Show Jf “ JS ito M J The Salt Lake Tribune Callup Poll i sir i -- "see ' jt sr u - t Sunday July 29 195l A 5 minimus i vf f fA shop Mduddy iooti till 9 pJiu Views Parly i Sliadq Ike Health Idea ( 1 v l V By Ceoige Callup PRINCETON NJ July as the issue of the Presi-dent'- f health persists' the American Institute of Public Opinion finds voter reaction shaping up -- it Jt s 15" i Jrr -- ay along these limes: 1 Two out of every three vot-ler- s hold the s view That President Dwight D lEisenho should health — wer ’s an issue in the fpm 0 x SiN fabrics from America's finest mills ‘ in ' the latest fall t & — t expertly tailored election campaign 2 Curiously a person’s poJitlcal views have a strong effect on his theories as to the — leal- - fitness- of the President to ' assume the burdens of renomi-naMoThree times as many Democrats think the President may have another heart attack as do Republicans 3 While only one voter in 10 thinks President Eisenhower will likely have a recurrence of ileitis in the next four years three out of every 19 think he may have another heart attack 3 e fashion silhouettes — Milium lined high - J C7W 1 - n WITH DOCTORS themselves disagreeing over the probability of recurrence of Ileitis the public obviously c&n only guess Nevertheless opinions on Mr Eisenhower’s health will affect ' Voter attitudes- whether” their assumptions about his health are right or wrong To get some Indication of the extent to which the medical in-- formation emanating from Washington may have penetrat-- ' ed the thinking of voters the Institute has just completed a nationwide study Interviewers conducted personal Interviews with a representative sample of voters scientifically selected from all walks of life and all eeonomic levels to provide an accurate cross section of US voter opin- r i range v of size fitted or f lot— Reg Full size fitted or flat-R- eg Pillow coses 42x36"— Reg 199 219 59c 0 nl5-buttoV- All 49 C to your foshion eye end your fashion budget Toper’ed sleeves edustobl ’cuff others many Shawl ond square notch tluickZI - lars t styles jt39 appeal top Stafford and i-M- f to woolen names Forstmann Worren America's -- Stroock Cannon's Finest Muslin Sheets twin new fabrics ell highly styled In a wide of foshionoble coats at magnificent savings for ycul You'lf find elegance Soft luxurious fabrics handflnUhed end' without extravagance detailed See The Paris od in Monday's Tribuna for greet August White Sale values! Here are just twoi Shiny black red natural Milium satin lined rose green greyj Cannon Combspun Percale Sheets 299 t Twin size fitted or flat— Reg Full size fitted or flat— Reg Pillow cases The 42x38!4"— Reg 79c Paris 59c is Cfi - The first question: "Do you think President Elsenhower’s health should or should not be made an issue In the election campaign?” Ilealth an Issue? 28 Should be Should not 65 A lamtt of Stafford — - No opinion — — While COP 'voters fABRig 7 IOOWOOU are over i whelmingly of the opinion that Mr Eisenhower’s health should not be made an Issue it Is Interesting to note that among Democrats more think It should not be made " an issue than think it should: 4 ‘ "I'WIg I © M0 Wl'" Same rka’s r cetATOx or hosTDijrinitiSria —— 80 Yes likely will No will not Can’t say - n Km— V The next question: "From w hat you’ve heard or read what's your best guess— will President Elsenhower likply have another heart attack In the next four years or not?” Another Heart Attack? 33 - 38 Interviewers then asked: s wn "From- what you’ heard or read w hat’s your best guess— will President Flsen- bower likely have another stomach operation In the next four years or not?” Another Stomach Operation? - - t -- S Rep Deni Tnd Should be — 10 43 25 68 Should not — 85 48 9 7 No opinion — 5 e 8 tortl Coali— ' Scen4 flow 219 3 29 239 headquarters for" Cannon sheets and towels See Cannon ads in today's Tribune — pages A8 and A10 -- ion 2 v new colors New silhouettes -- j d( 4 VtV ktf J fi s t Yes likely will No will not — Can’t say Cross analysis of the results of the last two questions finds voters dividing into three s groups: 7 — Venture thp gues that Mr Eisenhower will likely have both another heart attack and a recurrence of ileitis Tfie 7 per cent Is made up of Democrats 5 per cent Republicans one ppr cent independents one per cent 26— THINK THE President may have either another" heart attack or another stomach operation The 26 per cent is made up of Democrats 15 per cent Republicans 5 per cent independents 6 per cent 67 — Said they couldn’t say or that they believed the President would not have a recurrence of either illness in the next four years The 67 per rent is made up of Republicans 29 per cent Democrats 23 per cent Independents 15 per cent' I! - T Bladder 'Weakness' If WtUifd 1 - ! v (3fo&ard LUXURY CASHMERE COATS! i girdle and pantic girdle i lanonef combined i Button n 100 clutch and tux- - Reg f98 - O? 1 flattering collars edb styles 395 Foundfltonf— Storvd In luxury! nude bamboo to ou wonderful velvety softness and comfort in this boneless pull-opantie girdle White S M L medium and long length- Gossard flair bra shown whit A B Pof elegant coats that wrap you imported cashmere by Bernhard Altmann with hand-finishe- d details smart hand stitching designed to the Black seasons and Continents span grey noVy with nylon power net brings g I Soft ss 59s f ADTEITtlENINt bv V Push-u- winged cuffed sleeves Floor p and Crepe Misses and petites 1 0-2- 0 $5 WILL HOLD YOUR IMPORTED Cashmere v Imed satin Milium 00f SELECTION Rlkdd P Nifrhti or Bed tlrg too fre- or ltchnWetting urination) or Strong Smelling CJoudy Urine due to Irjr CiSTrx lor su"rk help 5oVr UM ETf“AvNfrnu!? under jmi 0a money-bac- m k Ask about our Convenient If' dru guar- -i —' v-- " t' v I our bioks are dosed— charges not duo Cntil September v Payment Plan & vA |