Show yp 'tafc' tj - if if cjv s' Salt Lake Tribune Sunday July 29 The B 15 'rr f V 19”(J 1 w v 1 t il - - j '' 1Vs fA 1 V :v v 4 ii - r- - v i -- y- - m f I J - i ill m ! !- -' 4 -- J - 4 1 L - f i ' A r i 'i i : t - i A Dunne left to Rogers Bill right White and F C Kozlol new bridge on the inspect I Mirror Lake Road over Stillwater Bear Diver This Job la nearly Fork of Need Saddle on Some j Don ror but the road Jn from this side is too rough yet to tackle the job” Jim reports “Incidenr Log of a day In the life of an tally I understand that the gov outdoor writer: eminent rejected the bid for oilFriday 8:20 am: Previous ing the new grade over Bald arrangements having been Mountain Fass to Mirror” made F C Koziol Wasatch Na- “What’s that!” says your retional Forest supervisor picks porter “Thought that job was us up at home and we are on all done” oqr way “Shall we go over Mirror Lake Jim “Wish It was” or Evanston way first?" asks ‘We’ll be lucky if wereplies it done get Kozy “Let’s save the best for this season” last” we asnwer “Evanston Jim reports that his outfit It Is” wants to put in a filling station small store and lunch counter at 9:20 Add: 'Short Kozy looks over new sawmill Mirror Lake Junction but figure they can’t do It until the operation at VVanship 10:30 am: Mark Lessenger oiling Is completed He also refills the gas tank at Evanston ports that Wyoming plans to 10:45 am: Stop In for chat with let a grading bid on that rough stretch up to the Utah Jim Home of Evanston who is In group of Evanston business- line in August men operating Mirror Lake 11:15 am: Leave Evanston en route up Bear River to Mirror Lodge “We want to move five more Lake 11:35 am Pavement ends complete cabin units up to Mir and writer makes silent wish By Brooks Tribune Outdoors Editor r- ! Wyoming start that grading Job because pal this chunk of road Is rough! 11:46 pm: Five miles of bouncing and arrive at School Junction Please Wyoming grade that road I 12 noon: At last! Arrive Utah line and oiled road starts annual Lady and tha skunk Mrs John nermann holds pet skunk part of “cast” of wildlife film In mevle camp la tlis Uintas I Outdoors by - 12:10 PJHt Kozy spots heavy smoke up ahead and says it will be rough on certain fish and season will start on Sept 1 and shooting will vary from five to 16 days In various parts of the Annual proclamation governing the taking of grouse in Utah state the Utah Fish and Game this fall appears on this page of Commission decreed Saturday The Sunday Salt Lake Tribune The bag and possession limit Sportsmen are urged to clip and was fixed at 10 birds unchanged save the proclamation for fufrom last year ture reference A limited apecial season has DECISION on the dove huntbeen approved for seven areas was 'the most important ing The commission authorized Isbusiness conducted at the clossuance of 495 permit In these areas: ing session of the commission' summer quarter meeting 38 permit Randolphs Kiel) Count Soot 13 16 Woodruff Rich County 35 A board spokesman anpermit Bept 15 18 Vti non Tooele County 100 permit Sent 8 9 Diamond nounced that the proclamation Mountain Uintah County 79 permits Blue Muuntaln 89 Ulntdh covering dove hunting will be Sfpt County 75 permits Kept 13 16 Straw- published In the near future berry Watatrh County 100 permit The commission also apSept 13 16 Parkef Mountain 75 permit Sept 1518 proved purchase from outside sources of fish egg supplies for the next 12 months These purFlsliing Report Snake River Sam of Thayne chases will be tn addition to the Wyo reports to Tire Tribune aeveral' millions of eggs taken that some fish are being taken from hatcheries and wild fish on Jackson Hole lakes and that In the state Outside eggs In the following most Jackson area streams are real good The IJobaek River numbers were approved foj purnow clear Is producing chase: Rainbows 9500000 eastSalt River has been very good ern brook 2500000 pike browns 1000000 kofor experienced dry fly fishermen and should Improve Big Hal Sharp’ ones In Salt River are starting to take flies v Dn Brooks Creek-Junctio- n 1 STATE OF UTAH 1956 GROUSE iiumririG four-bir- e - proclamation - p - salmon naw 200000 - HERE'S WHAT YOU CAN LOOK FORWARD TO AS A FLIGHT ENGINE8R: wirii 7lmm A Career with ’ 45-mil- IS OBUOATEO TO ’ " Passed on to Game Department I et - ft- '“ CXI KNO fish and - - bamsi oaau-eatto- flight eneiamt Is t wotxfetful Thar’ I future aramn fn or with TWA Apply in peraon tel Mr Hti lituh c - s v Auet 7 pm' tut‘4-11 Naan fa 7 i Ilf!) tour Wingate-- M F - -- r He phene fella pleaaa tell tou FRIENDLY THE BEST FISH AND GAME Ucaaaae foe THE LAW rANO (A O warden will AE CAA bt'ota entenna aainrnR claaa pM atudcnr Oisy 1 an B eulifkiriooir th fill Creek-Omia- Hlb-wa- y ut Htrt tha aim of 2i at JJj eornull J'7 to 6 2 inciutiar hifc ' arhoot hipiocn r equrvtltat patt CAA Data 1) phrticti (ee artjvnra) Tachmcala euaiilicatlnnl intltujr Bioat AAE rrt pant ota ent muat hare LAWS BUT ALSO THOSE WHERE HE 60ES TO FISH OR HUNT AS A EACH STATE OR PROVINCE HAS ITS OWN REAULAp TIONS THAT OFTEN VARY 6REAT- LV AND CHANGE YEARLY THESE VARIOUS LAWS FOR ALL NORTH America will A book sq WE COULD NOT LIST THEM HERE THEREFORE SOE TIPS FOUND HEREIN MAY BE ILLEGAL IN TOUR AREA THEY ARE described ONLY FOR USS WHERE LEGAL - Solunar Periods For Eight Days I I NOT ONLY MIS LOCAL tssx - Ym tore k a 1 fature! Yoa aee nenueiiT arid tod man moat ' (11 of tha coir banrfm la e TWA Flithr lor naar— ou wan OU' tt I3J0 pm amodi n a month aa e fliManidant— 48J J alui tail neat lul Ptularwithfuture the thir4 ioctmaet Btainnin emauhlt MU Hiht Eogreacr fatalbate pa te4 WMM at 60 boau at I flifht pat Every sportsman e ' o OBEY VOUR FISH ANp GAME LAWS s i Fa IS VawHna a Liberal Free Ireiparteflee tar Tea anS Ye nr Family lack Year - - 11 k ou latere m Creep laiereaee d e : e Retirement Plea e Anneal Silk leawe - - tlieic-fo- g over-runnin- Sportsmans at macki- - - — TRANS WORID AIRLINUK srorsi Your Car 4-- - re-a- DON'T rt 15-1- 1 riute-Wayn- e Ttequest-referred'to o Ma-- Seems TIiis is Yery Good Trick hunt-uu- f - - LET SUMMER l r fOl-XTT- Ober-hansle- Horse Set further notice as an emergftney con Auction I measure nervation or fire prevention suit ib'e signs and markers LEXINGTON by potir KY July 28 IT 18 PROVIDED by that the a healthy above rules and regulation shall have IP— Amid Indications full fo?re and e(fect of law Any viola- market the Keeneland sumtion theioof shall be Considered a misdemeanor and shall be prosecuted a mer thoroughbred u( h horse auctions open Monday UTAH r AND GAME t'c M MTSliH N 3G4 colts and fillies going with ColDKh G SANDERSON on the block Sales officials and Chanman Atterf' confidence of yearling J PFRRY EGAN Director ALi &F Suhstrfbed and sworn to befor 2Lh day of July I98 Bv AHVfOM) F CARR Rotary I'ubuo Ihi m don't burf valve motor life lengthen CVAR11ST FtED i Our muffler are suaranfaaJ which wa Inafell tkam 16 tht R 31 1 1 obtained 195 or combination t lab and Hunting I tcene that turb trnniU shall lx sold for 9100 each money ubmitd for permits must be to covVtr applicRtion for (Irouw permits only Applications may lx made nr two per-son- s if mailed together end 86 10 enclosed That not more than one permit hall he fusupd to rarh person that it ehaJj be illegal t6 submit more than one appheaUun for vurh permits the there Hall ! no rnrellations reu4f fw and tiiat tiansferl of per m it the revenues derived therefmm stiall be coveted mo the Fish and Game Fund of the Suit of Utah will jApplirfdinn for Crouse Dfrmtt be mrd by mtiJ onlv Artdrrna: CROUSE Fish md Gdnif (yO:nmiat‘'n Vt eat North CU Tampi SeltL HEAT With HOLLYWOOD duaii ond muffler you Cool you con wear It out your cor out hoot-tn- g auto-h'fbl- " THE BOARD decreed that number of persons arrested onf fish and game law violations should be called before a ape flal session on Aug 24 to show cause why their licenses should not be revoked for two years Most of the persons involved-- ' were arrested on charges of taklng fish or game out of season- The commission also Ins true--" ted Director J Ferry Egan to line up a meeting of commis-- ' aion members with Salt Lake City and County officials bird hunting boundaries will be set up within the valley Decision to hold such a meeting was tn outgrowth of th protests filed last year by Salt’ Lake Valley residents partlcu- larly those on the East Bench" that hunters were their property - In- 500000 k&nee Grouse Laws e nine-mil- been slow Recent plantings by plana of Uils area promlaa better results in tha future Game Commission Rings Utah Ilunlcrs 1 for Dove Shoot Sept Get 1956 Utah’s dove hunting game writer if he has to swing a shovel all day: Writer crosses fingers because he detests shov“ " : t' eling of any sort let alone on forest fire 12:12 pm: Fire turns out to be slash burning at Seems to be your reporter’s luck to get there “too early" logging operation best fishing At least that’s what happened to him when the for 12:1J pm: Oil ends new conmade that trip recently to the Salmon River ha struction starts 12:15 pm: Mill Now they tell us! N Stop to take Mel Flegal (just returned from Torrey’s Thursday evening): picture of new bridge over Bear River This road contract for “They were biting swell I caught an 18 pounder and a 22 pounder 53 miles is Just about com- My boy hooked into three the last day but lost them” pleted and the new grade a From Mrs Royal- G Dunten of Rexburg: “You were up a dandy week too early for action pictures Royal and I had plenty af 12:30 pm': Christmas luck this last weekend Am sending you a tag off an 18 pounder” Meadows Junction on Stillwater J Fork of Bear River Leon Black (Tag haa been forwarded to Oregon Fish Commission in and L K Larson of Forest Serv- Portland) ice are painting new sign 1:10 From Johnny and Charlotte Smith Torrey’s Camp: “We are pm: At Christmas Meadows Lunch-uand Inspect new cabin still getting a lot of salmon and a lot of fishermen We really site development This is one of Appreciate the nice writeup you gave the river" the prettiest spots In Uintas DeWHEREAS Utah beginning August 6 1956 All iftr dueFihInvestigation -- Our very latest reports Indicate that the salmon run is end tiame fumi mu4 be blade payable to the cide to go fishing in Stillwater the- Utah- Stt " Utah Slate Jish and Game Commisbut Commiaslon find that there te an far too to Kozy pools says River Reports holding up very well in case you’re planning a trip tip there and that a limited sion and postmarked not later lhan crease f Grou Is a AH The 1956 11 go guy killjoy' aajthout 12 (0 Midnight August number mar ba low water prevails 12 00 Inter than Extremely shall This postmarked to the anecui detriment 1:30 pm:S(op applications wildlife Note to Frank Gregg editor of Colorado Outdoors Colorado on Midnight August 11 1956 wUl be reInclude eaxe ruffed and blue Clrouse Colorado and Green Rivthe beon movie aender has camp Stillwater to the turned Fish-anfound In the area It Game Department Denver Thanks Jort the Invitation ers V S Geological com odviaable to declaie af3L°P?n Survey ofIII If DR 4 WINCfl— ALL UNIT® address that wildlife meeting at Valden 4n August but will ficials tv at hereinafter provided: IT FUHTHER PROVIDED that If ”“ilohn 'Hermann' and pretty" BE reported Saturday to The NOW TllUlEFOUG we the Fish more anpltratione ere received for any wife Lois explain operations be vacationing on those dates Tribune The reports are Issued nd Game Commtaalon of the State of given unit than the number of permits Utah In eccordanee with ud ruling ellottrd to said unit a public drawing and report project almost for benefit of boating parties and under the authority of Chapter '(9 will be held at 90 am August 17 Note to Joe Mears outdoors editor Pasadena Calif Star Lawi of Utah 195T do hereby proclaim 1956 at the State Capitol Building and completed Lois holds pet and drelate that the open hunting receipts for permits will be Uaued to skunk for picture Brave gal! News: Appreciate your comments very much about coverage of D J WEBB reported that the bag and froaeession limits and applicants whose names are drawn from and fishing In The Tribune Come on up and we’ll take Green near Jensen Utah was hunting hnuia for Groune for the year a receptacle containing the names of 19 ah ehall be a fierelnafter ahpulated: all applicant 2:20 pm: Back on Hayden hunting for Grouse permit for or hunting discharging 30GQ cubic foot BE IT THEREFORE PROVIDED that each unit fishing you 495 Permlta) to hunt Grouse permit seconds on Friday while J W BE IT FURTHER PROVIDED that ill Fork of Bear Stop to talk with ahall be laeued for the hunting aieaa successful applicants will be mailed a Bill White resident a In calls with G of DAUB MRS A for complaint Farmington Pehrson reported the Colorado engineer outlined: and eeiaona as hereinafter receipt for a permit on the area on Bureau of Public He ex- about a dirty campground reportedly left by a party of Utahns near” Cisco BE IT ALSO PROVIDED that the Which he was successful Roads was disUtah a two 12) days eeaaon shall be for BE IT FUHTHER PROVIDER that ell new outfit harf started at the upper end of the Gros Ventre River in Jackson Hole Wyo and plains unit in renertlve will cfs 1500 not the oversubscribed in deaignated area charging W permit be from work on another the ihooling hours ahall stretch She reports finding dead fish “all over the camp including one be canceliedL a m to 830 p m on each day of the CHFCKIVO 8T4TTOV1 to up Whiskey Springs string of 27 that had been buried” She points out and rightly BE IT FURTHER PROVIDED that BE ‘IT rUBTIIEH PROVIDED that hunters Hunting Licenses must' register with the State Creek That leaves only seven too that such conduct-givebe four 4J a bad name to all Utahns the seasonal baic limtt not checkthe established at Gums Warden be miles to than more and between 'Utah Game Department o sex either Grouse gjpded the Area and killed ing station when entering will four (4 of urh bird may issued Whiskey Springs and Mirror reminded sportsmen be tire that permit hunting Saturday under each permit to the successful applicant at that time Lake Expresses hope it can be that the state’s license vendors DFSCKIPTIOV OF HtTNTlVfl AREAS of the proper receipt upon presentatipn that end hunting license BE IT FUHTHER PROVIDED let in one project licenses and tags have Grouse permlta ahall be valid only for PROVIDED that ell hunteri must Note to Roy A Pehrson Logan: Your ideas on controlling on big game 3:55 pm: Drop In at Utah to be the for hand the district for which thry to re leaned wear identification the badge coming hunting elk seem very sound and I am passing them on hunt for provided at the checking station while Fish and Game and that It ahall be lawful seasons Department Illegal killing of Grouaa only in th loUowmg described on tiie hunting aiea and provided also rifles the argument over areas: that all Grouee must be tagged at the camp on Hayden Fork Pass to the game department Regarding Hunters also were reminded time and place of Rill with the type Talk to Max Malan and Dali small bore guns will continue as long as we have hunting I have RICH COUNTY! that Monday midnight is the 33 Permit!)' (Season: tags to be provided and in the mannerat Winn who L Randolph are working on fish field tested both the new 213 and 211 calibers approved under deadline for applying for speReptemfwr 15 18 19561 piesn ibed by the warden in charge All that portion of Rich County north the chp king station crew Get invitation to the new regulations and In my estimation they will prove excel- cial survey huntall FURTHER thet PROVIDED of til following described roesds the permits on three spdcial Game with come State the mit must ers 'for check and road deer guns In my opinion both calibers are superior to the up Randolph Creek couple and of lent Big Ogden to days antelope hunts and two early of Warden at the established checking and noith the County road 257 Roberts which I have used for several years No doubt I season elk hunts Application Is the hunter was go fishing’ Utah Wyoming State tion whether or not his Randolph to th limit or her successful in killing lin of arguments over that statement r ihkUimi tbwreof iWrujr J2 Adjdnlghl by mall only at department LTO T-Mirror Lake June- - will get plenty vNea Wwfnf '33 Pemllrt tSaeoiw tiie -Smoke ' irrjii "W‘ North Temple closing dife of the hunt September 15 18 1956 signals" tlon 4:15 th PROVIDl-that FURTHER of IT Id Bald aoutb Summit Xirh pm: County Alt that portion cf chpckutft atUoa 'Shaii Mauntain- Fass Your1 tht‘ffilmwl Salt ’Lake City watwi th locaUun wf Street Ytou summed utrwith a few well FROM ‘MINNEAPOLIS reporter to Randolph road be as follows: fcif holds at t and north of STCH Is it great that With and the countv road worked length the late rOl'NTYj chosen words what so many persons who SUtt RaudoJph to (h Randolph: Tha north limit of th a crying shams this beautiful ' 'line II Turpin thought of him I consider it a great privilege Randal town o Randolph new 8 Woodruff Th north limit of 1h grade hasn’t been oiled tOOEfE COUWTTl for Turp 'Jack Berryman" 3 Vernon (loo There li danger of matting and to have worked Permit) (Seaton: town of Randolph Jack was with the Utah Fish and Game Department before 8 9 COUNTY! TOOFVK Eeptember 1956) town of Vernon losing gravel until oil is put That ares near the 3 Vernon: At Vernon en Utah Tooele County exact boundaries will ho 36 down Can’t understand federal going with the US Fish and Wildlife Service be let by the warden la charge at the UINTAH COUNTY! In this case which time of the hunt FROM GRANTS VILLE s “Could you put me in touch with Th schedule of olunr period 4 Diamond Mountain! At VmI on philosophy tINJAH COBNTTl No 44 at the junction allows a thing to be started and Utah been taken from John Aldatj Highway (78 someone who trains retriever dogs I have a male Chesapeake hill Permlta) with tiie Diamond Mountain Road at 4 Diamond Mountain Knlaht a Solunar Tablet Hln your not finished This la high cou- and want him trained for ducks and (Smarm September 8 9 1956 A Vernal Kenneth to that you will be ftahin In day pheasants and Those portion of Uintah Dfett 5 Bine Mountain Jensen west end ntry Oiling must be done In very time if good territory during the Counties tunded on the noith by the of Green River Bridge on U9 Warner” you wlh to find the beet sport that Highway short summer season Green River on the east by the Utah No 40 Doesn't to offer day hat by Referred your request to a very good man You’ll hear from trh Coloiadp State line on the south on The major period are shown If) WAS4TCH COUNTY— — — ——? look hopeful that it can be done the ihn hi DiamondT IVTnuntainr and bold fee type These Ik sin at the 8 Mrnw berry: Clyde Creek Flh and him and the west by Utah Highway No n hour timet thown and last for Gmie ( abfn on the west end of Straw- this year How about next? Celt Creek a half or tw hours thereafur niaiked and posted 4:32 pm: Check fishing at 71 Permit) (Sea- berry Rcaortfuir 5 Blue Mountain In touch with and to like would “I FROM MORAN WYO: get ' Tht in minor shown ' period 1956 on: September WAYNE COUNTY) Trial Lake Not too hot Chat the Wasatch Mountain Club Anita Redd” somewhat shorter lr type - Br'aiimmg 7 at the Green RKer on U1 f’aiker Mmuitaln: Utah Highway duraUfja with L G Quigley in chargeol Countirs line Piahway No 4: tbn‘n easlnlv along No 34 at ' AM officer of' the $JuJ£! an PM V S’ate imej aid road to Ml- OFVfBAf PROVISIONS a timber road project 5:25 pm: Id)- - Ma thence northerly alfng ad btrte line -- PROVIDED FURTHER that no rifle nor Jor nor to Dinosaur National Monument bound revfsiver jor Py or nuy be ueed in the Run across Dick Goodworth at July ary thence weaterlv and along aid pursuit of orpistol of and that Kamas Dick is Kamas Fish taktnf 28 fl’tndar 10 00 I M 10 no 4 18 River thence to the Crcn boundary nV shotgun pellets larger than No 2 30 Monday )0 50 4 40 1120 8 05 southerly to point of beginning (MR shot may be used for Grouse 11 40 88 Hatchery chief He tells us Don TueacUr 800 to WAftATCn fOUNTTt “We note were 'FROM that MOOSF WYO: you Auf pleased Doming department pilot is do8 Strawberry (ino Permit) (Season! PROVIDFD rURTHFR that no 10 68 12 8 9 33 12 Wedneaday on Two Ocean Lake recently But an even greater feat 1958 sh tli be allowed before 800 m ing great Job September 7 huraday l JO 715 7 68 planting Uinta had luck All the dniinae rrThe Strawberry or after fl W p m 2 of 8 9 24 be JO to In divert 2 would 35 lake fish Fridaiy that lome than catching big River above the Soldier C tee it Stinking PHoVIDFD I URTHFR that It ihall lakes with plane 4 33 10 05 HI 43 33 Saturday - Springs road as marked and ported on be unlawful for any person to discharge 8 Sunday 6 pm: Arrive Silver Creek Its Water to the Atlantic drainage which your article ‘accom10 25 09 anv kind of a firearm from an the giound account this for how We could are since en route Salt Lake plished’ you or other vehicle or to dis- Junction wondering WAYNE firenrm from upon or arToss Time out here while we 7 Parker Mountain (75 Permit) charge congra- the water would have to flow uphill around 1000 feet vertical lO'Sb any public highway Any person (Reason beptemher 15 of the provisions of this Sec- tulate Utah Highway Commis- to get8cross the Continental Divide Regards Frank R my That ana west of Lo Wavne County misdemeanor jind sion for known as Parker Mouniain rxnl tion is guilty ik a sum putting in that fine not leu than superintendent Grand Teton National Park” boundaries will le net bv the waiden Shall be fined in $'5 Thi Section shall not prevent the roadside stop at Junction The in charge t tiie time of the hunt Which prompts us to ask why then is It called Two Ocean? of firearms by pear officeu state discharge APPTirATION use more of these can mre their the of in perform duty BE IT FUH1HFK PROVIDED that PROVIDED that Memo to Odell B Mangum Salt Lake City: Came departGrouse permits mar be turned to Utah anyPE areIT JUKTHEH or of area mentioned t residents only that all appJRanta must herein may be part tells me all the waters you mentioned have been planted ment to closed hunting without Nave a Game Rird I Irene stop-whil- I f Outiloor Notes Ritlin’ Roads (Good Bad) to Mirror J L G Quigley was trying her luck at fishing on scenlo Trial Lake Pishing had Mrs finished Visitors to the Salt Lake Gun Club are saying nice things about tha new silver-colore- some flagpole in front consignors exprebsed Give Away Departmental lave a few Montana hunting maps the offerings compare favorably with those of last summer’ rec- and some Idaho hunting maps Also have Fremont County fishord sale Even the buyers are ing maps and Montana Idahp Wyoming Nevada aed Utah talking in terms of a strong sale fislrlng regulations Who wants theiq? Drop me a card ' f Am 4n4eArni"iiii SAVE a a INGINBIPAIRS V OAJOIINI V COITIT 8eof Summer Need 4wurtA4 Let breed yr efoin r II nimrt rvk make HOLLYWOOD h4tta 1M DA 2354 SO STATE ST A X DOOR! CHECKERBOARD 'iUSJlRB of the clubhouse Three members combined talents to get It Installed Lyman Leavitt built It at his boat chop Walt Plant took care of the cement base Then Elmer Sims moved one of his crane’s down and Installed the pole Oh yes Ed Baker was "superin' tendent of Installation” life ef tka aar AT THE STORE WITH THE y very tar lha 1 mFfler aar COMPANT HU f f ' |