Show Th x- h7" 1 Opportunitiei x Need Get Casn for Old You 'ngs 12— Bus cs Salt Lakp Tribunr Sunday July 29 19"i5 " Items With a Want Ad Unlurnlthed 22— Furnhhed Koutei 17— Apartments Furnished Unfurnished 1 -- Apartments Furnished 23— rnfurnished Hout6i 'Must I i AUrtFUll Y'fuii — Dl'PI EX 8 rm apt ULTRA 2 bedrm R I I (75 FORA G A C O U S 1 V NG FOR LEASE OR CENT SHOSHONE IDAHO t to applet late Oriental rust bsmt DO YOU HAVE VACANCY? gid fiom isms BEAUTIFUL AFAR IMI NTS 3 V if (leaned THE BUSINESS? Chirnae autiquts Hotel Avail E ( 322 ml 9ih VTH apts 8 1621 SOUTH Aug WEStlNIGHOUSE Ht N A Lilt HI 2 ixdimi DAII V VtttKIY smt MONTH Mauritius view (Ui Drive pugt If inter-evlcr- li 9th F Hut TCebimka flir— The best mrt FM 7441 Would you consider lJOSSthFe-4 t LV 4o ad KATli Broom Cool $llrttw ( nmplrtely furnished FvUusive VNalking riultme IT only IN 6 42 14 inr aopt RENT (pie all tAN YOU buM $hfu bar In Magic Valley which 2 bedroom one c buine apt fivono omvon buuve dovntown hi pin sum Com fat Uttls home LM 3 9175 tlowi and which require now available budding and ground iyc furniMiotl all paid cip‘it 27 I F Capital Ritihem niun t 2(1 ntiO pleteiy 23A— Rental Agency amt Hs jfUH&ed $id (X u ru r Vtar I'ef year eartt year’ STORE RUNS ITSELF1 Sun dnk on roof 1115 V M i iftfl nr i M 3 ofifll maul with F’yment Ilia imvkv 7 FAST A WITH hi tinu i is mi in Pit l Till 1 just th Broom home with yard Rent bath ami ihuwHi 24 itour aieva Writ or phort§ today for full 1 N SALT I AKF faiy teims 3 rm bsmt apt leil I man opei 4 turn Iwofctnv Jn 1 th possibilities $71 alt 4 Include tor rooms ol utilities and Eiiwm hath 'ininiiini tile vwinhboaid APT$! seivtca 5(W3 modern information about unattended HOUSES DUPLEXES ft Cot tut Vlt Radsc reft ig 85 110 West 2iJth budding 3x70 Box — I 4)urt &y hi st huimni lot die 1 Fxtcl vu w Clo in fonteneil ere btiett i blk V of State automatic laundry flora opiMir Puling — fi Sh thorns Imlfiwood at S i Vi i( krrJiinel HU 4 4112 IMMFDIATP PLAt FMFNT V M 4 6 78 1 55 For nnr hiiormatlon Miller Ai t J 7ft EASI NiiHTH Jnd Ave tunitira in thistime-wtall call Hardy city tou lYiMnnKt 1 icl?v 1N1-4- 1 lho or culii us fur iuithur FHICE 1 AIL RANGES In your spate b t it d hile ion bcTuiiiu $2— RMS bath it drs rang II b AL Icho 3 tm Tt'iVFI Y 3 rm "home netting like new "WANT-AD- " g od income Modest investment rofrig JIBLentei St kL 33965 Bonded Rental Service $55 4ft 7 fir i i 4MUv $I5 1N7 8H57 pi pet fcil Lan ND1ARK APARTMENTS Wf finance 8ft b of equipment DAIRY ff UHH welrome Itm and 7th (Mil DcnrRET BANK BI TXI tU" fuuT iiinTTT IR advise yni Ualh exiwit and v v La' i f' tMklor ft LL HU S 2nd dtnml Auogla of km bt lAi Murray spL Linen FI F '! 4 66 IT 19:9 44l)2 Salt Like i choueat Imstlnn Aid I tc loren SUN 2nd Wert Call lN 6 7117 Uifchr fuin Comp veceiry U fl NR 2 cool ItWI’LY rm Holv Cm‘i Sait making hmnfjt immediate tiuf and hednua iber Salt lake City Uutv All klnua No chan wwcrp IUNTAIS— Ni e 3 rm ant with 140—1 HMS tint" furnished lt3 Fireiltie tibl cpi L 9 344J O iinnl oneu returns fend gcir to owner to renter Newlyjkc $A bedrm Dailv Only weeklv EM 15 14 $i0jK7626J J monllily h8th Fast will or without ive long time leawe Over 'ease American Sattifarttnn assured 4RM apt Inquli Aut l 227 S Gar 454 Investment Cnmwiiy 5th Last rat$ Register S H (RHI $ !" -- ( ot’ 2 rooms Pi tvat bath t)flk J i Year U ns POLAR KING DRIVE-IorkPh business KettlUu Mr Fast Call Stout Fionrrr today j4th & MODERN-$- 30 4n t lust Cali Gump fill 5- flO UP 4 I7ti d A± FL5 8577 3 HM Main DA 2 0413 nmfhrn dui U x mth n i Kcntyls Klcharda bt LM Would you like to own yeur 845—IV dm i$ v 3 rm tur NEW bath 3-15’ Wdi in te yid and gfiriie 9i pier 25 All rmUlde rm own drive in — no royalties or nu home for ( b10 — 4 II MS Llv M ae EM 3 9729 dhAdultsF d7170 LOVE AND MARRIAGE root Ae call iur JiifoimaUoa WRIGHT-WIRTHLI- N woikmg fiknchlsa to pay wa supply finFur people overnight t ft C07 w Inn tvmt at Huge ig I tv 24— Want to Rent or leas ai king HoriL TlMPl K MU ho 3 HMS a ent "“Hear U AM 242J est and most modem of alt equip bus caused the MG17RD MFPC t gat Utils furn 18 19 TWvtmmsUfS and V le mpiJl)A 24ft i7 C lean c mf r M 3 4 no f ADHT1 prf 4 rm nftelF furn ment on easy terms Building t i be put on the muiket Thi-- W M FXQL1SITF 4 rm main fir TO R FAST ACTION JESUITS 2 bedm i025 With You will free ""Clo EM a J and 7033 runsibU Mw of I rm lutuh training garag hath i Jn plans pnmrty I Ht fi! FREE KIMBALL APTS Jot Adults fL 9 581 riUn i at low BKlbllGb and CONVLNiLNCL Main IMI 76o4 f nn Ui pool loom groieiy pool HAli AND LUNCH In also get all your supplies --7mL8 Cool HR $ftft— 3' clean rm 5 HM modern h me Jg yatd 247 possible prices If you hav a tenants Cost No More sfrvice 2 im apt fcA C lus lit Attract f 159 SflrHnV Nfirth Util Main furn at House on Ion lease fcL to HiONT iaunlUbv U8l or for good lot Km t St I M 3 J2ft4 ‘'"bllXd'8 Aan ut Utah Apartment ifi4 Salt Leake rli auest 2 to 6 vr Nusly turn aint arul dble $40 ArpilU 773lnt Ave 224 HI erate yourself pleas contact room fuiniahed or unfurnished 86V-3R- M A4 DG All bath Piac new $ RM duplex 1790 S Stale" to $70 L M 4 4391 $4i-COZY clean 2 rms both 2350 S Come In— No phone tails tt up f r g family inuipii LYGILO ausulmeuU Adjoining pnvate ga AM 644 apt modem fount am A eat at OhSONHUH4 6261 IN 7 H41 1 8 hete nr F jhtiret Voud rmike mx of mom Close uq ioiiUmns jutils priv AMBASSADOR COTTAGES muu ted md wnls 1AM W A Q ““ lll(KB PI ANT State 2 fin nKhnd UNFURN DnooW” COnL COVS-Y—house wilh bamt apt bmtv unfur apt wmking room Ownr nUMttcwN iut f furnished 1 N 'T R II D ( A PT ! VooplT “l CnotFny t l( hrp liiikh dhmne tttui kep hou Util ext Igtx HU 4 1449 LM 4 tuJ7 RARE OPPORTUNITY in putt EL 5 21 heal or both LOMPUTf IY FURS’ IMIFD Range rein Mm (asNot fa touplo tan btndlei I bachelor apt M4 6th Eiuth —4 and I room $ro — HOI LADAY nice 1 rm for quick sale Fountain Frhed HILLCHFST ktu of f’ak us over (lid limns unit (juak ollei Trains 2 storyiruj 111 duplex HMS 3 Uttls rlno lde brick east bide BMtaM anntox F I Rn curihidcied I 3 Here it s Unfurnished EM46t8 7 and twin snrv bnds maid apt IN 7687 unak 7 total ft on lot 12ux loo with fixtures Snd aundiy business 185H Adiills No amokers CH Diy Adults JM 4 1057 fine business that will afDC C K I N G HAM- -4 and 9 room DA 2 iwim 141 S 5th Lust 1 L 5 0812 fumorfurn and CORPORATION Good volume ford going executive Av hitt" 2 nuipmrnt n $70— FRACT bedim pni desirg NIc ientlemnn for two or Unfurnished employment fL 55021 3 RM mod clean' nicely furn FMPID $85 b'lNneifec J25 lockers working for more in 4 hetltoom 2 bath unruin hova-- e house b?9 2nd Ave o bu line BiJftfd Av the farnllv and provide KFNSINGTON— 4 and 0 room F rime FB Iso processing plant that a Upper 1 booms with bath 1H4 J2 E9th So lot ypu Fine location Country Club FM 7 14 ii Unfurnished living si t Edison 1 Routh ( Street wtll make you a g(Kd Highgoodclass 9 4 ISO L end ef 5 5 22 HU 40 yeara s Utils furn 23—Unfurniihed House Jrn tpi JL LA f HANCE— 2 and 3 rm furn Furnished - of Stale i Call Miller Asblk Viete 1(28 Sosingle— Snerfildt hunr phif cah grocery business money makertiade Present Uth E I M tlnl Fst9thiteherTxthiut owner S and 4 rm OIL C O exetutlve desnea unfurn uniurn EM 1 MUi S U 4 EM (3578 Healtor EM 4 1st h and- - A rentals bringing m $inft has other Interests LM 4 2375 i 2 bath home East bi m h 11 — 3 IO rms Stove refrigerators rooking priv bith adults LN niik main floor of modern Dew Joebedrm Ver Px° Celling account of ill IL IOVFLY 4 rm 2 bedim aut Will FM43J17 249JlUhiJluipla gas heat and water fumishc d Pay to $125 Call LL 9 2214 huuus 5 louma I bMi4tauln AU OIL COMPANY— healths wMi Uke- homy-o- r RE r lUMintn i bout axUra 1 ADULTS or 2 IDS woikm 111 — 3 I ARGK dm with chaig or 2 adult t Attractive tiiii shag fuin Ktiiig apt bath iMiigo trade torii in trt 4 no F pirt Payment 1st So has op ping fnr reliable man to for sale washers suit9 6679 In busmens HeauUiul vh w i on vcnlt ntly lo 3 HFDROOM duplex or house Apt 11 habv Welcome Ph EL prtv diatrict 9 6016 $fijgo5 fLKO NEV TAVFRN Owned and Operated By est 9 LAUNDERETTE aft 5 pm wk I kf over 5U oervice aiiUon at ft 50 fn 72 W extractor tumblcts Good loca(all Satrated 164 4th Av 4Ul nv Rmg till Parking available $ ft on highway com 15 — 3 SMI uustnt-- s yf rin pi tune - Suu INVESTMENT COVEY any CO days tkV4-jii(junta— rent tion suu (mV - A— McMarray SooUu low living quarters and cute end- Jlvtng plate bav Nrr-- rr t tntt sir" loc Arttiltk 28 Cold Iia IN TIP 12 "Mi Immediate pomemon Ketponst 239 E South Tempi HI SwalI Tt m A owArrs— 5 5021 Hmilv EL can a j make AIL'MW RIDLCORATION ble party csntnske 50 per cent Di liter our produit and rnlL ! khii 811ft Adiiltj 5 clean light ana 2— 3RM ! I leaiwnt apt fortune In thl titij paid pkg UFAUTIFUL duplex chott av fl GIKLS want Call S h do? In lor ciou Jet t About id hiMJs and pay for equipment New-Geornewlv dec J52 S 4th Fast tiintj for' ‘pmdlCiilftri 1BS0plate noiTii New furn carpeting term ' saving 2 Regulate own heatf air cond loc Walking duhnre from town roim So from aammgs Real opportunity week to Company eg aun gia kiUhetu modem Nr porch laige 4i— RMS GADDIS J INVfSTMENT CO bcirm aembtenmt Utils exe It pits tg bath Adult ikewly decoroted ibi'OUghtmt Ga Box J-hurjy Caft IX 6 closets DA 222 I Mild your route nd extend and All fire InU SprtA venue VVash brirk aound &HEDRM unfurn bldg mce 7 house KttchT ftcii raer this KVattor space parking $i5 yeid EM 4 Main 3505 paper It after 60 davs 3on must i irikiing d R'L Comfortable IN 7 7647 rn range HU 4 Mifi® ait $ Avail-ab- le Adult only Must proof construction sepaiate wing $ir cond All have nf ) ve scry irealde r i r good tt fef (share 6 E worktngnt util film Fxtel Ave loc 271 E SlfxGLE 1 entrances with 7 7 CR 0741 $125 IN Spacious private riencct Sept home clean?" HU Call In ROOMS nr mer new 87—2 utili £l FL 5 062 J AM 6 8107 ertres and be perm t CLOTHING AND NOVELTIES apartment fnr comfortable Inin pm $10 — W OMAN to5J517 VANT Immed i" or 3 brrm un-lu- m tie furn park space close to weekdays community 91 oo cash required OUR TFNANTS TAKE PRIDE share gnd fir house Famil’ f $ Sandy ProllUbl Buunui shopping town 75 F 4th South fur inventory onltf apt Prtv bedrm 401 E 27 8 295 SO 4th E 4 plex offer this IN THE GEORGIA0 — RUOMY $57 V cheeiful GADDIS JNVESTMFNT CO e dd7 grd fir with living unit Vkinity AM 5 17 jj NO FRANCHISE FEE Cheyenne yo loUy large 2010 South 2nd East J rm air cond Ulil exoent lights HO— 2 FRONT rms Uin'fiim' LM 4 J505 Real tor XDS baliw C 000— Net JMain $100 Grose 000 bedroom klUheu rKm $15 Contact ut for Interview giving OUPl E 1 bi ck 2 children deHU 4 8643 IN 6 5448 MOAB ? FINEST MOTEL 29 from U Adult Inq id30 Single man pref 401 F 27 South ONLY $15 000 DOWN utiiiiv mu Only $73 per mo sire 2 bedrm with $57 50 — 3’i RMS Very nit e Lock" phone number home Handy man Jour E 3rd Sou th Uhi) roam and kitchen EXECUTIVES BUSINESS OR 3BJ1 3 FtTRNISHFD i or Inc er Refineries and fort Petiolmm and wash facil RUSS unfurn MariUn Apts hJL5ft8o2 REALTY CO Jr WEHNER yardcate 20x30 fucintie wtm a filtered Owner film LADDS 12 spacious 3Ud Kittredgg Bldg Deny or Colo FM 4 74I544S 4 S 3rd E EM EM 3 3rd Fast mfnk 15 This is ADLIT family want 2 or 3 bedrm net of 40 g Colic- - Denver JOJ3olo pool Reported BEACON HEIGHTS AREA apt avail about Aug $50—3 IOVHV rm Adult 270 3 RMS bath utlt $11 ono per year hmie uniiirn W one of the nicest in eitv Special 7074 225000 Dial jd or Mur- W 2nd South EL9 57U except lixhts 2 bedrm refng 1 etov 1141 CH !Vh 50— drapes F 7 AX fl 0048 ATTRACTIVE $62 doors 4 2421 features South FM 1097 folding cierpets single 16— Apartment! Unfurnished START SMALL-GR- QW BIG Water furn Oatage $li2 mo 13 raJnc TV rm new kitchen etc Adult a si t Cooking gas and Tfrtg inU SFMI ARMOUR FURNISHFD reprenentativ want children ©kHU4 72o7 Refs Also 1 ch ice 4 rm ant Adults Hu K1TWXY LISTED un Apts VIS £ So 5CARBDALE 728 9th FC$72 50 triplex 976 1st Ave abedrSmT houo or duplex unf $ by Aug hop FM 1 19 It $100— NLW briik dufdex 2 btd avail now EM 3 8271 EM 4 2029 Vuton 485 4TH AVENUE Are you tuwd of the time hear center of town on State iSrm Apts Tpmnl lovely fiy704 2 9 L 4th South 1 ms eloiM’ And a pay th r k thdt 2hxS0 buildln with full bae-We4 room apartment kitchen tiled V ISII to rent $9 50$ Nicely 18— Housekeeping Rooms decoliving rm $55—3 RM hath guiund fir T Irnnt 1333 E PARKWAY with option to buy fum 3 rm bath gas heat Lull Fixture machinery leaxe rated A good sited newly finished 4 Pevcr mute covets the bills' Go bedrooms ent Alt uttls paid nxerpt lights or 5 bedrm houo unfumuhL room 7 500 in — bsmt Reinto sp tte tune butiu ss for vout and fcuslnex only Ideal tA all electric kitchen with dispooal 4 OatHg lovely 3 rm semi bsmt Large ROOMS $05 floor Also ground 2723 S Washing lacils Main Cl FAN large light 3 LM 247 If rm With loc Amenta g GMen selling ported net SlOOno yr from oper Call 13x22 living rm with flieploce close to schools bus line shop18 lry J rm bsmt LM3 8129 IS 6 9063 $5 kit unit Hath laundry inerrh intlise now s !d thunmh tiort Dial CK7 2701 rm $ priv 0 FMS autoumitU Ledford Villa tJ60 & 4 Hi JLaat) hdwd firs 12x12 bedrm marble Kent ping new bride building gas heat end water WIDOWER do&ifeg am apt fuin rt volutlonaiv new gun malic 9U 00 bath elec range refrig $65 $40 ASD lights 2 rms and bath 153 P1FRPONT ST 2 rm bachelor pt k fc24 E 3i d bnttUi or unfur Clean No stair Gar elec range No gaiMke $i& IN 7 Jmm Imte cth mcome dec for — I fiM Newly young cple gd IN 1KH4 il $10 4 ut Not over 40 EM 3 4161 HU tftfti or lull at 24i 15 Adults $ Utihtus mU $40 — month 145 per SMALL I bedrm apt fuot It 6100iNo weekly BirTonhw huis Adults 857 2nd E S V 3 rear No Apt Roheita Sat 3rd St I HILL charming 0 rm end Sun after honeLM 4 J9J5 OR 3 bedi m fum or unfurn! locilions vorh HU 4 I860 painted stove and refrigerator fAPITOL jpllng noun until $ m AL to house f L 9 7979 NICE guar inti id ONLY apt 2 bedrms tile bath patio furnished cool noithside 1st floor ALSO SLLLRING rooina 200 It 55 — NILB-EHU 4 8595 furn Llv rm bed-rel ut Ave 073—COMFOKTABI E newly Uc Null lug else t buv if '2HI TTighland Drive 3 rm 560 1 bedrm apt ground floor pvt laundry rm atchd1 garage All apt utils included and kitchenette Newly dec ilean 2 tx dim home 24A— Moving and stove and refngeiator 144 S 6 lb AvaiJib)e ground Aug Adults' ion are think it g of SlOOuO an 1jJ4 S 4ihEast See Fontvchio f'TCE rm everythlnafurnT Pear snotleswly NEAR SEARS Storage 3 He dtiin in kit SL Cple with nu illy n ply now Send detail Last EM3 7995 or ae at 81 £ 1st wash facil Tempt Crest 17 4th ATTR 4 rm ant nicely dec iM 4 7441 U GtilEL5 54U2 1 OWNER MUST SFTL CAFE arm Fist DA 2 3762 Nic in bti)V pod phone number tp Box J8 North yard IN fum Walk diatanc to town 223 4 NEARLY NEW DOING EXCELLENT BUSINESS rnnn tins tuper Dorking' OFFICE GIRL SPFCIAL ' 3rd Ave GRAYLYN APARTMENTS Lnrge coupler and dining room J8 J4 a 5U West EM 1 bedrm 4 niT 7710 15 — 2 rm kitchcnrtte nl MOTEL-SERV- ICE duplex utility rm bath STATION All eqummwt n in excellent aUiactise 2 rm apt near lift MO — Clean rm Util furo hd home Igr 6 'w ml attached 205 2ND AVENUE Utilities fuin 1 bloi kg fiom town COO! ctvaikle range ceiport U Owner to wants retire Phone 1110 DA £ 2nd jilshed 653 E 2nd SoIN 7 8&H priv lnt las lit Dbl gut shuu Fvanston Wyoming — limit will H1 n n terms 3 room apt Very light and rifrta iioliaday 7lot $68 4444 on avenues Th EM 4 9212 So Call IN 7 5569 I'UihTandDr or rtiil No tn CR 1659 vrmtel and compute service sta Of LIV RM kit cheerful Completely redecorated o7it) plut ill refritf $ $60— AIR cond 7th FlS Temple HU 4 1S62 45 — 3 RMS Utlt HU $ 9626 turn Total price $40 OoO Let me New elec dec bath Solxr IM3 52fi 211E 4thperson jsewly and COM3 LETELY rang refng newly 8 remodeled I IV rm with wait bed kit bath BOARDING JHOUSE EL9-791- 7 to you how tiiia business Utils 50 867 mo furn Adult UW Walking EAST'BFNCH apw btove refri hrdwd fi IOC— Ls carpet-ci- l flreplaie grd fir fioni back 418 So 5th Fist 7 oented close to town 54 ear viU net d 9120(0 ve loc ISA— Convalejcent Hornet 2 !g thiouahout Ideal for ’ living rm traic an entr EM 4 8611 rnnne Mr Call LM4per 8158 or $19 95— SINGLE plus kdihenette roomiI plus owner’s 5 room Working couple $57 50 EM A bedims main Hr 1 In bind SUNCREST 5861 LM3 srge lot plenty of 1167 IN 2 t a till lot closet space HU 5- wnrtment TRIPLEX-SUG- AR bath Auto washtr ALT' BFST HOUSE dryer AND 449 S Main Fnv CONVALFS 1 2 bedrm apt Beautifully dec off street parking 4 57 18 bos line in CAFE-LOUNG- E 1157 3rd Are NEAR COUNTY HOSPITAL ON CNT HOME now adinitting pa 9769 8ftV— I ovaly Tile bath Carpeted hallways 310 cool 3 room front rtf building AH rooms newly 2 rm aut atove and 1 rm 5- EM Cl tAN trwia Nice Near East Close u7 cond (H'C— Sprtciui EM & EL0-840lNf-051Nonsnuk in Lovely air High dt Aduit JN 6 8549 orAM 5 2276 8thkate orated additional Monthly income of STATE ST ul Ave EM J 0257 is Gent $25 663 Ely PL (650 Washing lacll Ail util ex Itrom to h k with extra bedroom $420 information For SIXPLEX—490 4 rm apt Hard CLFAN iaige light any rm with 8 7tlt List) 2o35 S 3rd East cept light nd rumpu In binit Fllckenier ears A call CR 7 3173 or IN 7 5569 Same location for 38 HU 4 5962 F L 9 (H6U wood floors range and refrig f kit unit bath Indry rm priv MWLY decorated 3 rms bath 19— Rooms with Board high class business and one of KAIM & CO indv ht $ util exc Its auto COOL charming kit with din fill f'in Southeast location prk 624 E 3rd South CbVFIY new brirk 2 bedim horn the best In the state $40 000 313 wash Ave facil and dry HU area 4 1791 bath tile bedrm tiv Semi-buT 9th in gmd 5E reMdentiui area Re 85ft— 3 PLEASANT Realtor EM 4 8825 rm details from Mr Call EM 4 MEN -- YOU CAnTgeT DRIVE IT YOURSELF rm All util lurn $57 50lig 64 F Weekdaya EM 3 6156 Sun DA ixmMhle adiiit family only tUfl All convicnnra No bu 2 I GE rooms bath Very comfy 8108 or EM 3 5861 E B Wicks 24 UNIT MOTEL the best fond and finest tnn I M 1 04H7 for to ee E 1st South fare 2nd fir All utils nd 47 50 Company 77 South State fetreet Three minutra from downtown St EM 3 51o3 UA2J620 IN NATIONAL TRUCK LEASING at the most reasonable $47 50— C Li AN 3 rmaupt BETTFR APTS— RF AS RATES 2( V) So 1 lih EdSt 17 KM IN bath ITT? CO offers for sa1© the round LG house Idaho Fall Idaho Pe luxe In $o7 50 3 ROOMS 2 RMS Nica furniture grd E 1st South Homes and beautiful well kept Ptitri SF L THIS range remg niiig cm park 2 adults SYSTEM-- 27 Priv entr Uttls furn EL 5 ONLY 45 and rnnitrurtion Beauti- frig garage and clean WALKER PLACE house appiox size 80 ft by 110 look furn and unfurn apta Various fir 4a 2 rooms 2257 Clean nicely fum mod 1st fir BOARD and room for working only AH Hubbetd Ave LMV fi and machine shoo approx fully landscaped and ample room 1J4 8100 Rasmus of $45 City part B 5 Street EL call 6ul0 EM con-Sunday 4 S 2nd E for ex non Inn These are luxury 9249 EM spt Adults228 or 1 or size 5u ft bv 140 ft brft mol her Will 2087 9 tend EL ftrls and 2 en va VFRY nice Ire rooms Sundays N ir or GADDIS IhVESlMINf a tuction with built up roofs lix untta with the finest of furniture 2 Children EL 11 I DS 819 So 2nd 3 Ft M house No 2 Fa t Burton Util bill pd 6617th $40$vj80 2 3 RMS CO 3i7 Main Realtor EM 4 3505 mngsAM c $d at Imlay Pershing Countv Vest and equipment Ave Uvln Water ro FAST 116 as No Bun rent Ave holtdnv LN furnished Lovely faciL $- Inch HU Piano V'h 4 LOVELY rm redec j)A 2J grd Isiev Contents for sale consist for operator A nicely $57 50 3 ROOMS clean range re- $00— and eppi a ytn c f L 5 4791 WANTED— 2 IDS woiklng go Is while hiteieted party renovate fir Includes steam heat hot wtr 3 RM nicely furn apt ft ig 1305 S 9th East St GADDIS of 2 HI hP oil burning sterling quarters gai K7 37fJ ni4 1bo decorated lounge ha been Just as J 462 boarders bath ref E 17th Tile South Adult rm On range time any Bingham 255 fireplace rig moving IN 7 3542 b nler4 I Zeolite water softener Completed We could go on and INVESTMENT CD 337 Mam Bt Adult highway E 5th So LL 5 9897 IN 7 1815 NLW LY remodeled 2 rm dupl closets garage 986 3rd Ave DA0S4(lfl We&tJordim AM 5 1444 large with 10 ft by 10 ft tmk 2 on telling you about the merits JReaitorEM 4 3505 EM 2080 Carport Liet range refrtgeialor TDAMS 12 M gal brine tanks half burled of this motel If you are the 8 E DARLING 3 BOARDS 3 RM 14710—2' Wa-- h locationsRMS Clean all Util exc util pd rm furnished 21 Cm burnt heat dftl9 25— bo apt DE LUXE lge 2 bedrm ant four- - failis Adults 54 Gordon Pic light I OS cpi 526 F 3rd So men only 3 meals day 918 E 2nd Businesi Property-lea- ts end misc pipe fittings Purchaser that want the best here Rnge rein deep freeze util oth West $ft5 mo U in dismantle and remove fiom type Piet windows 155 N filex Near Main) Sun north Let u show except elec Gar beaut yrd 3 rm fionu Adults Jo or 949 E 2nd bo EM 48136 R $6VATTRAC and clean up la your opportunity 150— bECLUiUED 2 bedrm brkk PJ4ENOMENAL rental 8 500 view Lge cloiets refng Ichbiis property 1 st nd motel S— 3 ‘RUBY ROOMS it you thta U 1 TV E that store rm Ave FM Home V 4 176 bath washer Ntar prove Family style $63 IN $4950 Pmtlv i4 Submit proposals to Mud home range garb disn tile bath duto ranch type Urxe ft Lo ated 1 mils north Berk Is a furn or unfurn Nice view HU 4 3 RMS real investment Price LARGE 3 rm apt blk from CapiP Co Andtrson Supt washfacii $125 2u6 S 12thE 8547 bath alt utils parkin Ftot Sriungs nn Htthway 91 Suitgar giounds priv roadU L 5 0732 Sls $185 OOO orJF L 5 5906 after 5 N Main FM4 8U17 den Utah TeL Ogden 41 tO So 1 Uh Fast $40!49 tol “"dec able for small business or other — Adults 28 50 Hill $47 3 CLEAN $90 Garage newly TNC TANDY 4 WOOD Cl! HD caie for wrkg 814 CLEAN In Bountiful Use Residential mother aUractive 5 side 6 Sf?h— t alter rms 2RM Ave bath Ft pt Included Apt clean all util I child Heat H W furn Private e pent ladles $ 00—2 V Ol D 3 bedi mhome! pjn Sat okeh Defendari Share my new home Reas HU e Cali Clark i’roduce Sun all day £M formerly 3808 a 5th E JJtil furn 2t8H St JM 4 7064 FOR THOSE SERIOUS ABOUT upstair PHONE 1900 pew area School church neaiby CR 7 5253 or C 2872 AX 5 AX Holbrook AX 5 1512 Yard 5 HU 4 5573 wk dav aft pm t hildien acupled Huck yard $95 — 2 BLDRVS bath! "" BAL HFI OR S apt Disposal range prtv room I or J wojking 9 000FFFTOR I EASE $45— LtV rm roll away bed Pull MAKING GOOD MONEY PiyVATF AUTO LAUNDRY HU IDS 4 pid Sunday fenced 708ft prkg 117 S 4th Fast refng gad Avail Sent 1st V - aUjdaySaturday 6 Is 221 S Pth East Liuderrr 9 man Jute hen tile bath and drain: 4 ROOMS build6va In 8VK—LIV “rm - Kit Thelrwbt bath Cenlervifl4 "'"'"“Fluor otl company has several SUPER SERVICE STATION NLV home Jed Jg privr 1558 $ HOYS to slime newly dccoiatcd ing on South Stole Street Huge 6218 and porch ranee refng sofa 279 2nd Ave Apt 1 3 beduns service stations for lease in excel fueplace liv rm home Close In EM Jdi66l area Total frontage 214 Par On Joe highway or residential areas of the valley's largest LOOKZ- - 50 Nice clean 3 ito bed cooking gas parking New $55 — BFAUT furn mod LOVELY 2 rms Dinette wk r mo ANDERSON drapes water Incl Avail Sept I ft king (alt L T Harry HU T here is good money in this— s 618 8 W tntinn located on State Street grd-- fir front Ois stove laundry port 58 N 2nd W DA2h£66 or sgl apt Close In itrictly Temple Cofi AX8U140 Must S JHII or 48 PrlcAdults16 gioojxrmo Tucker HU 3rdJI Apt EM dble Sale 135 105 or 3 see to apprec 327 E lat South Gd food s ath Edt IN 6 9385 6097 ft frontage consisting of one piore than you might exiect $00— FAST bench iuc IDS girl to share apt Close luT PRIVATE ROOMS Uptnhs or HU 4 60t8 sere of round Sold In excess BE YOUR OWN BOSS meals 2 bedims 2 bedrm apt Stu'ients God clen heat F L 5 4828 after 6 bshts duplex PETER JR APIS EM 3-- 1 938 -NICE of 480 OOO gallon of gasoline in $80— DE LUXE new tile stove pm F M 3 QQ4 IK) E 2nd S ou th or wrk girl Close tn Hniv 1475 SO MAIN fuin No range or refruf Call C1VE YOURSEI F A CHANCE 1955 ax ithout credit card Washed refrig drane priv front-rea- r spt bn main floor newly and Unlvei eitv EL 9 27ft9 Cross 2 RMS2I4Nkitihenette both priv FINF room and breakfast Off LM 4 7J75fur appl Inn immed IN 6 878 J or write over 40 000 ear This Approx 33x45 ft Jn roar plu EM 44955 er HU 5 9000 413 Slate ig sn Inent decorated choice loc In bldg Adults $4015 street E 2RLDKM dot k s L Box 248 real 94J bath tuuklrig NEARnice til apace Private entianc and IstJSouth 8th East ndr Booth SMALL 35 So 7 East FM 3 1938 $f5— dependent station For sale at N 1st West Large cJosetsT M'DDI duplex all elec kit auto washer mr allt yway $Bfl IN 6 toH ifi Ttmpie Individual he$it conloL heltvw renlacemnt coat aged tWU© Term FOR-SAGt4i' r isiaiMf! Stove ref tg QR LEASE- LE h'S'r Eprstnle! etfeifr v 7f di si'u-- ctnyilp rtnrf Adult board troisg $87 iw Lit 7 26— Store Offico '2ut ft 6670 Phone ho rm be arranged Call“Bernie $5allWCLEAN FL for Rent LDS GIKI— 2 bedrm utils Adults 545 East 2nd I inrn fum 3ul iNflOOil Couple wanti to retire Will Fallenttne DA20189 EXCEPTIONALLY clean 3 So EL 9 7817 or EM ' Bachelor and T bedrm ants — Children's Home $ RM unit at only (52 50 per mo sell or lease motnl that is showing bath wash facilities Ariulis Ixo 509L 1st Bo EM 4 9864 385—4 rm apt In 4 plex heat and RM mod apt Newlv dec Ideal tor family with not more 130 S 13th East BETTILYON'S FL very good profit Let us show4 FOR LEASEl (551 pels or drinkers 351 5th Ave 211Sd 6th Fast EM facil furn Apply Apt 1 $45 4 RMS 2nd floor washing thm 2 children 251 No let Hest you the records for the pat SAIT LAKE NUKSFRY SCHOOL new nftue space 42fl Inquire 2 RMS priv Hath snd'flrV pilvT $45—3 ROOMS Nearly 311 E 48th So RFALTORS 5 rs LM LM and vou be the fudge 2(11 Mi 8or J70-4t- h Director 2nd di Jean Iearh floor Share Ave cq ft a for small business of pto UtllB Pd‘ ®27 McCIcIlttn E Broadway FM4 4TA1 313 — NEW apt 3 bdrma Homer EL 6 5407 bath S?roet NatL Soc of Childienf 53 8 rm duplex Inquire 269 4th So EM 4 9539 utils 85 — 5 HM brk 2 bedi m slso ploma feaeional man Ideally located I ondoru Nui serlrs furn tn bunt L stove Ste Mrs Struss E 4th South one I mil-haCHAPMAN REALTY kitchen England near busy inieroeilion on 1 Uh INTO BUSINESS $85— IDE 1 bedrm 443 GO Bendtx Mon Sat 19 12 So 7 684 3rd Av m 6 p m f°r 50 r r Open fninee 7th JEM 4 5713 Last South $fl7 2 month ( all 2756 DA DE LUXE employed 3 otter 4 nv 3 bdrmi baths 28 E 21 xt South HU 4 8481 p Cejiter apL fas 6 9185 IN 7 J 167 cnl Priv entrance priv Store nd apartment to live hath Sieve Sanders CH 7 1707 or EM Pjr k uo and deliver EL 0 7417 hv rm din rm library kit Utils duplex 1 rm lb A real bargain Good toca 368 50 — 2 bedrm AlJutils furn 532So 12th Fast front MARRIOTT — s qrts S L First Act Adults DRIVE-I- N ivmie maid BEDRM CAFE (110 3 new Car It Fducattonal child E 757 Day I yard except tlon sood buainas not over- 3450 So HU5-1BJ- 4 fumidoc 505 8 2nd East Center offers music mrt danre Frnrrd yaid 2648 Hsrtioid 1 raid clean Nicely Inquire Box H 53 thl paper Cor priced I — 3 RMS nicely furn hr tc vou about it furn rms Highway ‘91" Fillmore Manor Priv 2lrg bath Qualifird (16th E) LM pr ai hnoj artiviliA 1st 5 rm refng $65 FIRST SECURITY $75—LOVELY fir Jotatiort center of town Good CAFE OPPORTUNITY Adult 281 E South Temple FM FM 4 1140 Front Beaut Main irachrs Reasonable rat Pick (05 100— NICK dupl S' rm sar Floor 1st Ave loc A real snappy little cafe Buy plenty of bv space tourist and school business Im14 or AX 5 5oifi — 50 Mam Street NEWLY papered SMALL APTS Gar This apt la clean Adults $42 PER 'WEEK up IN rnnnr rrfil If desired Adults Realtor421 South 814 nicely mediate occupmcYt'n convenient it on our own terms AsK us for 860 Utils furn 2 rm IN7-898- 1 DA 2 05Q9 or DA 8 8282 127 1st Ave So 15th L HU 5 2)14 WONDFKLAND Day Nursery nf (Vm VrT’ pr1v bath Adults pref FL5 8H3 or write detntla IrJ17t8 tiding Call FR 3 2491 3 2nd $55 BOOM floor FridfcT S 5th and 3rd F JL 9 6158 RjTrTtFf'L furn 2 and 3 rooms frs the finest care bv the hr $9M— spott" rss“ 2 bedim tn new 2 bedrm apt Ls bv rm 138 Fast Center Provo or call 1650 SQ FT rane utii fuin Vic 7th S 7th LOVELY I 544 F 1st So day or month under the compewith w w carpet kit elec stove $67 50 — BEAUTIFUILY dee jilmorc 67 K trtnlex bill ttolAKe Spare ( 3 JTl NTON APTS Eagt Cali HU 4 6518 EL 9 3415 Grmir floor downtown ofroms 2 lge closets utilities 1 tent gupervislon of Betty Ann Heat children rhool hot r bath 64il water UvimT" lrg pm refrlg CHILDRFN ladles resdy”to wear rm kttrheneUs! bedrm LARGE rmi rnf refrl $ gaFT furn Adults EM 3 5181 fice space Suitable fnr insur Love- - IN 6 H Adultn69MaJor IN 6 1744 ceramic tile bath IN 7 H7 5 modern Avlt about shop Business wilh a future New utils ex Igta $70 8540 Dearno cr sale office etc Thl Old nice coot 3 rm grd 3 AND 5 RM APTS Wk or mo $65 — I IGHT spacious bsmt ept IlY born enough toto be interesting Aug li Rtr 3 to F-b mo SIU spec has been newly decorated — 20 front fir Furnished Rooms Uttls wash In Highland Park (27th S and facil 105 Gar and id i is fum 1114 B state H U 441233 hm 11th be profit ible Protected -3500 enough be used frr S $0--1 RM y buatnes (an 5th F EL 5 7710 apt Clean St 1 Adult only EL t n itory lease with Syr option 32 3rd that needs a large ©fwn are for 4 H M md house full bamt ntr id RFLK UP- -1 fTm antsTV NFAR imlv $20 cool Fast FM 3 3853 FM 4 4405 1 ehiW ok Inq 709 S 6thrpfrig East Imperial 40—1 RM after 5 10 THness compels owner to retire kit Util fum quiet -t’rk nod mnv under— wotk to FM 3 nciKhbuihuod employee F (85 1 le Key yard 0916 FM South Term coonle 20180 S 3lh £ EM 3 J23 ficii No reasonabe offer refused Call ills only BU4 8547 or DA 2 1555wkdays SIOdINUjfjajN 8 a9I5 3 RM upstairs LARGE newly remod 3 tms bath plus private offitea supervision k M 432 6 6888 7 N 6 0108 SPFNCF It STEWART APTS No agents please clean apt Nice arrangement ant Fverythlng new all util ex For Mr Call Vetter informaliuq are 4 RM 40 BRICK Yard Kas heat for couple 3 rms new Iv dec 7 10 F 3rd So NICE See to M 3 4301 cept lights furn DA 2 3928 or I VOVFIY mrd 2 bedrm tdea!-In-shfront rm for SOLID OPPORTUNITY R fl requhid inq dally 2 pm Util fuin $75 457 Eappreciate 111 27th So IN 7 5800 661 So 5th Fast with 2 LDS glils EL 9-- "Cow weekly rates 2 ant Close in 41fijrd Ave 0M38U95 for right party with up to 825 00ft 470 W Bth ho 3RD $ft(V— NFWLY dec Close In on ave SO NEAR 5TH EAST 2115 Uttls JfiM 8 interest and State to invest to own furn 4im bath ground fir duOPPORTUNITY Sf PA HATS rooms 813 1st w 3 rm bath range refrie ht vtr $65— t (75 4t ROOM modern home lo 1 17fl m ft ground floor all plex Clean cool Gas water in $60 — LARGE rooms newlv dec- $15140 — 2 rms bath kllrhetsetl pinnnge finance co50now being or 1 Ith L 88 ll ho Call st cited Valuable franchise fa vsll-abl- e Sec hr Couple only HU 5 8527 t to yearly re eluded Children under 3 yrs 145 orated util !Mni7ed 32 furnished utilities furnished 407 No children accented FW4 812I tncuilmg atr PRIV entr bath tele air cond” DAJ56M nrCH 71127 So 6th East EM 3 9914 2ndW FM 3 8760 t rn on your monev Phone Sor state In UtahAutoand surrounding MODERN bsmt apt 3 rooms conditioning Building paikin CaU — 50 EXCFI for 2 wrk $r8 Trlp-2 yrs old Kent! Su ranee for Newhnme 1L0 1801 Stove garage and utils incl 1019 GOHGFOUS I 5— Cl EAN 3rndupex newly — COZY 3 rm Hale write Dan Stewart 140 E 2nd $dJU In sot sot Ideal for Util Incl wash Nr U IN people" (55 104 0 6 New 1 novel LL W Dr child no 2 Signora copyrighted gas mge dscorated 6lh N FINF only (10th PA 2473 room Tile woman or kltch arid metal E bath 809 Temcabinets breakfast So Off couple - bwlhT Sold through mo- ATTRACT Hfi'CTARGE CR 7 3 rm 4776 v— Ave 914 Harvard competition nmati'v 2 AlsnosaL street ROUTE 7118 94 FL5 garbage ple Stove C MACHINE FRANCIS bedrm COIN lge South puking ir cooler AdulU fi48 E lat fio open service locations 1521 5thEaL SOUTHFAST Music poo! tels You refrig w w car all util $ oft $82 50 IN $ 7341 Utah area So GIRLS rms AU fum Hm prjv 3 LRMS util furn f 5 6467 So9th I OCATiON — $ro! Long term contract by nation— 2lC RM water FL 5 22 12pet SOLOMON AND CO acilC lfift North FI 56701 before es bowling etc Income net pm laundry $95 — 8 RMS -- newly dec Strife fL9 6K84 tiled titil except light Adults No 0480 tih wide travorwantistlon 5 000 81 Requires AM 4 6172 Sunday utils fum 4l7 1rd Ave g 1000 per mo Full price bath stove end refrlg All uttls 4I19E 3rd SoRiRltorLLfl 5387 el nd ability to finance self for $55— DE LUXE duplex 4 rm smoking IN 8 3422 ROOM PrTvVte fnr gsnMeman r1 AND $ft0 —COOL end rlprtif hnm i down bit ran be financed '8(1 weL (50— ATTRACT single spt Cookrangu gar bsmt 1605 paid Nice yard Children shower garage FI fl V7 "(78— CHOICE 2 bedrm dupl with DRUGSTORE day Ifmanyou thlare is high- - tvp Richards 9 562L PAN STFWART CO C DA 2 2473 EL come being bwilf with 1626 7 CK So location Avf Located In AdulU 37uft L bsmt gar M it Address $40 gas and refrlg me) Addlts Hojlalay Utih IDAL Inc kl NO F 2nd South SI and monthly IN 6 0312 - pecllty NI5e 3 rm and bath $50 — NICE 3 rm duplex All uttls ing iredteal building In asf Auto Trip N Surance Inc 3 AND 2 rm apt Rhodes Apts 288 1st Avenue Wrh facil rales J64F S JVrnnJeKM4 7hHft Ground floor Non smoker lb5 paid Close tn Call Box 2038 R Kansas City 42 Mo FOR SALE 1 11 Leht W in Close AM 3 w RFDKM 3191 brk or (50 — 1 RM Bath refrlg util 4h South Mldval on Stpt St Would lik to M St FM 3 6012 ATTlAr' RMS ( J Qsf IVPHIV” lb Beauty SaJnm good business AM 8 9247 out my entire jrtwtt' exeel foe single peesnn T71 R $401 FAF Trn Uftt edHtejS iia r Chl Wroo Wriccima lease offices H r ASrc FOT A S im ofAMdrvclosing tth nmise )A 2hi For information writ AM 6 OOW apt with sleeping $95— NEW 2 bdrm duplex Extia ladles and childrens 34t— 3 EM 50 I Jit Apt Nol FM thRo Good FM4 4 3787 7I50 goods lights Ga ronditu’nfd Ijeat AIp U FAN single or douiri roomw 4 R M brirk home pnrrh Newly redero reled 65 3 and shoes Fixtures In bsmt Garage 2550 5 17th (40 — 2 RMS Vtfchexiettn and to W H Fersorg 3D AJfa View Snparetthec-nati2l yard MS ’1 Dalton Pvt Utlts Large balh rn South ‘ shower i EM ri:)y Fart 4th " all to j bt spipiei j 35 Whiten i errvrfrV-'-i Budding is fbf f L ft 9549 gavage Term mnv be erringed wnff lease M dvalfl Dr pd 1446 Edison WkstJ7th Smith EL I297J COSY sleeping rm No smnkerof mtL shelving and some 365 — 3 RM apt I g living rm ftre-y7 1920 Jo82 Rn 5th Fast STEWART APTS 57 C ST Idna ft Mueller 196 E 5th St built In HasReasonable $50—1 PM1 Nlcelv furn PriT" nrlnke a Close In turn except lites rent I am v 2i2 No BiihfieldUth rm 1st 3 $58— Fine fir EAN CUhh DA 2 comfortable 37 ofiftO bath rm (40 DhTjICF LOCATION in Murray $ 50— NICF “cory 3rms" in JN6-122- 7 refrlg 2697 Highland Dr town This needs I ONTY— MrN retiring ‘Vice good row amo-tmeIdeal for Investment broker real heat ht wtr Adult Ind Apt 1 Water luater heat r gas mg MOST new 8 unit sidcr I child 66J-3r- d Ava “Wajsh 12 SUM furn ant f tn dry goods store ladles and ehll-dre- n $70 — NFWLY dec attractive 3 rm rm shower $ 8 E 3rd Sosleeping estate or lnnuiance office Boom the la W 8lh South 1 A 2 2040 2680 motpl in the heart of RM wen and shoe for the- err Ak range refrlg fl furnace faril f all ullMpd 402 2 or 3 olJ es to Pt Stove and rsfrlg 2144 S 4 bsmt CLEAN front everjtLtng ori' e tire fnfrtitv front veaort area f'd-Y LaCont 718 frn Is EAR! bedrm ramT'a rug ATTR Court t (75— "X imdocahed-Pat k mg lot across apt Newly dee new turn'! 2 RliS Thath Adult 6th T set IN 6 8676 or HU 3927 1277 50 down "thown lose in Re 58 rtun 3JQ Z 2nd So i8oo EM BUTTONS APPARFL STORE or DA 2 0850 Av J18 tached L E street See now at 2 15 E 4fiih S bath 959 gar LeU G EM E Write South 2nd 1st nnlv FL 5477 3 South anpnintment $RM Room in Gar" mg SE ifi home Sortnes lovely Steamboat Colo IN 7 1 Information IN for call 0051 NFW DE LUXE— bedrm Range 34 RMS Gordon 523 Freemoht La nireHr furn M 3 9 71 85— EXQUISFTF air cond 4 rms Adults $75 gr fir Phone J24 W fN fi 079 "Ni V heat hot water Aduil refrlg $80— fl RM 'Dim EX nw!y dc Adults J148 E Vth South FM 4 6778 Ideal lor hLftViBl Adults Cl FAN 80 660 East Close 19 in 8 I 41 8th JO WIDE X x 15 Reas quid Apt Gar beet fum Accept 2 chU HamburKer and Soft plus Thriving SMAtL wk JUL 5 8081 apt 'Clean (48 270 ) 040 — 2 HMS ave Joe 1111 park Pkg tor tge pndeepautomittc ft nd $10 75 — 2 CLEAN 3 rm BEDRMS dien 61 K bt CR 7 i44J het Ice Cream Drive in Will trade for CORNER GROCFRY STORE newly dec a Range North 2nd West Ht wtr gsa ht 139 14$ wash finl 614 ?nd Ave QUIl'T rm for man Shower prh $HX4— RkN T opUrm tf buy AS and hot witer bioi'st air fondi home or duplex or v111 sell on lovely 4 rm bri k home near apt water 5th EL West ‘ $6138 13th So and Mth E Sickness timicr 2 bedrooms 110 mo 010 £ toilets 4 ROOM semt bsmf incl Call at 349 E 6th So ntr Arfult r w dovm payment to nvht party $(0 50— 1 RMS prh ent277S ljth FaatlNfl t rms Lxtcl lx avaul immed 6j7 4ih 7 5 1151 Z 9th Routh Ale Take over low leeae FACING Util bnuth St 2 rm pd 71S 12th Vast W ill Capitol with $ 0 — AVL consider long term Jeas 8- - Arrc s — CLFAN 4 rooms loc ft h A kiC priv 186 6 6172 Pa7k mg DOWELL-WILKINSOend move fight in A real ' '"Ingporch Inq 421 Wall St $40 pvmt V has other intciest IN St CO arh i’s“370" W North Tem$40— 3RM child I 243 Soace APT'UTILS210S 1rd ho FM 1 6170 after 5 lM4fln iliFDRM bom flu c h1 lumfllng money makr Owner must leave 487 6TH E FL 54544 ple $9 W'K Pvt bath close in Nkp pw tlftO plus 4fifi S MatnRFALTORJFM3 2fl4! this week For detail call FUck Jiiuughout 8o3ATTRACT“l' rm Apt rt "A PROVFtf"new article cattlemen 4 RM 2 B uIJIs except 3 RMS bath refrlg Wsher7"utfl7 $15—2 RMS Adults 1M1 0828 apt hfilrjn util Lady EM 4 1st Av Ju it FLP04A0 nVITTTNO about 4000 sq ft 85 util except refrlg jmu 1 V 7 0257 and dairymen cannot fcfford to inaer iiKht far 1222 1016 Ef 3rd South fum Priv entr Clean Run (all am COOMBS REALTORr:-HI4 7649 Ave 4 RM 824 5th Ave EM4949I lights Kensington Lrg diM'lag ia A MQ duplex rent m exchange IN be without Dissolution of parteves JEL 9 3838 244 N 5th West 1 rm Ck?Va°t7J’ room 2 toijfts storage ard ware 50— ATTR kit J 047 for INCLUDING $45 bath util i "fotrea air cond com plumbing carptn nrvUng II of the sale l NFSS dowrvtnwn 187— NE BLDG LrF l becirmT 3 RM APT nership force sale h( uv dbl gar Mod paint rm adult LsM 4 1176 146 1st Ave elc I M a 10) for adults or 3rd floor 815 1st Ave EM 4 5774 suit tiy Doing from $700 to dull‘tdete business manufartur and roifnurant st Off Poulnon at I?14th Av Ti't! sr°urn?l:H5r lARGF T bedrm $7fl mo 74 £ t U0 W pNoirking See - 3V0 $100 per dav Seating capacity 54 cple $50 Util fum Baby okeh siles Box 116 this pjper Temp Lot fl How 3 203 N Redwood Rd 21ihI Smith Kry apt rear £L5 Fxfel parkin or area Will take (65—3 BOOMS utilities -- ROOM $25 GARAGF BI DO on 3178 So StntefAftO sq" DISTRIBUTORS contract other Inc prop fum LDS HILL VIFW APTS —ATTENTION iMJl HUSIMM — Hosp 1459 Gilmer Dr FE nr F L 5 4)71 ft Suitable for office or im write or ytre vicinity AdulU only 463 32 —ft RM apt -- Full or part-tim- e in dupl x Gar $I 124 up (op 4154 Beautiful D St V'F1 1 fum ennI biisfnrus Prtr open Inquire at rm with W ll L UlAE HU 1851 RFALTY SMbmwaky sirrp 4th V4704 J ibhshed to serv iciest SmthEL ruHiblct lansc largi bedim req 4 12 Tcw h HU Ltt aib&J&Q Main iirivJLN jujwithoutjiib $5&CLEANi close In ave 4 NFWL dec 1 rm apt and 4 rm JtarrtWCniTn? 4 accoijnLs AM fi 6304 -- ntr MAN cftoableof running own bnl jtfrig nr1'' also bath W 344 house Inq 8th So Mon 21— 06ft — ARM Newlv d c borne lft3 ATLAV Bid for national distribution Motel Hotel 10 on Station Chevron 2 US Adults DA 2270 kit W 2nd Wh pef Roofnijn day through Friday HXonCtIN7 41B Green River Wvommg initial in 365— 4 RMS 4Mv seller larae profitsP million Phone sei vice 1500 sq ft 2 bedrms vestme-n- t all utils $70 — LGE clean 3 rms hdwd Stove $1106 Will awiat opera B1FHIVF MOTFL 118N2nd W 2 OH 3 bedrn hoti4 I rm possible t oniict J UtahLeavitt floor all or fair $75 ground Waikin‘ dltnc EM 4- - firs P OBox J41Price tor in financin If pereaaarv Con Ileus gar 4 blocks from Temple Square area 94481' Sugar nice yard Jtu4 4Jyj $23 tne f M 3 67M) rffke 7 IN 7279 Adult Oil Co PO Box 1064 and a saving llRY cleaTilng establlxhment fnr tact Quality crfmfortnt 2 dct8F bedrm NKWLY hone OfFlCF small busmM rep nr ' 3 RM bsmt ant x LUXE 1 rms rang- ie Fullvinuln except cleaning JT irk Springs Wyo FM 2 2742 RIO GRANDE Hotel 428 W 3rd 8 loc klcc tange J child INfl4H9 range loo NEW DF shop or wirehouce ground fir Write GARAGE and service elation for Plus lights IN $3519 366 util Adults No m kers frig unit 8? 19(1 cash nr termd tail ( R 7 3378 LLfl 8876 Utopia Mrk at r"“' SMAI L lbftlim he gar for $90 B x HI thi fl?4h2M“et 6 sale Oood location and doing 7JJ0 JN 875 Di 717 to hetl SQ ft (nst fir 2nd fir 1 700 Springvifw good business located in north LOVELY C'ean quiet dupl Wrkg aST $47 50— ATTRACTIVE 3 rm GROCFRY STORE NIC f CLFAN QUTFT ROOM TRY q ft Air conditioned 231 — fl RM DHP Call after 7 70 ern Arutona the Gateway to the —pl (15 CR 7 2296 3779 S 13th E Snutheext mr Newly dec Hsnxe and refrlg all Good buslne HFRF $7 M I Mt WFFK TV $0 bt FL 9 7258 S Jnd Last LM dam site Write Box NICE 3 rm ut’ls fum 767 5th Ave IN 7 6775 m735 p Canyon this tlon hell or trade Leaving ftate Glen FO bath R STF HOTEL 125 S STATE elec $65 — W refrlg 126 of All GROUND FI OCR store snore l5 paper IN 6 0701 bt’P- -j rm 4rm TO W caroetlng tltilg I AM 6 1440 raneA Cl-a- n bv vairjtu full bsmt 270 8 W 7(i FL HOI ft Stratford cpliet 7 A Jults 137 Downmglrtii fum Close grt 471 1st Ave WmBFRSHIP Club for sale Eay11 AUtO AGENCY PonlKc XTS t 3 10 wcpkly Ttmpie FM 3 4571 tE “tlj lights 4 R M'S (5° jn UUik fum Phone monthly rates NICK 3 bdrrri home Hllvv Frigidaire Best location 543 8 JFfYLs gas 1 loti rent fiee heat free wRter 1 yd 4th 9 1869 Ph 2ndSouth in town F ol Salt Lake Citv gQ FT Sugar Floute Air FI 9 6525 heat 1b75L 9th S uth f xture new Writ Box cunrl II F RON HOIK Warm room $1 23 bsmt apt Ht 150—1 RM? Plenty nf pirkjig HU4-- 4 Land 7"i LOV invent bldg equip (52— 2 this paper 4 rm 124 Near V Kfatn fir HU 8 1827 duplex IN Ht evt 8 wk 8 F 2nd South $73 — I OV JBrianJN7-46- 6 Write Mr Held Box 153 in care upl 74r)flfi T'vnFPFNDFNT wrvlie Staton Hi 2 jtp bdrm Lighted gtjeef DA (225 gar inn ll0 286 121 RENT— FOR this Desk Poe VINE v ST ROOM Murr $7 $ft week TVNew Wind $fi0-paper Nloe'homey extra well located htrh potential RM 3 stove FMB apt 3 rofrig rng gs F 21st Smith Opt usite Htrmon refrlg Phone wor apt Adults only AM 6 2210 riRGCFRY RURINFVS jlolcl 241 S Available to qualified ooerjtor 6 8 80 HU4-7IU- 1 E 1st 1140 F L S8 117 JN South ” beat Cafe in Well Vi eetibluhed fine tv 7M4IOV1 1IU 4 0(80 mo Clean 4rm Rr)OMS— Drv wk gar $85—5 HMS HFAT ht tr gar Prired at 814 V0 with J507 I atrrf Ave rM adults L 5 0742 3 KM house $jI Ini 41 J7 Red OFF K F livil N i (v (1 tmaterl mod TV 4 fl S State 4 5147 cafe drive-- Inn on Hthwav Jnrntlrwt tOlhO Util 1446 S ldth Fast sv terms IN 63170 or TN 7 fi1’!? Wood Rond Be i son B lit 29 F 2 8 V W 3 4501 5J2i77 AM6ftb5 tell nr trade for 91 Bountiful 324 LDS N rm hm “1st Attr Jge wkhdv SALT LAKF RFAL ESTATE West 4 RMS prtv bath enli Clean 3EjPWS jbath AIR condllinned office pace avail-abl- e hf me on enf side Must sell due IN 7 1H10 1273 Parkway 3 RMS snd fmp much $40 (los FL 14625 Gr priv W fir $65 No 3rd grd AX 2)7 to iMness $25 00ft In t lean iMtflftlO at 10 W 1st Sr nth FLJ8I95 — FIVANCTAl contflfts underwrit $4fi 4 RM spt Adults Refrlg $50— Lpvn Y duplex spt 4 rms" S -truck 4th NVF!T co wants exnagentw to 21A— Canyon Cottages East Small T6D0 SG FT wUhC office terS brokers private finders of 5thEast Call JM toveutllrm675J5 ill r rg and mane 39002 ins dent dock house trackage I 5 1 P9 Couple only No reached shooninx Cl EAN 4 rm duple' ils laun-or- v buv existing agfney Ina confid ripitel rms utils furn Yard 63 —4 RM efup rngTrt frig ht ARPROX 1 8 (0 sq 't 862 S S'sle offerltOTriTCAN FRFF H OWN $nn FNTERPR1SF Confidential Adults I C PO Box lft42 SgrhtelN 6 5474 IN 7 7931 oth F HU 4 04 “47 3155 S YON SITIS for summer homes IATES 817 51st St Brook Fnrjiusiness or office F L 59178 IPT arid smdwi h ASSOC Pines aspens and maple Cool BFAUr dupl 2lelrm 1 Ivn N V baths NF W air cond of'ice bldg 30tti S'idaTiIoo3 rra‘ uta- - u $40 — 4 RMS upstairs Stove d uein on mam hixhwav IN 6 5218 Terms clote 7 Southnd St teINbJ refrlg gasfurn EM 3 7578 SF $95 IN 147 eves FRFF BOOK' FRfE SERVICE" fcLEAN Jr t tb bnS Peps terms if fleshed extra 2(Ki0 biisinrues farms income adults— 2 pref decReasNice loc For 3 IM bsmt apt Range refrlg $55" $fi5 — NFvY 2 bedrm riii rru 6?u7i dypl Houses 27— Worehoust end Trackpg FLS7552 sale Write U S la rooms 3ftl E 3115 k Gajage 1187 S 4lh Fast FTATF ?TRF1 T NFAR TOU- -I properties Boxfor 1141 — w— rmt Sleeping Hrnort Washington 45 3 RMS Ixi’ !' cool and clean I tvw down payment d bi h $60 6005 Sft Itlr carprt 4 PMS bathCR bsmt $85 — IGF 2 brttrm rto 50EL 5J'ft6 FM 51002 F51J-191- north J40 or 18 000 sq ft warrhou DC A gerij 7 5(ifl4 2nd Ave FL 5 1006 HU4842 HthL"st V blinds Bendtx 443 Center u Ph rallied end ofrke si ic COUNTTRS V FI L estdb r nt wallpair store GFIGFR Fieotronir $47 50—1 RMS bath Clean Lawn 6RM duplex 863 mo 423 3 PM DA dub Putlv fmrisbed 2F 1 RAC KAOK Plus THICK 10AT" and HtJ had Equlo-pten- t M device 1 r TT field 5 or tiade on eav terms Ave 0! ManyfncturinK W 4th Norlh INC Near 822 tovLn o Rif hmiBr Park (off 2nd 5RM D(K‘K rrq and Iin roforv Write Mr $50- -2 RMS 2RQ1 Sjs1 kHlt Lelkc Cty tinurnarTst-N- ir"' — 4 RM range 279 54 514 GAtD ST BUS (all bet 102 am end 4 m or 5 BOOMS nf 3M Pirtont CaU Tracy Flier care Ihis paper M 4 7 84 Ave HU 6 1170 8U 7 bh ins DA 1)177 u!tomod glr 6cond o re $R0 MO Bor Mjnhfuse Collins lb DA 8 8161 So State cafe romb Fun 4165 mo 30 Bath new refrlg! atove" 4 7 50 -- 2 RMS "kitTbs rh IG a 17 50 in Kearns 4 ACFF indust and wrhou( n 2 RvpmoM brick hm A 5MAI L furn fottnw IN 6 6504 All utils 1428 Knberta 297 n 7th F ist AM 5 45J th S El B()28j SvljvCafe WnevvlHe Utah pd 725 F nn p fith W bet ni4th S Bell $80 AM 9 7ft72 fcFFFF shopnd im comb bus SIVWJ! VAHIEfY 3TOPE Est 14 yr 4? 50 — NICE build or lease Hy owner Sam range rear to SPENCER ?f mil 3 rn rent or and I XI run HA WART re $7 Am Liness uics siie JLL9 27 59 trade EL349U9 AM W lrig L’Ui Lab AM 8 67 U botcr 2nd Bo South m newly dec 740 3rd So 313 L JLnquUfsik Tnbl am hi Opportunitiei 12—ustnm Opportunitiei 1 6— Apartments MODtRN'” '"unattended LOOKING sherhiil laundromat® laundry ir fr ' or queen HOGLE DIAL iu ro Kylr fr $ivUth ‘ EM V ' X rmklt - wT0RS MST' VtedbJ! el rfntal $5(1 ff to 074 rentl r tef CLINGERS Ji f schubIickapts lit rl ftbf f th'l'ri ' Apts L X 2utT et J3'hAM PARLEY WHITE 95 u r - MOVING? 8l0lhn?xU RENT A TRUCK HERTZ SYSTEM — J RENT A TRUCK Gt J local ’ J realtors J jnt University Height : tcjda&to lC 57E JUTn nr ' DEPENDABLE REALTY - Jst re $20000 J jd F9 6(1 4iJ lf ro F t f 0er Jn - 94F It " pp” J cr Guiai J t ) n t Ins4 J ' 1F Jts t -- p st t I J lir hon( t f f MU |