Show “v— far oMSmmmi mm igiMUMi HOME MAGAZINE THE MOST POTENT CRAB GRASS KILLER TSUSU ON THE MARKET TODAY ' i f t MBItivUle Beauty9 a perennial phlox j culture make a htndMome display Its Introduction of the tLS Dept of Agrri- - f colors are white pink rose and purple For Next Year's WORKS FAST As few as two sprays 7 to 10 dajs apart give quick control of crab grass seedlings and immature DISODIUM METHYL ARSOXATE plants Contains 20 to be jar superior to previously in tests proved published known crab grass controls t Bloom I ¥ " WON'T Kilt TURF Won’t kill ordinarily used lawn grasses when adequate soil moisture Is maintained and otliei tuu tions are followed Proved by professional greehskocpcrs1" ’ Recommended by many garden editors eiremncoBs Sf TO USE' For general infestation apply with an attached to'your hose For isolated ORTHO Spray-Ettmix in Sprinkling can according to directions Either clumps is way your job done in mere minutes EASY e by L Hi I lam W ' Tribune Garden Consultant CAIIFOXNIA perennials are successfully from seed and particularly that will come true to variety and color Seeds of modern hybrid strains should come directly from the seedsman lor those produced and reseeded In the home garden are unlikely to come true — --— — to color and type— — MANY : perennials will bloom the first they are sown in the early spring'1 Others grown from seed are not likely to bloom until the second season Mid summer Is the ideal time to start many of the perennials and biennials for next year’s gai den Such plants seeded now will be of sufficient size to bloom next year Furthermore these plants can be grown from seed for only a fraction of their cost as bedding plants Small amounts may be started in flats right out in the garden All they need is Some year if - J J I- proper care and attention Large quantities may call for extensive preparation and bet- - 1 i ' I I 1 I ' - j J f I the coldframes for planting and winter carry over The planting of seeds now allows! enough time for them to make establishes haidy plants with strong root systems capable of enduring the winter TvRESII delphinium seed gives the best X results Sow as soon as It can be ob- tained I have tiied freezing it in Ice cubes before planting and like it Seed saved fiom hybrid strains growing in the home garden Is likely to revert back and not be satisfac-- i ter ' I I ' still use of tory “3 j s t j - -- Sum t ’ i i 1 M Columbines In true color varieties can be grown from seed The giant spurred type is the latest and best Seed takes from three to four wee k to germinate Sow an eighth of an inch deep and press firmly Into the soil July II29 1956 i- 1 I r f 4 Columbines self sow but In so doing may run out or revert back to common types Snapdragons seeded now will be good sized plants by falL Some gardeners like to pot them for autumn and winter bloom indoors Given some protection they will survive the winter nicely out In the garden Pansies do best when seeded In late sum- tner I associate pansy growing with two holidays If fresh seed Is available by July 24 our Tioneer Day I like to use that date for sowing Given good care they will be ready lor transplanting into the cold frame or directly out in the garden by Labor Day Buy only the best pansy seed It is available in many true colors and In definite sized bloom Corp Excutiv Office Coltf— chfton4 Whinpt©n D C i Wl U otaO CMlUICnt Ml XMCTIM MA and ALUMINUM AIR-VEN- T i CMTivf llltll I FIBERGLASS AWNINGS i - seed sown IORGET-ME-NO- now will next year It may be sown diexcellent rectly in the garden and makes an carpet planting for tulip beds Iceland poppies are readily started at this season Better pick the pods and sow the seeds rather than count on them to self sow English daisy (Beilis perennis) may be sow n now It will need a protected place and may do much better seeded in a cold frame Canterbury bells and foxglove both biennials seeded now will bloom next year and often carry over for a second year of bloom Recent findings at the USAC Experiment station at Farmington indicate that many hardy annuals may soon be popularized with late summer and early fall seeding A partial list of additional biennials and perennials that may be successfully sown In mid summer includes alyssum campanulas coreopsis foxglove gadlardla hollyhock ibciis liatris lupine lynchis oriental poppy perennial phlox and primroses 1 1 It t II a j HI j i 1 Hvf leied'ta N 26119)9 twwl WINDOWS DOCKS PATIOS CARPORTS PORCHES CANOPIES SQMBREILA 1 Nothing Down At low M $S for Month free liltmales 949 $ $ Call EM Sundays Coll $N Lok CO City 46364 IN wiiked ebliaeliee AWN rtaardkif 09 FlftlftGlASS 09 Ptwie AA HOME IMPROVEMENT "DtMAND THI flHSST" KNtd formation T ALUMINUM INGS ' Nam r a I Si ' i if i I i - I it ft 1 9 cm f I I I 21 t J t I AddrtM Cky I J ! i ay J - i - FenwcMtit tectian Na nr faded drop m fwmttuv N mot teiti 'I 4 r |