noMlble fo vou to live n this home for $90 mo the $10 from he ret and vor $20 miu mk be $V monhlv iniallment There ere two stnvee dining room rtt and renaii I oc-- d Hope to Jordan Prk aplay grounds for the children HU olim CR 7 1707 409 L Reller larger home thU home located on a oirt street in a ntee netehhorhood so con venent to school and horinng center It i home hke shint'e gw rooms 2 hd-oor- n full bm furnace tot fmrd Will trade for home bright kitihen 3 fine bedrms rumpus rm Rretty yard gar Reduced to $219yO Give us your offer fiicklnger EL 9 0480 COME jtinrorT rfai tor or :IRST SECURITY $7950 reeds 3 in ihlv Invelv 3vr-olbrick home Imi entrance hall with closet luxury living rm guet V ith an unmal’v nice fireplace 2 bedim 13x14 td ReautifuHy tiled pul’msu imth The dining rm U 11x11 YMesssnt kttch-- n with monv cabinets chMce 4le spate Full at 1X811 fmi eitmg with a bedim tot 622f5 lot of flower some rioherrte peir rheme ee and tin heMre voa JhfBf gar un buy nnv home nr ir 2 tint R 7 if M or eve Ph IN 7 02 18 Ft B HU 4 IilDUlT R$ Al Toil FL 5 ' 7419 965 S 14TH WEST 1 DE LUXE DUPLEX and 6 rm uni’s on choice avenue location Spacious A 1 condition apartment 2 furnace 2 garagr 2 diiveways Owner will carry contract $19 000 For details call Kn Olsen IN 7 6901 S $11500 YALE WARf— Doctor beaut 0rrn brk Gratious liv and din rms with solid carpeting fire-pU- e 3200 East) - ' lanilsi aped Ineludm b'i?thnii70rktr!1romiilen'ly pu'lhna" lnkl?n atom Call Kam at HU4 08U1 for hifoimatlon api ' i 2652 CAPRICORN brirk home elove to Olvmpua level bedroom J nrw Bmnd oui had and contiat Hmh Ri'hool Home mut be Id Brin 4142 £L Owner will 'give a Urge discount for rash for this bedroom home onlv 5 yer old E' erv In rice condition as heat thing Jot 1ndcaned rea- - fenc-- d lare patio grill and yerage Convenient location park e 3145‘EAST SOUTH 3781 lare First time offered’ Builder rvearly readv l- - eteeoeale— This fin hom offers th verv mot for your money 3 bedrms baths large living rm tremeh dmis kitchen with all the latest work saving devices Maximum indoor-outdoo- r living Double ga rage fine bsmt $27250 Call Gordon Reynolds EL 5 9626 or $13950 4 5167 5 9M2A OLYMPUS HIGH '"“NEAR SPACE? J At9 or £L e A look beats a thousand words We would like you to Inspect this 5 Toom home see for voumelf all the latest apfor convenience and pointment cmrifnrt I andaeaned lot 70 ft Southeast location facing Morgan P’d'e You'll be proud to own thta bungalow near town and Libertv Park Very good tiansferi'ed EXCLUSIVE INDIAN HILLS Just listed! There Is p finer home on the market Check these uts'andmg featuie Abt 3V6 sq ft on main floor 8 outstanding rooms 3 20x to living room 4 Built in Hi Fi radio and record 120 player B 3lt bath— steam room 6 Radiant heat 7 Lot 200'xl75' profewtonsllv bv surrounded landscaped scrub oak Prired at $75 Odd To Inspect call Hal Smith EL $27000 AVE - SIDE CiRCLE (Enter 3900 So TO’ 7’ PM mutt sell brick bungalow l to 000 down Only qualified buyer Near citya beet schools shopping and bus line (ail tv Berg HU 4 8212 or tM Owner this clean OPEN HOUSES 535 CLEVELAND 3 TILL DARK - AN INVITATION TO YOU! LOGAN AVFNUFl 141! 71 brick Doctore glorious near U of U with large furnished 4 rm apartment in bsmt with Solid carpeting firhate entrance liv rm din rm 3 Ige cheerful bedrms grand kitchen Uuced 3 aid jprmkling svoUrn gar All this for only $18-9low down pymt Fllcktnger LL9-IH- '3' OPEN DO YOU NEED MORE ROOMT MORE BEDROOMS? MORE BATHS? 11 TIIL 7 CAN'YON RIM R 7 4941 8 rm 3 bedrm brick bier U9d aq ft full barnt rear NEARLY NEW BRICK OUPffX liv rm with fire plsie and laive PE LUXF 4 4 lle bv tde Fnch pictme window w w carnrtv file hit bath Full puce $17 2V Unit hi full bmt with rtpi-he- d $2 5oo dow n flv owner ho agent AMl’SF RM A PI HUM Fxtia R please Marne Ave J24J l—SFP4HAU t 111 I 240 bfh S ) For infor TITS 4 3 13 HU nil carpeting M mv extra excellent tmnme pinpejlv See tn-d- i root itrffze Call I vim I H 7 fH7 t AM ft 2r Hedrm bench lo ’ CIc'yhspot 7 U7 HU 1 IB ’7 ( HRIsrFsk V Snalfp 2 aevrrl fm r?v Rhower TY OMPANY HU 4 4 12l JlkAl u bimt Recent built lvut indvr Pntm shade tree buk 2' HOMES vm1 (lose tubus sihool chm li Tuivrn 6 7414 ’ OPEN' 3 TO 6 PM HU we are WARD EXCEPTIONALLY ' Btln“ $23-50- Amundsen 1257 CUT-Cf- gaisge offering an attractive brick rambler dble att garage and covered patio You will love the interior home Liv and cf this 4 year-ol- d din rms fully caipeled beautiful fireplace huge mirror above riieam kitchen plrtyre windows Tnke a took nd gaihige dispmml ft b convinced £L 6 U7 CAPSON UX M1NUUS TQ MMRJOF NEW WASATCH d IN YALFCREST rik COURTESY It FM 4 4431 elr fmtfiix new 4 room 3 bedroom 1 bath Tavte decorated (arpeta Drapes Vmngxtown kitchen with sna-bar Diah washer di ix! 29icarheadgarageGarbage ruil bane ment svs sprinkling mmiIT'I11 ‘T"- - ("n rr-- ' for appointment to how A from Ofjrt Depends nn 2ar rumpu room £M 4 9384 Nearly bruk rambler vn MALLORY 7 ’07 d east mill creek rambler coniter CR 7 1488 MAX LOLL ‘ MPA It GROUP J ' Several budl year-ol- TO $25500 AND' C 0 OPFfSEO RFALTY -- RFALTORS AX 5 2 ml AX AX ft 0780 OWNER TRANSFERRED Ogd n 2J877 Must 3 sell brick UPPFR PttINCTON Avr room southeast I iving room with fire IHnette Amusement rorm brtrk and basement untt Tentinf nd Sleeping room In baement at 175 Untt ha separate entrance After huura call Melk EM 4 0015 and is very neat large liv and din area 3 Toomv bediooma elo ON PANORAMIC VIEW LOTS ALL CUSTOM DESIGNED bedroom baouttvl irrepkarte 'wcrUy built tn range top ond oven birrh cobmehSp a pen Poirwoy to (ewer floor s'tdng g'au'door to patio beouhfv) both full bmt roughed in lor rumpus end extra bedroom Priced at $18 000 Available under either FHA or Cl financing Will Consider Carpt WOODS CROSS fully STANDING new $19 400 brick flrn nin nlm My cnnlder dad (arAltar hour Mcik £M 4 IMIS WiuUh Blvd ) new brirk Beautiful contempt2 46‘0 sq ft 3 bedirna faiy paths Luge liv rm with Modem kitchen fmihed In fuepl birch with built-iHntnomt range and oven 2ar gtiage in full bmt Wonderful view of valley from Inure wLndowjt A real buy at ' Cali HOMES SfE S 1 M"k’ C“U 5-- 4 NEW M 4 --wo- w IN BOUNTfTUL block w eat of Orchard Drive on Wicker Lang 2oth South! PARK SOUTHEAST f lot f)Kr plan miterul -- DUPLEX “'“BEAUTIFUL” BOUNTIFUL'S ARTISTIC SUBDIVISION' Brand tvwBfrr and (4430 South TOH - ng t'hooe lour and constiuctton — OPENHOUSE h°Ur IM4WlSUr "BONNY VJEWV OPEN HOUSE -- F M 4 9013 McIntosh HIGHLAND HOUS- E- in BOUNTIFUL 9 and 4 bedroom home being built at lJth North and 4th West in Btfl 7 diffcient floor plans to chnoM from C 1 or IHA financi- - $ 1 J 500 10 10 WEST 16TH SOUTH -- OPEN lj HOUSE EL GOOK PFAI-T- Investment Co Realtor g 3$ West 2nd Kouth FM3 7173 ftunday IN 64432 re FHA down payment’ here is your we have a few brandopportunity new luick homes with 3 bedrooms baths gome have full basement Priced from 413893 la $16 5iW) Fxiellent locations Call Canvon Realtors After hours mil Allen FI 8444 pak HU4370 Acev Mtfk FXECUTIVE MANSION im Arlington Avc 10x12 ft living room paneled walnut library with it place deluxe kituhen- - 4 bedrooms and 3LLbtha- - Double garage Gorgefua grounds $79500 Dial CR7 0JS1 LARGE Fletcher-Luca- s Then OPEN - ttUIFT ATRFFr Near County Hospital Owner will tiade clear on larger home with about 1 acre of land to ( UP L 4vr-olr- ROOM BRICK FL5J4I rooms and basement Mature An excellent buv Janriiiaping DA 2 4340 or Wood EL 4 7147 ON TALKS and you'll agree Ihts 4rm bck with basement and gas heat La a “buy" at $8 400 Near lHh Last and Kensington Act now - (D 7 3371: W W Lron Et5 3M7 MtKntoht K jr-r- -- 2M8 or r Bob PARADE OF VXlOe Beautiful brtrk and along bedroom Contemporary only yrs old Hettrir kitchen and built in radio gvslem Located on Mt Olympus bench View lot led wood nicelyand landscaped fenced wfth sprinkling saw tern FIRST TIME OFf FRED J'lM-eat $2754kk KelaUvel small down payment will handle Vacant — move right in ( all M ( alegorv CR 7 3325 for details nd the key CASH Bulld- -r t 3nri South At 4 FLFX — Near University 6 BRICE CUT TO 421000 rooms plus full basements MUST afde Icar garaae ech RF ROID — PREbFNT ALI OFFFHS Dial McDonald J0- -8 COURT near town Ideal for old er couple Ca heat and garage $A6oO with $1000 down Will trade ALANE 5 4157i EM 4 8 and 4 rooms on So eat - It a brtek hwelrglot is near schoulg bus and need a little wot k $10500 with $2000 down COZY 4 ROOM BRICK ON QUTTT IN 6 7128 fa Ith 4 B518 DtTLFX of formation KNIGHT 173 2tst Sa Realtor HU an errs of ground' Thu last long so don't THI4 WON'T LA4T Call now or delay details on this "never vscantr 5 hove severof good unit ant Near Liberty Park He turns $193 per month Just hated to buy too numerous at 412 500 with 81 500 down end lisf $100 a month Incls appliances ranging from $7000 and iuro Matfi your future seo $8000 Call us for incure bU3i57 I INK DRIVE 7 rooms plus S finished amusement rooms on lower level Indoor and out door patios Radio controlled double gatage Carpets and svsleni ’dtai‘e " Intercom OR TRAD!" TOR IN TFRM COME Dial PROPERTY Mason IN 4 1337 or Wood EL er W t lovely 823 Fnst ORT- Nearly won’t ROOSEVELT AND J4TH is IV) — iwitory Whit mial frame 4 lovsly charming roomi 3 Full base ment sarags Term sntload 4 1460 Mr Rarnes Mr West IN living room car?eting drapes fireplace Dial Eigi IX 4 3834 6— J I FVFL BRICK ON 6KY Taylor-Gardn- ' 6th Vi haded U what you will get In this store choirs liotiaday location 5 room 4 J bedroom and ft full basement Asking UTAHNA SUBDIVISION film —fullfiltndal Park arm — 4 bemnt spar kling mount in red hitek reflecting proud ownership evrywheret ( mixMlng and drifi ALARtK PI AN ApicW and fogn Terms Mr Webb AM 4 4557 ROOM RAMRI FR Rmilh- vast Double garage Best land details CONVENIENCE 4 a contemporNeat and rlan — ary frame wious ami delightful Atlhed aping F)WM fl frart nice LLAVING STATE fast to session Mr G william CR7 5136 I— 7 full you the AIL 01 APPROVm down model 5 year-evl- ISO charming Well HARVARD! maintained 4 room Normandy type architecture) Bmk and rut elone trim on beautifully baths EX landcnped lot SMALILR (MANGE FOR irnMEi Dial McDonald DA 3 4340 DU- what you'll be saying about this home on Lnuiae Avenue Hers Is where you can have G t by off ht eouitv 4S paving room 2 big roomy shake with all ua and we will tell bedlams Ti 4 9130 11 v NICE CATCH A ' —UPPER BRICK larss bedrooms laris living room ana basement Onfv 41 fx'd down pick ud your phone and call ut lODAY! CENTRAL EAST SIDE — First time effered subekential Loam 3 hed- room inaciovia brick family home Term 8car teragw Mr IDtta hU beitronm and bath ip basement Including carpeting drape range refrigerator and deap freeze $21500 Dial CH 7 Owner PARLEY WHITE NOW 14 9Y) A RAMBLER (could be complete duplex — IN COT TON WOOD! 3 700 aq ft on 3 levels 8 bedrooms 3 full bathe 9 amusement rooms den 9 outdoor patios double tand- garage - professionally system sprinkling aaeed natural grove of Cottonwoods swimming pool privilege TFKMH OR TRAfcKI Dial Holrnqulst EL I 2902 or Masun IN 6 1337 bediooms Strong v 7 Brnd nw uparloua limllv WALKER LANE In Cottonwood i hom- - Split level 4 bed Bubstantial 9 rm southern colon room I ovelv view und onlv mitheast nf Mt Olvmpug High ial surrounded by 6h acres of StoSOO Phone Van Talee AMS wooded land 2 mountain streams BrhooJ 6 and 7 rooms on main 2icY or Bnb Bet TM A7RS1 floor Modern built Ins Bath private lake swimming pool and have inbies Ideal for large familv Wright-Wirthli- n bailments large t'ts estate double brick garages IN or could be subdivided IN 7 7467 into exQulslte building sites $65-OOBPALTORS Dial C R 7 3463 FM 4 40 South Stale MODERN AVENUE HOME Ideal for doctor on LDS ataff 4 bdrms 2‘y bnth trade Make sn offer or even liv and din rm fmuv Carpeted rm and for a small home for thl 2 level HU4S9 rm Patio dbl gar snnn MTIHtohtondpi1v fvrne brirk home W'lth 8 bedrm with Plus goif-ou- a 2 200 so ft Beautifullv finished AH for 4 V7o00 HU 5 947 I 7467 and decorated vean onlv old kiiif sir lot completely land and evslcm scaped sprinkling JUST ONE 2 UNTIL DARK beautiful view of the vallev ex block to school A 9 bedroom rellent location high on the south 1370 E BUTLER AVE bench east Jewel with burnt Fully Und DRIVE TO 1410 E ON 1ST SOUTH railed fenced gar Hu 4 37u5 w - rn New brick ramblers 2 Ymi cart have this spacious clean home tn a good location 1 ihlnrle liwld I— RUSTIC BY SIDE 'if OPEN M 500 — S year old sbaks dream home Liv ft Close to all Ini room feilltliea Term Mr Jarman UU8061S hm EASY TrRMS TO QUAL IFirn3636BUYER Dial Egll EL 3 ( 11 U 441 JO GLENDALE GARDENS- countryin raping refreshing Delightfully J 1 M 3 8PM EarUer TV of carpeting and pastel shade lovely grapes 4 bedrooms game room 9 baths Urge view solarium panoramic beautiful kd sprinkling evg - In this aparioui house In e good neighborhood— 3 bedrooms up stain and 2 downstairs Will tsks a food offer Don i wait— call us Only $19450 Plenty of Bedrooms RAMRI FR DRIVE BIG JtH) AHHOW AT 10 Vteet 6 til North will direct you over tr this gracious 4 room family home j bediooma 2nd floor in1 2 bedrooms main floor BFALTIFUT basement family room with anack bar Large pitio and barbecuw flreplflre Lugurumi HFAHT OF ROSE bmdaapinc PAHK Clnae to gverythihg A VAUJF JNSTFT (RFAT FROM 3 4 FM TODAY Earlier CLUB RAMBLER ( iaee to schools shopping and 3 churches large bedrooms room Urge and dining iving i itchen with eating spate dishwasher and disposal util Hr room IS baths (ALL ON MAIN FLOOR) finished amuaerhent room and roughed In apartment In walkout be-men- t TRADFft INVJ1FU Don't miss seeing this — Mr Armstrong EM 4 4344 on ' premises RAMBLEHI INSPFCT Mr Pitta 1A5S I— COUNTRY 1800 EosO bFW Irnom golden brick fan birr 2 balh aur and car rart built in Femlly room unuiuf mudem one floor living HU 4 3705 walling for you Call us for fur ther details Ol’R (2150 East) OPEN 3 to Dark RANOEM f NT for the chtMleas couple YOU'LL NFVKR SFK A MoIlF IMMACULATFLY KFPT DVr RY PI AT rROPFRT Y OF ACCOLNTF C FOR Rolling tswns shrubs it pm A' 4 t()(h— MOVE RIGHT IN 0RA4I aoe beilionms-modelandscaped Call Reach IN Best EM 4 765J ' ' ‘OPEN HOUSE 2710 8188 ( be open from 1 till dark Thu house will f l infprtab ' llun Cut 3 bedioom new near ever thin HU 8 or 17 SuO ft packed with alt th lwuhlo 1N0Jj4 Priia floor plan fluent features of modern iivmi 1 Mi 3 bedrms baths Urge fain TREASURES ARE NOT ALWAYS HIDDEN ily rm large living room with C2 ooo on duply a handsome home wnh double gatage fireplate For Inunre we Innow has me corner Bruk eon iiu lion Builder will consider all trades ml built Ini room every lusuiy for with leiae rork tneple t ail tv- Berg HU A8212 or IN 7 llvln lame hall Fntianie li oven level dih-- w eve love baih etKti 3 tiled 3 hm'in Ul bedroom Knler mahtwany INmbmtr sher "Od dlsprwal lota and lot of Mvrekie 8 64U - V Ewrt Oeorga 30th South hom J34 at - This beautiful southeast Iocs Hon home for only rOQ down -Hug curtains ( range ail art treei rm Sal DR lASl 1600 sq nien living thrnughnu Advertiaeia dream kitchen ten ) rapacity garage and carport 3 sq ft under roof Axkirg $i3 0og — owner wants votif tfer Ae this atone tibnmed beauty- - last for met vel hemes Farr'il ire kite hens 'ftieplsce attached or details (ajgsrdgs Beautlfi ul vitv of taiiey carpml and 57 U 6 HU Stevenii MiitOxs FAIROAKS 1680 ( 3 Call OPEN 3 TO 7 PM -- room brftlt Bnm fog only plus 2 bedfuoms In s good location for kIukjI bus and hopping bee this and you wont - - — b aonv 5558 Foie Ooks S 619 NORTH 8TH WEST II XX DOWN! A truly charm-Ih- l mow white spiik and fnlonlil full basement frame bedroom nwiln flwr 1 lovely bedmnm riov nslairs IDEAL AR COVNTRY 3433 IMAGINE! 'jV-QPE- 2106 S 22nd East 3 to IN viem intertom OPEN 2 to 8 orru rjriCRn IStol LAST RT MARY 8 WAY (12th ho i LM 4 0524 or LL 54U91 ExciuMVE rrpcg brincton WORTH CROWING ABOUT sere in County Cl OSE IN bv AVENUE 6 room carpeted brick colonial Separate living and diniNthley Bark Attractive A room home with amusement rm bruk basement ull and at ng looms 1834 EAST 1 7TH SOUTH and extia bedroom in basement ta hed garage Large landscaped 2 bedroom H apartment above Thig lively 3 bdrm bihk was lot 422 000 Dial CR 7 248J double garage Flag 2 box stalls ape tally built bv the owner for for horses Room for chickens enrnfort convenient and beautv 1780 FT Or HAMDIINO LIVI7oned for kennels Children’ Oodler ff extra m Jarge lot NG SPAC h plus exclusive Hnll Lota xf fruit pool gar sruinkting s OWN dar gixtrict 3 bettrnotp 24$ tiled awimmlni ?hl UHL trees and garden spate Owner THADJ& 44&UOO armwe-meLmished iN bsthn Heautifulty on Call Fnmcontract sell will IN 7 7453 room in basement 2 car UM 4 3364 bfir-tgerage $33 5uO Dial-- 4 R tt 2701 ' ' BIG SQUEEZE Development Corp OWNER 3 to I p m TIMK OrrrRED bmk near 15th bo and 14th JTIRBT v lTnlurpased view for this beautiful OAK HlLLb S'lTTt brt hoitig 4 bedims 3 full bath iai ss living rm and amuaemeitl with built in br Hunt in rente MORNING and oven dirhwasher dipol ABT 5500 SO COUNTRY LrVINO AT ITS BFSf Immaculate 3 bedroom brick ram-blwith attached double garage 2488 BEVERLY (1380 E ) Luxurinunlv caipeted living room view of Mt Olympus l - JjispUtng HIGHLAND PARK”- acre beutifully landscaped in and tree We rhal lawn rolling All parked and ready to xc truce you to find a better buy tha muipri of thi 3 hdrm go Trlk thm this at $21900 Dial EM 3 col will take tl V0 down for g $289 sa'a today 414 750 IN 7 7453 t IHA (INANCING UO HU 4 392 open house n 292$ PM Rambler n y lot near Holladav r OPEN 3 TO 7 PM SOUTH) ELY OPEN 4 to Dark Progressive Mr Hnlmquist on premises 6 3-- I30TH for $ol 28— Horn for Sal 28— Horn 111 0V— old 2 bedroom wuh pce bg yard in fawn wUh sprinkling system Hath started In full basement Newiy painted hiteiior Fating spate in kitchen rorriiUi diain boa id Dreeewa to garage On sewer In ( ttv Wsnu a deal Cali Ftimags HU 27UL c'l-A- 211 DOWN buv this attractive loom fiame over 1 ith East and Bun rung Large beautifully land iaped lot and gauge fHA com aulment 48 AMI Prwed to Sell al 4 Comnlately finished and down 2 baths Iuruptns kitchen 2N 4Jmk ayatem ELM148 $15000 TO $16950 1 lift 7VI OKITRS You’tt CBY TOMORROWthis ayou don't and radio to all rms Room J bedroom IW bath! Rambler ft living rni rut atone fnaplaiei 34x24 ft f in ished amusement mom built in range and even In aeml Hollywood klbhert forma! dinlnf morn with lane window 1 large util picture Boo sq ft Hy rooms about on main floor Children's play - vr old buy and shop J)u offered fur thr Cls 4 achucl bmk laitibler Amusement rrm Plug center firvt tint at our low appiaisdi Drainboardj ftGE Disposal i— 4 (IUH -- n 1708 Fieldcrest Lane i follow the ntcs'n at 6 HIGHLAND 1)H1VE 83? ELGIN AVE 289 $17950 °" SSw nu wKS pm 3 to Floor for Sol OPEN HOUSE X $2 74A aristocrat 19VJ 28-H- ome OPEN 3 to Dark Patio ft Tils for Soft open"house ( $— Comb Ro"’ ' ft Colored Metal Cabinet China Closet ft ft 2 Lazy Susans REALTORS poweumn 1L 0 Hardwood Sal et scheme Door to July J9 spacious ims main fir beautiful draea diph het t raruetmg diioval Vnobatimled view of $1) Out) Dial CR7-CMwhole vally lower level 3 bdmrs bath Bartile roof I JUST shake ISTED prln high ar Vitng on bench fun pond 4J35O0 Carpeted living HU 4 0110 and dining room huge kitchen and utility room Attached ga 77x)44' btndscaped lot complete with sprinkling system flag stone barbecue and cohered patio If you enjoy outdoor living don't 3997 SOUTH 27TH EAST mm thial $14000 Dial IM5 NOW onJ BUY Fast 2 level for K 3076 FAST 4430 SOUTH' 8 TrlbnnB Sunday 28-H- ome OPEN 3 to Dark South Sliding ”nd EM 4 7851 Wtl with office truck SQ 4oki trackage FLS1U9 hmtaw WANTS Bath Aulo Washflr-Dry- r ’ mei 6200 Df On Sol Q Q L - -- INCITING NEW homes now under fomtrycfion CH005C YOUB OYiN tOT floor plan ond decorofin BETTILVON'S WRIGHT-WNTHLIN'- nri off Turn Jot Bdwv Realtors fM 4 433 INDUSTRIAL sit with S Jarre brick buildings Near 6th and 4h South Trackage avail able 14OxU30 feet o round Excellent opportunity Make u an offer Call Rob Beat F W 4 7$ft3 r Von Tatra AM $ 2005 ' “ 2365 fAST — 6600 SOUTH for 28— Horn Sal BELLWOOD 'ACRES ACRE IVDHSTRTAL BITE Cited la So 8 lt Lake on I'nion Psc’fic ttaikage I’mr $27 mi Kyle Betuiyon for all ymu ommercial and industrial needs r for 2S-H- omi TVwk OrfM finished wilh cou tint tH ceilings asphalt tile Mxnr Atr rood Nae rent iwmi toft street pm king Ideal buck loading docks li-Ho- Sal wild-cm- Inn I far 21-H- om t nd )tt ecilinss uh or laiitoad Knepioof ronsttuc JtT Slt Ik Th HU4 conm 2 8oii Murray ' AM m 4124 CR 2 h irk n 4’ '4 Boxelder EL r I O J V1 |