Show - ' Colgate's new aerosol type insecticide Tf7o nn o $r How To Break The Spell Of "Highway Hypnosis' i Continued from page 1 If 'i 11 vb ’ : No Drugs For Drivorsf 33 CISSSMtuSSS period They had less physical tension fewer “accidents” They responded more quickly lo stop lights they did not steadily increase speed as did the group In general their minds were much more alert and concentrated It should be emphatically stressed that all authorities warn against drugs in any form as a hypnotic deterrent At a recent highway-safetconference sponsored by the National Academy of Sciences and the National Research Council it emphasized that Benzedrine Dexedrine and similar stimulants may cause disturbing side effects that impair driving skill judgment and attention The same is true of barbituates such as Nembutal and Seconal and the new tranquilizers — Miltown Noludar Thorazine and the no-pau-se d fDj CJ and : v : V ’ J y other bugs U U U f rest tiCipy than any other bug killer wil type Katifj Kim booms mi btins immcts Bug Killer is no spray gun neceasy to use essary no fuss no mess! Just press the button Its superfine spray works longer Kan-K- il is contains no DDT It smells good too leaves no no typical insecticide odor powdery traces Tested and proved iOMOcai Kan-K- Of il To compile the list yhich accompanies this article 31 automotive safety engineers of Market Service Inc contributed their suggestions They also cited many graphic examples of “hypnogogic hallucinations” A Pittsburgh driver ran into a ditch to avoid hitting a suddenly-loomin- g circus wagon a Texas driver stopped to wait for a tree in his path to be cut down a Charlotte N C bus driver stopped for a mail box that was flagging him down Grotesque? Of course hallucinations always are “Saw Hors ble fast easy effective Kan-K- Buy Bug Killer at grocery drug or hardware stores today! il ANOTHEt DEPENOAIll VS COIOATI fSOOUCT At Hit Sam’’ From Ohio comes the tersest case on record: “Saw horse thought it was a shadow hit same was a horse" The authorities all say that this hallucinatory state can be avoided if the driver practices some of the rests and distractions which this article 'suggests They also point out that nothing is quite so conducive to highway hypnosis as alcohol It is not a stimulant it is a depressant of the nervous system and if you must have “one for the road" they say make it a cup of coffee In recent laboratory tests it was discovered that distance-sigwas cut dangerously by three 2Vi ounce drinks of gin taken over a period In this condition the driver perhaps not intoxicated is a p for hypnosis In general anything that keeps your mind distracted from the monotony of road watching and oncoming lights is a valuable antidote to hypnosis Engineer Roderick R Chitty of Boston recommends that you develop a slight fear of the road while driving He says "Think of what would happen if you became hypnotic-drows- y Picture an accident caused by someone hypnotized See yourself mangled in a mangled car This certainly will help keep off hypnosis” Safety engineer Rpbert E Clute of Flint Mich has an interesting suggestion: “Take your mother-in-laalong she’ll probably keep you awake" ht -- three-ho- m Denture Wearer’s Dream Come True M nIn m rrtta Sum tifflil ap te I'- Uatw fMttni w4rm— te Kvm after - Um UlNtg witli k MMAf Mk if jm Tk mmI N yvwimbymetmmbao I kMl r— argil wuw who k4 inu type powte idbeavet Tbeai th mv 9um m a H4ewturv wunt’i lirna pens irtwnw witt $ is msm druUt tmmrvm Sim tmh 8tmm mi mmr M fe jro imdm§ Relief from fotfuting aches and pains Arthritis and Rheumatism Utuin Msatholatum Deep Heat Rub as needed on the spot that's tors See how it's "taken up" by your skin You’ll feel a flash of warmth rlfht where It more and more people say ur set-u- w iP v NEXT QUESTION! 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