Show N The L)m Salt Tribune Sasndny T" 7 Wy 19 W 11 IBSB Newlywed LeRoy Parks End Idaho Honeymoon "T— 4 I j ' t u v 1 vw $ tv v ) 1 Mr and Mr LeRoy IL Park are making a home In American Fork after a honeymoon trip to Idaho The brid- X’J In ' A -- Jr- tL f1 ’ rrt' j - 4 k & SJ Pf areAM& Jr It ' 4 ' V- 'I t ra--- -v V v A x4 Mrs II Brent Chapman Hal Mrs Mr Birhnrd H Messer - 4 vows-i- rites n Chapman's sole attendant Performing the duties of best man for his brother In law was Joe Knight The young couple has been entertained by Mr and Mrs Ray D Free and Mr short sleeves and a square scolloped neckline A band of orange blossoms held her fingertip veil of illusion A white orchid centered her bouquet of carnations per- ird Miss Mareen Nielson maid and-Mr- of honor was the new Mrs They In Salt will make their home Lake City home s -- ‘ Parents of the bridegroom ' are Mr and Mrs Hubert Chapman 1021 Lake St (740 For her wedding East) which was witnessed by close friends and relatives-- - the bride wore a gown of lace and nylon tulle over satin The ballerina length dress fea- - OPEN MON EVENING m ' ‘ SHIRTS Dmihub MMIlY-"WIA- fttRD THI ris Miss Marjorie Lou Framp ton Miss Kay Nielsen and Mis Sharon Nielsen sister TILL of the bride Tom Ford Mrs Messer is the former Miss Joyce Emily Crabtree the daughter of Mr and Mrs John Crabtree formerly of Salt "Lake City" Parents of the bridegroom are Mr and Mrs J IL Messer Cedar City After their marriage the young couple waa entertained at ar loncheon at the home of the bridegroom parents They were further honored at" a reception given by the bride’ parent? that evening For her wedding and reception the new Mrs Messer wore an original gown of whit chantiliy lac over bride’a satin Her fingertip veil was of bridal illusion and cascaded from a tiara of embroidered seed pearls She carried a white orchid surrounded by white carnations and pink rose buds Attending the bride were Mrs Donlee Simklns matron of honor and Misa Marjorie Crabtree maid of honor e Bridesmaids were Miss Miss Shlrlee Parry Graff and Miss Diane Cooley Gordon - Slack performed the duties of best man and Larry Lewder Frank Knell and Gayle Simklns assisted - stood as man CLEARANCE best SKm Bter So Stot rnrf 4eportmni SwSs 144 ho I n ihm Jodi 4 id! oil ovr town ITKOUCA SERVICI STORES imported fine china t 98 pc ' for 12 set-ser- vice r : w plus 6 extra cups as'ushers"esr"" 7500 regularly l Blrs Raymond T Lelii’s Deanna Davis Becomes Bride An impressive mid summer wedding united In marriage Miss Deanna DaVis and Raymond T Lloyd The ceremony was performed by Vernon K Nielsen IDS bishop Friday evening in the Lehl Third-Sevent- of chantiliy lace and nylon tulle over satin" In bridal white She carried a white Bible with a large white or- ‘ bridegroom are Mr and Mrs ao mein st 56 SECOND ttOOR I ' i 1 Thomas E Lloyd Both ilies are from Lehl ' After 1 J ception of the cross from uptown theatre parents AIR CONDITIONED the ceremony a ‘For' going away fhehew Mrs Lloyd was attired in a full skirted frock of blue with W'hlte accessories The young re- waa given in honor couple by the bride's For the occasion the wore floor length gown bride MINT- AB' Ronald Lloyd fam- couple will reside In LehL Me Donald-Vex- l - Max Bee earned his BA degree from Park College Park-vill- e Missouri He has done graduate work at the George Washington University National law Washington University-o- f DC ondTth‘ University of Utah He has been advertising-managof a newspaper in Lakewood Virginia secretary to the president of a graduate school in Nebraska and an os- sistant manager for Mutual Life of New York Arlington V Mrs Nowell Weds Fielding Smith "Because just love to teach" answer os to why he is at Stevens' Henager"l like to helo I m Max C Re leefttonel 1 IwmtH Heneyer Biinn- -i f others to succeed" There is olwoys a demand for Stevens' Henoger graduate for the higher paying secretarial positions Personalized instruction that is practical Day or evening classes1 Air conditioned Write er phone for booklet on secretarial training and opportunities There is a diiierence in Stevens llenager Training r:ty r Mrs Ruby Nowell 221 N St became the bride of Fielding K (Smat) Smith 29 S State at a recent ceremony at Jackson Hole Wyo A dinner party at the Wart Hotel honored the couple after the ceremony lr £hd Mrs Ralph Anderson attended the bridal pair After a honeymoon in Wyoming the couple will make a home in Salt Lake Citv t Mr and Mrs Marshall Small and Mr and Mrs Ro bert II Nowell will honor the gt a coiktail party - he will faitfM " newly-wed- i t f i t 4 r IAS Ei 45 EM EAST BROADWAY OCDE 2644 WASH S 1675 StVO NJ" s rejB week at the las Country Club ' and was chosen Board Mr Vexler was froul ' graduated the University of Chi- cago - After honeymoon toNaa-sayoung couple will u the coupe shape banded In gleaming platinum or gold -- to Mortar majt a heme in Washington where Mr Vexler iy a wage analyaf expert for the Department of Defense set (onslsts oft 12 dinner 12 12 plates salad plates bread & butters 12 soups 12 fruits IB 12 ' 1 sups saycer severed sugar romer 1 1 2 ' " ‘ grgvy boat vegetable dished 2 platters 53 pc service for 8 in all 3 Fly u " A morion Se Routes First patterns gularly 500 Internationally Later - 29 Fourth Floor China yourwJT winging your wsy to or spanning the ecswis I fMciMOng eiu European eepitol on lb suvsr wws of tbs world's finest surbnsrsl Yss tbit could bsppsn to you I Ahead of you lies an axriUng profitabl Yon aam futur aa t TWA brwte m you learn with TWA You fly free on your TWA pnaa You meat nw peopla makt new friend If you can meet thM auslifiontion art between 7 are t '2 to '8 nnd weigh between 100 end 13S lb 2 year bouneee eaperienee er the equivalent cl collrjc or iiuree t training I have a clear complexion no glaase good vio0 then begin and ar unmarried your career as a TWA boeteea by contacting: Imfin mo v malt ardeu box 1485 sanf trmgM cellar "delight" — platinum trim 20-2- Apply Mr F In M pBnnii to Wingate Saits Hatal Utah Twasday Augat 7 m 13 Naan ta 7 TW Na phan SalU TRANS WORLD In 3 delicately colored patterns n McDonald who rereturned to Washington after serving with the State Department in Honduras' is a graduate of the University of Denver and Mexico City College She was affiliated with Delta Gamma Miss cently - The bride wore a rose lac ballerina gown She was attended by Mrs er aister-in-law- -— luxury Tissue-tranjluce- er ivllsi Helen Louise McDon aid a daughter of- - Mr and Mrs James A McDonald Castle Gate became the bride of Perry N Vexler at an informal wedding Thursday In Washington DC Mr Vexler is a son of Mr and Mrs Benjamin Vexler Ilis Students Are Preferred — -- Attending as matron of honor was Mrs Philip Bailey aunt of the bride Miss Kaye Willes and Miss Rochelle Clark were other attendants Leland Carson performed the duties of best roan and ushers were Lloyd Brooks and h Family members and close friends attended The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs June C Davis and parents of the nineT -- chid Ward LDS Vexler her Lewis fr Logan LDS Temple rites united Miss Colleen Nielsen a id Hal A Stonebreaker In marriage July 20 A Georg Raymond temple president officiated at the ceremony Parents of the bride are Mr and Mrs Vem G Nielsen and the bridegroom Is the son of Mr and Mrs Giles Framp-toBoth families are from Clearfield - A reception homoring the young couple waa held the same evening at Clearfield Third LDS Ward recreation halL The bride wore a ballerina length gown of "white satin and lace The round neckline was accented with seed pearls and sequins A lace overskirt offset her bouffant skirt of satlrt She Carried a white Bible which was graced with a white orchid and stephanotis Mr Tom Ford sister of served aa the bridegroom Lloyd n - 1 Perry p-- special value -- N Vexler OVER TOWN ALL ihop monday 12 noon to 9 - Mrs 3J SALE SAVE UP TO The newlywed are honeymooning in the southern Utah Parks and upon their return will make their home in Clearfield Nel-len- Nielsen-Slonebreal- HIADQUARTIM Wemee'i JAm‘b in Cedar City are Mr and Mrs newlyweds Richard 1L Messer They were married June 29 In the St George LDS Temple H A Wilcken 4 Mff Plwlpt I 4 plfcc'f Wbtppla't 4S I Mm AfTON'S WIATHIH HID i CraLtree-Messe- r At Don Rancho OriK Wedding Bells Peal Gay Tune Across Beehive State tured JILL — PANTIES Noteworthy Nuptial News and Nylon IHWhW Stonebreaker A DRESSES Tf 4 t f formed July 12 — Snelgrove president of Granite LDS Stake officiated at the double ring ceremony held at the home of the bride's parents Mr and Mrs W R “'Wilcken ‘ 1030 Elmrftvert2133 South) Hamilton stood as man and ushers wera Willis Beckstead ElRay Bridges Patrick Nemanlc and Jay Newman A best BACK TO SCHOOL AT JACK Arlene Aireti lr F M Miss Connie Wilcken and II Brent Chapman exchanged maid Clyde ': A t Ilk 44A At x iJ - - I - F-arl 1 K V r) r - i ' VI v- - ' ' —wedding 4 $ d feMi was married June 28 the Salt Lake LDS Temple with ElRay L Christiansen president officiating The bride la the former Miss Patricia Crane daughter of Mr and Mrs Darrel L Crane Herriman The bridegroom Is a son of Mr and Mrs L Park American Fork The evening of their wedding the couple was honored at a reception at the Riverton First LDS Ward given by the biide's parents For the occasion the bride Wore a floor al pair I X 1 length wedding gown of lace and tulle over aatln She wore a tiara of pearls which held a fingertip veil and she carried a bouquet of stephanotis centered with a white orchid Attending the bride was Miss Connie Crane sister of the bride maid of honor Miss Gloria Brown Mrs Willis Beckstead and Mis Connia Rae Park sister of the bridegroom Another sister Miss Nita Crane was Junior bride giaata AIRLINES Poit Doug parition" e -- w am i — platinum trim 4“— |