Show THE SALT TRIM LAKE 3 With tho Green Thumbers P k ? t' 1 '-- i od! Wo 5 is themo of annual show t by Genevieve ’ - ' Folsom II - Cm dr a tdlt-- Ttlbua 1 I try In addition awards win be made to the second day NNUAL exhibition of the Salt Lake Gladlo-lus Society will be held at Co showrooms 550 Cth East St Saturday and Sunday The theme of the show Is “Glad Holidays" Three beautiful trophies will be awarded one to the grand champion one to the reserve champion and the other to the best novice en- - f A f Porter-Wal-to- t queen best basket best ar- tistic display outstanding three spike entry largest flower head largest floret champion seedling and for n ! t t i showmanship There will be many other prizes according to" Mrs Harold Rush-to- n publicity chairman The public is invited to enter blooms The receiving room will be open from 6 to 11 am on Saturday Premium lists ’ may be obtained from Mrs Charles Rout 1920 E 4720 South St The show will be open to the public at 2 pm Saturday and all day Sun- - - I i day' t Committee chairmen Include: Ruel E Paul show chairman Mrs Harris Vincent Miles James Birrell Frank Contra tto classification Mr and Mrs J R Steadman placing of exhibits Mr and Mrs Charles Rout premiums and awards Mrs Edith Weller Mrs Lucille Jacobson Mrs John Stead- man Mrs Barbara Labrum registration Floyd Ander- - — son Harris Vincent John Steadman' receiving room Mr and Mrs Harold Rush-topublicity La-bru- m v t nlpM fowlwt lawn nwlfc larva vi wsrmi PAX fclM a4 i- H bvmpf - lawfM UH PAX bin vmmr Hm A tflWHyM M UlMMr erf" fftlt fTOM 4 n kvmH trail rM Garden Trek Today MfAtMti MRl Ifr CURE YOUR SUMMER LAWN ILLS-B- AND APPLY UY J CRABGRASSand SOS PEST CONTROL A KELLY-WESTER- SEED $H NOWl N piVISION Lak tllk loath City Utah i1 Ruel E Paul and Mrs Ilarrls lncenl be busy this week making arrange- Highland Dr (1650 E A Rout 1920 E 4720 South St Miles C Labrum 761 E 6600 South St Mrs V N Bateman 8154-th East St and J R 457G SO Charles Steadman 4:30 1696 E 12300 to be reached at j Ogtlen Clad Show The Sunset Gladiolus Society will hold ' Its annual show Aug llj 12 at the Bulck Sales In Ogden 26th Street and Washington Ave of the the classes should contact Mrs Bob Moore club presk dent Kearns Activities A series of flower arrangement instructions by Fred Augsburger and Mrs Members of the Salt Lake Flower Garden ‘ Club and friends will meet at the northeast corner of Fair- vited to participate by the Salt Lake Gladiolus Society will start today at 1:30 pm at the home of James R Birrell 1032 21st East St Other gar- dens to be visited and in this order are: Fred Greenfield 1233 8th East St E A Pari sons 1831 9th East St Ruel E Faul 823 E 27th South St Frank J Contratto BLIflDSI lllNt (0 DIAL IN 6-87- 64 !£i' elk VERTICAL So man? CONTRASTING SOLID HARMONIZINO COLORS So Oar CompMo Dlsployl 2420 So Stato 20 mont dinner Park Aug scheduled 6 for with 6:30 pm Particulars and reser- vations should be made with C J Dietz Deadline for reservations is Aug 3 Mrs J - in everyman's garden ' - t Mew 'Mums' CcrJch Up alvantartej too lot home or office Kirath "Vertical Venetians" offer tresb decorative beauty freedom from care! at llewai fypttal wiitdawt lfitfc MN 40'40- 34- 40 14" - Rn 13 SO fit 01 33-0- 40- ttm i $417 Plat ttamil ititflllftiM dtaru at yaa may tmtall H yatrrutlf m4 MX (iaitrtKhMi tnclaRUd) Oacaratad Sialt WP" EittmatM tra Coil CALI CARt CAMMAN Blind Ww IN 64 Pete by Moss - t POTTED a number of chrysanthemum slips at the time we did our first “pinching back” They have takenjiold nicely and are ready to go out to a permanent place In the garden Though they are seemingly smill In comparison with" the others we expect them to catch up and do I equally as well this falL Ore glance fella you chese are entirelf different Distinctive! Op Color SrJbontoa Outing Planned Dorthea Newbold Is being sponsored by the Kearns Green Thumbers They are held every two weeks at different members’ h 6 m e s Those interested In taking i UTiH V£KITIAN taautital In exhibition sonsored 11m!frcdCM' re VERTICAL DRAW OPEN LIKI DRAPERIiSI the annual Salt Lake Gladl-wil- l for Saturday and Sunday set J r D Head Is president f the group The public is In- ' I ments for olus show The annual garden trek rn I St pm South I DON’T grow many dahlias but WEhave found that they will branch and we -- bJrUhe time they bloom Have been using some low ornamental wire fencing to hold up pinks baby’s breath shasta daisies and other plants that have a tendency to lop over and take too much room It is not unsightly and does an excellent job We still have some Iris to divide Most large clumps three years and older need It We have been fortunate In receiving several fans of iris varieties we didn't have from friends who wanted us to get going with better varieties Plant exchange Is a splendid way of cementing fiiendship vdth fellow gardeners as well as an economical way to Improve your garden and enlarge varietal plantings Top priority Job for this week is to prune our privet and barberry hedges It will be the last time for this season as I don't want too much new succulent growth between now and freezing weather August 15 U considered a good deadline for this kind of pruning stockier and bloom better if they back Show dahlias and specimen blooms are much superior when they have been disbudded j Our scarlet runner beans have begun to climb In an almost rampant manner’ We planted them for quick cover on a fence and to hide a rather unsightly condition just over it Looks like it will work Our half dozen or so tomato plants are scattered throughout the flower garden They are setting fruit and doing quite well Have Just staked them up and out of the I way Gives more room In the garden and ' ' the tomatoes will do better We have also started staking our larger iqums We’ll keep feeding them every two weeks until the color shows In ’the buds Meantime azalea types and varieties that produce large flower sprays are being left become are pinched “ ' f t ‘ ' ’ ' 1 v pom-pom- s to develop and bloom naturally!1 Neighbor Bill has been dusting the new silks on His sweet corn when first they show and repeating every three or four days for two weeks Says he gets near 100 per cent control with either DDT or chlordane “Or” says Bill “you can cut off about an inch of the end of each ear after the silk-- Is dry and get good results that ‘ way” t Salt Lak City £ 1 “ Sow ’ ' |